Is this game as heavy on the scour-rushing as the first one? I really liked VC1, but after a while I realized I was just sprinting through almost every map with pretty much the same tactics.
Is this even slightly more balanced?
Is this game as heavy on the scour-rushing as the first one? I really liked VC1, but after a while I realized I was just sprinting through almost every map with pretty much the same tactics.
Is this even slightly more balanced?
it's the same. Put a defense order on a scout and rush through the maps. The only thing that would slow you down is looking for the aces but only if you give a shit about their weapons and getting the plat.
Ah, that's unfortunate. It's sad that they can never really seem to balance the scouts properly. I feel like I'm cheating but once you've discovered the "optimal" way to play it's really difficult to turn it off, you know?
I love the setting and the characters are usually nice (if not terribly complex), the music's good. Too bad the actual combat doesn't hold up when you've "figured it out".
Anyway, thanks user. Guess I'll take a long break and see if it doesn't spark my interest at some later point.
play VC3 it's far better
It's less scout rushable because there are more machine gun emplacements and mortars that will wreck scouts blindly rushing in.
Even if it weren't, there's nothing stopping you from not relying on scouts for every situation and using other classes instead.
How so? Is it balanced better or can I sprint through that too?
Yeah, if anything 3 is shock troopers and tank: the game.
Orders are nerfed, scout durability is down, and their offense is gutted.
Sounds nice, I'll give it a shot. Thanks user.
>shock troopers and tank: the game
That actually sounds far more like a cool way to do battle than just scout-rushing.
This, listen to him OP