Was she based?

Was she based?

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She a ho


>Found out she likes black men


Why didn't she have a Devil Gene tattoo like Kazuya and Jin?

She's voiced by Yumi Hara so I think so.

She does, it's just on her womb.

t. Paki

t. Paki

> Was she based?
Whatever. She's dead, and won't appear in tk8.

That's not an actual reason to not include someone, she's already dead in T7.

She is dead in T7. When you fight her, you fight a ghost.

She's the most popular female and one of the most popular characers of the franchise right now, so at the very least, expect another Hachijo fighter in T8

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*df1's you*
*the followup is so scary you dont retaliate

Is she based?

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>have to kill Heihachi to stop his bloodline
>give him a son instead and make his bloodline even more fucked up with Satan powers
What did she mean by this?

Does that mean no Heihachi in Tekken 8?

What are you talkin about you cuck?

Not including Heihachi is actually believable considering his VA is dead and it's his second one to boot.

cute gilf

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How scared would the next guy to voice him be? It's basically cursing yourself.

He has every right to be scared if they actually go and look for a replacement.

Having more Milfs in Tekken is always a good thing but I wish they'd bring back my main.

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Seems like Tekken 8 will be a Kazama episode so that would be the perfect opportunity to bring her back.

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nah braindead character

>high crushes you
>df1's again to catch side step on both sides

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She's fun to play though.

No she's more boring than the fucking bar characters

Hehiachi had sex with thousands of women and that's canon

Unbased, roastie and boring to play with and against

Quiet shitter.

She died early in the game and had virtually nothing to do with the entire experience other than Kazuya's reason for revenge other than being thrown into a fucking volcano as a kid.

She appears for basically 3% of the entire plot in Tekken 7.

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