Konami is working on multiple metal gear solid projects. There are other video game projects being worked on but metal gear is a priority. Konami wants to get on gamers 'good side' so they will buy their games
Metal gear solid 5 demon edition is set to release at the end of this year and it is a remake of the original. Will have a majority of new missions under a paywall.
With a deal with sony, Metal gear solid 2 and 3 are getting remastered and ported to the ps5 exclusively. Most of the game is going to be the same but highly upscalled. Some textures, mostly with NPC's, bosses and PC, are altered so it looks better when upscalled. It is literately the original ps2 disc versions but with upscalling and some new textures.
Metal gear solid 6 is in development but it was only made for a few reasons. Sony is paying for 50% of the development costs and it will have a bunch of paywalls with 50% not included in the base game at launch. If you want the basics of the plot, you play as radian and some new characters. You try to stop a new organization trying to recreate the god AI's. The game ends with a metal gear solid 2 like twist where you find out that one of the new characters you play as is the mastermind behind the events of the game and is remotely controlling all the bad guys with a chip on the back of their necks. The game will release in fall 2021.
Konami leaks
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No one cares about metal gear. What about Gradius?
Holy shit, fpbp
Who the fuck cares about MG, where's that new Bomberman, you own him now fuckers
I don't buy the idea of heavy plot paywalls. Konami are generally very conservative with MTs. Look at MG Survive.
Also I don't quite buy Sony funding new Metal Gear games. It would cause tensions with KojiPro. MS funding? I could buy that. MS paid for MGS 2 Substance timed exclusivity back in the day.
Publishers avoid platform exclusivity if they can avoid it. Konami sold a LOT of copies of MGS V on Steam. Are you saying MGS 6 is exclusive or simply Sony funded?
These aren't leaks, it's a wishlist.
If Konami sees that they can make some money then there might be games in the future for them. Right now bomberman is only getting a mobile game and nothing with gradius.
Sony funded and console exclusivity. Most of the plot won't be behind paywalls but most missions are.
If you know shit, what is the deal with Google Stadia and MGS V? Explain Demon Edition. If it was shown to the press, who and where? When will it be revealed during Gamescom?
>Metal gear solid 5 demon edition
Confirmed fake.
>get on players good side
>by paywalling half the content
Well it SOUNDS like konami.
Konami can go suck a fuck
I care about MG but clearly this shit is fake. And it seems like were reaching smash tier "leakage" where people know they will get (yous) for making shit up. Dont forget to sage.
Are the paywalled missions likely to make people angry or is the game full of content and milking people for extra stuff? If Konami are looking to be in people's good graces, aggressive MTs would not accomplish that.
What kind of gameplay will MGS 6 have? What time period?
Demon Edition isn't deconfirmed yet. It's extremely odd, wait and see material.
Google stadia is getting MGS 5 demon edition at launch.
Demon edition is a remake of the original. It moves some story around and is darker. New missions will be behind a paywall. Multiplayer coup only in online missions.
It was shown to the press a couple of days ago at konami headquarters.
It will be revealed a bit after noon during gamescom.
Based & shmupilled. Fuck MGS, where's my frogger?
Let it go
>no bloody roar
Fuck Konami.
MGS 6 happens after metal gear rising revengence.
The game will have full of content. I would say around 30 hours. The extra content is to milk people who want more.
The microtransactions are not that aggressive and you can beat the main story without them.
What kind kinda paywall we talking? An expansion pass, or something skeevier?
>the sheer amount of good ips konami does nothing with
stop reminding me
>I don't buy the idea of heavy plot paywalls. Konami are generally very conservative with MTs. Look at MG Survive.
Didn’t Survive make you pay extra for more save slots?
Mostly MT for credits and cosmetics with some missions you have to pay for. All missions added after launch will be behind a paywall.
Explain Fukushima. He's been awol or working for Sony or some shit. When did he return to Sony?
Was Demon Edition a planned leak?
He returned to sony a couple of months ago.
It is a planned leak
Metal Gear Online did the exact same thing. Survive was originally MGO DLC. MGS V literally had one save slot. That's how benign that MT was.
The actually dodgy MTs in survive related to resource gathering.
>Explain Fukushima
a meme people use to try to discredit kojima
The Konami haters cycle:
Make up bullshit rumor about konami games-->Create false expectations in gullible subjects such as kojimadrones and yongshit followers who are easily tricked into believing in any kind of conspiracy bullshit-->konami participates in the usual game events and only shows its current projects or make some small new announcement-->said guillible people gets assblasted and feel betrayed by Konami for not fullfillling their pathetic and baseless expectations-->they keep going on and on with the fuckonami pachinko bullshit that has never been funny but they are addicted to it so they post it in every occasion.
It's 2013/2014 all over again
I love it
God I'm so fucking excited for Demon Edition. First canon Metal Gear since 3 in almost 15 years
>u try to stop a new organization trying to recreate the god AI's. The game ends with a metal gear solid 2 like twist where you find out that one of the new characters you play as is the mastermind behind the events of the game and is remotely controlling all the bad guys with a chip on the back of their necks.
So Death Stranding?
That was a typo. Fukushima worked on QA at Sony until 2017ish. The Demon Edition leak claims he was bought onboard to write the new plot. If so, whwn did he return to Konami? What is his actual role? This is the one point of the leak a lot of people object to.
He's the true genius behind the Metal Gear Solid series; the Bill Finger to Kojima's Bob Kane
He returned to Sony about 9 years ago
Ask you're mom
So no online modes?
Why would Konami shill a game that doesn't exist?
Holy shit, wait. Didn't the Sony employee who came here said the exact same shit about norman being the bad guy? Also leaked Wagner years before the reveal. Too bad he gave up his trip for others to impersonate him
How is it a remake? Are they literally making the game from scratch on a new engine? That's what a remake is, after all. Or is it just the same game with new missions and cutscenes?
When did Demon Edition begin development?
Why does Metal Gear Survive have so many similarities to Death Stranding? Hades = Dite, shit like that.
I seriously doubt they're remaking a 2015 game, specially after they invested tons of money on the Fox Engine. It would be fucking pointless and they would go bankrupt.
Same game with new missions and cutscenes, some characters are replaced and others are removed.
"Remake" is an incorrect term regarding Demon Edition.
