Oh jeez, so G2A isn’t such a big deal after all, eh?

Oh jeez, so G2A isn’t such a big deal after all, eh?

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Other urls found in this thread:


So what is this key blocking thing? If G2A does this then I'm not buying shit from them again. Don't advertise to your customers that it's now easier for devs to take your game away


>In the interest of transparency, G2A has published the list of all 19, which includes: Beer Money Games, Bossa Studios, CCP Games, Crimson Leaf, Deep Silver, Dirty Beast Games, Dynart, Electrocosmos, Farom Studio, Fox Byte Games, Hound Picked Games, MetalBear, Modoka Studios Entertainment, Moonlight Mouse, Nyaargh, SimaGames, Squidpunch Studios, Tate Mutimedia, and Troglobytes Games.

You misunderstand, developers don't want to co-operate with G2A, they want to get rid of it because its hurting their profit margins.

The problem was G2A was selling keys bought with stolen credit cards, not giveaway or review copies.


>So what is this key blocking thing? If G2A does this then I'm not buying shit from them again.
From what I understand it's not for revoking your already purchased keys, it's just a way for developers to de-list keys that are currently being sold for whatever reason they specify.

that's not how it'd work. the way it'd work is when a studio puts a game in a humble bundle they'd mark all the humble keys so they can't be sold on g2a. you wouldn't have the key taken from you because the seller wouldn't be able to sell it in the first place


I only recognize CCP and Deep Silver in that list.

Of course, everyone knows this. If G2A and other keysellers were such a huge issue due to illegal practices etc, there would be much more of an uproar instead of the shit we usually get. And much, much more cooperation from said devs instead of
>lol I don't have to tell you which keys are stolen just give me money

>So what is this key blocking thing?
"I don't know what this is"

>If G2A does this then I'm not buying shit from them again.
"but if they do this I'll never buy from them again"

Actual 100% full retard comment, neck yourself.

> Indie devs that loathe G2A don't want to register for their tool
Who'da thunk? With all the problems they cause, it's probably time for Valve to just kill off keys altogether and move to the new "account activation" model where you put your account name into the website and it essentially gifts you the game. That would allow places like Humble and Greenman Gaming to keep doing business while completely killing G2A/Kinguin

literally who

>You’re selling stolen keys from our games!
>Awright, let’s make a tool so you can block your keys. Deal?
>N-no, were fine!

The absolute state of indie game development

Attached: parrot.jpg (950x534, 51K)

>expensive to develop

Yeah this was probably horseshit, but it succeeded in letting them call out some literal who devs on their own horseshit

>a bunch of nobody indies
>and the kikeiest of kikes, deep silver

what a shock, I don't even use G2A but it's clear the only people that hate it are failures that need a scapegoat and companies big enough that they want to pretend they're EA but small enough they autistically screech over losing $2 on the secondhand market.

What BS? It costs devs money and they fucking know it

>Based Deep Silver is the only name anyone would ever recognize

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Why would you put your name on a list of developers dumb enough to negotiate with credit card thieves?

I would sign up for it right fucking now if I could find it
When did this become available and why didn't I hear about it? Seems like they're hiding it

This tool prevents giveaway keys from being sold, not the chargeback ones. Whether a chargedback key is sold or not does not matter to the devs anyways, because they just pull it from Steam either way.

Stop posting smug cancer while you're ill informed, you dumb nigger.

literally the first result if you search it

stop defending indie niggers, you fucking brainlet. they can stop this anytime they want by not giving away keys to their game (that they generated for free to circumvent steams 30% fee).

Didn't g2a offer stupid amounts of money to anyone who could prove that was happened on their site? An offer that literally nobody took then up on despite the constant bitching?

Indie devs just want the free publicity, you can’t generate outrage anymore with a solved problem.

>be indie dev
>try to find a roundabout way to sell Steam games without giving Steam tax for being on their distribution platform for more money
>regular people exploit the system to get your game cheap or to earn some money
If they really wanted the reselling the keys problem gone, they wouldn't release the game outside of said distribution platform, fucking dumb kikes.

