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Both of these cunts killed Yea Forums

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


Well, it was way more Zoe than Anita who killed this site. And besides it's not Trump himself but his fans that also killed this website.

fair enough

Blame anyone but neglectful parents, bullies, and specialists medicating everyone's worries away.

>It's your music
>It's your video games

and soon

>It's your Japanese cartoons

This is why you keep politicians and gaslighters out of your hobby.

so shouldn't you be ignoring trump like you told us to do with anita?

Is America still armed? Then drumpf has succeeded. That is all that matters

Wrong feminist. It was the other one who fucked this website up. Other than that you're right though.

Anita is just a scamming asshole. Trump did destroy this site.

trump didn't do anything. just ignore him and he'll go away.

What do you think will be the next filter board?
>Yea Forums when they were fucking with Fox with le epic anonymous
>Yea Forums during gamergate
>/pol/ during the election
Which board is next?

Ironically, if people did ignore him when he said outrageous things, he never would have gotten elected.


Also this.

Based and true

And that's a good thing.


He already has the codes, based retard

actually, the retards who think like you and migrated here in the last few years killed Yea Forums

>no u

And anons will continue to give him attention like you gave Anita

True, before Trump there weren't any leftist in this place that got mad and threw a fit every time we did a racist joke


If you fell for stupid shit like gamergate then you obviously weren't around for chanology. Stupid shit that gets this site attention brings in massive amounts of newfags

This. Fuck culture warriors. Absolutely pathetic human beings.

Yea Forums when Star Wars IX flops

Epic Jordan Peterrson opinion my intellectual friend.

>not having an argument

He's a culture warrior you millenial faggot. Fuck him and fuck you.

you have no idea what you're talking about zoomer retard. Stick to fortnite instead


I'd rather not.


Why argue when it's true, this website and the internet in general was better when it was niche, all politics and -gate shit derails every thread and makes them all the same