Same engine but from scratch. Kojima intentionally left the game incomplete as some of the files show a player 2 Ishmael, volgin buddy, dogs at DD base, playable msf flashback mission, among other stuff. Also it was revealed that the all the MGSV missions are indeed out of order. KoF was supposed to be Mission 40 or something, right after Eli highjacks the metal gear
I hope they add an easy difficulty. I suck at stealth games.
I also hope that if there is multiplayer it’s unlocked from the start. I like mgsv multiplayer but hated having to unlock it.
>Two larpers
Just shoot em both, because they're both fake.
Did you just clone yourself, buddy?
because op has mental disability
Demon Edition has been low key confirmed by different media outlets.
HAHA, go suck a dick
Did you just clone yourself, brothers?
okay but where is rising 2
>Konami wants to get on gamers 'good side'
> majority of new missions under a paywall
yeah right
Tell me something fucking weird and different about this new "Demon Edition" that isn't just typical fan-requested bullshit.
Tired of all these fake leaks that are just fan-fiction bullshit.
It's all true my dad works for Nintendo
any new bomberman game or remaster?
Sounds like Konami alright
It makes sense. Ubisoft added a shitload of new content to AC Odyssey post-release. Some missions were free. The big expansions were paid. Nice revenue stream for Ubi.
All of them put the Yea Forums shitpost as source
>Yea Forums is so afraid of their idol Kojima being unmasked in front of the entire world that they're pretending the Demon Edition doesn't exist
>any new bomberman game or remaster?
I'm sorry user...
They're never going to bring back Dance Dance Revolution are they?
Sony will money hat the next Metal Gear Solid. Mark my words. It will be overseen by Hideo Kojima in association with Kojipro.
And Salamander III
Mgo4 pls
Imagine escaping from the studio that forced you to work on metal gear for 30 years just to go full circle.
>demon edition
Absolute bullshit, stopped reading there.
Can I get non-Card Game Yugioh spin-off?
The Demon Edition sounded too good to be true. This sounds too retarded to be true. 0/10, see me after class. Stop wasting my time.
KojiPro original is Konami Studio 8. They don't need Kojima. I expect some repectful nods in future, though. The Metal Gear team respect their former boss.
Konami siding with Sony is stupid. It won't happen.
Rumour I heard was that Virtuous were remastering MGS 3. Was meant to be announced at E3, but never showed.
They wouldn't publish it if they didn't have other sources confirming it, said sources being industry insiders unable to reveal anything without revealing themselves so Yea Forums bears the blunt of the questioning.
Also, Yea Forums leaks are often true.
mgo2 remake*
then why would konami pay him? or are you saying that they are THAT crazy as well?
>yeah guys konami is definitely doing a 180 on AAA games after not doing shit for years and shitting on their fanbase
This meme would be funny if not for how truly awful it is, they have so many good franchises they don't care about anymore.
The one nod in MG Survive was in reference to an easter egg saying Kojipro Forever in MGSV, with the added bonus of claiming that Metal Gear is dead
Not even the dev team liked that game
Konami never "shat on their fanbase". And they never stopped making AAA games. They merely shelved the dead weight like Silent Hill.
>so absurdly full of baseless hate towards kojima that they believe everything regardless of logic or evidence
easy enough to revert that logic if there is literally no proof of anything.
>They wouldn't publish it if they didn't have other sources confirming it
thats patently untrue.
If konami were to make anything with the MG series at this point, it would be a pack containing all the major games and releasing it for every platform. That said, MGS4 will probably remain a PS3 exclusive UNLESS they put some effort into it and make some changes. Still, MGS4 is my least favorite of the canon games so I wouldn't be too mad.
>The year is actually 1979, they're lying to Venom about the year in preparation of a unreleased series of events in 1984. Some of the newspapers and ids of doctors are shown to be 1979. The Russian soldiers mention the 1984 book the be a few years away
>Venom was a Medic soldier saved in Vietnam by BB in 1974 and wasn't with MSF. He has PTSD and takes meds, as seen in the bathroom scene
>Skullface is an illusion made by mantis based on the actual Skullface through Ocelot's memories, Ocelot is connected to him
>The parasites are code word for Mantis's alternate personality that causes destruction
>The vials are injections for nanomachines, part of the cleanser project, aka the sons of the Patriots
>The skulls are a product of Zero and AT Security's mind control SOP system, Venom has SOP written on his medical scan
>Truth ending was a half truth. That wasn't big boss, that's Ishmael. Ishmael has the ability to change his face at will
>Ishmael isn't his real name, it's Chico who's carrying out Skullface's meme to get revenge on BB and Zero
>The Tapes are words to control the sub conscious.
>Skullface died in GZ's crash, body disappeared
>Skullface is the old Ocelot, current Ocelot is a new Ocelot that we know from MGS1-4. This Ocelot's real name is Ivan and is the trigger to regain his memories (also with Venom dying)
>Those are some stuff I can mention. What's to come for V is the following:
>Kingdom of the flies
>Liquid being trained by Chinaman in CQB at NY
>Fatman did 911 in NYC
>Mantis failing to rescue a plane headed towards the towers and getting mind broken only to be saved by Venom
>Explanation of Kaz's eyes and supernatural senses
>Ocelot getting shot down by a muhjadeen
>And some other shit like BB being in Iraq and meeting Venom at the last minute triggering a GZ flashback, Naomi "Clark" Hunter's plans, fake little Naomi rescue, and Solidus confrontation in Liberia
>Konami wants to get on gamers 'good side' so they will buy their games
Well, it's pretty hard to get gamers to buy your games when you do no games.
demon edition was somewhat believable but unlikely, but this is BS.
but i'm 100% sure a new game is in developement, remake or new game i don't know, but MG is too big for Konami.
>rush out MGSV
>cancel silent hills
>delete every trace of P.T.
>shit out survive
>Konami never "shat on their fanbase"
>fatman and the twin shits
This will never not be funny. Plus this sounds infinitely better
nobody is paying op sadly
Stop posting this absolute autism. At least the Demon Edition leak attempts to make basic logistic sense.
>Konami is working
Rumor debunked already
I have the feeling Konami is making Metal Gear Solid 5. Not V, but 5. That would be the title.
Sounds like a very kojima-esque move, though.
