Is Classic or Battle for Azeroth better for someone who has never played WoW?

Is Classic or Battle for Azeroth better for someone who has never played WoW?

If you could judge objectively which has the better new player experience?

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If you don't happen to be a casual normalfaggot, both are trash.

Do you want to play a game that's been passed through the colon of eight different farm animals, or play a game?

Regardless of which one you end up choosing, the player base is absolute cancer. Don't want to influence you either way, just be prepared for selfish, entitled idiots and minmaxers who expect you to no-life the game in order to join in.

I'm a wc3 player normalfag needing something to play until Reforged comes out.
So i guess story/immersion/noob community?

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classic, don't bother with modern

As a someone who played WoW for the frist time ever in recent months, I say classic. I first tried creating a character in retail, but shit was way too complicated, the zones, the NPCs, everything was mixed up. So I switched to a vanilla server and gradually learned everything.

Classic because it's going to be a fresh launch. Try out retail with the next expansion. They're two completely different games.

Classic, raiding is more casual plus there's more to do than just raiding. Just leveling and exploring with some world PvP is really fun

Thanks guys. See you in classic

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Just buy the game without the newest expansion now. You need to do that anyway to play WoW.

Then play retail for a few days before you play classic, then decide there. I think classic is much more fun and rewarding in terms of a game though. It was a blast playing it again during the stress.

play morrowind multiplayer

Classic is both MMO and RPG.
Retail is neither.

In Classic, you log in and do whatever you want. You can do things like professions, PvP or just socializing without being max level. The way is part of the journey.
In Retail, you log in and you have to do your gated daily/weekly chores or you fall behind. After that there's nothing left. Anything before max level is meaningless. Any content that isn't the current patch is obsolete, which means despite being 15 years old, the game has less content than ever before. Leveling is just an obstacle that stands between you and the actual content.

In Classic, you have to move where you want to go, and you move slow. Some big zones require lots of travel time.
In Retail, you sit in a city until you teleport queue pops.

not playing, because i just want nostalrius back. blizzard can fuck off. ill keep my boycott up until they drop all legal action against it, because if i dont get my way i want them to starve and die and their children to not afford food and also starve and die.

It all depends on what player you are now.

Classic offers you an adventure, something you'll have to work your ass just to get to a destination. Patience, dedication, not holding your hand. The price will be rough edges.

Retail today as we speak, has both a lot of content, but mixed feelings as all the expansions are not the same quality.
It still has a lot of polish, and QoL everywhere.

While Classic is the answer for adventure and leveling,
Retail is the answer for high level Raids, casual leveling, and diversity of content.

I truly believe the 2 versions are different enough to not split opinions or community.

This is the best answer to be honest If you are really absolutely fucking bored to death I would probably say play classic on a pve server as it only cost the sub fee and on pve you are more likely to find casual players that don't expect you to no live this shit.

Actually it seems that you no longer need to buy the base game as of last year. So it's only the 15 dollar subscription fee. I would just buy a month now, play retail for a couple weeks then play classic for a couple weeks and figure out which is better for you.

>Classic offers you an adventure,
classic is an eq ripoff that uses a system designed to make large online rpg's possible of telephone line internet connections. we dont fucking need these games anymore, holy fucking shit let them die already you morons.

and somehow the game is still more fun than retail, what does that say about it lmao.

it means that classic wow is aged and retail wow is aged and also horrible

why would those french cucks bring it back now when they didnt even have to shut it down

so is wine and kefir but i still drink those. checkmate, atheist!

Retail is just barely an Rpg at this point, like holy shit you dont even get to put talent points in the tree every second level anymore, leading to a variety of ways to build your character unless you are a meta fag. You also dont have to pay for talents and you can basically run past instances and heroic enemies without talking or strategizing.

I would say go with classic unless they made that super easy too.

>Who has never played WoW
>Thanks guys. See you in classic
I wonder in what level you will give up.

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unless you previously played something like runescape, the grind will kill you

There's nothing better out there. This much hype for a 15 year old exist purely on that.

