I actually really enjoyed this

i actually really enjoyed this

Attached: thewizard.jpg (580x859, 134K)



Attached: retard.png (211x239, 6K)

It's cheesy but not bad. Would watch again.

the girl was cute

I got an erection from the scene where the dad and brother lay in bed playing NES at the motel.

I feel bad for my parents since we taped this off TV at one point on a crappy old VHS and I proceeded to watch this 90-minutes Nintendo commercial approx. 1,000,000 times in the early 90s growing up.

I still think some of the music is cheesy enough to be good.

yeah it was great when the dad was pretending to play NES by shaking the controller around

literally my favorite childhood movie
I got an erection when the girl I used to think was hermione accused the PI of molesting her

Oldfags, how hyped were you when they showed Super Mario 3?

Smash Bros got the wrong Lucas

Attached: Lucas.gif (400x208, 833K)

I feel the same way about the Super Mario Bros movie. It's a fun, campy and exciting B-movie on its own if you pretend that it's an independent film and not based on a video game.

total bullshit that the kid JUST KNEW where the flute was

have to agree, watched it recently and really enjoyed it. although i was drinking the whole time but still...

Man, growing up I was so jealous of all the games they got to play in this movie. I was like 6-7 years old and my video game time revolved around whatever NES cart I could beg my [game hating] parents for each Christmas.

This but with Gameboy...and N64...and DS...I godamn hate my mother. for more reasons then just this

how the fuck did lucas afford it

>Oldfags, how hyped were you when they showed Super Mario 3?

Kids only suffered through this garbage just to get a glimpse of SMB3. It's the only reason this movie existed.

What a qt, she’s probably ugly and dried up now though

she is alright. could be a lot worse

That's why he's the wizard and you aren't.

My condolences, user. By the N64 years I was able to afford my own games (though $60 in the late 90s is a little over $90 today, adjusted for inflation.) But relying on birthday/Christmas gifts for your gaming library was not one of my favorite aspects of childhood.

Double sucked cuz I didn't have that token rich kid friend with like half the fucking NES collection I could leech off. Oh well, thank Jesus for emulation.

>the actor got ToCatchAPredator’d

I wouldn’t object to a remake if they did this

Attached: 74D99E22-940F-44D9-940F-54700583160F.jpg (1202x2048, 672K)

they need to implement smelloscope in all cinemas to give the entire experience

Or replace Lucas with Zero.

This was the best period of gaming.

Reminder that you will never be even 10% as cool as this kid.

Attached: 1990_kid.jpg (584x576, 64K)

>Not having the gaming instincts to check over the top of the screen.
It was already established in mario 1 that you get secret shit for going over the screen.
Now if he knew about the white block trick then he'd have to be galaxy brain

No worries user. I am better now and all caught up on my gaming bucket list.

fuck you are right. both warp zone and the above thing were established in mario bros world 1

It is a shame a soundtrack for the movie never got released. I liked the ending theme song.

Just have Smashfags be salty around a 11 year old kid that just kicked their ass and that should be enough for the movie

No he needs to be a downy autist and piss off the Journos and SJWs and niggers by being better then them.