MGSV wasn't rushed at all
Silent hills was canceled because almost nothing was done, another SH was also in dev between and it was cancelled.
PT was deleted because it had no reason to exist marketwise since Silent Hills is cancelled
Denial is the first stage of grief
>but MG is too big for Konami.
They literally had a job posting page for MGS in 2017 for the next major installment. Get your head out of your ass
>implying this series isn't already a cluster Fuck
Embrace the madness user. Don't fight if
OP is lying, I have real sources from Konami that have told me everything.
The next game is Metal Gear Solid 2, yes, TWO.
Konami is finally fixing the Raiden bullshit twist that everybody hated, Kojima's old MGS2 will be completely retconned. This is a brand new MGS2 where you play as Solid Snake's and Meryl's son: Python. The identity of the villain of the game is actually a secret but it's revealed to be Liquid's daughter Salamander, and you find out that both Sniper Wolf and Liquid survived Shadow Moses by faking their deaths and had a baby. Otacon is still your codec call in this game but he's way older and badass now, no longer a nerd. I won't spoil the entire story here, but I can assure you that it's epic and everything MGS2's story wasn't.
The gameplay is like a mix between MGSV and GTA with a full-blown explorable New York and you can go inside every house. You can actually completely ignore the singleplayer story and just explore New York if you want. And here's the best part: There's a seperate MMO mode were you can join just one big server with every other player in the world. New York has been fully recreated in this game and can support millions of players at once.
It's gonna be out next year for the PS5 and Xbox Two.
there's 200 guys from the old kojipro at Konami.
while OP is full of shit, they have to work on something.
MGS V was in dev for years. Enough was enough.
Konami have cancelled many Silent Hill games over the years.
The PT thing was a petty feud.
Survive was a great game. Fuck the haters and their autism. It was a spinoff game by the MGS V team. It was literal fucking MGO DLC planned long before release. The only reason people hated it was Kojima autism.
Sony would most likely side with a company like Square Enix, if anything. Konami is a financian suicide for them.
Fuck off yugioh nigger
>survive is a bad game
Did you even finish the story mode?100 times more complete than mgsv
don't answer me if you bring the "spear and fence" gameplay,because that's bullshit
With " raiden bullshit twist " you mean MGRR?
If so, a lot of people loved MGRR dumbfuck
Survive is far from more complete than V.
it's just a fun little spin off but that's it.
Konami have the original KojiPro. Kojima has dregs and look what he managed to do with Death Stranding.
i was less upset with Survive than V
>you find out that both Sniper Wolf and Liquid survived Shadow Moses by faking their deaths and had a baby.
lol otacon got otacucked
do you mean this leak?
>100 times more complete
Ah, yes, the "If an ending isn't fanservice it's not complete" retard.
Fuck metal gear, how is konami planning on salvaging master rule 4 in yugioh
Yugioh is managed by one of the division, but far from all.
>tfw they were too broke for idris elba so they got some random black dude who looks and sounds like him but gave him a mask
Kojima is a genius. Also notice he got the revolver shit right and the gameplay mechanics down to the Fucking details before kojima's first TGS announcement about the game. If the ending turns out real I'm going to have a fucking field trip on this board
They already do though. They stated in the press release that they want even closer inked deals with their partners. That's why Sony owns the Metal Gear film rights, as well distribution rights to Final Fantasy VII music. Not to mention the live action television show that's being developed right now. It's not just exclusive to gaming.
Yes, this one.
>TFW posting this on Reddit gets you banned and muted
Top kek. Reminds me when people denied that Venom isn't BB and yong had an autistic fit over anyone saying that
Isn't Konami way more successful than SE?
>2nd half of mgsv is replaying the 1st half mission but on hard
>to progress the main story
Konami digital entertainement? no, even if they are the most succesfull part of Konami.
New ZoE, Suikoden and Busou Shinki, not interested otherwise.
Based retard who didn't play Peace Walker
>talk about mgsv
typical kojimadrone
Konami said ZOE3 would happen if Mars sold well
Mars sold pretty badly in the west
At least Demon Edition is something people would like. Your joke actually shits over the only objectively good MGS game in the series.
Desconfirm what, a "leak" made in Yea Forums that is nothing but a wishlist, down to unironically mentioning Fukushima?
It's as fake as it gets.
Only MGS redditors are delusional enough to think that shit is real.
It's like saying EA is remaking Mass Effect 3, except with the indoctrination theory being true.
It's a sequel and uses the same bonus chapter structure as Peace Walker. You would know that if you weren't a retard who didn't play all the games.
You would also know that the extra missions in Chapter 2 aren't required to progress the story.
>Only MGS redditors are delusional enough to think that shit is real.
so the medias are redditors?
Embrace what?
These "leaks" are nothing but the schizo ramblings of autistic MGS fanboys, the source of all of this are Yea Forums posts, and every single claim made about MGS and Konami in Yea Forums in the past 4 years is made up bullshit.
Seriously, do MGSfags have brain damage or something?
>called Troy baker years before Troy was involved
>said Mikkelsen isn't the bad guy years before Mads said he wasn't a bad guy
>It's neither MGS or Silent Hills. It's a single player focused game with in-game cutscenes like MGSV. But like Silent Hills PT, the community will have to come together to figure the story out.
Fucking hell. Is this what the strand autism is about?
I'm playing Survive's single-player campaign right now and all the missions so far feel rather samey thus far. Granted, I'm only at Chapter 14 and I heard it supposedly gets better when you reach the Africa map, but what I've been playing thus far is not as bad as the anti-hype made it out to be, but not as great as the contrarians make it out to be either. Just kinda meh.
>100 times more complete than mgsv
It's easy to make a complete game when most of the cutscenes are just still pictures of people's faces talking.
single player players in suicide watch.
Absolutely. They're just as dumb.
The only mission you need to replay to progress the story is the prologue.
I don't even need to point out that the source of all those articles is a Yea Forums post to know that the media is retarded.
Of course, since MGSfags think absolutely everything is a conspiracy like in the plot of MGS, you unironically believe someone posting something in Yea Forums is actual proof.
Yes user, Fukushima is coming back, Venom will be Big Boss, Gray Fox is also coming back and Big Boss will bathe in the blood of 5 year old child soldiers.
Only MGSfags can be this pathetic.