>I have finally found the CHAMPION of AZEROTH!
>other heroes? what are you talking about you are the one true champion of the world of warcraft
>listen champion, most powerful of all, most esteemed of all
>I need you, azeroth needs you, to go kill 20 boars
>every day if you want any kind of meaningful reward

>huh, who is this punk some adventurer?
>you want a job kid? all right I just happen to be looking for someone who needs work
>listen kid I need someone to go out there and kill...hmm...50
>yeah 50 boars, go get em and don't get shanked I here there are lots of you types around and they're bloodthirsty

play warcraft instead

BFA if better if you've never played WoW
More content, better gameplay, better balance

>played RO where it takes a top player who knows exactly where to go and what to do 3 months of poopsocking 15 hours/day to reach level 99, all through grinding with no quests
>mfw I started playing WoW and saw how comfy it was to level

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Classic does a much better job of getting you started, walking you through the low levels, and gradually introducing you to your class throughout the leveling experience to get you to learn how to play and ready for end game.
Retail wow just expects you to instantly rush to 120 and start spamming world quests and dungeon/raid queues.

I wouldn't recommend retail to anyone. I'd recommend Classic to everyone interested in an MMO.

you can do all of that in bfa
bfa also have transmog farming, brawler's guild, pet battles, mythic+ dungeons

Ya but wod 3 is just SURPRISE MECHANICS (very fun!). I can't even keep playing bfa. We all bought computers for the garage party to lan and stopped because it's so fucking boring. Last season I went 5 months without an upgrade despite having 395s, doing some mythic content, and slamming m+. Meanwhile, retards who never left normal mode had better gear than me thanks to those wonderful surprise mechanics.

and what do you think classic is going to be once you have your gear?
even more boring

depends, are you okay without modern life conveniences of older games? then classic
bfa is a very shallow parody of original wow

If you enjoyed Warcraft 3 story then under no circumstance are you to play any of the WoW expansion packs. Vanilla itself has a few questionable decisions (dwarf paladins, tauren druids, undead in horde, night elves in alliance), but those all pale in comparison with all the atrocities committed by each and every single expansion.

This. Fuck WoW.

private servers are fun. most people don't even get through naxx, so the "running out of content" argument doesn't work

retail makes you play candy crush for rewards

I am not joking
this is telling a lot about the state of the game

>Vanilla itself has a few questionable decisions (dwarf paladins, tauren druids, undead in horde, night elves in alliance)
not questionable when you consider its a videogame and they needed to provide balance and variety to players

I don't understand why Dwarf Paladins are a big deal. Humans and Dwarves generally get along, and the former could've taught the latter about their religion. Or is it WoW changing the nature of the Light that's the issue?

>bending lore for such shit reasons
Yep, mmo was a mistake.

>Classic, raiding is more casual plus there's more to do than just raiding.

You're wrong twice.

absolute autism

WOW single player RPG would've been amazing

>you dont even get to put talent points in the tree every second level anymore
yeah putting points in "+1% hit chance" or "increase the damage of [spell you use constantly] by 1%" is so fun

at least in current wow you have more actual choices and have to change talents depending on the fight and not just copy paste that one build everyone uses like vanilla

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you can't deny story after lich king gone to shit

>yeah putting points in "+1% hit chance" or "increase the damage of [spell you use constantly] by 1%" is so fun
actually yes, it directly made you stronger in game you felt effects of those talents instantly because game was setup that way
you grow stronger as you level, in bfa you grow weaker as you hit 120

No, he's right. The raids are braindead for the most part.

>actually yes, it directly made you stronger in game you felt effects of those talents

I really never thought I'd see the day where someone says that retail WoW is "too complicated." How fucking retarded do you have to be?

World pvp and actually having better gear than the shitters. It's fun, did it on the private servers plenty.

it sounds like you never played with old system

I did, and no you dont see the change when you put a point into +1% chance to hit
in the current system every talents changes your gameplay, in vanilla very few actually did, most are just passive shit you don't even notice

They certainly aren't as casual as retail.
Classic raiding requires organisation and preparation. Even if the actual fights are one button rotations and stupid simple mechanics, just getting to that point requires way more effort than retail LFR, Normal and arguable most heroic raids in retail.

you can do that in bfa too, and there's more than 2 classes that aren't shit at pvp

>mfw classic players fancy themselves hardcore but don't know what /train actually means

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such complicated 4 button every class gameplay change with talent choice every 20 levels

When does Reforged comes out? I want to relive the custom game days.

>bfa is more casual because vanilla raids are easier than lfr
you do realize actual raid content is mythic, heroic and below doesn't even have all the abilities

nah you can't when even gear is leveled
owning epics meant something in old wow, you felt stronger, now you feel nothing

better than 2 buttons rotations

>only one person is canonically important and trustworthy enough to bear the Heart of Azeroth
>the Azshara fight in Eternal Palace has mechanics that interact with the Heart of Azeroth, meaning that, canonically, everyone fighting her has to be wearing one
sasuga Blizzard

At this point you should play retail and classic and see what you like, if you don't like retail wait for 8.3 or 9.0 and stick with Classic. Follow your brain, not others.

