Are you excited for DOOM Eternal?
Are you excited for DOOM Eternal?
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it's pretty much the only game I'm looking forward to that I can even think of, that and maybe cyberpunk.
does anybody still play DOOM 2016 multiplayer? and will the multiplayer in Eternal be any good?
No and no
no, but I didn't like the previous doom either.
Yeah, I hope it's solid. The whole "skill shots" thing and the added mobility plus bigger areas has me optimistic.
A few people actually, I played it a few months ago for about 20 hours and there was consistently about 14 or so people playing, only in team games though, no death match.
The real issue is there's cheaters all the time, like every few games some assfuck will enter the game blatantly using a trainer to cheat, speeding around the map firing unlimited ammo and whatnot and then you have to just quit until the cheater fucks off. It's the main reason I stopped playing it, but the multiplayer was pretty fun while it lasted.
Eternal better have built-in anti-cheat, and they also better actually ban cheaters who are detected / reported.
very, I'm playing through the originals and heretic in the meantime. GZdoom is a fucking dream
this but also elden ring
do i still have to do the silly executions to kill a boss?
are cyberdemons still setpieces? i want to fight like 6 of them at once.
do we get a real level editor this time?
will there more than a handful of demons in an area at any given time? i want to fight hordes of them.
I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll wait a few days and see how the reviews are. I had fun with 2016 doom so hopefully this one is as good or better. but I'm holding off for a bit due to bethesda having their hands in it. never know what could happen
why did you post a picture of Battleborn though?
I hope it's longer than Doom 2016, while while pretty decent in length for a single player game, was still kinda short. Also, they really need to work on the multiplayer, or just ditch it entirely because 2016's multiplayer died so fucking fast.
Why do you post this webm every single time? There's gotta be a webm of actual gameplay out there
>are cyberdemons still setpieces
one of them appeared as a non boss at the end if an enemy gauntlet in the demo at least, so there's hope
>I want to fight like 6
>I want to fight hordes
I feel you, but I doubt this will happen
So if this a proper, full-on sequel? I always thought it was a Youngblood/Far Cry New Dawn like thing.
invasion mode will probably add a lot of playtime if it's actually decent
It will very likely have shity story.
But amazing to play.
>invasion mode
what is that?
It's going to be bigger than 2016, what made you think that?
it's gonna have dark souls style invasions where you play as a demon
Nah, direct sequel. It's theorized that Hayden is the big robotic looking angel, plus we see Doom guy with the demon energy sword thing in the game anyways.
I'd be down for non boss cyber demons, but I honestly loved the bosses in 2016. They were straight up some of the best boss fights I've seen in an FPS game.
They could have saved the game if they would have just removed loadouts entirely, it pisses me off thinking about it
Assuming Bethesda doesn't fuck this game up with microtransactions I've very hyped. But due to Bethesda's track record recently I'm going to wait and see before buying. Will be getting the Switch version for motion aiming.
really? I really hated them, I thought they broke the flow of the game completely. except maybe spider mastermind because the arena actually made you change up your tactics
no I wanted to play doom and kill demons but new doom makes you kill angels, no more money for them.
I burnt out on fps a long time ago sadly. It looks fun, I guess
The hub area they teased will be just for the microtransactions.
They felt like Metroid Prime bosses, they were fun as hell. The fact that you could use the BFG to stun them and then attack them to guarantee health drops is real smart.
Bethesda is only publishing it, granted it will probably have retarded DRM on the Switch.
Yes though somewhat cautious, I am glad though you can customize the hud because the default one is garbage
Kind of, but if it has all three of these
then I'm gonna pass.
I forgot this was a thing.
I doubt it's gonna require this considering it's on steam and 2016 didn't have it
There's full release of Ion Sneed this week.
Maybe in the future.
Play Painkiller/Serious Sam.
user the ports of the OG Doom and Doom 2 required it
>Will be getting the Switch version for motion aiming.
It supports gyro for Switch/PS4/Steam Controllers plus there's shit tons of customization.
they backed down immediately, maybe they won't pull it again
This so much this, the ammount of people who don't know about the controller settings on Steam is baffling
>N word
Chill, bro.
Not him, but you can use the Switch Pro on PC? Last time I checked it was kind of a hassle to set up.
I've been using an Xbox One controller for fighting games but if Pro is an option I'd probably want to alternate between the two.
Nah looks boring.
No, it certainly will, for their half assed multiplayer, likely made simply to justify it as well. The next thing they will announce for Eternal is it's mod support, also tied to and give some shit excuse about how it's for the community and how they aren't just giving mod tools out to anyone and that all mod content will be curated, because they don't want multiplayer getting modded and ruining their balance.
Doomy Ternal
>you can use the Switch Pro on PC?
It's not too bad. Shame about the D-pad though, but otherwise it's perfect. If you want to use it with other shit though, you just got to launch it through Steam. I play some Zelda Classic using it, so good.
No, why the fuck would I be?
I hope there'll be standard deathmatch / team multiplayer multiplayer please god
No the last one was a fucking abortion and eternal just looks like more of the same
you pleb Yea Forumsedditors will gobble this shit up though
>are you excited for a corridor shooter stuck in 90s
Only invasions and 2v1 Battlemode (Doomguy vs two demons).
since they didn't show this off at all at quakecon you should assume it has been dropped in favour of the battlemode which also looks like shit
truth is the fundamental game systems/structure they have built doesn't cut it
Last time I tried it, it couldn't even load a match. Honestly it was alright but on the broad side of things it was a clunkier no-vehicles Halo.