>MGS fags make some shit up
>get hyped
>turns out to be false because they made that shit up based on nothing
Rinse and repeat, this is the story of the MGS community since TPP's announcement.
>I'm playing Survive's single-player campaign right now and all the missions so far feel rather samey thus far. Granted, I'm only at Chapter 14 and I heard it supposedly gets better when you reach the Africa map, but what I've been playing thus far is not as bad as the anti-hype made it out to be, but not as great as the contrarians make it out to be either. Just kinda meh.
Survive isn't really a big game
it's just a little project, but nothing really big. not really bad nor very good. Like MGA was back then.
It's the story of the MGS community since MGS2 bro.
I can't bring myself to care about MGS, sorry.
MGS4 was the ending and everything made ever since is pointless.
PW and MGSV were completely unnecesary, MGS3's ending explained more than enough why Big Boss did what he did.
I have no idea why this franchise didn't end back in 2008.
Because people think its stinky Konami's work rather than Cygames being the puppet master. At this rate I'm fine with Cygames taking over Konami.
V broke people.
at this point, i think the next MG should be completely not related to V, to finally leave the past behind.
>PC release confirmed years before the recent shit storm
Getting severe DMCV leak dejavu from this
yeah fuck mgsfags
They only did ZOE2mars, at best i could see them making the future ZOE projects ,but not them taking ALL of Konami vidya division, how the hell could they do that?
No, I think they shouldn't make anymore MGS games, period.
MGS was a narrative focused franchise, that narrative not only ended, but it was extended with two unnecesary games that made it even worse.
There's nowhere to go here, the only ones asking for more MGS are stupid Americans who are incapable of accepting things end, and would rather see MGS continue until it becomes a microtransaction-filled battle royale game than letting it end.
Implying an authoritarian monster of a company wouldn't fucking butcher it's employ- I mean, slaves, if one of them would dare leak info.
This is all fake
the biggest leak of them all have to be FF15.
The whole plot + some confirmed cut shit revealed 5 months before release.
>Fucking hell. Is this what the strand autism is about?
Death Stranding is going to be rusemaster the game.
You know that shit Rockstar did with Bigfoot in GTA V?
What people did with Chapter 3 in MGSV?
DS is going to be a game entirely about that.
Kojima is appealing to rusefags.
>Cygames taking over Konami.
God I wish
fake and gay, reported for being a colossal anus
>who are incapable of accepting things end
let's say they follow what you say
5 years from now, people are going to fucking beg and shit more on Konami for not releasing anything, MG is way too big to be abandonned for Konami, that's just a fact, you don't abandon your second most succesfull franchise.
MGR2 would be the best game possible for the future.
>people are going to fucking beg and shit more on Konami for not releasing anything
No they aren't, literally only Yea Forums still talks about MGS.
The rest of the internet is already forgetting about the franchise.
>use the same bonus chapter structure as peace walker
PW had a proper "ending" at first,then after doing a bunch of extra mission you get calls that the zadornov keep escaping from his cell and you had to find him again/wait a bit by playing so he could escape again until you find out that paz stole the metal gear and get the true ending
I played MGSV at launch,i can't remember every single detail,but i do remember having to replay the mission on hard mode because extra mission wouldn't count for some reason,just to unlock the true version of the hospital mission
i don't see how it's the same thing unless you wanted to point me that both mgsv and pw made you play some random mission to progress the main story
no, they haven't
Nah. The actual braindead conspiracy theorists started showing up in the lead up to MGSV. Actual fans just had some fun making up dumb joke theories like the chico=quiet shit, then some actual mentally ill retards jumped on the bandwagon and started taking those jokes seriously. Now the only people left who still care about MGS are those crazy fucks who believe any fucking fanfiction has a chance to be real.
what? everywhere i go on the internet, people are insulting Konami for not releasing anything and abandoning MG
They will not have the autism of kojima so they will be just another shooty shooty game
you fucking larping nigger, you don't even know how to type co-op
was about to post this, but Castlevania
Except you didn't, you could even complete sideops to unlock that mission.
The hard missions were not necessary, I never completed them and I got chapter 46.
What you needed to do was complete the actual new missions up until Huey gets exiled, complete Motherbase until every platform is at least 3/4, and complete the Paz sidequest.
Suck on duel links loser.
Post a slight proof that will make us believe you. Maybe a journalist id with name etc blurred. Otherwise you are probably just a neet with exra time on his hands.
They added JP versions of each Castlevania in the Classic Collection in a patch, which was frankly fucking awesome. Especially since the Contra Collection had that from the get go.
I don't give a fuck about Metal Gear. Can we get a new Castlevania game that's not Gacha vomit and a Classic Contra?
>It's funded by Sony. The game is going to be a single player game with a multiplayer community aspect like PT. Basically, to figure out the story and advance, everyone has to work together and figure it out (i.e. Memento). This was the "rope" aspect Kojima talked about. Mechanics are straight forward. PS4 exclusive and later PC port.
>and later pc port
>September 2016
>The reason he doesnt want a PC release on release date is because he doesn't want the game datamined.
That's even dumber, you people are terrible at this.
No they aren't, no one gives a shit about MGS anymore.
And why would they?
This franchise has literally nowhere to go except boring side stories that no one actually could give a shit about like
>h-hey, what were snake and otacon doing between mgs1 and 2
Iga said last month he would be ok to return at Konami for a Castlekino.
and classic contra could happen if rogue corps do alright.
>MGS3's ending explained more than enough why Big Boss did what he did.
Even MGS3 itself was unnecessary. Did people really give a shit about the backstory of a 2-dimensional villain from a pair of 8-bit video games, one which was never even localized? It was basically just an excuse to do a Solid Snake game set in the 1960's
>I have no idea why this franchise didn't end back in 2008.
Money, son!
well fuck me then i have brain issue
>Another leak
You've only been told what they want you to tell. Do you know why they're doing a Demon edition and an MGS2 revamp? This whole facade is a means to produce video games on par with Hideo Kojima. The shitposting you and OP prattle about isn't the meat of the project, you think these leaks are your own doing? THIS is the real leak: An orchestrated recreation of the entire Metal Gear Solid series.
MGSV, Fukushima, the Ninja, the shitposter that mimics kojima ruses, did you think this was all a coincidence? MGS entire series remake will be announced one after another starting with MGSV EOY which will flip your current understanding of the game on it's head.