Not with that attitude you can't.

The amount of samefag shilling in this thread is disgusting. You outed yourself because nobody cares this much about a shitty money laundering website. No reasonable person would post this thread without being paid. Fuck off shill.

It's a delicate dance because the grey market is created by the publishers. They generate keys and offload them cheap to resellers to flip. It's important to them that the average consumer is afraid of getting ripped off by shady sites so that people who would've bought the game full price still will, resulting in just extra money from the people who were never going to pay full price. The problem though is that in creating this grey market they've also created a safe haven to sell stolen keys. The number of stolen keys actually being sold is so low that most publishers have done the math and know to just eat the cost of chargebacks because they make more from selling bulk keys on the down low. This is why you hear bitching from the really small devs/publishers, who don't know how the game is played and don't understand they're really just getting fucked over by publishers higher up the totem pole who have every reason to keep the system going.

Did that autistic Factorio dev or whatever ever actually come forward with hard evidence of money they lost thanks to G2A or was it all the usual grandstanding bullshit?

Is your reading comprehension lacking?

But why do they never complain about reselling physical copies on consoles? Isn't it pretty much the same?

Reselling physical copies might actually hurt them even more than digital keys, because they can generate keys from thin air for free and Steam doesn't get any money from those keys. Meanwhile they have to pay for every single physical copy they make plus the standard cut that console manufacturers get for each copy sold.

>literal nobodies and fucking Deep Silver
Absolutely nothing was lost then.

he said he'd work with g2a's auditors, exactly like G2A was demanding

G2A has been all delays and excuses.

>a good 80% of them are Android developers
>a few Oculus/VR developers
>the King Jew themselves Deep Silver
Is anyone there even remotely legit? Literally a bunch of clowns, some of them literally made only one game, and a game that didn't even sell.

Game companies did complain about this and tried to capitalize by having multiplayer features tied to a one time use code inside the box.
What shill-user fails to mention is that G2A’s tool doesn’t actually do anything about the credit card fraud. This is just more G2A trying to buy positive coverage. I wonder if your employer (((G2A))) knows about the language that you’re using in promoting their website.

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I don't think you understand how much time and effort can go into an audit.

Audits take forever and are expensive as fuck. Why should game devs have to do audits so that criminals and third world era can sell keys and launder money on a shitty website?

Until today, what you wrote was true.

This, it's fucking hilarious that they are in this situation in the first place because THEY ARE TO BLAME, Steam created keygen as a means for them to give codes to reviewers. Devs abused a loophole to "steal" Steam's service and use Steam without paying Valve, but bypassed Steam's security features, and now they are playing the victim when they were technically stealing from Steam in the first place.

Go dilate

Wrong, here's an earlier one.

Oh shit, so that’s why the G2A defense force is out today. I thought it seemed strange that this thread popped up out of the blue.
Shill thread confirmed. Shut it down, G2A-Kun it’s too obvious now.

>Willingly sharing with them a full lists of all the keys you don't want to be sold there
What a retarded thing to ask for

>G2a is expecting devs to share a list of all the keys they don't want to be sold through them.
Lmao, is like giving a known thief your credit card information so he makes sure he doesn't steal from you

>negotiating with literal thieves
lmao no
they steal credit cards to buy game keys to sell on their site and they want devs to work with them? nigga fuck outta here with this clown ass shit

>they steal credit cards to buy game keys to sell on their site
prove it

Please don’t spread hurtful rumors, G2A is a reputable company like Gamestop or Steam

Why don't they fucking add a verification at the time of submitting a key asking for ticket number and place when they got it, if it's fishy g2a just needs to contact the place and confirm everything, it's what fucking instant gaming does, what the fuck, why create an useless tool

>We'll block them but only if 100 people register first (and give us money as per the terms of the contract)
>We'll pay you 10x the amount of money you lost but only if you let our "private" appointed auditing firm review your case