No mans sky bread

Will you be playing the new update?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Will you be playing the new update?

I'll play it when they're done updating it
Same with Fallout 76

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Yes. I'm a sucker for cooking in games.

Maybe I'll pirate it.

>Version 2.0
Why is that on the list? That's not a feature.

Overpromising as always
I wouldn't be surprised if it has less than 3 of those features fully realized with the rest either bare bones or excluded entirely

As someone who played the current version of NMS I can tell you that it's the exact same thing but
>buy VR and play it
>hey you can play with 32 people now
That's it. It's still literally "But what do you do?" the game judging by their upcoming features.

>Every open world early access survival game but in space
No thanks.


I want the game to be like 5 dollars and then maybe

Fuck yeah I am, I'm gonna make some pot brownies and start a new game in VR and have my mind ripped apart

The same could be said about minecraft honestly, which is partly why i'm considering returning.

The core mechanics in both games are shallow and pointless, you basically have to give yourself goals. It's not good game design but every now and then i play minecraft with some friends for a bit before we all get bored, and that month or two is still fun

God I'm gonna fucking milk aliens so hard bros..

>still no fucking ship customization
>inventory is still garbage
I pass

go to cex im pretty sure i got it for like 8 pounds
That sounds amazing

If they had waited until now to launch the game, yes. But, they had their one chance with their first impression and fucked up badly.

I will never play NMS.

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>"Go try NMS again! They fixed everything and fufilled the original vision!
>Boot it up
>Fly to "different" planets and mine rocks
>Sell resources to mine better
>Same shit as it was in 2016

Is there anything fun to do in NMS?

Can I pet my tamed alien creatures? If not, I'll pass.

Me and my friends play minecraft for like 2 hours till we are all bored this game seems like it would be really entertaining.
if they fixed the inventory you wouldnt play it still cause you dont like vidya games user

Can't wait to milk some aliens in VR.

It's become Minecraft In Space now, so no.


Did they fucking add a hunger meter on top of the oxygen meter and the radiation meter

"i dont like video games"
"i dont like video games"
oh shit i just thought of that fuck

in gonna pirate it as soon as I can


>"I don't like video games"

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What does alien milk taste like?

Is there a reason to settle in one place to make your main base considering you're moving around planets all the time? The whole base-building thing is kind of pointless otherwise.


Then don't basebuild, fuckstick

I never understood the appeal of cooking in videogames. You know you can cook in real life and actually eat it.

I never got that.
>forces you to build a base
>then forces you to fuck off trillions of miles away from it
>then forces you to build another base to progress in the story
>then tells you to fuck off again


Is this worth 50 dollydoos?

You must love ffxiv then

Christ, fuck off old man

I can't wait to go into VR and milk the aliens (male)

So they're turning it into Minecraft? Or Subnautica, I guess that's closer.
I suppose that's what everyone wanted from it. I thought the game was about fucking about around the galaxy though, never visiting the same planet twice in your quest to learn alien languages and get upgrades, so all these updates are weird.

The game has major issues with being shallow, but I'm sure there's ways to address that without just implementing shit that goes completely against the original vision of rapid-fire exploration.

Is VR actually worth getting?

People are blowing this milking shit way out of proportion, if you are expecting anything more than minecraft cow milk then you're a dumb dumb fucking bitch

Its garbage kys shill

Would you rather play the game or be in thw game, user?

VR in this game looks pretty great honestly

>game about exploring universe in spacecraft
>now you can do some cooking!
What about fucking pissing under some alien tree and shitting into some pond?

Is it worth getting into now? I remember seeing something ages ago about how you can own a capital ship to as your permanent homebase. Also submarines are a thing now.

god no fuck off i hate that shit fucking go here collect this tranny mmo bullshit. FUCK MMOS.
c u m b r a i n
It used to be till they changed it but it could still be like that for ya !
im not a shill just excited for the update jeez let people be happy

The whole game is a mess. I cant tell if they want you to play it like minecraft where you settle down and gather resources or if youre supposed to keep using your hyperdrive and go to other galaxies to do the shit story and get to the center.