>people actually want another metal gear solid game
Oh boy, I can't wait to see yet another villain with yet another Metal gear.
The fact that these threads are being made like clockwork tells me exactly who is behind these posts
>WW2 with The Boss/Zero
>MG1/MG2 retelling
>original story of MGS:R
>shit during the 5 years between MGS2 and 4
>solo game more classic similar to Ghost Babel
>Soft/hard reboot
>Liquid Snake in the gulf war
>Big Boss from V (the real big boss, not venom) to MG2
The missions that were necessary were marked with a golden dot, the optional ones were marked with a white dot.
That's how I suspected the Hard version of the missions were unnecesary.
if he's Armstrong tier...
Holy fuck this site is populated with a bunch of gullible retards nowadays.
We don't get these games that often user and they're always unique from each other instead of soulless sequels that just copy success of the first with little identity of their own.
The industry's worst kept secret since DMC V.
All boring side shit that nobody could ever care about.
The only one that could be even remotely entertaining would be MGR2.
The franchise is OVER, the lore of MGS is absolute crap and not worth exploring at all.
The franchise has always been at its best when it was all about symbolism, the moment it focused on the literal plot the games turn into crap, that's why MGS4, PW and MGSV have such shitty stories.
The Paz sidequest is optional, I only found out about it after Mission 46 the first time I played through the game
Other than that you're right, I will add that to get to the new cutscene you can either complete one replay mission or three side ops, some of which take seconds to complete
they could just do a new story then, like they did before.
Or a new IP.
It's not like the MGS universe is interesting enough to make spinoffs out of it, it's not Mass Effect.
>With a deal with sony, Metal gear solid 2 and 3 are getting remastered and ported to the ps5 exclusively.
Aaaaaaand it's fake
How do rusecruise fags even function any more? Like shit, its been fucking 4 years since MGSV and they are still at it.
>no new Silent Hill handled by a talented group of devs who want to make an inspired horror game
I sleep
>Konami is working
A new IP woudn't work, in the industry in general, most new ip don't do as good as the old ones.
they do it for clicks retard they dont care as long as you click
There was a silent hill game made by masahiro ito in work, it was cancelled, but at a later state than PT (at least some concept arts were done, unlike Silent Hills)
>Post yfw Demon edition is real by some kind of autistic magic.
An MGS1 remake is probably the safest route Konami could take the franchise with, considering the current trend of remaking PS1-era games to modern formats (see RE2 and FF7). Remaking the MSX games would require too much imagination since Metal Gear 1 in particular had a very simplistic story and they need to rewrite tons of shit to fit in with the post-PW/MGSV canon and doing another sequel or side-story would be a bit risky.
I want a new Tag Force so bad bros, Legacy of the Duelist is so lazy by comparison
It wasn't real the last 4 times this autist popped up, it's not real now
>tfw all the leaks are fake but a new game is announced at Gamescom regardless
All they'd have to do is port MGS 3&4 to PC and current consoles and everyone would forgive them.
Metal Gear Battle Royal for the Mobile.
I have absolutely no interest a new Metal Gear until I see the story they go with.
5 MG mobile games were done in the past, none worked and Konami abandonned this.
BR would only be included in some kind of MGO4 (it's known Konami really are fan of esports now)
>mobile pachislot battle royale Metal Gear
All the increased profits are from this.
20 billions yen of profits from 2020 can't be made by just this or PES.
Bluepoint remake
What about Suikoden?
Only rumor ITT that holds some weight
I know this is irrelevant but none of the other former employees like Kojima or his team. The Momotaro Dentetsu creator hates him. The bloody roar team hates him. The disbanded Hudson team hates him. Almost every fucking former dev team hates Kojima because he's responsible for convincing the board to siphon funds from other teams for his mgs games. This was mentioned by a first account from the creator of Momotaro saying he and his co-workers got fed up because Konami kept taking their allocated budgets for more "a important series" which he didn't name but obvious to fans as to what it is.
Konami's management is pants on head retarded and Kojima is fucking evil for basically nuking the rest of the divisions for his own greed. Konami is now a bunch of suits that think MGS is their only money maker. It's like your typical NTR doujin where some pig tries to mindbreak a girl and succeeds.
mgs1 would make more sense honestly.
and Konami in the meantime could also do a MGS3 remake, with maybe a MGO1 remake for MTXs.
remake seem more likely in the future.
Of the articles, not the Doujin.
Alright duel links then.
[source needed]
>Kojima is fucking evil
Ah, the basis of every anti kojima argument. What a retarded thing to say, fucking moron.
Akira Sakuma's twitter in 2015. He namedropped Imura who's on the board of directors at the time Kojima was VP, and (Hirotaka) Ishikawa who is now a manager at Production/Division 8 and was the go-to-guy under Kojima and Ken Imaizumi. He's also the only guy to remain from team silent
It's made-up bullshit of course. Akira Sakuma did had a feud with someone at Konami, but it was some guy name Imura, who was a top executive at Konami who never worked on the MGS series.
>Will have a majority of new missions under a paywall.
This is how you know it's fake. That would be financial suicide for Konami.
Seething, see
You're not going to escape this one koji-drone
Nothing wrong with that, the only good thing to come out of Konami is Kojima.
Hi Kojima
Imura was a former employee of Hudson Soft who joined Konami after they bought the company and ended up feuding with Sakuma by doing the opposites of everything he said. The feud never involved with Kojima since he was part of a different department.
Quit peddling half-truths with your lies.
>Quit peddling half-truths with your lies.
You're the one doing that with your posts
It always is. Hell, some autist literally altered the MGS wiki accross the board to say Fukushima did things he didn't and Kojima didn't do things he did. It's pathetic.
This is why nobody takes wikis seriously. It attracts losers who want to peddle half-truths as fact and never bother to state their sources.
This entire thread is gay
This is all fake. There is an MGS game in the development, it's working tittle is Metal Gear Origins. You will play parts of the game as The Boss, but it is not set in WWII and you will also play parts as a young Jack. Don't expect an official announcement this year, but it is coming on PS5, the next XBOX and PC.
