Can you feel life movin' through your mind?

Can you feel life movin' through your mind?
Ooooh, looks like it came back for more, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Can you feel time slippin' down your spine?
Ooooh, you try and try to ignore, yea-yeaah!

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That looks fucking retarded, how the fuck was Shadow inferior to that thing?

wasn't shadow the perfect version and biohazard the prototype? SA2's story is fucking shit anyway

The Biolizard is the prototype, Shadow is the final product.

He wasn't retard it was literally the prototype before gerald was able to make a actual "perfect" life form that could live on its own. The only reason it took both super sonic and shadow to beat it was because it chaos controlled and melded itself with an entire space station in a suicide move. The thing can't even live without the ARK.

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Anthro Biolizard where?

Look it up. It probably already exists.


It exists. Its not very good but, it exists.

If I gave Shadow... fifteen apples... and then Amy gave Shadow sixteen... and Tails took away three... my question is... what's the total mass of the Sun?





Remember playing this at a friends house and his mum made us turn it off and go outside because she thought she heard

>Can you feel life movin' through your mind?
>Ooooh, he fuckin' came back for more, yeah, yeah, yeah!

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Okay, looks like it’s full autism time:
Gerald Robotnik saw the the ancient hieroglyphs of Perfect Chaos in the Mystic Ruins, and decided to model the prototype after THAT, in an attempt to crack the code to immortality. It also helped that regular lizards have regenerative capabilities, so they used one as a base for experimentation and mutation.
After that bombed, he then took the design of the Super Sonic hieroglyph, and implemented that, as well as Black Doom’s alien jizz or whatever, into his second iteration.
THAT’S why both Shadow and the Biolizard look like the way they do.

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actually really interesting

I thought the same for a long time.

this fight is honestly one of the hypest moments of that generation of gaming
to this day climactic boss battles / main menu leitmotif get me pumped as fuck

Biolizard lived for 50+ years on nothing
Shadow was frozen for 50 years then "died" like a little bitch

No question who the real Ultimate Lifeform was

Gerald did canon have a hardon for the echidnas (The final part of Cannon's Core even samples some of Lost World's music) but nothing about Biolizard looks anything like Perfect Chaos.

Man, it sucks Sonic Team can’t do lore like this anymore.