Do what you want you fucking dumbass



I think so, if you were always interested in this game but you still haven't played it because of what happened at the release, now is a good time to play it, it's gotten a lot of updates and a lot of the promised features are finally in and more

Jesus Christ, dude. We get that you're excited to consume your latest entertainment product™ but you don't have to respond to every single post in this thread defending it. It's honestly really sad.

I literally bought the game yesterday to play it for this update and I'm pretty excited, but calm down.

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Yes, I am rude to dumb people.

Aren't these all the features we were supposed to have on launch years ago?

So what's stopping you?


Planets look like shit now

was this an automated bot reply
bro I can see her panties... not cool.. advertisers are gonna freak...

They looked like shit from the start, m8.

Do you guys think No Man's Sky deserves forgiveness?
I mean, what they did was shady as fuck and shouldn't be forgotten so it doesn't repeat in the future. But the team behind it has delivered on all of the promises they made for it with updates and constant work.
Would you forgive them for doing this?

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when i played it at relaease there was a race of big nosed jew aliens, are they still in?

Give Sean some slack already, yes he fucked up but he's been working hard at fixing the game and you have to respect that

I don't have to *burp* respect anything cause I'm like, my own god. Wubba lubba dub dub.

No Man's Sky thread = FATGIRL MUSIC KINO

No. I kinda want to get into Minecraft mods again, though. Is this one any good?

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I got PSVR recently as a gift and own the game and with all the changes since release + VR I imagine I'll fucking love it, so I'm genuinely excited.

Absolutely fucking not. If the game was like this since the beginning I probably would've been more lenient on the game. But they took a couple years post launch after it got "worst or disappointing game of 2016" up the ass to get it to this state.


Any other company would have left the game as it was at launch and move to another game. The developers of NMS have been working exclusively on upgrades for a game that a good chunk of people refunded or sold after a month of purchasing it.
I say they deserve a bit of forgiveness.

>This update will fix it we promise

>want to get vr
>it's expensive as fuck
>all i hear about it is that you want to throw up after using it

Been watching them on and off since their trashfire launch and it looks better now. With that multiplayer update seems like they finally got there three years later. Redemption arc soon.

This game has a special place in my heart. I was permanently IP banned from Gamefaqs for messing with the No Man's Sky defense force everyday. lol.

Give me one good reason that this game isn't just a watered down minecraft with a "flying" mechanic tacked on.

FFXIV has literally the best cooking and fishing experience in bideogames but whatever

No, no they don't.

>milking aliens

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Zoomer btfo with logic

Well I just bought it because it's on sale, there, are you happy Sean?

Only if they bring back the a dab emote.

>milking aliens

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>Tea and noms

You got a screenshot of you fucking with the shills? Could always use a laugh.

Thread over. Ignore the shills and move on.


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More like Goodbye Games.

Pretty heavy on the RAM, very fun otherwise. It made me appreciate the vanilla crafting table.

>And then everyone in the theater stood up and clapped
God i fucking hate disney and hollywood.

>Minecraft in space but it's shit

Yep, looking forward to it. The recent updates were great, but the new one looks better than those and I've got no other game tying up my time right now. Plus it may make the useless VR headset of mine have some actual use for a change.

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Creative comment, Yea Forumsro, nobody else in the thread said your exact same comment.

I just don't know why they're making it more like a survival/crafting game and less like a space exploration game

I started a new game with survival mechanics because usually playing without them is not what the dev intended and it's pussy mode. However the survival mechanics are absolutely fucking obnoxious and everything wrong with the survival genre, it's not fun just tedious. Is there any shame playing without oxygen/hazards on?

if you're used to high framerates then it won't be as jarring
if your eyes aren't the best you can be more prone to dizziness, in these cases you just need to play more until you get what they call your "vr legs"
as someone lucky enough to be able to jump into Doom vfr with full locomotion and comfort settings off I'd say it's not so bad, but I guess it really varies

I imagine it's to face the backlash of all the people who thought it was a survival game to begin with. The survival mechanics aren't that bad, but for general exploration I typically go to creative mode.

at least in minecraft you can have infinite amounts of storage space
one of the biggest issues in this game is that even in end game you're still farming for low level items