Its fucking weird how dedicated some are to smear him
>Konami wants to get on gamers 'good side' so they will buy their games
The year they locked Kojima in a room and were publicly shamed by literally everybody, they turned a better profit than ever before. Konami has never needed consumer goodwill, they broke fiscal records at the point they were GLOBALLY HATED.
would be kino.
but no matter what it is, i'm sure there's something in work, the real question is WHEN will it be announced.
could be annonced as early as this gamescom, to as far as TGS2020.
This is all fake, but MGSV Definitive Edition is getting a Switch port. It will run 720p, 30fps in portable and 1080p 30fps docked, with some resolution scaling down to 900p for specific, intense scenes.
Replying to yourself isn't helping. Genuflect, dilate, and cope
are we even sure they really locked Kojima? he himself never talked about this, just an "anonymous source" that smell BS.
most realistic shit for the near future, while there's probably a new game in dev, it's for the next gen.
>he himself never talked about this, just an "anonymous source" that smell BS.
lmao it was not BS, when SBH reposted the guys letter in a video a high ranking Konami lawyer immediately flagged the video for 3 seconds of Revengeance footage, obviously trying to have the info removed. That was the only video they went after about it because he showed the letter describing their internal conflicts
>bloody roar 5 never
So many waifus lost
even then, this type of practices isn't uncommon in the japanese industry
they should have a bloody roar character in tekken.
Small budget project is coming for the switch. Will go multiplat if it takes off ala bomberman r
>majority of new missions under a paywall.
>wants to get gamers on their good side
All ready fucked it up.
based schizo
Near the end of the vid he showed a few seconds of Revengeance footage and then a Konami lawyer took down the video, Youtube actually stepped in and revoked Konami's claim on the vid, back when they still slightly gave a fuck.
He did a followup video about it
fraudulent and homosexual
No idea why fake leaks gets so much attention
I haven't heard this term since 2005. You win this round user
>Konami wants to get on gamers 'good side'
>Will have a majority of new missions under a paywall
the original demon edition leak is very curious to how fast it spread and why donna burke twitted about it before deleting.
maybe something is coming at Gamescom, but something different.
Even Survive had less MTX (heck it had less MTX than V.)
and most recent project of Konami had no dlc
so it's weird. then again modern gaming is weird.
>Konami wants to get on gamers good side
>Let's make paywalled as fuck phoned in metal gear sequels and remakes
I believe it. Modern konam is somehow so bad they make capcom of the past decade look like a saint
Maybe there is a reworked version of mgsv in the works, but the guy who leaked the demon edition just saw a trailer and misconstrued the whole thing, like there's a new buddy helper and code talker didn't feature in the footage and they assumed that meant he and quiet were removed or some shit
That's the most realistic outlook about the game actually existing because the leak as it is is clearly bullshit
>source my ass
Capcom did the exact same shit
they even had a pachinko story like Konami.
but people forget this because it doesn't fit the narrative.
most probable outlook for me would be a MGSV:the lost chapter : have the game not retconning V, and you playing as bibo during V events, this could save ressources and also use some cut features.
Demon edition had too many things, it has to be fake, even if it was true, i don't think 50% of it would be real.
>yfw Demon Edition is real and Yea Forums gets eternally BTFO
>The MGS Conspiracy fags somehow manage to get a win on every other completely sane fags
I honestly couldn't even be mad.
i give it a 5% chance out of 100.
but it would be glorious, and interesting.
Big Boss wasn't really doing shit during MGSV, he went back to the US Army to take command of foxhound and make sure the US Army would stay out of Outer Heaven's business
He saved a few children along the way (Gray Fox and Sniper Wolf) but he has been doing that off screen since the MSX games
Why would they do a re-release of MGSV at this point though? They already did a GZ/TPP bundle and I doubt they're going to renegotiate the contracts for the actors this late at development just to finish a canceled DLC that would had been easier to finish four years ago.
everyones slurping capcoms dick lately and they love adding MTX to their games
to save ressources i guess,
but even in a new game, they could use some cut contents of V.
Ghost Babel used a lot of cut things from MGS1, and The Fear and The end are based on a cut MGS2 boss.
more recently, Survive introduced in a event a variation of the Gekkos, using poison, this variation was a cut enemy from MGS4.
>Why would they do a re-release of MGSV at this point though?
because they need to be profiting off the MGS ip for their fiscal reports next april, and if they aren't going the mobile route, and they aren't competent enough to make their own (as Survive showed), just spitshine all that unfinished junk kojima left behind and keep selling it without him
also they can jumpstart FOB shit again and get even more money from MTX
Games are getting re-released all the time now, I don't even consider it a bad thing, in fact I hope konami does more in terms of re-releasing their back catalogue (they're on the right track with the arcade, castlevania and contra collections, I just wish they'd port over Zone of the Enders 1 as well as the rest of their 3d catalogue to modern systems).
Don't get me wrong, the leak is bullshit for anyone who has half a brain and is above the age of 13, I'm just pointing out the only realistic scenario in which a new version does exist; keep in mind that the cutscenes for KoF were already voice acted and mostly completed so reintegrating it into the game would be a matter of touching up some animations and making a new map, if they add any more missions they'd barely need any voice acting if at all
It makes me unreasonably bad how many great ips konami is sitting on and they will never do jackshit with them
like most companies nowaday
If demon edition is real I'll spend my entire bank account and assets on the most expensive edition, disperse it on Yea Forums, before committing seppuku with a knife.
>buying gmaes
What has 4cum came to?
>Ghost Babel used a lot of cut things from MGS1, and The Fear and The end are based on a cut MGS2 boss.
Reusing assets != Reusing ideas
MGSV is not finished despite what people say. There were initially 5 Chapters and missions taking place in the USA, Russia and Vietnam. There's probably a ton of unused scripts from Kojima lying around at Konami, you can tell because they were halfway through developing Kingdom of the Flies but likely stopped due to time restraints.
>I'm just pointing out the only realistic scenario in which a new version does exist; keep in mind that the cutscenes for KoF were already voice acted and mostly completed so reintegrating it into the game would be a matter of touching up some animations and making a new map, if they add any more missions they'd barely need any voice acting if at all
They still needed facial capture to be completed, not to mention supplemental codec call for the gameplay.
>MGSV is not finished despite what people say.
It's not as unfinished as you pretend it is either.
>There were initially 5 Chapters and missions taking place in the USA, Russia and Vietnam.
