Anime profile

>Anime profile

Attached: 1565656421324.gif (220x220, 933K)

who are you quoting?

>profile is historical figure in black and white
>user is a pretentious retard

Attached: 1515262069627.jpg (520x600, 97K)


the only acceptable avatars are historical flags or russian orthodox priests

>not having a cute furry profile

>Manga profile

Attached: i like that.png (1074x1016, 717K)

>[clan] in the name

Attached: 1548286916287.jpg (861x831, 84K)

>ERP and penis ascii art in the comments

Attached: 1503447836907.jpg (453x439, 85K)

It's ok when used ironically.

you aight user

Attached: 1547862419360s.jpg (209x250, 11K)

>Profile image is the photo of a currently active and campaigning politician, usually a right wing one

I'm seeing a lot of Chilean and American profiles doing that.
Imagine shilling a fucking politician for free

Attached: 1565270778665.jpg (1280x720, 357K)

>Real CP profile

Attached: 1466508859711.gif (200x202, 194K)

Not using teddy

Attached: 1565021567238.jpg (840x1024, 164K)

>Profile picture of Ryan Gosling

Attached: 1565567647448.png (500x708, 479K)

Nobody does this.

this but even worse if it's a bust of a greek/roman figure

Attached: 1546036815628.jpg (560x590, 80K)

this holy shit

cant stand these pretentious historyfags

what are red flags on people to avoid? so far i got:
anime pfp
furry pfp
pepe/wojak pfp
pretentious person using historical/philosophy figure pfp
cropped porn pfp
having a steam description longer than one sentence
private profile
over level 20 (someone who wastes money just to level up with badges for "prestige," etc)
information that nobody cares about on profile (pc specs, location, sexuality, random quotes, etc)
someone who actually bothered editing images to have their image showcase match their background image
gay or tranny
from germany (or most of europe for that matter)

anything im missing?

Attached: 1553952661378.jpg (1000x750, 67K)

and cant forget:
in a Yea Forums steam group of any kind

>being over lvl 20 is a red flag
not our fault you are poor

being a retard ironically is still being a retard

Hentai manga profile

Attached: 17fc5b21f47e38025bb5c8f563a7237af9bcec3e_full.jpg (400x400, 47K)