who's the best pokemon and why is it ampharos?
Who's the best pokemon and why is it ampharos?
I don't get this meme
I do
Forced boomer shit.
this looks lewd
Why does she sit like that?
its ampharos
The Regi shit didn't catch on so the sperg is trying something else.
how fast can she go
slow as shit unless it knows agility
Ampharos and Mienshao are unironically my favorite Pokemon.
The whole joke is that it's some random Pokemon. It's the same level of humor as "potato XD". You fags make Reddit look like heaven.
haha the cancer patient and the frog sure are funny as hell dude
it was a miscarriage you retard, now here's your meme
mass grave of dead niggers
the whole joke is that it's fuckable
>blocks your path
I will now lift up ampharos by its cock and bounce them in the air with it until they cum.
It shouldn't be joked around like that because it unironically is fuckable.
When did I say those were comedy gold? I find actual comedy funny, as in jokes with structure, punchlines, etc.
Lol gay people have smelly dicks
always liked this guys design, and I always liked 7-12 foot tall paladin/knightly figures so might be biased
Registeel is better
Nice taste
I have no idea
>ywn be mienfoo getting /ss/'d by mommy mienshao
it's all over bros...