Debunked. There's only a Chapter 3 title card that was apparently intended for the Paz sub-plot.
>There's probably a ton of unused scripts from Kojima lying around at Konami, you can tell because they were halfway through developing Kingdom of the Flies but likely stopped due to time restraints.
The script has been leaked for a while now and while it has references to unused content (such as Chico as a buddy and deploying Volgin as a guardian in your Mother Base), it's not all that different from the released game.
There was also a massive hint to something taking place in NYC at the end Kingdom of the Flies. There is a lot more to this game than we know.
>1minute of a shitty glitch fest
>those comments sucking them off
Is this suppose to be ironic?
it was hinting at the future.
You know when Ocelot/Liquid Ocelot betrays Solidus and crashes Arsenal into New York?
just wait another decade, then we can thank sonybros for beta testing
>Konami is working on multiple metal gear solid projects
Without Kojima it isn't even worth caring about leaks like this
>20 years after MGS4's release
Nah, without Kojima maybe the gameplay and mechanics can truly flourish in their new titles instead of focusing development time and funds on shitty pop culture references, celebrities, and over-reaching their scope. Maybe we'll actually get a truly good MGS game this time.
>MGS4 came out 11 years ago
>there will NEVER be another fun multiplayer like MG02
Yeah and also wasn't Zero's secret location in NY? And that's who Big Boss frees and kills at the end of MGS4.
They may do a MGO4 user. they seem interested about esport.
>but MGO3
MGO3 was an american game.
they cant make another good MGS multiplayer with the current controll scheme, there are too much differences between MGS4 and MGSV that make it impossible to make fun and enjoyable action
Survive tried to make a different control scheme by limiting some actions and making the character slower, while also adding some things, but it felt weird.
the next MG should have some kind of mix of the MGS4 and MGSV control scheme.
>ends with World Trade Center
>Ground Zero in the MGS universe will be where Arsenal crashes
beautiful writing
Normally I wouldn't believe that the shitheap named MGSV can be salvageable, but Fukushima has the skill and talent to make it happen.
DE can't come soon enough
>something taking place in New York
>Fukushima has the skill and talent to make it happen.
Fukushima was just some guy who wrote CODEC calls. It's sad that Yea Forums seriously fell into the meme.
I really doubt Liquid would have been preparing for that from 1984.
I doubt fukushima would return at Konami user.
But Etsu (MGRR writer) and Murata (cowriter of most MG games since 3) are apparently still at the company.
he also did the entirety of Ghost Babel as a writer
>he also did the entirety of Ghost Babel as a writer
Which was basically rehash of MGS1's story with the names change.
Liquid wasn't seeing NY. He just said it's not over yet. WE the viewer saw NY, hinting at the future of the mgs universe.
>konami working on video games
Lies, slander, bullshit.
technically they did more games in the last 2 years than a long time ago. it's just it's mostly minor projects and ports.
lmao murata left the company ages ago specifically to avoid working on more mgs games
you conspiracy schizos don't even know what the fuck you're talking about
Murata literally was called out by Konami about ZOE2mars.
absolutely nothing was said about him leaving, and he's not at the new Kojipro.
He was supposed to be the next MG director if Kojima didn't returned for MGS4 because of angry fans.
He was the cowriter in TPP.
And while the remaster was produced by the ZOE1 creator (most of the work was done by Cygames), Nothing was said about Murata leaving, he's listed everywhere still at Konami on social medias, and Konami official twitter even called him out about ZOE2mars.
I don't think Murata did any work on the new ZOE2 remaster. The credits for ZOE2 MARS are lifted almost verbatim from the original PS2 version, but they don't credit anyone from CyGames, who were behind the actual remaster.
there was a credit for the original team members when finishing the game, but there's also a credit for cygames members and konami members who handled the remaster in the main menu
Going back and entirely retconning MGSV is such an incredibly petty thing that I can almost see Konami doing it.
Probably much more effort than its worth too.
a "MGSV: the lost chapter" thing would be easier to make and make more sense. and probably would sell more.
I'm not exhonorating capcom
Just saying, they at least had some silver Linings. Konami is just ass
bomberman etc
care little for metal gear nowadays
I really want it to be true just so I can laugh at it
You seem to ignore that Donna Burke has retweeted posts about complete bullshit in the past.
the fact she deleted it is the weird part.
>Yea Forums btfo
>when the "demon edition" shit came from Yea Forums
These threads are nothing but the ramblings of a fanbase of autistic fucks who can't accept their worthless franchise is dead and buried.
This demon edition, like literally everything said about MGS, Kojima and Konami in Yea Forums for the past 4 years, is utter bullshit.
This is why I will always say that Yea Forums would improve massively of all MGS, Kojima and Konami related threads were banned.
They are all shitposting generals and the MGS fanbase is, by far, the most cancerous to have ever touched Yea Forums, worse than Undertale and FNAFags.
Probably because she found out it was bullshit after the fact.
Considering how Konami is in general i doubt they would even consider him for a new Castlemania
I don't believe any of this shit in the OP but kys. MGS mogs every other franchise.
I think they know people hate what happened in V, and probably feel that they could pull together all the old assets and restructure the game.
SEETHE more discord tranny
>I think they know people hate what happened in V
V was a massive commercial success. If they make another MGS it won't be a retcon of V, but likely it will tell BiBo's side of the story.
Just fucking breathe some fucking life back into MGO3 already
I adored and still fucking play it but a sparse few more matches where it's not a tossup of both people shooting at each other dying would be nice
>I think they know people hate what happened in V
Step outside your bubble, MGSV was a commercial and critical success. Most people simply don't care that MGSV had a rushed and messy development. Your confusing the vocal minority with the silent majority. Many people were disappointed with GTAV as well, but that didn't stop the game from being the biggest entertainment product every conceived.
Meanwhile, waiting 28 years for a sequel...
Konami might not, but the creators are definitely aware. They went on a damage control run for a little while addressing why they thought players were upset with the story
Kojima went online and apologized cause he's a good dude despite what fags around here believe.
Need a source on that.
>MGS 1998
>Sons of Liberty 2001
>Snake Eater 2004
>Guns of the Patriots 2008
>Peace Walker 2010
>The Phantom Pain 2015
>rushed development
A large chunk of MGSV's development was spent on making the Fox Engine.
