Hitman thread

Hitman thread

who are you killing?

favorite level? favorite weapon? did you get that secret escape in NY yet?

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I'm waiting for the Resort level to drop.


i'm still waiting for my AIRPORT map.

I'm not bragging or anything but I originally made this suggestion and then everyone started agreeing. I was the source.

For me, it's Sean Bean

Well, it's w pretty good suggestion, but I think we'll get the island and that'll be it for season 2

airport sounds like that hotel level from 47/contracts with metal detector gimmick

Airport would be a great location (restricted areas, public areas, lots of assassination opportunities) but the new devs are too pussy to add a controversial location.

>"Hitman lets players become terrorists and blow up a plane"

airports are the last place a terrorist would go nowadays. public places with lots of people are ideal now, and hitman has a ton of maps like that.

It would be a kind of fantasy to have an airport map to me too, because of how challenging it would be to smuggle weapons or kill anyone.

i think IOI were thinking of airports when designing their first levels of Hitman. I mean it's just so simple in the airports - places you can go as a passenger, places you can't go and shit, high security and the ultimate goal to not die from a cavity search. It's kinda funny since the earliest art of hitman 2016 featured 47 in the airport.

Post Hitman levels you want.
Here's my list;
>ski resort
>cruise ship
>open-air concert
>opera/theater/cinema building
>some kind of large gov't agency building/embassy
>nuclear power plant
>porn convention
>gun/weapons convention

I highly doubt you were the only faggot who thought of an airport level.

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>Go through S1 challenges
>You know the number
>Get the genious idea of spreading the virus myself
>120 infected in the blink of an eye
>Also try to do it SA
That was the most thrilling hour of Hitman I've ever played. Stealthed about 80 kills before I got tired and just gunned down the rest.

People have been suggesting an airport level since SA.

They already sort of had an open air concert, church and embassy in hitman 2016.

Airport would be dope though and atach the cinema to an entire mall map so it isn't so constrained.

I meant a large ass Cathedral.
As for the embassy have the entire level be just a large building, like in Splinter Cell.
Mall would be cool too.

>Bought the Expansion pass
>Still can't play in the Miami level

I understand there could be multiple sources, i'm just saying there was a good chance i was one of them.

Now I have a picture of that pope Pepe sniping protestant Wojak, but with a smug 47 as Pepe, in my mind


based or no?

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He’s so beautiful. How do I get a chad hit man boyfriend bro’s?

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because he does a lot of travelling and talks to diana

I have tennis elbow (now called 'mouse elbow') from playing Hitman for like 4 months straight. I'm not even kidding. So I can't play games where I have to use mouse precision because it causes those musles/tendons to tense up and it will never heal. I miss it so much. I haven't even played the prison level because it's just impossible to do the Sniper missions without non-stop precision aiming for hours on end to grind the challenges. I did manage the Elusive Target earlier this month at least. Somehow.

Also, look at this unethical pitgirl. "diverse staff" my ass. #MeToo will hear about this.

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Hitman 2 has sold 8 million copies. Over half of which were on the PC. And IOI just opened a new studio. That is not something dead franchises do.

i'm thinking more outdoorsy stuff. like that part in the nightcall where you need to get to the boat or the sniper has acquired target part in SA. Maybe some sort of sekrit underground facility in rural area? but that smells of colorado...

dude wtf i used to play 1000's of hours of cs and never got "tennis elbow". are you sure you don't means rsi?

Please keep in mind IOI is not an American company. Otherwise the entire series would be shit instead of just half of it. While Warner Brothers might have something to say about an airport, IOI wouldn't be as reluctant. Especially since it's such a ripe opportunity and they're eventually going to run out of ideas.

Still think it was a waste to use the Prison theme on a Sniper level. I'd like to see both the mansion (Himmelstein or whatever) and the prison converted to actual levels.

was that open air concert before the Vegas shooting? I just remembering that everytime I started the level, the first thing I did was walk out the back door of the safehouse and shoot that bitch in the face so she'd stop singing. Christ that was annoying.

>Please keep in mind IOI is not an American company
Thank god. Yuropeen devs are the only reason we're still getting decent western games.

Why is this stickied?

i played Hitman 2016 on a controller mostly, but started playing the second one on a kb+m and it kinda stuck.

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There's literally only 1 (one) bad game in the entire series, get fucked.

