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Other urls found in this thread:

> Gearbox
Nothing to see here, just the latest fuckup in a long series of Gearbox's fuckups

Never heard of Gearbox but I assume this form of autism could only come from the West

I want to see Gearbox die, but I know Borderlands will keep them afloat no matter what

>first sword of the moderators
imagine being one of these types of absolute faggots

>Gearbox doing dumb shit

Nothing new here boys.

>never heard of Gearbox
either bait or literally 2 year old infant

Imagine playing westacuck games in 2019

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Seriously though this is some next level tardfag shit right here

Best alienate those with even the smallest shred of sanity I suppose.

>don't misgender our fictional character
>a fictional character that can't possibly give a shit what you call it
>a fictional character that's a goddamn robot who can't have a fucking gender because it's an object
This is stupid on so many levels.

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When did video game developers stop making games for fun?

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Are you 4?

why does Josh care about this?
I agree it's fucking retarded, but why does he care?


You posted this shit three times yesterday OP, don't you have something better to do? Like, god forbid, playing vidya

>Play the games that creaated the Tranny faggotry instead
okay, homo.

I cannot wait to watch you fags scream and cry after Borderlands 3 sells 10 million copies on release.

>using anything other than "it"

Attached: 1538875671756.jpg (449x335, 63K)

>official forums
I had no idea this was still a thing

It sounds like you're getting banned for making fun of people using them or for starting arguments, but not for just not using the pronouns.

Where does it say they are banning people?

i mean its voiced by ProZD which is a deep voiced asian man, has the build of a man, in no way acts like a girl, idk how it can be interpreted as anything but a male (i know its a robot but banning people for "misgendering" is fucking stupid)

Who the fuck cares?

Hi Josh, I love you but please lose some weight.

Don't use their forums(besides trolling).
Don't buy their games.
Aaaaaaand they're gone.

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>you are not forced to change your beliefs or viewpoint
>but if you don't say it exactly how we tell you to you're banned
Kek. Fucking Gearbox.

This all started when people gave Mass Effect 2 a free pass. That was the downfall of video games

>7th gen kids thinking they're hot shit

Why is this such a big deal to you dirty incel brainlets? Just use the they/them pronouns, would it really kill you?

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Does it look like I give a fuck?
Gearbox has been SJW for a while now.

If their latest game seems fun, I pirate it, have fun, then delete it.
That's it.

Just make sure to never give money to those people. Have fun Anons.

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Josh hate trannyggers with a passion.

Loaderbot in TFTBL was referred to as 'he', I'm pretty sure.

They made Boringlands.

Stay mad, zoom zoom.

How high on your own supply do you have to be to get into this pronoun shit, think it's real AND try to force it on others?
"Respect the fictional pronouns of a fictional character".
Bitch please, what the fuck.

>Mass Effect 2
>not Halo
Stop being eternally underage.

People care about Borderlands?

>they/them pronouns
They and them are plural.

Those pronouns cannot be used when talking about a single individual.
In the English language, when the gender cannot be determined, "he" is the correct pronoun to use.

My pronouns are my lord/your majesty

i expect you dirty serfs to comply with my demands OR ELSE

how can he hate trannies while he defends chris-chan?

>still giving a shit about gearbox

Learn to English language you fucking mongoloid tranny.

Who gives a shit? These hacks haven't made a decent game in over a decade

Just playing devil's advocate because I think this shit is stupid but:

used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
"the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted"
>used to refer to a person of unspecified gender.
>"ask someone if they could help"

Attached: 1547430031987.jpg (914x1397, 573K)

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

>Those pronouns cannot be used when talking about a single individual.
Are you ESL scum?

You will never be a real girl

Attached: smug4.jpg (237x213, 7K)

Feed me Josh

Hi null

Ah the daily t_degnerate incel triggered thread

based Jersh


>Just let your speech be compelled by moralizing collectivists!

I don't know your source, but it's technically incorrect.

It might be of colloquial use in academic, SJW, and that kind of circles, but it's not the rule, no matter if we're talking about British English or American English.

Yea Forums tricked me into getting borderlands 2. You deserve to suffer these faggots.

>nah man you don't get it that's how the word is used now language like changes and shit
Bet you think literally means figuratively.

Please stop renforcing mental illness that only benefits pharmaceutical companies

Who cares? Borderlands is shit and unless 3 does Rockstar numbers I wouldn't doubt that Gearbox gets shitcanned and Randys life is erver.

>I'm a supporter of the Alt-Right and I HATE Transgender folks!
Thanks for telling us that, now go back to your containment board.

I'm older than you son. Halo 1 and 2 were great, ODST and Reach OK. 3 onwards was dogshit, but the topic of Halo is irrelevant to this conversation. ME2 is the cause of this garbage

>first-sword of the moderators | discord hypesquad
jesus christ how much of a pathetic virgin do you have to be to enter this state

I know them from back when Halo was released on PC. Fucking zoomer retard.

Because Chris isn't even actually a tranny, he just wants to get pussy and thinks that will work.

>just follow orders and don't question bro it's not that hard bro you're not allowed to ask why that's illegal bro what if a fictional character kills himself bro

I don't care. Anyone complaining about this should be killed for being annoying. Stop pushing your agenda.

Have children

With all the retards here nowadays, I have a moment of doubt about the satirical nature of even that kind of post.

>I'm older than you son
By using "son" you basically confirmed that's bullshit
>Halo 1 and 2 were great
They were and still are normie scum that had nothing on the best shooters and are directly responsible for introducing casuals to this hobby and ruining it. Casuals like yourself. Now fuck off.

The "singular they" was very uncommon until the feminuts pushed for it hard in the 80s. Fuck that bullshit.

>just follow orders and don't question bro

Yes this is the mentality of every right-winger today. The edgy Youtube man said pronouns are scary so now you have to be scared of pronouns to be called.

>listening to an actual fag who jerks off to little boys
>listening to the guy who failed at doxxing someone
>listening to the guy who hates shadman despite both having a thing for infants
>listening to the guy who backpedaled on dunkey being a cuck

and suddenly I don't give a fuck

next thing you'll say everyone here is a nazi

That's homophobic, you nigger

Attached: MaleFantasy.gif (802x852, 3.84M)

Think about what you could gain from letting go out hate for inconsequential things like socially concious video game devs and cybertrannies and how little it would cost you. Not a thing. Is this unpleasant person you are turning yourself into for sake of the imaginary culture war the best you that you can be? I truly doubt it is.

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Oh god those are his eyes.

seethe more tranny

I don't hate transexuals any more than I hate depressed people. They need actual professional help for their dysphoria.

>Panders to the lowest common denominator in hopes of some sort of social interaction
>Has the audacity to call people you disagree with incels

Go back to your cross dressing you tranny

imagine being so childish and obnoxious saying "they" upsets you so much that you have to cry about it while a week earlier you giggled in the dark about snowflakes crying over safe spaces

They make really really really shitty games.

>Go to a Professional™
>They tell me to cut off my dick and balls
What now?

as if there is something wrong by hating trannies

Borderlands is boring.
40% to 100% when?