Quake Champions by comparison is the truer "fast" nuDoom-multiplayer I wanted anyways.
epic console garbage
I didn't like the last one so I'll be skipping this one.
This is so stupid, they're trying to turn Doom guy into some kind of Michael Bay type of horseshit, are they trying to make him over the top like Duke but with no actual attitude or personality?
Honestly, it's the only game I'm looking forward to right now. I like increased mobility, especially the hook. Makes me wonder how the hell peasants are going to play this with gamepads, even QuakeCon PC and console gameplays had completely different pacing, despite PC demo being low skill, low difficulty and low fov.
The not!lightsaber got me hyped a bit, I hope it won't be just some fancy boss-finisher, but a proper gameplay element.
Can't really say much about weapons and upgrades without trying them out in the game, but I like that combat shotgun got a better alternative for grenades and that plasma gun's primary fire feels a bit closer to the original, rather than some unimpressive goo cannon.
I'm not sold on toxic green UI and glowing pick-ups, and I absolutely hate third person cutscenes, not only because they break immersion, which was top notch in 2016, but also because first person ones would simply look better. Crashing through the wall in OP would be far more fun if it was from Doomslayer's pov, I don't understand this decision at all, it makes absolutely no fucking sense.
I just hope that Bethesda won't pull any greedy controlling corporation shit like pointless accounts or always online, that would be a deal breaker for me.
not really.
I dunno why, but something feels... off.
bit too tryhardy?
Yep, it's still definitely up there for me.
No. Never finished 4 and it looks like they fixed nothing from it except adding some vertical level designs.
After Youngblood? You'd have to be fucking deranged to be excited for ANYTHING Bethesda publishes. Their M.O. now seems to be sticking awful microtransactions into as much garbage as they can, and there are probably microtransactions in Eternal we haven't been told about yet.
I may steal it but I doubt I will even play it.
It literally has none of those.
There wont even be traditional multiplayer, they have like an asymmetrical thing where 2 people play as demons and hunt down Doomguy.
Im guessing they want everyone possible playing Quake Champions.
>3rd person cutscenes
they turned him into some stupid ironman-except-with-demons garbage
no thanks
>you should assume it has been dropped
Go watch quakecon stream where they answer questions you stupid cunt.
look like a 13 year old made this image
>excited for a dull, stupid modern bullshit rehash of the original Doom, a far superior game in every single fucking possible way
Haha, no.
>make him over the top like Duke but with no actual attitude or personality?
t. can't into subtle exposition
Go watch some cinematic snoyshit lmao, Doom seems to bee 2deep4u.
>kill enemy with fatality for resources
>I hope it won't be just some fancy boss-finisher, but a proper gameplay element
Replacement for starting pistol.
>a far superior game in every single fucking possible way
Yes. The enemy variety and attack patterns in original doom. Fucking amazing.
>queer suit of gay stuff
you don't say
>original Doom, a far superior game in every single fucking possible way
Post the webm, lads. I always forget to save it.
Fuck off amerilard.
where's the gameplay?
literally everywhere
it looks fun, the story leaks sound fucking retarded though
all I hope for is mod tools because the movement still looks stiff, like a modern shooter that has been sped up
It got the HOLLYWOOOOOD *jazzhands* treatment. That's what you're feeling
I hope Bethesda doesn't fuck it up like they did for the rereleases of Doom 1-3
What is subtle about the webm? Not a goddamn thing, it looks like they want the Marvel superhero audience.
That ain't no doom guy that is some Hollywood trash derivative hero.
Like I mentioned before, Duke does it with personality and a tongue in cheek manner, this shit tries too hard to be "epic".
Fuck off, Randy. Duke is the most tryhard and retarded FPS protag. Compilation of movie quotes isn't a personality.
*blocks your path*
>get launched a 100,000m/s out of a coil gun and crash into a ship
>my legs are okay
>demon swipes at you with his claws
>take damage
Even for DOOM this is dumb
Mostly looking forward to this motherfucker.
Not numbered and has the exact same graphics. It's definitely a cheap money grab like those games.
I'm only getting it if it runs at 60fps on console like the last one, my PC is shit
>Doom 2019
Fight the HORDES of hell 5 at a time.
I do because the devs even admit that it's a power fantasy which is based.
As long as devs don't take this shit seriously i'm fine with that.
>has the exact same graphics
Nigger, they are using new engine.
>new engine
>looks exactly the same
I bet you believed Bethesda about the Creation engine too, gullible retard
I believe that you have brain damage.
cool damage control shill
You sphincter damage is out of control.
>first person game
>let us make all the cool moments third person in cutscenes!
I'm not the one buttblasted enough to defend a shitty game
Maybe check it out since it was on sale for like 4€ not too long back, might be somewhat alive
You can always tell which posters didn't play doom 2016
>that webm
that's retarded but I like it
you can always tell which posters don't have any friends
You don't.
>n-no u
that tripfag has literally blogged about how he's a massive loser
No, you are
>nu iD games
Fuck ex halo devs and fuck ex crytek roaches
>turns off his trip to protect himself
god that's sad
>DOOM game
>60 seconds cutscene
absolutely seething
>40 seconds webm
>60 seconds cutscene
Nah, not really. For me it's Ion Fury.
I can't wait to play both of these games.