>c u m b r a i n

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Which is easier, hamfisting crafting or interesting gameplay and combat, maybe with cool creatures that only appear on certain kinds of planets. Give it another two decades though and it'll get there, I promise

Why the fuck did they add it in


>Would love to play NMS again if only they'd allow me some decent ship customisation and some more variety in space combat
I love space combat with a less simulator feel, I will literally give anything that has it a try. I bought Starlink on PS4 day one for fucks sake. NMS has the chance to really improve it's space flight aspects but the spend all their dev time pandering to people who legitimately don't want to play a game they want to sit on one planet in their little house and play happy families. Tell the fucking fishing/cooking/crafting faggots to go "play" one of the 1000 other do nothing simulators out there, I literally want nothing more than this to be more of a video game and let me shoot the shit out of things in ships with more variety in size/look/handling/function.

Oh, user. You were doing so well before mentioning that dumpster fire...
Also, what are you? Poor?

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Yeah. Feel bad for all the faggots too invested in memes to have fun.

Its clearly after "and much more..." so it's not part of the list

Had a dream about comfy space travel because I saw a thread about this yesterday. Is it worth getting into these days?

I don't want VR. I want ship customization.

fpbp, go fuck yourself sean

So what makes Version 2.0 gay, exactly? Space ships shaped like penises? Aliens with penises? Penis shaped foliage? Penises swimming in toxic lakes? Toxic penises making toxic lakes? Terraforming penis presets?

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heres what guna happen.

imma play creative mode as i always do. since no fuel costs ill visit all planets within 2 hours. then ill have seen all the... 9 variants of planets and ill get bored of it. then ill mod it to look like atlas rises and then ill play another 6 hours and then ill wait for next update. literally the same shit every fucking update

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forgot pic

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The game isn't really designed for emphasis on space flight or nonstop space combat, user. Play Elite Dangerous if that's what you're after, because that game is nearly ALL dogfights and aerial combat, which sounds more like what you're after.

why not both confirmed you anus

Sounds like a you problem then.


On a sale, definitely. Besides, you can refund it on Steam if you don't like it. It's unironically one of the comfier games I own.

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let it go sean

How's underwater content? Is it Subnautica in NMS?

>you STILL cant build your own ship or even CUSTOMISE your ship

In tired of those randonly generated pieces of shit. They all look pieced together from parts anyhow so why can I use the assets in game to build my own? Why cant i atleast repaint my ship? Until then FUCK nns

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see the problem with ur pic related is that theres never anything to discover when u go "exploring" deep into ocean. no atlantis style city, no treasure, just more of the same. theres also no danger whatso ever. no shark to eat u. or whale to kill u. just nothing.

no ur anus

Theyve literally never apologised.

Wait, they still haven't added ship customization? LMAOOOOOOOOO That's like one of the first things you think about in a game like this.

I've got the money put aside to buy it tomorrow. It's a shame that PS4 and Console have no crossplay but I am looking forward to it nonetheless.

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>Game set in space about flying your spaceship to the galactic core
>Why would they work on the space flying part of the game?
I'll kill you user

We stopped serving ship customization at 11:30.

Name 5 space games that arent voxel building type things like Space Engineers that let you build your own ship.

You can't even the most prominent space games on the market build your own ship. You get given what youre given. At best you just get recolours in elite dange... Oh yeah you have to pay for those.

As much as I hate that word I have to agree, this game is relaxing as fuck

I used to only play creative and got pretty bored of that. Doing a normal save has been a lot more fun because I actually have incentive to explore planets I'd otherwise ignore in creative mode. Creative is best for building and freeform exploration, but personally I think it lacks the gameplay loop that normal mode has. Survival is a chore and permadeath is no babby allowed mode too, so you can try those.

Survival mode wasn’t what the dev intended, but rather a response to the community asking for challenge. Yes, it is annoying, especially until you figure out how to manage your fuel. But even then every planet is extremely hazardous so your LS fuel grind is faaaar higher than it is in normal.

If it’s annoying you just play normal like everyone else. It’s the same shit but without needing to refill LS every 12 seconds.


