What's that game on the screen? Looks cool
What's that game on the screen? Looks cool
>tfw you will never lick and fuck that
it's a fucking youtube video.
The watermark is from some catfish on an Indian dating site. Bussy in the image is RosieXOX2.
Oh I see thanks user.
Jannies, you can close the thread now, chop chop!
I love fishnets
Where'd you get a picture of me?
No, I'm completely correct. Rosie is from NZ, not Brazil, meaning that's a Brazilian catfish instead of an Indian one.
Try again.
>tfw you grow out of being a trap but you can't quit because the cam dollars is too good
Fuck you're right. I was gonna order a blowjob but now I can't trust this guy.
Thanks for the tip bro
who are you quoting?
why do trannies always hide their face
I feel so bad for this kid every time I see this. Imagine if he had just gotten some pussy at a normal age
la creatura face
Because the illusion is broken once you see their face and they're freakish looking. I don't care how frail or feminine they try to look, it's unnatural looking
Its not gay if I'm the one fucking them?
you guys are so fucking gay, yikes
Now bend over
What timeline do we live in where men give up their own masculinity in exchange for degeneracy?
It's fucking sad as fuck to see dudes do this shit, like I don't even hate them they just make me think "Damn".
i tought the illusion was broken when you saw the balls and dick
seeing the balls and dick from behind as theyre fucked is literally better than a woman. cute balls
You got it wrong
The balls and dick are the best part, and I'm not even gay
t. Discord Trannies
He gets better than pussy. He gets boi pussy.
I wonder what all these traps and trannies are going to do when they're 33 and completely unfuckable
newfag detected
I didn't know girls could shoot their vagina juices like that.
He's pretty cute now.
this is from a cp video ,you know right?
It's called exploring your sexuality
Has he killed himself yet?
I feel like some of these fags can ignore that as long as there's a hole, but then you see their ugly ghoul face and you basically have to fall into mental gymnastic mode to not just admit you're a homo
I need sauce
yeah, it's cp alright.
Cute Penis.
It's not called exploring when you know where you're headed. It's called suicide
>puffy vulva
What does he look like now?
what the fucking value of masculinity
its nothing its just being boring
degeneracy seems like a much better choice
Very clearly says machina on the screen user. Can't judge the trap/sissy without face, could be awful. And no chastity, probably is.
What's that weird thing coming out of her pussy? Is it a cyst?
I remember there’s a timeline where you aren’t a fag.