Original 2033 is the only metro game with soul

Original 2033 is the only metro game with soul.

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Still haven't played it. I see the Metro Redux used on PS4 for as low as $15 sometimes. I still wanna get it.

I liked Last Light decently enough too. A lot of soul in some of the levels. Particularly the Swamp.

I liked last light but eh

its lore felt like shit imo. I really didnt like it. I the end it was " commie and nazi bad " and the ending was basically a COD game. The new models in redux and LL are dogshit. The bossfights suck. There is not a lot of hard to find dialogue that felt quite good to listen unlike 2033 which was full of unsubtitled dialogues in certain corners like the father talking down on the excited child about the surface and telling him they wouldnt see the surface for at least 50 years. The child dark one was annoying and foolish to the point it killed immersion.

The moral points in LL didnt really feel like moral at all either. It was usually just exploring, or listening to ridiculously long dialogues that have nothing to do with morals or such. Or simply doing things right. Plus the choices were like " lol you want to kill him or not? Doesnt matter what you choose but one grants moral point ". Meanwhile in 2033 you sometimes denied giving / taking cartdriges sometimes for example.

Not saying LL was bad tho. It was a great game with how better the gunplay feels and the new costumizations. And also decent scopes. Kshatriya side mission was amazing.

I think you should pirate the original on PC as its no longer for sale anywhere but be aware its old and might struggle running on modern machines. Also turn off vsync.

The old feeling of 2033 is the only one that actually gave me a " metro " feeling.

Also, models in redux suck. Certain characters look so much different ( and worse ). While on 2033 most models look kinda the same at least they look human

the whole dark one kid thing kind of makes it shitty
I dont need npc repeatedly telling me I nuked his dirty family they could have done that better.

also fuck his voice

Original 2033 > Exodus > LL Redux > OG LL > 2033 Redux

Needless to say they all should be played with original rusian VA.
Are we on the same page, bros?

I still think exodus is trash
Im barely through the spring area and theres still week left on my gamepass but zero interest to go on

I'd swap exodus with LL redux.

original Russian VA with no subtitles is the only way to play

Found the problem.

you know you can buy gamepass for windows now too

You'd have to be a special kind of fruitcake to do that though.

true, this way I didnt have to subscribe to epic

I agree 100% completely

>Learning language during the game

Truly patrician choice considering it works.

Actually, eh, not completely. Im fine with english VA

It's solid 9/10 game.

What is absolutely dumb is how these games are linear shooters. (even Exodus to an extent)
I mean the book was written with an intention to make it into a game like STALKER, the guy even made a map for it.

For me it was a huge disappointment that i could not explore the metro at my own pace.

Then again people liked it and it helped A4 games. Maybe in the future they will make a decent metro-stalker like game. At least you can see they want to do this, judging by what the did in Exodus.

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The author of the series is a massive faggot who acts like a self-centered autist and tried to shoehorn into Last Light some retarded political message about how shit Russia is, thus sacrificing any feeling of worldwide apocalypse. Furthermore, any unique feature that was present, like ammo as currency, got removed.

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they probably make exodus 2 where you go save additional settlements

I think the idea of leaving the metro is quite retarded.

Also wtf? Wasnt it supposed to be 50+ years of radiation? And what happened to the winter?

I dont like the idea of other people alive in other places either. I liked it better with the feeling of being stranded, alone in the world

The beta of 2033 was actually going to be a open world stalker type game with rpg elements.

Is the Redux that different from the original? I didn't know that. I just thought they cleaned it up and put 2033 and Last Light on the same disc. I'll have to look into that then.

This. In the first book people would go blind if they ever went to the surface on day and there were supposedly even worse things up there in the daylight.

20/33 gas the dark ones species war now

many weapon models are different. Redux put all those shiny lights in the sights and all. Theres no costunization or armors in Redux. Redux doesnt have the aids Survivor achievment.

The models in original are MUCH better. Khan in Last Light and redux looks like a hipster weird fuck. Khan in original 2033 looks like a wise old man. For example

I'd rather have well-done linear shooters I can replay and enjoy than an open-world game filled with fetch quest fillers where you can go wherever you want but there's no point to exploring anything.

i did it for 1$ to try the gears of war pc beta (it sucked btw)