I'm just old. My birthday is today. I turned 42. Doc confirmed it's actually 2 extensor carpi radialis tendons. Technically I have tennis elbow and golf elbow at the same time. It's not something people under 35 normally have to worry about.

it's not

k&l multiplayer was some of the most fun i've ever had in an online game

ah i see my dude, happy bday.

>half of the series is shit
good job outing yourself as a complete pleb.

No, they said it's a brand new IP that the 3rd studio is working on. Not one of the 4 they already own. They didn't give details. It was in that 40 minutes interview on youtube.

Fuck you mutts. Stop ruining everything.

i think they overused the soviet winter wonderland aesthetic in SA. i would love to see some sort of old russian kremlin level with underground vaults and shit. But sgail exists and i don't think they're gonna do another castle level for a while now.

I was thinking of the Sapienza dlc level where you kill the politcian. Its not really an open-air concert but its like a concert with crowds and live music.


We're used to what we're used to. I think I saw something on Yea Forums yesterday about someone winning a FPS tournament with a controller.

>get fucked.
I'm trying god dammit!

Are you a bad enough dude to have the toolbox?

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>beating Cho's high score

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This is a top post.

I was, but then I got hit with the Mk IIpill.

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>Not SA
Get your head into the game, user.

Ski Resort will be kino whenever they do it.

I've been slowly making my way through Hitman 2 (starting with the legacy levels) since PS+ got 1 for free. Went to the 1 launcher to do Sarajevo Six last night and then switched to replaying Miami and did the hot sauce assassination.

The only thing that bothers me is the always-online bullshit. Every week or so there'll be a moment where the game loses connection to the server and I need to sit like an idiot and wait until it reconnects. Dystopian.

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I really wish there was a way to filter duplicates. I mean, having a Mk1 and Mk2 proximity mine or something I get because having 2 could theoretically be useful. But 95% of the stuff is shit no one needs 2 off. Identical guns, cases, tools. Etc. And all the best OP
items, they didn't give a Mk2 version of.

Yeah, this was Patient Zero. And I kind'a accidentally killed 2 people without double checking to make sure they were infected first. There's a bug on that level. The head doctor in the black hazmat suit won't infect other NPCs. If you take his suit off, and infect him, you can put his (knocked out) body in a pile of non-infected people, and the virus was transfer to them. I have no idea why. But that is what happened. I had tossed 2 of those stacked bodies over the edge before I noticed the "non-target killed" message. I didn't bother reporting the bug since it was something no one else probably ever noticed.

>and the virus was transfer to them
*won't transfer

In the first level of H1 you can drop the light rig and kill a ton of random fashion journalists alongside the target. Even weirder it's like the primary "setpiece" kill of the mission.

Kind of weird because they never focused on a mass-casualty kill like that again. Guess it would make Agent 47 seem too evil if they constantly goaded the player into that sort of thing. I assume you can do a similar thing by putting poison in the hotel lobby vents though?

man i was just thinking about it, the challenge is deadass called Showstopper.
can you actually kill people in Bangkok by poisoning the vents? there's only insecticide available and that only knocks them out.

serial killer in the making

Is it just me or does the SSAO setting really makes light too contrasting? Places get too dark and I end up not being able to see things

Mastered the bank level and got the homing briefcase, now I'm waiting for whatever ET is next so I can get the next suit.


the Heck is wrong with hitman fans

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so this is what trump meant when he was talking about games causing mental illnesses

>did you get that secret escape in NY yet?

fuck off /pol/

have to give it to him, the autism in making 5 different kills on an elusive is amazing

Maybe Anita was right

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fucking hell

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is this fetish or serial killer in the making

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Fetish is most likely, maybe a bit of both

Yeah fucking disgusting, Sword Art Online is utter trash.

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how is this pleasure?


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The Anti Aliasing in this game is atrocious

People get off on wierd shit, I was talking to a guy here a few days ago that intentionally downloaded malware and jacked off to it.

I missed the PSN sales by one day

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wtf sticky thread?

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How would I know what he was called

>Hitman 2 has sold 8 million copies.

I thought the game bombed? I'm guessing since it dropped in price so quickly people picked it up

Only the first one bombed, second sold pretty well


This channel has over 1 million views. Wow

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You can start any mission with a lethal poison in your loadout, so I don't see why not.

not too hard considering he's got a million videos

Let's be honest, half the appeal of the game is being able to drown women in the toilet.