>he doesn't know who made opposing force
tryhard underage faggot


they've literally made nothing of worth since borderlands 2 and that was only a thing because they EMBEZZLED MONEY from Sega

>how dare they have a place to laugh at us, please corporate overlords, get rid of this site so people leave us alone being mental freaks

>wake up
>realize you are still not and never will be Randy Pitchford
absolutely best feeling


Why cut your dick and balls when you could just cut your neck instead?

All I did was post the Oxford dictionary definition, so I'm not sure where you're getting all that from. I didn't make that up myself, nor did I expand on what I posted in any way.
Alright, I guess go file a complaint with Oxford.

what are you talking about? nobody said anything about removing any website. you're delusional

fuck it just gonna wait till it comes to steam on a sale

I think the right are as equally retarded as the left personally and I also think people should stop parading around transgender people as if it's normal. There's nothing normal about having to stop a wound from healing just so you can pretend you're something else. These people need help and every single person who say they don't, in my book, are legitimately evil.

Go to one that is old enough or smart enough not to have been indoctrinated by modern post-secondary schooling and it's pervasive issue with ideological extremism.

Dilate your axe wound.

>buying any games
lmao-ing at your life

have sex

Use another forum? There's no forum monopoly and I don't think you pay to access Gearbox's forum. This is like the opposite of video game news or discussion.

It's pretty crazy that the world is getting so loony, now I'm an asshole just because of some dumb shift in values.

yeah yeah, we know how it works
>we don't want to sexualize your children
>we don't want to force you to bend to our demands
>we don't want to shove propaganda everywhere
and then you do what you say you won't

I wont have sex with you, mutant.

Have children

what do you value user?

tranny faggot

>These people need help
Sure, if that help involves breaking the delusions that they suffer from.

are you ok? I said it was ironic that youre crying about "they" as a pronoun and that you probably at one point have made fun of sjws for crying about something just as inconsequential and you're talking about actual nonsense

Singular they has been a thing for a long time. I teach English for a living.

Name one vidya company that doesn‘t go downhill after they‘ve embrace lgbt/ race mixing culture

Have a life

>It wass uncommon but was used, and it was popularized by people I don't like so I'm going to take issue with it.
Retard. Assuming you're even right about that at all.

please, get some help. go outside. get some fresh air. try to contain your autism and find a partner. have sex.

Lmao, you are some triggered snowflakes. That user completely annihilated your anus. Plebbit might be a saver place for you.

Attached: hahaha lol.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

This nibba knows what's up

>Ariel can be black
>Roland Deschain can be black
>James Bond can be a black woman
>excuse me shitlord, the robot is they/them, you better conduct yourself correctly or get banned.
can please everything crash and burn already?

Naughty Dog. They're still the absolute best developers in the business.

Women cannot have penises.
Mares, however, can!

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well if history has shown anything something can be completely fucking stupid but its accepted as "normal" if the mass majority accepts it

this, clankers need to know their place

If that helps then yes I would agree. The point is it's an illness that shouldn't be presented as not only normal but progressive as it's destroying life after life to do so. Attempting to normalize this shit in Borderlands 3 isn't helping either.

what game?

When people realized they could force their beliefs on others without being at fault by working in the video game industry

So you have heard of the scummy shit they pulled them?

Those massive fucking eyeballs threw me off for a second

Preach it sister, we should start calling these incels by "it" pronouns and see how they like it, there is no evidence of cishets being actual people anyway lol.

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>hehe i rekt those incels
Mutant cope

they is helpful when you dont know the gender of whatever the fuck youre talking about this shouldnt be an identity politics issue. faster than "he or she"

my pronouns are NIG and NIGGER. if you dont gimme 10 dollars for the bus you’re a transracist!

I'm just surprised to see Germania posting outside of /gsg/.

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>Israel's flag
I guess the bright side of things is defeating best Korea will be a lot tougher with a bunch of head cases who lopped off their genitals.

upvoted redditfriend

Why are horsecocks so perfect bros

>Guy shoot over a mall, killing 20 people over memes
>No comment
>Republitards claim it's all because videogames like we were all way back to the 90s
>No comment..
>Some retarded internet forum has retarded rules and people on it.
>C L O W N S W O R L D

Attached: bc3.png (636x773, 14K)

have sex. get some hobbies.

no way this was written unironically

Sounds like Gearbox is fucking based as always.

Retarded meatbags

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Simple might.

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most people will buy it during a Summer sale for like 5 bucks because who in the actual fuck buys gearbox games at full price, they drop 50% of its price 6 months later

Nobody will have sex with you, stop begging for it.

Then why are there so many "based" troons in Kiwi Farms?

This, dabbing on incels is always based.



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I bought the Super deluxe edition for $100 a few days ago.

>kowtow to left-wing social engineering or else you're a retard
Honk honk.

This shit is the least ridiculous thing as far as Gearbox is concerned when it comes to Borderlands 3. They can't even enable preloading because EGS simply doesn't have that function, not to mention all the bullshit Randy gets to all the time (like diverting company funds to himself), so this tranny silliness is whatever.

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Agreed, 2B is not a "she", 9S is not a "he", they're both "it" and should learn their place sucking my dick

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>video games cause mass shootings, idiot leftists want to ban guns when we should just ban video games
is it getting crazier out there?

Feed us, Jersh

Hi Hirtes

>fictional character needs their rights protected

This shit ain't even worth pirating at this point

Attached: 002.jpg (376x423, 40K)

>Please remember that this forums' rules include not attacking others for their beliefs
Do you think in the future websites will have prefered pronouns? Will google by a xir?

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What're they gonna do? Send private investigators to threaten me? :^)

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what are you, 12?

> umm just do it

not an argument, seethe.

Liked Borderlands, liked Borderlands 2, even if it wasn't quite as good. Buying Borderlands 3, day one, on the epic store. And there is NOTHING Yea Forums can do about it.

you will never be a woman.

If I pirate a copy it cancels your purchase >:)

>steam users are real gamer-

Attached: 208CBF52-F11B-44F7-8310-125052A55747.jpg (672x1208, 322K)

It's my culture. Robot is a male gendered word in french, hence all robots are "male" to me unless specified otherwise.

nice reddit filename, faggot

Oh no no user the leftist retards will call that a slippery-slope.


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Not at all. You were never going to buy it in the first place. Besides, Tim payed for your copy :^)

Who the fuck is talking about republicans and shootings? What part of clown world do you not understand lol.

Have you?

Attached: Peacock Theater.jpg (639x477, 46K)

This one has been specified otherwise

I love when white people suck tranny/faggot dick because it redpills the rest of us and makes it more likely that trannies and faggots lives will be even worse once we take over.

Post the playstation one

My pronouns are nigger/nigga
Misgender me and you're a bigot

those stats don't mean shit

Attached: file.png (1163x106, 25K)

Randy if you're reading this please off yourself.

>The cool guns and loot will be locked behind a MTX paywall
>The humor is probably going to be super political and preachy

I liked the first two games, but I already feel scared of the direction this game is going.

