Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call

>Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call

If this is what being an adult is like, I want nothing to do with it

Also he revealed recently he doesn't even edit his own videos, and films many of the AVGN episodes in the same day (meaning they're lower quality garbage like the Dirty Harry ep). It sure is great being a dad!

Attached: avgn baby monitor 2.jpg (1620x944, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/avgn baby monitor 2.jpg/

i really hope he man ups one day, he definitely has potential to be an alpha male and fuck teens all day long

>actually caring about a old cringy balding autistic unfunny retard here hurrdurr poop jokes so funny XD
He sucks

>If this is what being an adult is like, I want nothing to do with it
You can still have a career and do other big boy things without starting a family

It's time to grow up, user, and face responsibilities.

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>not actually caring caring about a old cringy balding autistic unfunny retard here hurrdurr poop jokes so funny XD
>replying in thread about a old cringy balding autistic unfunny retard here hurrdurr poop jokes so funny XD
consider kyssing

>If this is what being an adult is like, I want nothing to do with it
Don't worry, you were never getting a chance at it anyway.

>"here's your wife bro xd"

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Sorry I’m not a retarded 12 year old I don’t care about some lame old guy yelling at old games

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you cared enough to post twice in an avgn thread ;^)

user, he fell for the marriage meme. That's what messed him up. Don't fall for the marriage meme. But at the same time, don't be a gay incel and go all MGTOW on people.

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There's nothing wrong with MGTOW. But there is also nothing wrong with marrying a woman you love, if you can find one. What I don't get is the guys who want to get laid but can't, you have to be either really ugly or really inept.

His wife sucked out his soul through his dick.

how did we go from this...

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...to this?

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Is... Is that James?


Jesus Christ his balding is worse than I thought.

What a chad.

he might be happily married with a child, but the quality of his epic angry gamer reviews has really deteriorated... Big cringe.


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He looked incredible no homo. Moustache without beard is patrician.

Why does he look like the game dude?

>he might be happily married with a child

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It was the weirdest thing. The dog was running across the driveway and then just began levitating in the air mid-stride. Everyone dropped what they were doing and carried the dresser up the stairs; leaving it in an alcove next to the ship's bilge pump. "Absolutely not," was all that she could muster to say before the door shut.

MGTOW is kinda gay. They say don't have sexual relationships with women period.

>Dirty Harry ep
>not kino

The dirty harry episode at least wasn't as bad as his revisiting of superman 64

Dick Tracy is kino

Dirty Harry is fucking dog shit and I bet you pretend AVGN's EB review is "good as da classics!!!1"

Well it makes sense. If I'd given up on finding a woman I can be happy with, I wouldn't want to have sex with them either. It's too much time and effort when 15 minutes on the internet will take care of getting your rocks off if you don't intend to form a relationship with a woman

The most recent avgn was funny as shit ... However it had everything to do with Gilbert Gottfried and nothing to go with James.

Seems to me he doesn't care about video games that much as a career. He likes playing old games but for himself and doesn't seem to know much about or appreciate modern games. He seems to be most comfortable doing his movie reviews. All the video game stuff he does because it's expected and not much care seems to go into it.

For me, it's Atari 5200.

>It's too much time and effort

>and films many of the AVGN episodes in the same day
A lot of episodes are him sitting on a couch and just reading the script
That's not particularly difficult or time consuming to do

It's a shame he married such a disgusting woman. I bet James wouldn't look so miserable if he had a decent wife.

James' passion has always been film.
Video games was only a hobby.

That's my point. He puts no effort into them anymore.

Attached: avgn sequel.jpg (1260x1380, 212K)

Isn't the top image just a scene from the Terminator

>I’m not a retarded 12 year old
yes you are

is that mr sark in death stranding?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/avgn baby monitor 2.jpg/

stop replying to this mentally ill tranny, it's the same retard that spams Epic threads

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Why do autists hate fun?

never stop spamming, user-kun


I prefer sexual relationships without period. Too messy, and it smells.

What? It literally is, compared to a few minutes in a browser tab. You do not need sex if you don't need a relationship. I love my gf of 4 years, I'm just saying that I understand MGTOW. If my relationship fell through I doubt I'd find a satisfying relationship again, because most women are retarded children.


two things you lack as a fucking zoomer: time and testosterone

yeah but he actually put effort in the lighting on himself so it looks like he's actually in the scene

never stop being a woman


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>taking care of your kid and taking the most basic of responsibilities
>I want nothing to do with it
don't worry user, you won't have to deal with any of that lmao

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He really is dogshit at video games


For someone so obsessed with technology and movies, he shockingly knows very little about both.

in what video does this happen?

Mega Man X video

she's balding too

>>Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call
I don't see the issue
We have pause buttons for a reason

Post Kyle react pics pls

post it again bro.

OP confirmed huge autistic faggot.

Why does he even need the Baby Monitor? Isn't his daughter like 4 or something at tis point?


with that incel body type?
yeah no
balding is a lottery and he won, just that.

wow OP that's incredibly fucking depressing

>implying the best part wasn't watching James trying his fucking hardest not to break character with Gilbert Gottfried squawking next to him about the Nerd

Waaaait.... I thought his wife died and the kid also died. What the fuck, man.

Seriously his ''family'' dying would had been a better end result for him.

I thought the top scene was that shittily edited Alien 3 ending. Hell Alien 3 stole the ending from Terminator.

how is that a problem? you act like avgn gotta be some high budget show. james have countlessly said he wanted that B movie feel.

You know there are good and bad b-movies, right?

Tommy Wiseau unironically has more talent than the AVGN, because The Room feels more like a real movie than anything James has done.

>comparing a movie with 6 million budget vs some dude with a greenscreen in his basement

pls stop

So the AVGN Movie wasn't made in Hollywood and was just made in a basement, right?

Maybe I gotta watch the AVGN movie just to see how it turned out.

>Has to stop playing Mega Man to answer a baby monitor call

>If this is what being an adult is like, I want nothing to do with it

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is it fucking me or does mike get increasing annoying with each video.

Personally I've never been able to stand the guy, aside from maybe when he played Bugs Bunny or Joker.

Mike does have a particularly off putting strain of autism, he makes J&MM unbearable with his fits

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This is what having a child is. If having a child would make you an adult, do you think our world would be that immature today?

his joker performance was kino

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How gay are you zoomer faggot?

little ghetto boy
living in the ghetto streeeet

70 percent of you will slowly over time go bald. I hope you take care of your selves lol.

it always bugged me how he said "buddons" instead of "buttons".

since 2007 too

yeah, thats right!
she has been fucking with nerd shit since the old days!

But seriously, the last ten years hasn't been kind to either of them but God damn at the state of her.

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Is there anything more wholesome than this picture? I love how lame james looks

mike does all the work. Practices the games, sets it up and makes all the conversation. James comes in and says “mmnn hmmn yeeaa hmm”


i feel bad for him. she looks totally butch it makes no sense

Too bad mike can never be as likable as James no matter how hard he tries (and he obviously does try).


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