Im not playing your shitty fucking game sean

It's the concluding statement that this is 2.0

Nigger most people already paid for it. It's a free update, take your retarded pasta somewhere else.
And don't use Miku for your shitposting ever again.

So could I buy an old physical version and just update? Or is this some rerelease BS?

I will actually. It's pretty shitty that he released an incomplete game but handing out free updates instead of just shrugging and moving on to another game or releasing paid content is better behavior than most other devs. Willing to give this dev a chance at redemption.

I do wish oceans had more to offer. The update is overhauling them, though, adding greater depths and new assets, so hopefully that can be addressed soon. I just like having a rebuilt Sealab in a game loaded with references to Bebop Cola.

They do. They stuck to their guns and improved their dream game, when any other company would have moved on to the next when it immediately did not meet the expected popularity. This type of dedication must be rewarded.

Supposedly it's a completely free update, so yes.

Ship TCG is unironically better than instant gratification ship customization tbqhwyf.

Fuck of you cringey shit

>Can't walk around your ship
>2 fps
>Tacked on Minecraft features that nobody asked for
>The universe is full of NPCs (useless ones) so the title of the game doesn't even make sense
>No visible weather effects
>No fun combat
>Piss easy yet boring
>No rivers or waterfalls
>No promised sand worm
>No promised animal AI
>Frigates can't crash down onto planets
>Space is colored like a rainbow
>No interstellar exploration

Yeah, that's the best thing to do. Copies go for like 10 bucks used, that's how most of my friends got it.

no user you dont understand ITS IN SPACE and has COOKING and FISHING and you can MILK ANIMALS

There is a handfull of good games and heaps of mediocre shit

Wait, is fishing actually confirmed? If they don't fuck it up it might be my GOTY

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I think I honestly don’t give a shit about any of this nu-user deliberation shit and the game is fun so I will play it.

Space RPG market is so fucking dry I'm considering getting this for a while now but the reputation is kinda driving me away.

Is it actually a good game now? Big update comes in few days right?

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Big update is tomorrow

I kinda like this game, it's deeply flawed but some enjoyment can come from it, shame it's almost impossible to talk about it without being called a shill.

All this talk about MILKING, FISHING and COOKING reminds me of a certain anime mmo general that wouldn't shut up about handholding and princess carrying.

Milking and Fishing is fucking awful, in every game. I don't even have an opinion on milking, why would you want to do that?

I need some combat. Is there any combat? I need to ruin another person's work or else I won't feel satisfied. I don't mean like EVE combat that's just boring, it has to be interesting and skill-based.

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I won't pay more than 10 bucks for this. The game is extremely boring, all you do is go to a planet, mine rocks and trees for 5 minutes then move to the next planet and repeat.

Nah, it's boring. You go through like four or five planets (which doesn't take much time) and you get bored. It's not an RPG.

I personally stuck with it from the shitty launch because I couldn't get anything for selling it. It's a totally different game than launch, and a much better one. It's more of a relaxing experience than anything unless you pick hardcore or permadeath, but if you like retro sci fi aesthetic and sandboxes, it's a pretty decent one for the price.

It's possible it might be considered a decent game eventually. I'm surprised it didn't just fade into obscurity, you have to give the devs some credit for wanting to keep the game alive.
This has happened with many games before, where it's shit for years until it gets fixed. Typically through paid expansions like Civilization or definitive editions like DmC. So the fact that this is free is nice.

Play GTAO, you can destroy/steal people's cargo, use a normal vehicle for a challenge.

>I kinda like this game, it's deeply flawed but some enjoyment can come from it, shame it's almost impossible to talk about it without being called a shill.
That's Yea Forums for you since 2016. You're not allowed to enjoy any game or discuss it if Yea Forums notices any controversy. I usually don't pay attention to people here when it comes to recommendations because of that.

I don't know if it's good or not, that depends on you but it's way fucking better now, that's for sure and from the looks of it they will continue on updating and making the game better

I didn't really give a shit at launch but seeing that update about the multiplayer I might jump in and see if its any good. If its shit than I can use it as a flying sim to chill with while listening to some background noise.