My language is rigidly follows the gender binary. Genderless pronouns is an affront to the french language. Anglofags might have given up on fighting the retardation that is non-binary pronouns, but it doesn't mean we frenchfags have to follow suit and accept their new shitty paradigm.

But retards killing over memes is a clown world essential.
Anyway what are the other playable characters besides robodude I have to respect.

>The humor is probably going to be super political and preachy
Has Borderlands ever had a funny joke? The Telltale series made me smile a few times, but that doesn't count.

Imagine supporting mental illness and spreading it like this
What a fucking time to be alive. Mental illness is the new big thing. If you're not a mental ill fuck who cut off their tits or dick you're not a real person any more.

This art style is fucking vile

I'd love to see someone actually try this, and wear blackface as their "transitioning" just to see the hypocritical SJW faggots attack you for it

I remember that depressing "claptrap's birthday party" quest making me chuckle, but you're right that's about it. I remember in the DLC episode they had the character of Torque who would keep going on and on about toxic masculinity, the friendzone, and being a feminist. This thread is making me feel like they're going to crank that shit up to 11 and have it throughout the game though.

>he thinks shootings are bad.

Attached: 1541280216672.jpg (849x1200, 100K)

It’s like they learned nothing from battleborn marketing, absolutely fucking nothing

>I remember in the DLC episode they had the character of Torque who would keep going on and on about toxic masculinity, the friendzone, and being a feminist
Lmao. I never touched the DLC, but googling that character is loads of fun.

Attached: nothing-is-more-badass-than-treating-a-woman-with-respect-57479082.png (500x889, 265K)

trannism is the opposite of based.

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Looks like a dude robot to me

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Gilette lost billions.

Torque saying that stuff was just funny to hear from a character like himself.
This robot crap is just faggy.

>just ignore us
>just notice us
>just treat us the way we want you to
>do what we say
No tranny shall go unbooted, someone post the webm, you know the one.

Attached: 1547730915841.png (440x359, 114K)

>that image
Mr. Torgue, I hope she sees this bro

This. He even sounds like a dude.

>Doctors disagree with me
>Must be indoctrination

I fucking love it when adults do whatever they want with their genitals.

Are you three years old?

Sexier than the average Yea Forumsirgin.

>it's stupid bullshit, but just bend the knee
Eat shit brit

Attached: 1562528285658.png (1000x953, 707K)

Dark Souls is boring. There’s your answer

>Caring about a fraction of the entire state’s population, which is probably less than the number of people who died between today at 8:00 am to 9:00 am
>Not NPC
>Caring about how corporations act, and giving a fuck about the crazy shit they do for viral marketing and damage control

Just release the next Season already Dumbbox

>we are the same as everybody else
>but we need more rights because human rights aren't enough

Is that Colin Mochrie? Did all the hoedowns Drew Carrie made him do turn his son into a "Downy Hoe?"

either delusional or blind

>Posting Resetera memes
Go back.

Attached: 5D5E9E51-6377-412E-82B8-F01416DE7A49.jpg (614x289, 68K)

>most of the characters on Pandora are degenerates, rapists, freaks, murderers, psychos etc.
>most of them are also gay, bi, trans, nonbinary
Is there a more BADASS man alive? He's literally telling all trannies and fags that they're mentally ill and they're praising him for it.

Attached: CgqMVp-W4AILlOF.jpg (768x1024, 151K)

yeah it's because of all the birth control pee in the water.

Haha, what the fuck is the fallout one? I've never got that vibe from any of those games.

gearbox? more like queerbox

Attached: mung_quiz_main.jpg (282x398, 19K)

as do most trannies user, but you gotta respect the pronouns.

I really need the source for that second pic

Because Todd Howard is a capitalist god who dispises communism.

With communism, everyone has a copy of Skyrim and he doesn't need to release more. A nightmare for him.
it's by the guy who made that goo TF fetish game

Attached: 1565363200231.png (1921x1366, 735K)

>Todd Howard
Stopped reading right there, I'm talking about the canon games.


This is what zoomers actually believe

I'm gonna buy Borgerlands 3 just to make Yea Forums seethe :^)

Most based post on Yea Forums right now

They made some decent games once.

Why is kemono so perfect?

Be sure to buy it on consoles to make Yea Forums seethe even more.
And don't forget to pay for online too, that'll make Yea Forums seethe like crazy.
White people are horribly pathetic, I can't wait for you to die.

And that's with cheat engine


Attached: AwesomeScreenshot-store-playstation-en-us-checkout-buy-now-UP1001-CUSA07823_00-000000OAKSIEASDD-UP04 (986x494, 133K)

>wanting white people to die off
Have fun with eternal Chinese global dominance


a ticket for the best and freshest memes sign me up!

Kinda odd to say when the pic you posted is unironically made by a tranny.

Attached: ed.jpg (843x184, 29K)

But I am here.

I would genuinely take chinks over white people, white people are a fucking cancer on the world and most of them are cunts like , so I want them fucking dead.

Yeah my bull bought it for me as well

Go ahead dude !
I will play it as well, for free that is.

Do it pussy, bet you won’t faggot

wtf I love trannies now

Attached: why are we still here...jpg (312x323, 34K)

um no sweetie

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fuck jews i kill u mother fucking zionist motherfuckerrrrrrr fuck israel

Attached: F10F6F47-6FBC-423B-90C4-97882E305DF0.jpg (225x224, 10K)

I don't think being a cunt is an exclusively white issue my negro friend

Yeah this checks out on every single level.

Tranny pronouns are retarded the same way shitting on the street is retarded.

>racism is bad

>r fucking zionist motherfuckerrrrrrr fuck israel
reporting this post to Trump himself.

Except whites act like the biggest cunts, and currently try to fuck over other people for not being cunts, so again, I want them dead.

I love this meme!

Attached: 1560295024008.jpg (1200x761, 77K)

We used to laugh at this kind of retarded shit user. Now its treated as serious because some retards like you can't even think or are too mentally ill to do so.

All of the points on the top panel are legitimate arguments for their topics and not just tranny shit shoved into a game just to make 100,000 mentally ill people out there feel better about their fucked genitals.

As a huwyte person, I'm honestly sick of everyone being cunts


Can't make this shit up

>White people screwing over the brown people
This isn’t the 1960s gramps.
Whites would literally kill their entire culture for the comfort of a low IQ nigger that wants to kill them.

>it would be appreciated

>you will be banned

obscure studio that ported the first Halo game to PC

Can you give an example of what culture is being destroyed in America?

Zanes is Tranes

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Fallout never explicitly states those things. From over 5 games i'm sure you could find those themes but this is very different from developers clearly stating that this one thing in this game is indeed tranny madness.

So? Just embezzle from Sega again. They don't make anything of worth.


It's extra funny because one of the major themes of Fallout is tribes and how tribal culture is the backbone of human society, and racism is just an extension of tribal culture.

how can a robot be a tranny when they have no genitals?