There's so much bias in wow and warcraft in general. people were fighting against a hots developer because he made Baine deisgn and people wanted Cairne.

Honestly I hate this classic and retail. It's dividing the comunnity a lot, in every corner it's all about classicVSretail and im 100% sure they are going to release BC and Wrath servers.

That wasn't universally the case. Spending 5 points to make Corruption instant may have been a palpable improvement but it was hardly a highlight of the old talent system

yeah and ilvl means something too
whats your point

it still made leveling less pointless

it means fucking nothing when all your stats are normalized and everyone is the same
they made moba out of wow pvp on every level

Yes, I do know that.
But retail raiding isn't only Mythic. LFR is still raiding as you still experience the content that Mythic raiders do (bar a few mechanics).
I'm 8/8, 9/9 and 4/8 in BFA for Mythic raiding btw, so don't argue I'm not doing "actual raiding".

And when you have a legendary character following you around, the game changes them to another person so players won't see 20 other people with the general of the Night Elf army following them around

It's better to never start

if you want to compare the "casualness" of a game, talk about the actual hard content, not the one made for people who plays 5 hours per week

still better than the ~80 levels in retail where you get literally nothing

Retail WoW is Classic with Diablo 3 and mobile game mechanics melted in. If you like Diablo 3 and have a phone play retail. Just don´t expect an MMO or RPG. Retail is something else now.

>The first quest for orcs and trolls has a recruiter for the army laughing at you for thinking youll even make it out of the valley
>The forst quest for undead is "hey look at you with the cognitive functions and all 4 limbs report to high executor boogerbones for slave labor assignment"
>Dont know tauren because I never played tauren ever

So what you're arguing, is that Classic raiding is more "casual" than Retail raiding because Retail's lower difficulty raids don't count as raiding because they're to casual.....
You're an idiot.

the first tauren quest is "go hunt harmless birds to see if you're capable of contributing to the tribe in any meaningful way at all"

yes, compare the hardest content from both games
don't pick the hardest content from one game and the easiest content from the other game, that's just stupid

You said "raiding is more casual". Not "the hardest content in the game is more casual".
Would you like to rephrase your original comment, or would you like to continue digging a nonsensical hole into oblivion?

Classic is the way to go. BFA and modern iterations of WoW are abortions.

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because no one cares about non-mythic raiding
"raiding" is automatically mythic

The fuck are you talking about?
retail has way more casual raiding than classic


no it isn't you idiot, there's tons of guilds that are purely casual raiding guilds that at most do heroic

Like I said, I've cleared most of BFA's Mythic raids and I would still consider LFR, normal and heroic as "raiding" as you still experience the content.
To argue that it doesn't count as raiding is nonsensical and bias.

>dude what if we pruned a dozen abilities and then let you pick one out of three to get back every fifteen levels lmao

>Warlock is the best class again
Your excuse to be pussy ass faggot and not to pick Warlock.

heroic is doable in rando groups, guilds aims for mythic

>Dude, what if we gave you 50+ abilities but you literally only use 10-20 of them depending on your spec.
It's the exact same idiot. Man, I sure do miss not being able to put fucking Smite on my bars when I play Shadow. Game design 101: "Think simple, stupid".

yeah dude I too get headache when I see more than 3 buttons to press thank you based kyoani for fixing it


I don't have to excuse since I am running an orc warlock

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>more buttons to press
more like more buttons on my bars, you hardly ever use them
vanilla rotations are literally 2 buttons

whatever you say, you know you're still wrong

Yeah, I know it might be difficult for an unironic 2019 blizzdrone to comprehend simple concepts, but it's okay to have abilities that are highly situational and only used in some aspects of the game outside of Heigan Dance #725


pretty much this, no one understand why I keep saying vanilla 2 will never be good: that's because the way to approach the game was different, and people were willing to commit and take risks with other players, who in turn did the same
classic will be divided between the low attention span zoomers who will ragequit the game after 2 weeks and eliteist fags who will complain after 2 months that there is no content, because classic was never hard, it was just an obscure time with less way to inform yourself, while we already know the strat of every boss by heart by now

If you want relatable, mmorpg levelan, grindan, pvp, classic. Lich king ended wc3 tieins, cata and panda is fanfic tier. Cata makes retail vanilla dissappear and make it fanfic tier changes turning deadmines into csi meme dungeon for example.