It depends on what you mean by RPG. If you mean in the typical definition of the genre, no. There's no story to alter and customization is relatively linear. If you mean a game where you can play make believe that you're a space explorer, yes it's pretty damn good.

>Is it actually a good game now?
forget the entire space part. the current development direction wants you to sit on a single planet and experiencing a shittier minecraft.
as always the only good space rpgs are either old shit or autistic indie stuff like starsector and aurora4x

Sheeps still giving these scammers money... Fuckin retards
Hellogay office should be Charlie Hebdo'ed out of existence for the scam they pulled

>. the current development direction wants you to sit on a single planet and experiencing a shittier minecraf
what the fuck lmaooooooooo
i wonder what MILK AND FISH guy has to say about this

>one of the few people that liked No Man's Sky on launched
>thought it was $20 overpriced, but the procedural exploring gimmick is something I've always enjoyed, I just wanted a bigger modern Noctis IV
>every update since launch has focused on adding these bullshit "features" that don't improve the core appeal of the game
>add more opportunities to trade and shit, but it's still far worse as a general space-truckin game than most stuff in the genre
>add more tedious combat, and make it more annoying
>add basebuilding, which just anchors you down to a specific place when a huge part of the game's vibe was just endlessly travelling
>now add cooking and fishing to this fucking exploration game, because more busywork is what it needed
I fucking hate the masses. The exact group of people who say the game is "fixed" now. No, you fucking cretins, as a traditional game it's still and always will be a weak space-sim bolted onto a generic survival game, and that's not the game's strong suits at all. Make more interesting shit for me to find. Add more variety, more weird terrain, more detail in the procedurally generated creatures.

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I was going to buy it to play with friends but they'll most likely be playing classic wow if the update comes out anytime this month

>if they will continue on updating and making the game better
They are damage controlling, they will stop once people stop shitting on them

>>one of the few people that liked No Man's Sky on launched
Stopped reading here. You're clearly mentally ill.

Look what happened to XIV. It looks like this could become next Minecraft.

> the current development direction wants you to sit on a single planet and experiencing a shittier minecraft.
Progressing your base requires you to explore new planets to find different resources. I'm assuming the whole milking/fishing thing will be the same. Also you can access your base from any solar system.

>hurf durf how person like thing i not like?
I wanted something specific out of the game and I largely got it. I knew exactly what the game was going to be and warned all my friends not to buy it.


The fact that it's all been free and continues to be free is the bulk of why I didn't toss the game after launch. It's a good practice given most devs would up and leave.

So is this gonna affect my save I had before in some way? Wondering if I should just wait for the update and start a new game or go play now

Or maybe they actually want to make a good game and deliver on all their promises

xiv was completely fucking revamped
nms keeps getting useless fluff features that no one cares about for more than 5 minutes instead of improving core gameplay

Wasn't there an update that lets you own an entire gypsy fleet to call home?

They've been doing this for three years, and currently top best selling games lists from just the last year alone. Barely anybody is shitting on them, and given they're working on 2 other games at the same time, I doubt it's "damage control."

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>Make more interesting shit for me to find. Add more variety, more weird terrain, more detail in the procedurally generated creatures.

Isn't this exactly what they are adding now?

You should be more mad that you have such trash taste.

If they wanted to make a good game they woud have made something else, nms is done, all they are doing is adding glitter to the steamig pile of shit.

Does this still run like fecal droppings on PC? Back when I tried it I couldn't get stable 60fps on a GTX970 without making the game look like puke.

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>Just want Aliens civilizations that live on planets.
>That then lead into quest arcs ala Star Trek where I have to solve a problem and they reward me.

Yeah, they'll be rehashed after the 5th one, but its the only other mission type I want. Them adding aliens on the planets is a step towards that, but not close enough.

But no, they have to cater to the photographer/base builder crowd. Fuck.