>banned from the forums
what a fucking nothing burger. Everyone uses twitter or discord or even fucking reddit to shill their game news, official game forums are worthless and more often than not are ignored entirely by CMs.

It's even worse nowadays when devs literally try to make their "inclusiveness" part of their marketing to sell the game.

It actually shows how those tribes literally fuck each other over and ruin everything for the sake of doing so.


BASED consolenigger dabbing on Yea Forums.

Hang out around the Epic Games community discussion forums to know more about exciting new titles hitting up the store.

I want to pound his robot vagina.

are americans really that retarded?
1 (ONE) robot should be "it/its" not fucking they/them

Attached: what in the goddamn.jpg (537x527, 38K)

>playing FPS on console
>playing multiplat on console
based normie retard

This is perfect, because normies are the most likely ones to use a forum to ask for help on the most useless bullshit. Imagine a bunch of Borderlands drones asking for help with FL4K and “his” playstyle, and then getting banned for wrongthink. This is going to accelerate the pushback against SJW dogma.

They transfer their AI from one robot to another

dilate sex

Those doctors literally are wrong since the treatment that they've done are literally always backfired and results in suicide or further physical deterioration rather than curing trannies conditions. So yes, you're mighty retarded.

Way to go, now one of these assblasted incels will shoot up a Kmart.

No, it shows certain tribes choosing to raid and pillage while others expand or adapt their tribe to avoiding those raiding tribes.

He's a transman so it's fine. Fuck women and fuck mtf.

Attached: 1554131626887.png (1334x750, 2.03M)

Please for the love of god stop trying to talk about a language that's clearly not your native language.
You ESLs are embarrassing, almost as much as tranny robots.
A person like you should be ashamed of THEMself.

It’s only Southern Californians and New Yorkers that do this.
I wish the US would divide itself up already so that based flyover states aren’t associated with Californians.

I don't know if that should count really but I mean it can if like Aigis transferred her AI into lets say Genos but then again I don't know if we can count it since they don't have the respective genitals

>Wanting the kind of faggots who'd buy a turd like Borderlands 3 to "XD OWN Yea Forums EPIC STYLE" to play on PC

They literally don't avoid them, they constantly attack one another, but the tribes aren't based in race in the Fallout games

you can't tell me what to do faggot
i will use broken english as much as i want

Attached: ok retard.png (500x491, 213K)

I think a Iot of this is caused by western game deveIopers simpIy not paying peopIe enough

When your empIoyees work eighty hour work weeks for way beIow minimum wage, then you are wiIIing to toIerate a Iot

When you pay them $30/hour,,, not so much

When the developers treat it as one

when i say "embezzled from sega" what i mean is they outsourced almost all parts of the game to random cheap companies and used the dev money they saved to polish borderlands 2 instead, which then released to massive praise


society is fucked

you faggots are retarded

why they/them? multiple personality disorder?

One of those posts was obviously being ironic you moron.

Based. Nobody cares about your shitty boomer company that pumps out nothing but Sonic trash.

Probably because you have decent taste and never paid much attention to their shitty games, unlike most of Yea Forums.

No. Everything they made is overhyped and overrated rubbish.

>Fallout never explicitly states those things.
I don't see why this would ever matter unless this is an admission that you're too stupid to pass lit 101 and convinced that ignorance is bliss in all cases.

These people should just annex a piece of canada and create their own twisted colony there.

Colonial Marines deserved to be better, damnit

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this counterculture of just being pro-corporate and anti-human is utterly bizarre and i don't have a clue what you get out of saying stuff you obviously don't even really believe and just say because you think this is what 2019 counterculture is.

Singular they.

you the retard for even support gearbox with irony kill yourself

>2010: Gee, Hope we get to see realistic hair in 2019

>2019: Gee, I wonder if that robot's hair means its a male or female.

This is truly the worst timeline.

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...and they didn't give a shit. The CEO said that they wanted to send a message.

Prescriptivist frog cunt

what the fuck

Realistic hair was the NVidia meme in 2015, it's done and gone.

>Please remember that this forum's rules include not attacking others for their beliefs
Unless your beliefs are conservative minded.
Its a soulless robot, refer to it as it, but stress you are only doing it because you believe it is devoid of a soul and shouldn't be personified in any capacity.

Watch them spin their gears trying to reconcile that. They can't ban you, that would be an attack on others for their beliefs.

>and they didn't give a shit. The CEO said that they wanted to send a message.
And they would never lie to save face.

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>the treatment that they've done are literally always backfired and results in suicide or further physical deterioration
Source? That 40% figure can be explained by any number of things. For example, people with severe enough dysphoria to get SRS are likely more unstable in general, thus more likely to suicide. Or maybe they just kill themselves because most people treat them like trash. Have you seen tranny murder victimhood rates?

was the message "we don't like money?" because that would be a pretty surprising take these days.

>Unless your beliefs are conservative minded.
I guess that shows the inherent problem of conservative beliefs being intrinsically hostile to anyone outside the "in-group".

Are you an earl?

Imagine playing MMO trash in 2019.

replace his head with a wojak, and you get comedy gold

>can be explained by any number of things
but is really done from intense shame, to the degree they would rather delete themselves than suffer it further. Anyone who isn't retarded knows how damaging to your psyche doing this shit is.
I would have described it as suicidal without even knowing the stats. There is no other way to see it if you are over the age of 25.

My beliefs aren't hostile and stating such is an attack on me for my beliefs

The entitlement of people who think they're non binary is honestly pathetic.

>you and the entire world have to force yourselves to incorrectly use language to describe me to avoid hurting my feelings because I picked a pretend gender from a tumblr post to be more unique than you

Never gonna happen. You don't recover from mental illness by forcing everyone else to enable your delusion.

disorder/anxiety Elo score when?

that's a horrible pic to use for your shitpost, fuck you. get some standards.

steam store was very limited before 2010
2012 might actually be when it had the closest thing to a pc monopoly

>That 40% figure can be explained by any number of things.
Such as /pol/tards never actually reading the study in question and just parroting conservative talking heads with an agenda, for one.

The 40% figure is trans people who have attempted or planned suicide at any point in their lifetime. The study identifies ostracisation, harassment, and (sexual) violence as major contributing factors. Studies which explicitly compare pre-transitioning and post-transitioning show a marked improvement in quality of life after transitioning.

i try to watch it again but damn even with this guy commentary i cannot finish this without 10 minute breaks every few seconds

>Anyone who isn't retarded knows how damaging to your psyche doing this shit is.
>My beliefs aren't hostile and stating such is an attack on me for my beliefs
lol fuck off

No, but it certainly would kill them having to see not everyone is willing to abide to their echo chamber and they can't have that

>can't tell difference between robot and android
fucking retard

How do you think you can know someone's gender better than they do?

Those are plural pronouns that refer to several undefined people or a specified undefined group of them referred to singularly.

These people are retarded and butcher english so badly.

Because there's only 2 genders.

jesus fuck go back to resetera already you literal baby

Nice quads. Since other faggots are too busy sucking cock.

That's like the difference between a dragon and a wyvern, user.

