What kind of weapons do you like to use in vidya?

What kind of weapons do you like to use in vidya?

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if you don't choose gun you're retarded. these aren't fun if there isn't at least some sort of balance. you gotta give gun/explosive limited ammunition or something.

Darkness bow

beeg sword

Thunder gun, shoot lightning bolts.

water gun


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big should be an element, good addition user.

Poison gun
>Depleted uranium bullets in a handgun
Hell yeah

darkness scythe

thunder gun
you shoot someone once, they get electrocuted and die

Thunder is the noise dingus, and boolets are already loud.

kid you won't last long when I drop a fucking water bomb on you.

Light Sword

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oh right
whats the fucking point of thunder then? did op mean lightning?


Holy Flail
Anything else is a literal pleb choice

Fire and gun for that flammenwerfer


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Thunder or WINd explosives for mega flashbangs/airburst

I'll have what he's having

Attached: Thundergun.png (1070x524, 1.26M)

Electric shield. Just hide in a corner and zap anyone who comes near.


Heh so u think

poison boomerang

Poison Explosives

Thunder whip, good luck trying to find your senses once i rupture your fucking eardrums

1. Greatswords
2-5. Axes, hammers, scythes, I like them all equally
6. Fists
7. Staffs
8. Everything else
9. Shit
10. Throwing


Poison Explosives the poisonous cloud from the explosions will start to spread throughout the arena and killing everyone slowly. That way I don’t have to focus on aiming. Hopefully I’ll have a gas mask.

Earth missile launcher. Best weapon in Scorched Earth.

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Nature + gun just to see what it does. Would be cool if it shot like life creating bullets like Giorno in Jojo or something.
Or then it'd just shoot flowers and shit and I'd be fucked.

Explosive darkness

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why do they have to be depleted?

Poison Shield, let's wall 'em out.

>earthquakes u
Heh nothing personal

>He doesn't use Nature Axe
It's an amazing contradiction

Darkness gun, just camp somewhere, no one will ever find you without the muzzle flash, and the bullets are already lethal enough without any additional element.

Thunder hammer vor Splash
Poison guns for DoT

Wind flail. Spin that shit around me to create a tornado

Fire + Explosives

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more like wind fail LOL

Light spear


Nature Scythe. im farmin for that extra xp and overleveling my content.

thunder x explosive for the massive aoe.
id like to see what could possibly compete with that combo.

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I'm going to make the executive decision to treat Explosive as an Element.
Explosion Fists.

Light whip

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Poison explosives, chemical weapons strat. I lose, but so does everyone else.

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because you want to kill the other guy, not die from radiation poisoning till you get to him

Wind throwing.

Poison gun

Thunder two-handed sword

>Pick shield
>Get hard countered by anyone with the flail
Wind Gun.


the only correct option

>Pick Wind Shield
>Stand on top of shield and make a tornado to carry you across map
>Resulting tornado kills anyone beneath you
>If shield is big enough to sit in, no on can hit you since they'd hit the shield, miss you, or get their attack redirected by tornado