I was never let down.
I think it's a dedicated group of autists and faggots who are still trying to sabotage the game and it's clear that it's not going to work and whatever comeuppance that could have happened has already sailed. Few companies give a game three years of supports. Look at Activision and CTR. People are actually defending the microtransactions yet if NMS even attempted the same those few people would scream holy hell. Fallout 76 was an actual shitshow and buggier than NMS at launch but people defend it. The faggots still crying about the game will never go after the big corporations that do genuine scummy shit because they know they'll lose as quickly as they start, so go for the smaller company.

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Previous updates usually didn't mess with saves much, aside from planets changing on occasion. You should be able to still use your save, I've used the same one since launch.

>and given they're working on 2 other games at the same time, I doubt it's "damage control."
>and given they're working on 2 other games
you just gave the very fucking reason why they would want damage control.
they need to regain the trust from the consumerbase so that their future projects are not dismissed right away

Why the fuck would I want to progress any base? That was never the pull of the game. Fishing will be dogshit because the water looks like dogshit.

I hope you die in a car crash, faggot

>the same dumpster fire but with more garbage in it

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This is my concern too. Also a 970.

They explicitly said saves are not affected. You'll be able to continue.

What other stuff are they working on?

Probably when it gets down to 15 bucks.

>I think it's a dedicated group of autists and faggots who are still trying to sabotage the game
Then you're retarded. I was also not let down at all, because I was aware of what it was. The huge outrage over it was an inevitability with the amount you got tremendously autistic faggots all over the place completely and utterly supplanting what the game would be with their own fantasy.

Will you actually be able to run into other people now or is it just instanced multiplayer? Not a dealbreaker (especially since I already have the fucking game) but would be nice to know.

Yeah, so small that they only made millions of sales. There's no way they could've made the improved the game with that.

This. Meme rage is a hell of a drug.

How the fuck do you get credits and a good multi tool in the game? I’m thinking about starting a new game fresh when the update Releases

It's not about forgiveness or disappointment, it's about fucking objectively judging a game. If it was shit back then, well everyone let them know and they underperformed. If it's good now, then props need to be given
The only thing that people need to learn is to really analyze and judge a game before buying it. Even devs that never lied about their product would put out a game that you thought might be good, but ends up underperforming

My PC barely used to run it, but they did a full engine rework for Vulkan and now it works really well for me. But I'm not too smart with my PC so I couldn't give you the specs from memory. All I know is I run below min specs and it works well.

I completely argree but
>forget the entire space part. the current development direction wants you to sit on a single planet
Even the part of the game that orients you in one solar systems requires you to explore space.

Just add mod support

The shills are in full autism mode. Fuck off Sean, no one here wants to play your video """game"""

I’m pretty sure everyone just moved to /scg/. Besides, wouldn’t restarting the general bring back all the scum that overran the general in the first place.

I do. What now faggot?

A game called The Last Campfire shown at E3 and an unannounced RPG title in development.

Actually run into people, it'll put you in instanced shards with other players in your same system or on your same planet.
Look up the trade chart that explains how trading works. Pays better first, then you can work on nanites to upgrade the multitool or scanner.

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>They are damage controlling
They got back on reddit and journo's good sides with the last two updates. Yea Forums is irrelevant, the damage control is long over.

>it's a dedicated group of autists and faggots who are still trying to sabotage the game
you're fucking delusional.
no, you just have to consider the fact that NMS is still associated with negative memories for most people and random anons tend to drop into threads to give their opinion about a game being shit.
>few companies give a game three years of supports
because they don't have a need to rebuild their repuation. hello games can only regain trust by attempting to fix the shitshow they created if they wish to keep making games
>Activision and CTR
>Fallout 76
>b-b-b-but this totally unrelated game is shit too!
>The faggots still crying about the game will never go after the big corporations that do genuine scummy shit
they do but the big boys have a solid grasp on the market. even if they fuckup in one franchise they still have others to support them
best example: EA

holy shit my eyes

You could run in to people after the last big update. I'm not sure how it worked but some dude popped in on me while I was digging a tunnel. I think it would cap out at 4 whereas now it'll cap at 32.

why are people playing this game again? I thought everyone agreed this game is garbage?

You can use teleporters to return to your base and the system you built it in at any space station, morons.

>that image
Yep. Still a shit game.

Why all these dumb emotes? Can't they use * for a list?

