ITT games everyone except for you give a shit about
ITT games everyone except for you give a shit about
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haha totally not an advertising thread thanks blizzard now we know everybody else is playing why aren't you (tm)
don't worry no one will care in a month.
Not even Asmongold said it'll last more than 2 months tops.
You just seething because Grob got exposed as most reddit server. Cope
Imagine giving so little of a shit about something you make a thread dedicated to it on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum.
i have to thank streamers and modern day gaming culture, they really made me lose all excitement for this trash before i could give money for blizzard.
So, what's the point of this? MMOs are made to have content released constantly, what are they gonna do those people after 1 month of playing it?
It's got six phases planned
1: Molten Core, Ony, Maraudon (launch phase)
2: Dire Maul, World Bosses
3: Blackwing Lair, Darkmoon Faire
4: Zul Gurub, Green Dragons
5: Ahn'Qiraj
6: Naxxramas
It's going to take a while for all the content to come out and after that who knows what they'll do.
Hopefully TBC. I would not mind resetting wow entirely.
They had a choice of releasing the same shit no one wanted or pulling a OSRS and making the greatest MMO ever
They decided to just release the same shit no one wanted.
Do we know how long until that first phase is out? I want to get into DM and holocaust some flowers on my mage asap
The three obvious options are
1. Progress to TBC
2. New future patches for Vanilla (1.14 etc) that expand 60 content
3. Seasonal servers and fresh starts on the same content again
sounds fucking boring, I'd rather play retail.
>I'd rather play retail.
Lol, said no one ever. Retail is dead.
>3. Seasonal servers and fresh starts on the same content again
Diablo 3 style? I guess that could work. Especially if they would rotate between expansions.
Nope, nowhere near as long as Vanilla patches were though, it's planned to be accelerated.
Exact timing is unknown.
Fuck off back to your general
There is literally only one option and its TBC.
Its modern Blizzard, they cant make new content they can only rehash old stuff. The concept of content other than raids, raids, raids, daily challenge, raids is beyond them.
They're already doing seasonal servers as a thing to pad out Diablo 3 content. I think it's literally just one guy who still works on the game, he just comes up with a different gimmick every few months and the 5 people who still play D3 make fresh characters.
I could easily see a similar thing happen to Classic.
>5 people who still play D3
I am playing D3 right now but the difference is you can play D3 alone. MMO not so much.
I think Classic will stay popular for a lot longer than Diablo 3 will so I don't see that as a problem. Especially if they do have seasonal servers to keep interest, a dedicated community will keep playing for a long time to come.
Retail might be good again next xpac given the cycle these last few years but there's no reason to play BfA.
Blizzard are not that creative to put in seasons, or world mutators or to do anything original at all.
Their entire design philosophy for over 15 god damn years has literally just been
>increase level cap
>more raids
>more loot
Sure it would be great if they did something new and fun. It wont happen though.
>Blizzard are not that creative to put in seasons
How did they do it in Diablo then?
I hope. I really hope. Because I want to get TBC classic one day.
Retail has had a big resurgence ever since 8.2, to deny this is to be beyond retarded.
People will always be invested in future content, not everyone is a fucking autist that wants to relive the past in a deadend fantasy land.
Well what else can you do?
user, they are completely different development teams. You might as well compare Capcom to Sledgehammer.
Change combat to Dark Souls.
>Retail has had a big resurgence
That must be why in their financial reporting subscriptions have gone down, wait that doesnt support your bullshit at all...
Why the fuck leave Zul Gurub so late? Most people will be decked in epics by the
They did world quests in Legion which is basically D3 bounties. They can and should exchange ideas.
>user, they are completely different development teams.
They aren't, after Diablo 3 flopped the whole dev team was put into other projects, most went to WoW which is why we saw a huge increase of Diablo 3 design philosophies in Legion (random legendary drops and world quests etc).
The Diablo 3 team doesn't exist in Blizzard any more, like I said it's one guy updating the game maybe twice a year and that's it.
>it's planned to be accelerated
Source or shut up. And I mean a link with a quote, I've been reading every bit of news Blizz has released since.
they said 8.2 was a big success
>More loot
Daily reminder they didnt want to design new weapons with legion.
Daily reminder they scrapped Tier sets with BFA so they have to design less armors.
EvE based nulsec and clan own land for resource control
To keep it in line with vanilla WoW, ZG wasn't added until patch 1.7
It was basically a catchup raid
there's more sets in BFA than any other expansion.
Will Classic stay at patch xyz forever? Surely Blizzard will have to update it?
>they said 8.2 was a big success
Oh wow, are you telling me that huge company currently going through massive layoffs and financial disaster is lying? No wai. Net subscriptions went up 6% from 2017 to 2018, the last three years have been the first slight increase in sub numbers. This is coming off a 50 to 70% drop from Wrath.
Blizzards only financial developments have been mobile, PC has been a massive sinkhole for them. The financial reports are public material.
>all this talk about epeen loot
The only loot that matters is the people you meet on the journey.
Thats why raids, LFG, instanced content, ect is bad. It doesnt give you any community at all.