You keep using that word

yet if you remove the transitioning out of the equation the stat drops dramatically.
You are a broken being and trying to fix it in the wrong way. I won't tell you what is the right way, but 40% of you freaks offing yourself points to you doing the wrong thing. Categorically.

Vietnam era PTSD didn't result in this staggering stat.
Fucing WWI era trench warfare PTSD didn't result in this bullshit.
What you are doing is more harmful that participating in a fucking world war where we used biological weapons to kill innocents.

Put your problems into fucking perspective. Or kill yourself. Which ever.

Then so did Chaucer and Shakespeare.

Ok and? Atari hasn't been relevant in decades, doesn't mean you are not a zoomer for not having heard of it.

>realistic hair
>not fully animated bedsheets/blankets
the trust test of prowess

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your greentext hurt my feelings
ergo, your entire existence is abhorrent.

Doesn't make sense does it?

Crypto-fascist, whatever.

you can't just judge every single person born after 1995 as some lesser species than you because their pop culture phase had long moved past things that you managed to catch by being born ~5 years earlier.

The slippery slope isn't real, they said

same time the international jew stopped caring about profits over social engineering and subversion

And this is our sons room.

Even in the second example it's referring to many people, but you'll only chose one, anyone could qualify as someone who could help initially and once a person is chosen you won't continue to call them "they" given their biological sex should be self evident.

It's like putting out a job posting and using "They", you aren't addressing just one undefined person, but rather anyone who qualifies for the job and from that group only one will be selected.

Zoomers ARE a lesser species though. Have you ever met a zoomer that doesn't belong in an oven? Neither have I.

Attached: zoom zoom streamer love.png (628x741, 238K)

>majoring in computer science
>in fucking brazil
>a country so technologically behind that they started manufacturing sega consoles again

Because it is conservative to not want to change what has worked for literally millions of years.
Liberals are nothing but accelerationists. If that 40% stat didn't exist I might feel fine letting you ruin your life. If you trannies didn't keep getting in legal trouble regarding minors I might feel fine. If you freaks didn't participate in self harm habitually and ritualistically I might not care.

But you do, so I do.

Ftfy fren

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>first sword of the moderators
kek, what a fucking fag

>yet if you remove the transitioning out of the equation the stat drops dramatically.
The opposite, actually.
>You are a broken being and trying to fix it in the wrong way.
Always immediately the second-person pronouns. Can't you people fathom that I might defer to the medical and scientific consensus without having a vested interest myself? Kinda shows where you're coming from, I guess.
>I won't tell you what is the right way
okay then lol
>but 40% of you freaks offing yourself points to you doing the wrong thing. Categorically.
I just explained to you that you're reading that statistic wrong. It's taken over a lifetime. That includes pre-op and people who never transition. Also, it's attempts. Most attempts tend to be unsuccessful. Also also, I just explained to you that the reasons for the statistic being so high identified in the very study it originated from is people like you being transphobic cunts like you're being right now. Maybe you need to put into perspective your sense of "propriety" or "proper grammar" or "ickiness" or whatever it is against the real human lives you're impacting.

Cleanup on isle faggotry. We got RetardERA making a mess.

>Even in the second example it's referring to many people
Grammatically speaking, it's really not.

>Because it is conservative to not want to change what has worked for literally millions of years.
Really? Didn't know conservatives advocated living like hunter-gatherers.

those are people born in like 2005, not 1995. The only people who give a shit about Atari or know shit about it would be people from the early-mid 90s. Even a five year difference and they'd miss it entirely. You're angry about people who think fucking MINECRAFT is retro.

All these replies and not a single person mentioned that there's no mention of being banned fcking anywhere in that pic. Clowns.

I literally did in my post user.

Yes, I'm talking about zoomers. You have to be a zoomer if you don't know about Atari or Gearbox.

post transition have a higher suicide rate

and she makes $324 a month from doing blender porn, she's probably in the top 1% of the country's wealth

Ta gueule travelo

which means you even include people born in 98 or even 96 as zoomers? because nobody has given a fuck about atari since the late 80s / early 90s. every single person born in the last 20 years is a zoomer according to you/

Its hilarious how people take political themes in games this seriously and make it apex of determining its quality. You can go into the intentions of the creators and how it conveniently agrees with your morals but you'll still be talking about the game more than the issues they present. Regardless of the message, people who disagree with it can still enjoy it if they think its more nuanced than what the pic implies or because the game is fun

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Living like hunter gatherers fell out of favor because of population density. And people who want to live that life still can and they aren't killing themselves because they are.
You want to claim trannies are just a natural result of a highly dense society? Fine I agree with you, but not because trannies are "natural" and it expresses itself naturally, it is because with that density in society individual values are stretched and distorted to such a degree that people start committed open self harm and society simply doesn't care, you aren't needed for the whole to perform.

You see it as a beauteous affirmation of your way of life, everyone else (literally the supermajority) sees is as emblematic of a broken society.

People had pity for you lot at one point and genuinely wnated to help, you only wanted enabling. So all the reasonable people distanced themselves. So you kill yourselves due to alienating the entire support structure that tried to be there for you but they weren't stroking your feefees so it wasn't good enough.

KILL YOURSELF. Let me go back to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and literally hunt you faggots for sport. Win Win.

True, my bad dude. Overwhelming response in this thread is shocking though, literally inventing our own boogieman now, how fucking stupid arep eople?


Seethe more.

those may have been themes fallout had in it once, until they started throwing nukes at you left and right, one of the first goddamn quests in fallout 3 is just a retardedly shallow moral choice to annihilate an entire town with a live nuke, just to improve an old man's balcony view

I use it to judge quality too though. If its in the game in any capacity resembling anything 2010 onward I immediately think the game is shit.
They are using it to hide behind it so you can't talk seriously about its objective flaws. Making its presence an objective flaw on its own.

Fun is all that matters. I haven't played a single fun game that has chosen to include this bullshit. Not one (1).

merci, neighbour

Why do all the moms look so pleased?

I have been saying this as a joke for awhile. I told my friends they should refer to me as Emperor God of all when using pronouns for me since this is how I identify. It's not a mental disorder it's just common decency.

Sexual dimorphism is objective

>Living like hunter gatherers fell out of favor because of population density
You progressive liberal scum. What happened to tradition?
>And people who want to live that life still can and they aren't killing themselves because they are.
lol they literally would be. You go live in the woods picking berries, living in caves, and chasing wildlife till they drop dead from exhaustion. See what it does for your life expectancy.

>people start committed open self harm and society simply doesn't care
>everyone else (literally the supermajority) sees is as emblematic of a broken society
Does not compute

having fun while developing does not result in sales. the market doesn't filter developers by a "has fun" attribute. the business side of things is like a parody of this. kotick is one of the people who got the richest off of games and doesn't even play any. selling games is about getting teenagers (until the late 2000s), basedboys and gambling addicts (post 2010) to desire what you're offering with mass marketing. the best customers have the worst taste.

