Fact: PC gaming is irrelevant & nobody outside of this board cares about any PC game made before 2005 except Bioware &...

Fact: PC gaming is irrelevant & nobody outside of this board cares about any PC game made before 2005 except Bioware & Valve shit

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grand strats are fun and can never be translated over to console

>Makes the best looking games


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>best looking games
the better graphics angle really isn't that good user
post better games to win the argument

Console game, name one popular AAA PC exclusive since WOW

>pc gaming is dead was once a thing

seething consoleplebs lmao

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I'myou're a fucking retard

Cope, PC Fags are always the ones spamming Console war threads & autistic chart threads. In all of those threads the OP cries about how Popular Nintendo games are bad & that he’s assmad nobody talks about outdated PC games instead. There’s always people seething about JRPGs because they’ve madd WRPGs irrelevant. Bloodborne gets spammed because PC Fags desperately want it on PC. Smash threads get spammed because Boomers are desperately shilling literal who’s like Doomguy & cry “Zoomer” at anyone who disagrees. Sonyfags unfairly get a bad rap because of you faggots. You can literally only reply with buzzwords

As a PC gamer what do I care if it's relevant or not? I have enough games to keep me busy for the rest of my life even if I was nolifing on games all day lmao

*laughs in 144fps*

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Shit literal who game

>about how Popular Nintendo games are bad
Ah the real reason you made this thread. You're seething because someone called out your bing bing wahoo. Look if you like that just play it. You don't need to make these ridiculous roudabout NDF threads

I miss when PC gaming was its own ecosystem instead of being the modern enormous blob that has replaced specialized devs with console ports of everything on consoles worth of shit

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*laughs in modding support*

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PC is still its own ecosystem you just have to dig a little harder to find the communities. Most people can't be fucked to do that so they scroll through a few pages of Steam AAA releases, write off PC as consolized shit and come to Yea Forums to bitch and moan

You are literally proving my point

You don't have a point. You're just mad

Fact: You're an incel, have sex.

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You have to be very low IQ lol

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>almost every dev/publisher is now releasing games on PC
>PC is irrelevant you guys!!!
REALLY makes ye think