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UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
Am I good at Merkava if the most I can do with a single combo is a little over 3300 and not consistently?
kw: pclobby
Midscreen or Corner?
Meter use?
Oh and were you in vorpal?
I always tend to round down my damage to not having vorpal at all because you're not always going to have it
if you aren't spending meter for that than your really good
Usually I use meter but not always, usually doesn't matter if I do because I end up with similar damage counts
I'm in corner sometimes but not all the time and I never map out what buttons I use because I'm just a by ear kinda guy
Well I'd like to have a definitive answer if you're wanting one too, gotta be more specific. Do you end combos with 22x for oki or what?
I really wish I two hitboxes so I could have one plugged into my pc and one into my ps4 so I can play some Koihime.