And most people moved on with their lives once they realized there wasn't much left to the story outside a cut DLC mission that Konami already put on a bonus Blu-ray disc. The only people who waste their lives with these pointless ruse theories are braindead fanboys mad that Kojima didn't write the fanfic they envisioned in their heads.
fox engine was 75% done in 2010, MGS:R was running on it.
Not him, but he's likely referring to a couple interview written by Kenji Yano (the author of the MGSV novel) after MGSV came out. They assert that the story was finished outside the KOTF sub-plot, which always intended to be DLC.
Not true. Development for the FOX Engine didn't start until PW was done. The original MGS:R was developed on a modified MGS4 engine.
>MGS:R was running on it.
A tech demo was running on it.
That doesn't excuse anything.
They had to make an engine for MGS1. And then for MGS2, which they then modified for MGS3. Then they made a new engine for MGS4.
>Konami wants to get on gamers 'good side'
>Metal gear solid 5 demon edition will have a majority of new missions under a paywall.
>Metal gear solid 2 and 3 are getting remastered and ported to the ps5 exclusively
>Metal gear solid 6 will have a bunch of paywalls with 50% not included in the base game at launch
>plot is just a rehash of previous games
Yes, this sounds like it will make all sorts of people very happy with Konami and where they are taking Metal Gear.
FOX ENGINE started just after MGS4, and MGS:R was supposed to run on it
a lot of MGS:R probably was done since the localization had started when it got cancelled
>They had to make an engine for MGS1. And then for MGS2, which they then modified for MGS3. Then they made a new engine for MGS4.
And they were all engines made specifically for single-platforms. MGSV was the first KojiPro game made as a multiplatform specifically. And on top of that, they made the game specifically for five different platforms too.
Thanks user.
Meant this:Okay, is that supposed to be directed at me? I'm just answering his question, they aren't retarded, I'm sure they are aware, whether they do something about it or not is entirely a different story.
This is true. Back in 2001 MGS2 was pretty much the most impressive engine the industry had seen, to the point people thought the trailers weren't running on a ps2 and were cgi. But it was all in-engine.
>They had to make an engine for MGS1. And then for MGS2, which they then modified for MGS3. Then they made a new engine for MGS4.
MGSV was way more ambitious technology and production wise than any previous Metal Gear. Kojima was literally trying to compete with games such as GTA in terms of scope.
next MG should either be a remake, or not connected to V at all.
we should not live in the past but look at the future.
I suppose that was kinda of the main thing with V. Let's just see where it takes us.
Ground Zeroes trailer came out 2012 it looked impressive. Suggesting Fox Engine was long finished by then. In 2012 they also released the mysterious Phantom Pain hospital trailer. They then spent another 3 full years making the game. As long as any other MGS game was in development. So how was it rushed if the engine was finished by at the very latest 2012?
It sounds pretty realistic when you consider that MG:Survive is real too.
>This is true. Back in 2001 MGS2 was pretty much the most impressive engine the industry had seen, to the point people thought the trailers weren't running on a ps2 and were cgi. But it was all in-engine.
Cost and workload has skyrocketed since MGS2 though. Just compare MGS2 to something like Red Dead Redemption 2 now, the amount of production required to reach "cutting edge" these days is simply insane. You need an army and near infinite funding.
I always argued that Kojima made a mistake at not coming up with a multiplatform engine when they made MGS4 when that was the direction the rest of the industry was moving at the time. He played it too safe by making it a PS3-exclusive.
mgsv wasn't a rushed development. Kojima was just a shit developer and took too long to do anything.
It does, they probably spent a lot of time optimising the game for last gen.
the game started for last gen though, it wasn't a current gen title first.
Buddy he was literally locked inside a room to develop MGSV.
How can that be when it was always announced to be on ps3 to begin with? It's more like they made it run smoother on PS4/Xbone.
I always wondered why they even bothered with the PS360 versions. At the very least, they should had followed Rockstar's example and focused only on the PS3 and 360 versions before moving on to the next generation and PC.
But wasn't that after years of developing, done with the goal of finally forcing him to release the game?
The thing that gets me the most about the Metal Gear community on Yea Forums is the gigantic boner it has over Ghost Babel.
The thing was just the mandatory handheld exclusive title based on a big console franchise everyone was making at the time (see: Daikatana) but people here see it as a milestone in the franchise like the first MSX game or MGS1.
How do you know that? They were recruiting people back in 2012 specifically for a next gen MGS, the year before the PS4 went on sale.
>MGS1-4 were made by Hideo
>MGS PW-TPP were made by Kojima
I wonder who is making Deah Stranding
Here's your actual leaked MG project fags.
Metal Gear Survive 2 - Silent Hill.
V started in 2010
Because it was announced for ps3/360 first?
Probably Kojima considering all the dick sucking
I've never played that one I'm about to emulate it right now why the fuck haven't I played it
I don't get it either myself. I am a fag for the MSX2 games and I don't even think the NES games were all that bad, but Ghost Babel was always kinda meh for me. It's like a watered-down Metal Gear 2 with the worst traits of MGS1 tacked on to it.
I'm guessing people only know it because of the Fukushima meme and the "twist ending" where the game is revealed to be a VR simulation for Raiden (except it isn't even the ending to the main game, just a VR training mode where you repeat the stages from the main game with new objectives).
Because it was forgettable: a reskin of the original Metal Gear with a copy of Metal Gear Solid's plot.
I hope you enjoy moving box puzzles.
Give a source because I can't find any.
>caramel is back shitposting
This but with Sparkster.
>Because it was forgettable: a reskin of the original Metal Gear with a copy of Metal Gear Solid's plot.
Ghost Babel is more like Metal Gear 2 than Metal Gear 1.
>Konami is working on multiple metal gear solid projects.
What are the odds they're going to be shitty loot box sandbox cash crabs?
Any Switch ports?
lootbox wise : very low
sandbox : no ideas, but Survive was more linear than V.
they are working on a “liquid edition” remaster for 1,2 and 3 for switch and a “solidus edition” for xbox one. press release goes out after gamescom
That's why you should never insult or mock tripfags over their trip: they eventually stop using it.
If they don't you just have to hide their posts. But they do, and your eyes end wandering over their text diahrrea
there ya go