Because I enjoy it and I also trigger somebody on Yea Forums just by having the game so that's always a plus

Because Yea Forums has never been and never will be a hivemind.

Farming is the best but it takes the largest investment.
Exotic material farming is good and just requires you to be able to move fast.

it's the current normie trend to stuff emotes everywhere

at least this shit isn't as dead as rdro and 76 tho holy fuck.

>lie to everyone
>never apologize
>suddenly everyone loves your game
the absolute state of No Man's Shills

>never been a hivemind
>what is DMC 5?
>what is TORtanic?
>what is FO76?

>creature milking

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>what is FO76?
The gift that keeps on giving lmao.


I never gave a shit and still don't. Never was a fan of DMC.

The game sold tons but had bad publicity, it did not flop but was called shit by 99% of the internet. Instead of disbanding or moving to the next game, the team stuck to the game, listened to the complaints, and pumped out improvements and large patches. All 100% free.

Now it's been 3 years and they're about to put the last remaining features that should've been in the base game. Most notably, it's about to become the largest VR sandbox.

The notable thing about NMS is that it's the biggest comeback from bad publicity in the history of modern games. Yea Forums is about the only place I've read that's still shitting on the game.

If things continue going really well it's a very strong contender for Best Ongoing Game on this year's TGA.

>. hello games can only regain trust by attempting to fix the shitshow they created if they wish to keep making games
And they are. What's the problem? Damned if they do, damned if they don't. You seem mad they're doing just that instead of running off with the money.

Would you rather they not improve the game and leave it to die? Yeah, I think you do so you can continue crying about how they're liars.

>implying Yea Forums had anything to do with the success or failure of these titles
>implying instead that it wasn't a large group of people who saw that TOR was going to be a trainwreck, DMC5 was going to be good, and that FO76 was going to be half-baked and riddled with bugs that beggared belief, all based on exactly those things happening with prior titles by those companies
>instead implying that it must've been the hivemind of Yea Forums

BASED retard

Sev tech is extremely grindy and force changes other mods to fit in its pack. You wont be able to stsrt playin vanilla mimecraft till like 4 hours+ into it and it forces you to do the most mundane shit for basic resources. Want leather? Go kill animals for their hides, combine the hides with salt and a watersack full of water, hamg it up to dry for 2 minutes then take the salted hide down, combine it with tree bark and a water sack full of water, then hang it up for 2 mins. Now you have one piece of leather. Shit like that. Also bein forced to do gay magic mods sucks

I bought the game just now. It's on discount right no on PSN. See you tomorrow.

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They still haven't implemented the animal AI we saw or sand worms. Why are you so desperate to defend a scam? It's a shit game, with each new update they're just making it closer to Minecraft in space, which is exactly what they said they wouldn't do.

it's a multiplayer game, buy it on PC you fool

>still $60 despite being 3 years old and having one of the worst launches of the last decade
Fuck this shit.

>What's the problem?
I have no problem with it. It's a good act but that doesn't give you a fucking reason to put them above anyone else nor will it ever excuse the shitshow they created since it's a marketing ploy to rebuild trust.
Also I don't really get where your assumption of me being angry comes from.
Do you seriously cling onto your delusion that there's some conspiracy directed by a group of evil people to crash your favorite little game?

Fucks sake my only issue with the game is that the updates are focusing on gay basebuilding instead of exploring
>b-b-but you have to explore to gather materials!
the issue is that there's a pitiful amount of variety in terrain. so you're basically forced to explore the same 5 palette swaps over and over.
so instead of forcing the player to explore through dumb survival mechanics, make them want to explore by adding in more variety in terrain and entitites

not him but I leveled fishing to 40 before I even knew about the levequests, fishing is so damn comfy

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
As you were.

My PC is a toaster and I have a PSVR. It's not like there won't be enough people to play with or something.

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They're liars no matter what they do now.

>three years of updates
>zero (0) work has been done to make flying better, make ships more interesting, or give players anything to do in space

Not mad, just disappointed.