When they got fooled into believing virtue signaling = marketing

If they make moze another obnoxious lesbian like that sparks bitch I'll shit myself

That's not even how grammatical gender works though. Case in point, German "das Mädchen" ("the girl") is grammatically neuter.

women are natural destroyers. Even their own progeny.

Females have been chaos and destruction.
Men have been order and construction.
We've known these qualities regarding the sexes for all of time. If you put humanity on a grand scale the last 50 years have been the picosecond of our grand life as the stroke sets in. We were largely healthy as a being before that.

I don't remember any SJW faggotry on that game, but I might be wrong. Please refresh my memory

>Let me go back to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and literally hunt you faggots for sport. Win Win.

look at this incel trying to sound like some kind of chad, I'd bet money you couldn't hunt a dog chained to a lampost, loser.

I'm old enough to remember the good times

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>Yea Forums discovers capitalism is bad

Yeah, he's trying REALLY hard to be PC and a supporting father

ever wonder why we let you transition knowing there is a verifiable 40% suicide rate?
We don't care if you die. That is how we can look upon you and just not help. We know the harms, we know the outcomes. We don't care that it is happening to you.

If you are born in 2000 or afterwards you are automatically zoomer scum. If you were born between 1995 and 1999 you are in very dangerous territory.

Attached: iKjVUPh.png (640x480, 441K)

without capitalism video games wouldn't exist, retard.

>millions of people got conned into buying a game that is so bad that they did not play it far enough to unlock shit

because girls are objects (of desire)



How many of those people even referenced the alleged ban claim?
Almost all those posts are just saying that trying to "protect the beliefs" of a fictional computer is almost as retarded as ___(you)___

Yea Forums's ideal world is a world without video games though

Stfu you fucking shill, I bet you like it in the ass don’t you? You whore!

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We'll always have Tetris

What kind of world...

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I think the game is just bad user. I bought it after only playind Demon's Souls imported from playasia and wanted to see what the hype was.
After I got gud and realized the correct way to play was to stand still and wait for the rhythm game to start, I just dropped it. Literally that day. Once I realized how the intended way to play was done I lost all enthusiasm to even boot the game up.
Sorry, it was just a bad idea to do that. It felt like a step back from a game that came out 10 years earlier. I really really wnated to like it too, but it just wasn't a good game.

>ever wonder why we let you transition knowing there is a verifiable 40% suicide rate?
lol you NPCs literally just share a simple code, don't you? See

Why do white people like trannies, multiple genders, multiple sexualities, etc.?

>originating source of human reproduction is the natural essence of destruction
>men purely represent order and construction, while also leading their packs into pointless war and conflict
really boggles my noggle. maybe humanity is a little more nuanced than you'd expect at first glance, brainlet.

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Americans aren't white

You only know about Tetris because of capitalism. Without it 3 guys in Russia would vaguely remember trying it on lunch breaks at their college.
Tetris became the biggest most famous videogame in the world.
Rogue didn't.
Both were created and proliferated in virtually the same manner. Only one of them decided to sell their product.
big thonks.

Same in spanish, it is El robot, indicating it's male by default

But user, the writer for the robot character is non-binary, so you are AKSHULLY LITERALLY RAPING THEM PERSONALLY when you misgender the fictional robot that they wrote dialogue for.

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>if you are a 20 year old adult you're somehow still a zoomer

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Google that transracial german woman who got kicked out of a black organization after being found out.

Have you actually seen any of these 20 year old "adults" you are speaking of? They are more like children than ever before and they are still zoomers to the core and therefore need to be gassed.

Sorry if I trust the study itself instead of your shitposting.

>being so retarded you think you can create without first destroying.
>being so retarded you think construction has to be divine in aspect
Hello female. Women are destruction incarnate. I never claimed destruction was wrong or unneeded. War is a constructive effort, the destruction was the era that led to war. You are not an illuminated being.

>In the English language, when the gender cannot be determined, "he" is the correct pronoun to use.

This applies to pretty much every single language in the world and even items have a male/female gender

Warcraft Player here. Have played only w3 and wow for the last 17 years with no sight of stopping. Couldn't have ever thought of giving a rat's ass about what a "gearbox" is until I saw your retarded comment. So, what is it?

בחיים לא שמעתי את השם הזה

>Almost all those posts are just saying that trying to "protect the beliefs" of a fictional computer is almost as retarded as ___(you)___

They LITERALLY say you don't have to change your beliefs or viewpoints. This is manufactured drama end of story, come back when soeone actually gets banned for calling him a he. I'm sure you can find something on Resetera, slow news day? Jesus christ.

Randy you worthless dog. Kill yourself at the earliest opportunity, and take your pedophile theater with you.


There are no such thing as 20 year old adults.
There are legal grown ups. Not adults.

This is a shill post to get publicity for a shit game from a shit company and all you drones keep falling for it.

It actually says you'll be arrested for hate crimes, thought that you might have mentioned that?

It's so great there are pirates around. I'd be able to play their games for free while showing them a middle finger and calling their robots IT.

I'm not judging but I'm genuinely curious as to why or how you could play 2 games for 17 years and not get burnt out.
Is it solely the social aspects?
Do you have actual autism?

I'm honestly curious. The very concept is foreign to me. I'm interested in this because it is of interest. I'm not interested in trannies because they are repulsive.

Isn't one of their writers Anthony Burch?

This board has been talking about that shit non-stop for the past week you retard. Stop deflecting for this shit company.

>Isn't one of their writers Anthony Burch?
He was fired a long ass time ago.

Go outside.

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gonna need zyklon a through z for this one

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>come back when soeone actually gets banned for calling him a he
Read my post, the whole thing this time, and try again idiot.

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>muh capitalism created everything

lick that boot clean

Lol imagine being this enraged because you're a niglet with a tiny pp


Only after reading replies I realize they are talking about Borderlands, the game that I don't even know if it is a story shooter, or some kind of multiplayer game.

Given OP's screenshot, I didn't lose anything of value.

Attached: 5.png (499x423, 289K)

They made one good expansion pack for Half life and a mountain of shit games, don't feel bad for not knowing them you haven't missed anything of value.

Randy was on pedophile island

this but unironically
robots are not alive and do not have souls
actually my head canon is that should were bestowed upon the robots in that game by god

Zoomer confirmed.

I'm sitting on the 41st floor of an office shitposting while I wait for my lunch to be prepared.
We aren't all kids who sit at home shitposting. Some of us do it from the real world.

Have sex

i'm 29 years old you fucking moron. what the fuck is this embarrassingly dated rebuttal of "you are annoyed about how people discuss X so you must be X!"

What does the robot look like/sound like? other than a robot.

Nice larp zoom zoom

Attached: seething zoom zoom.png (600x452, 132K)

40% is 40%
It's just a meme you dumb reset tranny. All trannies are mentally ill retards so of course many of them have considered suicide.

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video games are a complete waste of resources and only make sense in a consumer market economy. you're extremely slow if you can't see that. a centrally planned economy wouldn't allocate tons of its smartest engineers to making ever-more elaborate children's toys.