Lich King was the second worst expansion storywise, after Legion. Even Cata was better.

I prefer having spells that I actually have to press

>unironically suggesting "BfA: weaboo edition"

you can have BOTH. Novel idea, huh? If that smite triggers you so much just don't add it to the fucking action bar and pretend it doesn't exist.

this. Even if it was a good expansion mechanically, the story is totally fucked, especially since it started the trend of getting Christie Golden to write tie-in novels that make it impossible to understand the game's lore just by playing it

then why does vanilla only have spells I don't have to press

What class are you talking about? Please name a specific class that has the problem that you are only hitting 2 buttons.

People will play Classic FOR FUN. We are going home and you tards can go play League or something

>the point of spells is to cause a dopamine rush in my head as I click on the abilities game tells me to click on by lighting them up
lmao you can literally just make five different macros with different icons for frostbolt in vanilla and larp nuwow gameplay in classic if that makes your birdbrain so happy

>I was talking out of my ass and need to backpedal
Okay then

This is some hilarious larp. Nobody who cleared CoS mythic would consider LFR anything but afking

You should play warcraft 1 - 3 and then fap to mommy Azshara instead.

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retarded comebrain post

>n-noooooo you're lying he's pressing his 2min CD sometimes!

Does Blizzard even sell their old warcraft games? Have a shit ton of tokens before I quit and honestly nothing to spend it on. Don't want to get the reforged version either, which has the fingerprints of Blizzard's problem people all over it.

>People will play Classic FOR FUN.
etc etc
It'll be a shitfest.

>which has the fingerprints of Blizzard's problem people all over it.
Ayy, it will be "adapted" to be more in line with WoW lore. You better off pirating.

Classic is the better first experience, solely because it's going to set everyone back in leveling and be a more whole, rather than end experience. The leveling rush from 0-60 is worth subbing and replaying even for old players or people who've done it a thousand times already on private servers.

For the endgame, retail is actually better at the highest level, and probably at the lower entry point, but the middle ground is kinda shit.

And since you get a sub for both; it's highly recommended you level from 0-60 through Classic first, play it for a bit, then level a character through retail to see what they changed in zones, and how things progressed over the years (a base sub will give you all content through Legion.) Some things improved, some things got worse and a lot changed for the sake of change, but it's worth checking out.

Also remember to roll Forsaken and serve your Dark Lady.

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Classic. The first expansion, Burning Crusade, was awful and same with every expansion afterward. You'll get a much more enjoyable experience overall off Classic.

Classic is much more challenging. You'll be dying a lot more.
Classic is more community oriented. You'll be talking to, grouping up, and seeing more players while you play.
Classic's world feels bigger. It doesn't have a bunch of teleportation, and movement is more restricted.
Classic has more diversity in classes. Every class is far more unique to one another.
Classic leveling is the expirience. Leveling in Classic is the most fun you'll have, instead of rushing to the end to expirience the loaded content.

There's a lot more, but the basic premise of Classic is you're a small dude in a big world, while retail is you're the hero of the story. Guess which works better as an MMO?

Pretty much knew that was gonna be the answer. Just wish there was something of actual worth for using the bunch of tokens I hoarded, but not one thing does Blizzard have to offer to play is enticing.

TBC is everything classic did but better

TBC was the thin end of the wedge that sent WoW into utter retardation


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The game assumes you're playing a PC which has done all the content available to them. It would be more retarded if you were treated as a nobody despite having been solving literally every problem on the planet for a decade.

Just don't play paladin

>Classic's world feels bigger. It doesn't have a bunch of teleportation, and movement is more restricted.
It'a funny how people always insist that player's movement is hindered in order to "make the world feel bigger".

How about Blizzard just scales the world to be larger overall instead of making zones be made up of a bunch of tiny gameplay areas which happen to be adjacent and walled off from each other?

Absolutely wrong. It was obvious within the first month that wow had changed for the worst.

>flying mounts
>unified city for horde
>pretty race for horde, ugly race for alliance
>faction unique classes no longer faction unique
>railroaded questing
>both races have same starting zone
>focus on arena PvP balancing
>tiny 20 minute dungeons
>daily quests
>rep grinds for tons of factions being extremely important

I could go on, but I don't feel like spending 15 minutes remembering everything.

