What the best drink to play with vidya with? I like Cappuccinos.
What the best drink to play with vidya with? I like Cappuccinos
>goes from normal smile to open mouth
One basedlatte, please!
>tokyo t-shirt
jesus christ
Cause so randum xDD
This is so fucking pointless it depresso's me
Too many carbs.
Water is my choice.
Calarts smile
One cuckpuccino please.
Onions milk
He ordered a soimilk cappuccino
Do you really think that is the name?
what do you mean
don't you like bangin' & rootin?
I can't tell if that's supposed to be a joke or not but I laughed either way
it is the name, ive been a fan of bang's for years.
Can you not read cursive? Bang’s is the best root beer.
>drinking anything that isn't the classic American martini
PLEASE tell me you guys don't actually do this
It's a q not a p
Drinking in the morning isn't good.
What am I supposed to drink for the first half of the day by that logic? And yes I'm playing videogames all day, what else would I possibly be doing?
For me, its bourbon.
It's called Barq's
Sometimes I prefer a boulavadier or negroni instead.
no thanks