>Sorry if I trust the study itself instead of your shitposting.
Point is, so do I, except you can't be trusted to interpret it correctly. In fact, I doubt you've even done that. You've let someone else do it for you, someone you do trust to tell you what you want to hear.

>thinks every single person in the last 20 years are all exactly the same group of people
>I totally live in the real world bro

Oh user, you hurt my feelings so much, now I'm even MORE glad that you'll be extinct soon.
Feel free to go shoot up another shartmart though.

Shakespeare used "they" for an individual of unknown gender.

>lore is about God giving soulless robots souls
>they funtionally don't understand it and start to malfunction
>everyone clearly sees it as malfunctioning
>only the robot sees it as natural in a warped sense of self preservation, but that might be the soul screaming out in pain itself
>42% of all robots just stop working
It almost seems like social commentary at this point

Okay, if you want to be a slave to advertising, don't bitch about it then

make sure to play and enjoy games which are not involved in this. I am pleased to report I could not name a gearbox game from memory but have 10k plus hours on my top 10 steam games. It's a big world, friends and there are many games in it

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more character options is good

I didn't claim you were all the same person, just that you all lack the same qualities of actual people.
If that doesn't make sense to you, you really are 20.

I didn't, I borderline revere capitalism for being the closes proxy to actual evolution and reality.

>so much of a mindwashed passive asshat that he can't possibly comprehend the ABSURD that is people wanting to control the way you speak
Before all this stuff, I called people what they felt confortable with. Now, that people are DEMANDING others to be called certain ways, fuck it, I will call you the exact opposite just to piss you off.


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But seriously though why are westerners like this
Should I learn spanish and take refuge in latin america

first of all you're moving the goalposts to capitalism vs communism like every single bootlicker
second your argument is essentially "human recreation is worthless and nobody would pursue it unless there were a financial incentive" which
1) is pants on head retarded
2) betrays your mindset of being a slave to financial gain and being unable to even fathom people doing something without financial gain as its sole objective
3) is provably false since the fact humans make ever more complex games just for the fun of it is something that happens and has happened before

lick those boots clean, maybe boomers will call you "one of the good millennials" and you'll be able to puff out your chest

It's funny because people who are calling you 12 and complaining you don't know Borderlands (the zoomer shooter) are the actual zoomers

Please, we're practically post-scarcity. Soon no one will have to work and everyone will be able to programme video games in their endless spare time, if they so desire.

Or they can slave away from nine to five five days a week behind a desk because the system requires them to generate wealth for their corporate overlords in order to justify their right to exist I guess

So if a woman takes steroids, gets a deep voice and becomes a tranny, you should call them "he/him?"

I'm happily playing DQBuilders2. It has chibi animu girls in bunny suits and scatological implications. I can even change my character to a woman and back to a man at will and my character still hasn't committed suicide.

How can trans and non binary people exist simultaneously, you're seriously telling me sometimes people are either one gender or the otherand then tell me some people were not even assigned the wrong gender, they just weren't assigned gender at all?

To be fair, in ye olden days you couldn't really call your superiors whatever you liked or you'd be killed. And since humanity is socially regressing instead of progressing, it's only natural that this would happen.

But really, who the fuck even cares, these piece of shit mentally ill trannies feed off your attention.

>I borderline revere capitalism
holy lol

Okay then praise capitalism for bringing us to the point where companies are performatively woke in an attempt to court the largest demographic

Lol somebody's triggered

Now I can truly never look back on this franchise, there is no redeeming it and anything else from gearbox for that matter.

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I don't hate transgender people, I pity them. Gender dysphoria fucking sucks. But the fact of the matter is that the tech doesn't exist for true transitioning yet and the current surgeries are dangerous and not even very effective.
They should stop acting like it's normal. It's not. It's a severe mental illness like schizophrenia, and should be treated.

When you just step back and realize they are mentally unsound and dangerous it all sort of makes sense.
You ever see a dog gnawing on its own leg until it bleeds? Trannies are no different.

You're always assigned a gender, user. It's not always the right one.

>But seriously though why are westerners like this

Simple, companies don't want to piss anyone off or potentially alienate any market. Combine that with vocal minorities on the internet that make it seem like they have more influence than they actually have (if they have any influence), and you have something that PR teams don't even want to deal with. There is no good way to get out of that kind of hassle. On the other hand, pandering to such vocal minorities can get you good boy points from those people and the video game "journalists" that cream themselves over virtue signalling.

Oh no, now I'm super triggered, the only thing that can sate my hunger is the extinction of the white race.
Your triggering pwned me epic style.

Fucking 'el mate
I already was not gonna buy BL3 until it would come out on Steam
But guess I'll skip altogether.

I fear the world will take a turn for the worst in the coming 20 years

I will. I didn't use to work on the 41st floor. i started on the 38th. Upward mobility is great.

Yes, so stop fighting against the best known treatment approved by medical community at large. You fall into the same trap of utopian thinking.

>Jewish deflection

I fear it might be a white people problem that will never be solved

Yeah. Valve, retard.

But Yea Forums loves sexualizing children.

lel, the melodrama

It's always funny as fuck to take a step back and realise we're talking about video games here

i want the freedom to not have to use your fucking pronouns. i also dont want people who feel like theyre another gender to have the freedom to indentify as it.

Yes, it is. There has never once been a mis-assigned gender upon birth.
If you have a dick you are a male man
If you have a vagina you are a female woman
If you have something else you are categorically an abnormality and should be treated as such.

Stop living in a make believe world.

>Ever trusting what a jew says

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There are only two genders. It's called reality., it's biology, it has been like it for millions of years and it will be like it for many millions more. Even the 1/10000 chromosoomal aberrations are only abnormal manifestations of the two genders.
Your imagination, fetish, desire or subjective interpretation doesn't matter. To insist your made up believe gender exist or that gender is a spectrum is the definition of mental illness.

>But the fact of the matter is that the tech doesn't exist for true transitioning yet

Yet? What exactly are waiting for? Magic? Womb implants? Literally the only thing we can do is a full on Ghst in the Shell cyberisation, which as that show goes into, comes with its own issues of humanity.

Except nothing is destroyed during the reproductive process you fool, and since when has war ever resulted in a constructive net positive? That's kind of a trick question, seeing as how the cost of a human life has no set value to begin with.

Why are the character designs so shit? Seriously, someone answer me.

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It doesn't turn me gay though, it turns me bi. I never stopped liking girls.

>we're talking about video games here
Well clearly not anymore, are we?
Gearbox' move is more politics than vidya.

The fallout series is built upon player choice, not political agenda. Each game has a million different messages meant to appeal to nearly anyone who happens to be playing it in some way. I don't see how the fallout games can be compared to some game made with a specific agendas in mind by developers who insist players follow their left wing lgbt insanity.

As opposed to Japan or Yurop? "Gearbox" does not sound like Nintendo, Konami or other Xian-Shin-Ten-Pen

Since small whenever people told me I should do something, I instantly disagreed. Hell, when I was a kid I defended nazism in the middle of the class just because the teacher told us it was bad. We contrarians are born this way, because God in his wisdom realized that if everyone was a passive cuck, the first authoritarian government would reign forever.