>both races have same starting zone
Are you retarded?

No matter how bigger you make zones, flying will screw it
Not to mention questing was fucked up since Cata

Meant to say both factions. Also, meant to say unified city for horde and alliance.

Also, don't forgot about portals to every city in one single city.

Storm Peaks and to a lesser extent Icecrown prove you wrong. Fuck, even Nazjatar does, unlocking flying drastically improved the zone because Blizzard's design of having every area intricate, multi-leveled, and covered in mobs to make it feel "big" is fucking retarded and boring to play.

>Also, meant to say unified city for horde and alliance.
Yeah you are right friend, Staghelm hold, Last Hope chappel and goblin towns never existed in Vanilla

>Storm Peaks and to a lesser extent Icecrown prove you wrong.
Yeah because in TBC and WotLK flying still was gatekeeped.

>he doesn't understand the difference between a major city and a popular quest hub

And I seem to recall being able to kill the opposing faction at those places. Dalaran just makes everyone untouchable.

It's not the same at all. Bfa blows chunks, some retard can have the same ilvl I have doing mythic raiding, being 2300, and being 1400 m+ player. At least in vanilla, i can open my character and feel accomplished and dunk on idiots in the world with those accomplishments. Bfa is over in 14 days.

It was just a gold sink. Not even a big one really. And both of the zones I listed were practically unplayable without flying.

>It was just a gold sink. Not even a big one really.
But it was opened on the very late game.
The problem is that since Cata max-level game became mid-game, while leveling role was reduced to the filler

this. Yes the quality of life improvements to modern are nice but it lacks fun and most jmportantly a god damn community. The world is just too fucking huge, people spread too fucking thin. Like too little butter over too much toast

Modern WoW is a timesink, and little else besides. You just need to know that what you're really doing in retail/Battle for Azeroth is wasting time. Pet battles, toy collection, gear(transmog-- make your gear look like other gear) hunting, rep grinds, questing, gathering for trade skills, or just fucking flying around like a retard, retail WoW eats up time but nothing requires any effort. By and large, excepting the core gameplay of MMO rotation/priority-based skill rotations, it shares more with mobile games (timesink, effortless, constantly producing some new bullshit to suck down time) than with MMORPGs.

Classic is what you'd expect though. Things take time and effort to achieve instead of there just being a million timewasters, but there's other gates-- drop rates of quest items, spawn rate of mobs, combat actually being somewhat tough-- that will keep you from progressing rapidly. As far as a mounting sense of achievement, Classic will probably provide as close as you'll get in the modern market to that 'old school' MMO experience of building your character over a long haul.

If I had to recommend time wasters til reforged though, I don't think I'd suggest an MMORPG. Just build autism towers in Minecraft or something, MMOs are good for about three months these days, before you run out of shit to do.

>ugly race for alliance
>Draenei females are the most lusted after characters in wow

What did he mean by this?

>you are playing wrong spec
don't group with retards like that. Guaranteed shitter looking for a carry

>does no dmg in pve
>sucks in pvp

Spoken like a true brainlet

People lust after undead and taurens.

I disagree. TBC holds the dishonor of being the worst expansion lorewise, by far. It basically butchered every character, every place, every concept from WC3 that had the bad luck of appearing in TBC.
BFA doesn't butcher the lore but it has incredibly bad writing. Either they got some interns in charge or the writers were on auto mode, because every character is a walking gimmick, a caricature or flanderization of themselves. You can know what a character will say before they even mutter a word. It's like every race and character has three key words, and any dialogue spoken by them will contain one of those key words. At this point it's a glorified fanfic.

I got an epic item at like level 20. Epics are literally fucking worthless. ALL the gear feels fucking worthless

I will never not be pissed that they had sylvannas destroy a fucking world tree with catapults

for fucks sake archimond exploded on one like a goddamn nuke and the tree was fine, what the fuck is a catapult gonna do

>>sucks in pvp

Flying works ok in Outland and Nothrend because most of those zones were designed with it in mind. Grafting it onto EK/Kalimdor was a horrible idea and another example of Blizz listening to the most retarded complainers.

They really need to redo the old world from top to bottom next xpac to make it more cohesive and bring it up to date. The 1-80 leveling experience makes me physically ill at this point.