Sigh....All these stupid trolls hating on this amazing game. These losers don't even play games. I haven't played a game before but I'm planning on playing this soon but I spent all my money on the Thank You Sean Murray billboard

>>what is DMC 5?
A shitty game thats also extremely misogynistic

>>what is TORtanic?
The best MMO on the market

>>what is FO76?
A diamond in the rough that will be the standard for all multiplayer shooters

hahahahahahahahahaha I'm playing No mans Sky!!! Triggered much? hahahahahahahahahahaha

900 hours of my life gone and you're so triggered hahahahahahaha

dilate and Sneed

Or you know, they could just make a good game and people like you could not grovel literal shit.

agreed. it really is the best game of this generation and I'm planning to buy it today

have sex


Literally seething because I have NMS in my library lmao

>milking aliens as a selling point
is that the kind of fanbase this game has?

>the best game of this generation
I feel bad for you if you really believe this.

>I like video game not because it's good but because it annoys people
sounds like something a guy that got bullied in high school would say

The real seethe is you because you've just been made a mockery of

stay mad you sexist basement dweller

I hope there are aliens with big futa cocks that I can milk

Serious question. Why does this game attract so many demented fan boys? And why do they seem to like Sean Murray so much? See:

Go back sweetie

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anyone who thought they could deliver even 10% of their promises at launch is a sucker, so fuck everyone

get a shower and go outside

this, at least say sorry for a year of lies.

>"In terms of features,” he says, “in terms of design, decision-making, and stuff, we always say ‘Does this encourage exploration or does it not?’, basically. And we use that to cut out features. So things like base-building: we don't have base-building. And the reason is, it would just make people want to stay where they are and not explore. And we've built this whole huge universe, and that would be a shame! We want them to go out and explore. Or, for instance, each planet could contain loads of different biomes within it, we could have polar ice caps, and all that kind of thing, but then it wouldn't make you want to go and visit other planets. So we don't have that, and that's really purposeful, and that's our kind of vision for the game."
This was never marketed as a Minecraft clone. It's like more promises get broken as time goes on.

>retarded people have shit tastes
why does this surprise you?

after all these years.... i might give it a chance!

Go back to posting screenshots :)

yeah but even the biggest skyrim fan boys aren't screeching about todd howard being a genius

The game isn't $60 on any of the stores.

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>no microtransactions in sight
>instead of running away with the money they STILL try to fix this mess
cautious indifference for now, I'm actually impressed they tried to salvage this despite the lack of season pass, if it continues I might be interested in it

fuck apologies, fix the game
tired of game developers giving their shitty sorry excuses and tales of 'development hell'
this guy chose the right move to not say shit and fix the game. I won't ever touch the game, but good on him, still sad for his fans.

>biggest comeback from bad publicity in the history of modern games
This isn't For Honor

Who the fuck is Sean Maroon and why is everyone acting like he's the second coming of Jesus?

Will there finally be huge monsters like huge sandworms or massive underwater monsters?
Also what's the point of mounts when your always have your spaceship with you

>but it's on sale for $30 right now :^)
Fuck off retard.

I promise you there is some Skyrim fan out there with a Todd poster on his bedroom wall.

>16-32 players
That's their whole player base? I knew a lot got refunds, but I had no idea there game was THAT dead.

I'm planning to buy it, Sean Murray was a trainwreck back then but it's kinda relieving to see a comeback story on the industry these days
ESPECIALLY one without any fanfare and narcissism involved in it

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and people will buy into these promises


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I don't care for multiplayer at all. I just want world generation like it was in the first trailers.

>power & logic &industrial bases
Please tell me I can have a logistics chain like in Factorio

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Absolutely not.

3 years later there isn't a single attractive female in this game.

Why bother? They upped the price. I was actually going to get it at $19.99 but for some reason when it was in bargain bins for $10, the one day just upped the price to $29.99 again, fuck that shit.

Because it's not a complete dumpster fire anymore. I don't love the game, but I got it at dumpster fire price and feel it was worth it.

If janky slow paced minecraft in space sounds fun, it'd recommend it. I know not everyone's cup of tea.

no lol

its worse post-NEXT than it was during atlas rises. at least with atlas rises you had variety....