Being a contrarian is where my allegiance truly lies, if I were born in the older days, I would probably have been killed already, and proudly so.

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The largest group of trannies in the world are black men. It isn't a race thing though, its a lack of a male role model and the female trying to insert itself into that role in good faith, but simply not knowing how to do it correctly.
Because she is a woman and functionally doesn't understand being a man.

Even sourcing why it happens invalidates trannies and paints them in a poor light. History will look back on us and judge us as monsters for allowing tranny bs to exist. Its gaslighting on a societal scale.

I recognize that reflection.

>There has never once been a mis-assigned gender upon birth.
That is factually false. You are ignorant of the definition of gender. It is therefore you that is living in a make believe world.

>he does it for free

How the fuck did guy #5 settle for that abomination?

but other black people, speaking culturally, don't care about them. whites are all about acceptance and gay shit

>The fallout series is built upon player choice, not political agenda.
Too stupid to pass lit 101 it is

Its simple capitalism, preemptively solving a "problem" before it becomes a problem is generally cheaper in the long run. If making a character trans or black or lesbian will prevent HamBeast69 on twitter from calling them homophobic or racist and starting bad publicity from gaming "journalism" then its a win.

Literally nothing wrong with this. What the fuck is do wrong about asking to gender someone the correct way? I'm sure most you cuck beta men don't want to be called her. Hilarious watching you snowflake bitches seethe over this. Gearbox did nothing wrong and this just shows their commitment to worldbuilding. More excited for this game now

Because it never was stated at all

>Never heard of Gearbox
that's right no one here actually plays vidya I forget sometimes

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it runs deeper than that


and gearbox you fucking homo, fucking randy pitchford was the lead designer
>l-lol I was pretending to be retarded
neck yourself asap

>still end up pissing a good part of their fanbase, while losing sales so they get good boy points from people who don't buy videogames.

The you that you were is dead the moment you create another life, your existence is now tethered to its and there is no way to be a parent and still be the being you were pre parent.
This is true for mother and father.

If you conceptually don't understand that when someone refers to destruction you really are an egocentric woman. Men think of loftier pursuits of the being.

That is why only men are against this tranny shit. That is why you see mothers smiling with glee and fathers screaming with no mouth. We know the significance of the soul and the absolutely barbaric mode in which you are trampling on it.
It is cosmically unsound to us. I struggle to think of something more soul crushing than this evil existing when it doesn't have to.

I don't care about what type of background you have. All men think this way innately. Our minds aren't against this, our souls are. And women, being devoid of souls and agency just don't understand and never will.

I thought that was a refreshing change from the "lmao EPIC XD" humor. The juxtaposition of a hypermasculine guy screaming about respecting the feelings of others is absurd and therein lies the essence of comedy.

I guarantee you it won't be as subtle in BL3, can't wait for even more SJW shit shoved down my throat. Oh well, at least I won't be paying for the game.

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kys you fucking mass replier, couldn't even get shit right. seriously, make sure you shoot your heart so it works.

remove all text and replace head with wojaks and yeah it might actually become good

>commitment to worldbuilding.
Misgendering wouldn't exist in Borderlands because everybody has actual conflict to keep them busy instead of ones they made up to feel oppressed.

I covered genetic anomalies in my post. 0.004% of the population is a genetical anomaly. 40% is when you should start looking at it with rigorous intent to understand it.

Lotta words, lotta bullshit

>ruins your website by making every one of your mods and jannie a tranny
how do we fix this?

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He's not wrong, you fucking faggot.

Take your meds, schizo.

>as subtle
are you implying torgue had even the slightest hint of decent writing?
also cute girl pls post more

Man these guys really live rent free in your heads don't they?

>All men think this way innately.
Well gee user I have a penis but apparently I am a woman? And TERFs are all men?

And that issue is due to the third rate at best writers that make up the video game industry. If you're a talented writer you'll be aiming for a large movie studio or a tv production company. If you're a middling writer then maybe you'll make it to a website article or lesser known tv studio. If you are the bottom of the barrel piece of shit writer then you'll be welcomed in the video games industry. Especially if you are too "controversial" (shoehorn your fetish into everything you write for EMPOWERMENT) to make it in another industry. Well, video games or netflix, they'll accept anybody.


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Once again americans thinking the world revolves around them, in many non english speaking countries, we don't have genderless pronouns, it's either he/she or the respective plurals to said pronouns.

For example, I'm portuguese, we have "Ele/Ela"="He/She", and "Eles/Elas"="Them", we have no genderless pronouns, and even the term "the robot" we say "o robô", "o" being a male determiner, so it is engraved in my mind and in many others' to refer to robots as male by default, unless there is any other aspect about their appearance behaviour that tells us otherwise.

it is egocentric in a world that is largely not for day to day functions.
I don't want to prescribe to your cult of personality mindset when dealing with every individual.
You aren't worth the time or effort. Call me what you will, no skin of my back.

It's obvious: you follow their M.O. as jannies, if they're pro-liberal after a couple months and it's obvious where their stance is, you ip rangeban them.

You only further reveal your ignorance by bringing up this red herring.

Just about every successful/decent video game was made for fun. At least the most successful games were besides a couple random luck events like clash of clans

man, fuck that mess
>check the RoR2 discord to see if there's a word from the devs on the updates
>shitfest of actual tranny and furry mods censoring all criticism of the devs
>big brother publishers watching every move the devs make in there
>asskissers attacking anyone having a negative opinion

For the people that were already going to buy the game this won't make that much of a difference. For the people that weren't interested in the game it'll just be one more reason as to why they weren't going to buy it.

He's not the one who needs to legally enforce mental illness and denial because nobody takes it seriously.

tranny is too stupid to give me a real response


You're right though, the writing was shit, I just seem to remember that part at least being slightly better than the Invader Zim-tier comedy which saturated the rest of the game.

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>That is why only men are against this tranny shit. That is why you see mothers smiling with glee and fathers screaming with no mouth. We know the significance of the soul and the absolutely barbaric mode in which you are trampling on it.
>It is cosmically unsound to us. I struggle to think of something more soul crushing than this evil existing when it doesn't have to.
this is sage wisdom. Whether he is right or wrong is suspect but this part is fact. Every picture of a gender reveal I've ever had the displeasure of seeing the father looked like he was actively dying inside. The mother is always ear to ear smiling.

giv feminine benis

It's a bunch of pseudo-philosophical metaphysical wank with no basis in reality whatsoever.

You're speaking English now though, Pablo.

who the fuck still uses forums in the year of our lord?

You'd honestly have to be fucking retarded to not know what borderlands is

Souls don't exist

user, there is not a single choice you can make as a player that will make the American government good or that will make nuclear warfare a blessing. Every choice you can make in the game is constrained by its themes.

have fun burning in hell you ungodly sodomite

imagine giving randy pitchford money holy shit

That's how it works in french, you dumb kraut.
As far as I know, they are very little gender neutral nouns. Many nouns just take a different form depending on the gender.