I sincerely hope they reboot all the previous xpacs in the same vein as classic WoW, where the game had a sense of community, was more of a co-op experience and gear actually felt like it mattered. Maybe then it will feel like retail didn't die in vain

I get a lot of enjoyment out of trying to collect cosmetic stuff (achievements/mounts/pets/toys/transmog) in retail, but that's about it. The entirety of the intended 'endgame' now revolves around running one or two dungeons every week until you've got a good piece for every slot and then waiting for the next patch to reset the gear cycle, at which point you throw it all out and start over. Every other thing you can do that's more interesting as a method of getting gear (PVP, raiding) is infinitely shittier from a time invested vs. potential rewards cycle.

Classic had way less to do outside of raids and dungeons, and was far more primitive, yet somehow their understanding of how gearing should work was far better.

It wasnt done on purpose, it was because they had no idea what they were doing that they got it right. Itemizing with certain classes in mind, especially when there are a hundred different stats to choose from, should be kept to an absolute minimum

so which pve server should i join?

>go to play retail after not having touched the game since TBC launched and I got sick of attunements
>Half the zones reworked by Cataclysm have new designs that only make sense if you're familiar with their pre-Cata states and their stories are a weird mishmash of things that don't make sense chronologically
>Lich King appears at some point to taunt you in what seems like every. single. fucking. questline. in Northrend, but you'll never fight him if you're a new player, since he's in a deprecated raid
>90% of the Mists of Pandaria story is told through scenarios that are completely optional and hidden out of the way
>The story leading up to WoD was never told in game
>Half of the story of WoD was told in a single quest-line that has now been removed from the game
>Half of the quests in Legion revolve around increasing the power and abilities of your artifact weapon, which can no longer use these powers or abilities
>The story leading up to BfA WAS told in game, but was later removed for no good reason and is never recapped to players who missed it

No wonder they can't recruit any new players. I wouldn't have the patience to spend 40 hours leveling through this confusing garbage

Classic. Despite 8.2 helping it out a lot, BFA is still a grindy piece of trash that was designed to squeeze every second of game time out of you first and be a fun expansion fifth or sixth

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don't forget
>retconning the already pants on head retarded lore of BC into the opposite of what actually happened to make Legion not completely retarded... in a book
>the novel explaining the lead up to BFA makes Saurfang look as bad as Sylvanas but is never actually referenced in game because warchief (wo)man bad

>worst exp
>legion first
>bfa and wod ignored

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>retconning the already pants on head retarded lore of BC into the opposite of what actually happened to make Legion not completely retarded... in a book
You're confusing recontextualization and retcon.

I'm sure less people cleared Naxx than whatever was the hardest raid at the time for that current expansion.

Except TBC quests says clearly that Illididnu went full psychopat

Characters who didn't know any better said that, yeah.

>Characters who didn't know
>Daemon Hunter
>ex-Kael highest officers
Sure thing friend

>Alturius the Sufferer didn't know better

The Naaru didn't know him, not even the highest ranking Illidari knew what he was up to, and Altruis was an absolute 200% fucking retard. That's the same guy who sat in a field asking people to kill demons for him because he was too incompetent to do it himself.

>The Naaru didn't know him
Naaru knew what he was doing.
>not even the highest ranking Illidari knew what he was up to
Yep, unlike all playable Daemonhunters. Literally whole DH starting questline was a big retcon TBC
>That's the same guy who sat in a field asking people to kill demons for him because he was too incompetent to do it himself.
Well it's not like Illididnu was competent before Legion

>, not even the highest ranking Illidari knew what he was up to,

Sub now, play some retail, switch to classic when it's out, make your own opinion
Yea Forums will never be objective, and cannot judge in (You)r stead anyway

>Naaru knew what he was doing.
Did they? They only saw the Illidari taking over Outland, they didn't know why he was doing it.

>Yep, unlike all playable Daemonhunters. Literally whole DH starting questline was a big retcon TBC
It's not a retcon, Illidan was always a secretive asshole who hid things from people.

Those are the Demon Hunters. Vashj, Kael, and Akama weren't in on it, only his hand-picked forces were.

He did eventually tell the rest, but that was way late into BC after most of the arms of his forces were gone.

>Did they?
Well they kind of super-magical crystal/angels

>It's not a retcon, Illidan was always a secretive asshole who hid things from people.
>source: my fangirl ass

>. Vashj, Kael, and Akama weren't in on it,
Yeah they were kind of higher. His commanders

>He did eventually tell the rest,
He didn't
When forces of the Horde and the Alliance arrived to Outland he ordered to attack them.