Don't even give a shit about this, a friend wanted me to play it. Said no since I am playing FF14
What part of 'no tier sets exist in bfa' do you not understand, illiterate retard?
Dude you're so fucking cool. It's so sick that you don't care about classic and you felt the need to make a thread so you can get validated by other anons over the internet. Fuck yeah!
Sorry to hear you have brain damage.
Call of Duty, Fifa, Fortnite
my answer was a direct response to your statement "so they have to design less armors." fucking retard.
If that was the case how come they designed more sets than ever before?
Wait wait wait. You mean he will read my name on stream?
For me, it's literally any multiplayer game.
20 variations of the same shit vs. tier sets that offer set bonuses and are unique to specific tiers. Sure glad it's quantity over quality. Let's get on our knees and thank the intern who designed all of bfa's armor in an afternoon.
>unique to specific tiers
what is that exactly supposed to mean?
>Sure glad it's quantity over quality
some of the best sets in the game are from BFA
If you like the drab WoD copies that are used for bfa that's fine. But they absolutely did not invest more time, effort or creativity in bfa's armor designs.
would you rather have similar looking sets with different doodads from WoD or Heritage armor sets and unique pvp sets? Your generalizing statement about the number of sets being created was wrong, just leave it at that.
Can someone post clips of streamer failing to get their og name? I love those.
caring what some bald nerd thinks. I'll just enjoy this with the bros and have fun... you know.. like a game.
So wait you're gonna grind to level 60 for a couple of months and after levelcap then what?
Run the same fucking dungeon over and over again?
To me it sounds retarded, that's why i no longer play wow.
So wait you're gonna play game, finish it and then what?
Start it over again?
To me it sounds retarded, that's why i no longer play video games.
>You think you want it, but you don't.
>2. New future patches for Vanilla (1.14 etc) that expand 60 content
Making new content costs money and Blizzard are the biggest cheapskates of them all. So TBC it is.
Gotta be honest, New Vanilla content would be pretty amazing. Like recreating Karazhan as a vanilla raid, like it was supposed to be, adding new 10 man dungeons, stuff like that. New gear and crafting recipes for sidegrading would be awesome too. Maybe throw a little changes here in there to make more builds possible on the classes.
>game will be dead in 2 months it's just hype now trust me
In theory it sounds good but it falls apart when you remember that nu-Blizzard has to make that content, not the original developers.
Sounds like the best direction. Horizontal expansion.
They should experiment with stuff like that on new servers while preserving classic. No reason why we can't have both
I don't trust them to create new content at all, if they open new servers they should just be limited duration challenge servers with various global mods like more/less exp, randomized loot drops, random spawns, unusual gameplay modifiers. Nothing that fundamentally changes the game though, we know we can't trust them with that.
Could try that as well I guess.
maybe blizzard will put the classic bucks to good use and improve retail?
It's the simplest option and the hardest to fuck up.
TBC servers kind of make sense but it's no longer classic at that point and many will drop off.
What are we going to do if Classic actually becomes decently popular?
If it exceeds what blizzard is expecting, daddy activision will move in and put a bunch of ingame store bullshit everywhere.
Sometimes I hope seething retailfags are right
Nah i move on when i finish a game, movie or a book.
Back to pservers but the pservers will be better since they'll have datamined the accurate values from Classic.
>TBC servers
Seperate ones is fine. I won't be playing them though, the reset fucks up too much. That's what caused me to quit in the first place. I still had plenty to do in vanilla.
You mean bigger bonuses.
Meant for
It's not just the reset, it's the lore retcons, the death of nonlinear dungeons, removing faction exclusive classes, flying mounts, isolated continents etc etc etc.
WoW started to go downhill with TBC, I know that's a hard pill for many to swallow.
Yup it was dreadful in almost every way. It's quite skill to fuck up that badly
Notice too how many will say Karazhan was their favorite raid, which makes sense since it was a half-finished relic from vanilla that made it into TBC. Designed by the same dude who did Blackrock Depths.
What hurt the most is class identity. Giving class only skills to everyone, like everyone should be able to heal. Or removing number differences between cloth and plate so eveyone has equal chances. Removing learning skills from your trainers, chaning skill trees to fucking couple of skills. And the worst fucking offender. Removing class quests.
The attunements were fun.
TBC wasn't all bad, but it was a huge step in the wrong direction.
So WoW was just a fluke and everything after was people just hanging on to memories or commitment?
>So WoW was just a fluke
Seems like it more and more, the devs had no idea what they were doing and they stuff together and it came together in a way that was beyond what anyone could imagine, vanilla wow is a one in a million masterpiece that could only have been made by accident.
Blows my mind that people see that OSRS can make it work, but don't think Blizz can. Retail+ will be the money maker, why not fuck with legacy servers and try to make something new rather than the obvious disappointment that classic expacs or seasons would be.
Hate these doomers saying the game is dead end nostalgia while simultaneously explaining that expanding is impossible.
>why not fuck with legacy servers and try to make something new
Because the developers at Blizzard are incompetent and could never make something that feels like it fits in vanilla WoW.