>Well they kind of super-magical crystal/angels
They're just aliens, they're not omniscient.

>source: my fangirl ass
How about in WOTA when he joined Azshara as a double agent and told nobody about it? Or when he created the second well of eternity without consulting anyone? Or when he immediately went off on his own after being freed, met Arthas and told nobody, killed the demons in Felwood and took their power without telling Tyrande or Malfurion, or when in TFT he never told anyone that he was working to destroy the Lich King when he was in EK?

Even in BC one of Akama's problems with him was "He said we'd retake the Black Temple, and left out the part where he'd use it himself."

>Yeah they were kind of higher. His commanders
They commanded parts of the Illidari on Outland, but it was their own arms of it. Kael had the Blood Elves and Vashj had the Naga. It was explicitly said Illidan didn't tell them everything, and in BC Kael had already betrayed them, so there's no point in arguing this.

>He didn't
He did. By "the rest" I was referring to the Illidari commanders at the Black Temple in particular. As far as the Horde and Alliance goes, he mostly let his local forces deal with them because he didn't really give a fuck.

> they're not omniscient.
Compared to whom? They were demigod-like even to goats including Velen
>How about in WOTA when he joined Azshara as a double agent and told nobody about it?
Oh nice another retcon
>Or when he created the second well of eternity without consulting anyone?
He did only because he was addicted to magic just like other Highbourne
> when he immediately went off on his own after being freed
Lolwut? He led NElfs against Legion
>without telling Tyrande or Malfurion
Do you even played WC3?
>or when in TFT he never told anyone that he was working to destroy the Lich King when he was in EK?
Because he was told to get the fuck out and none wanted to talk with him.
And let's not forget that he tried to destroy LK because Kil'jaden ordered it, not because he was anti-hero.
>It was explicitly said Illidan didn't tell them everything
Yep, in Legion.
>he mostly let his local forces deal with them because he didn't really give a fuck.
Wrong again, In Hellfire Peninsula you find his orders to Illidari forces keep attacking Horde and Alliance and Cenarius expedition

Retail is boring as fuck the entire time and only even even remotely interesting if you do high end raiding which is frustrating or high end m+ which also is frustrating and gets boring fast.

Classic wow is pretty much fun the entire time unless you roll priest and like wanding for 40 levels straight

Another complete noob here.would really like to get
into wow but i absolutely hate the subscription model. I heard you can buy tokens in-game, but is it even feasible for someone who is playing for the first time to regularly buy these?
Aso on a side note: i get why so many people are excited to play wow in vanilla form as they remember it back in the day, but surely not ALL expansions changed the core experience to much and still add more great things to the game than they make worse right?

Attached: 1564928263371.jpg (720x405, 58K)

>but surely not ALL expansions changed the core experience to much and still add more great things to the game than they make worse right?

>Compared to whom?
Do you know what the word means? Because it doesn't refer to just knowing more things compared to someone else.

>Oh nice another retcon
The books came out before BC retard.

>He did only because he was addicted to magic just like other Highbourne
Literally incorrect, in the book he says he did it in case the Legion invaded again.

>He led NElfs against Legion
Not with Malf and Tyrande. Maybe some Night Elves followed him, but he never consulted with anyone about what he was doing.

>Do you even played WC3?
Malfurion literally thinks he's a random demon when he sees him.

>Because he was told to get the fuck out and none wanted to talk with him.
It's almost like that was exactly how it was in BC. Point is it's not a retcon if he has a history of acting this way.

>Yep, in Legion.
Yes, which completely aligns with the established way his character acts.

>Wrong again, In Hellfire Peninsula you find his orders to Illidari forces keep attacking Horde and Alliance and Cenarius expedition
But what those orders actually say is to continue producing more Fel Orcs while posting more guards to defend the citadel, not to attack the Alliance or Horde.

If you are someone who likes to play in a group with random people you meet along the way, classic is a good game for you

>Classic wow is pretty much fun the entire time unless you roll priest and like wanding for 40 levels straight
Guess I made a bad decision then.

the only expansions that didn't fuck up literally everything were the first two, and even those were half and half at best.
Also classic won't have tokens so you'd have to play retail too to pay your sub with them

Priest is fun as long as you're aware that shadow is the only way to level. Under no circumstances do you go anything but shadow for leveling. And make sure you bring water.

>implying I'm not going shadow the entire time