So is this game any good? Would you recommend it to a cranky old classicfag?
So is this game any good? Would you recommend it to a cranky old classicfag?
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I would recommend it as long as you're not the type who'll automatically reject it for not being enough like the original. It is a good game on its own
It's good but it's not a good RE2 remake
It's okay, it lacks alot of original resident evil 2s flavor
Its good, but it parts like 2nd Run could have been far better.
It’s good. Or totally 1:1 with the original but still very much feels like RE with a few fun modernizations that don’t detract from the experience.
Yes it is good.
[Spoiler]Lab and sewer segments are a bit short. Plant 43 should've been a boss fight. And no moth[/spoiler]
Capcom made the safe yet stupid bet that somehow all the RE2 fans grew up and stopped playing video games so they just cash on the RE4 faggots becuase they're all in college and most likely would buy this shit. I knew it was too much to ask for them to just make REmake1 again but in Raccoon City but fuck no they didn't.
It's a good game but not a good Resident Evil game
It's honestly bland as ever loving shit. I was so hypee during the 1st hour. Then I realized I had basically seen everything the game had to offer.
>I knew it was too much to ask for them to just make REmake1 again
REmake 1 is only even fixed cam classic style because it came so soon after RE1. There is a massive difference between remaking a 5 year old game and remaking a 20 year old game. Nobody would buy a classic style RE as a $60 AAA PS4 / PC game in 2019; it would be a huge flop.
>RE4 faggots
Wrong, their audience were people who never played Resident Evil just like with 7 .
And it worked, this game sold millions, and the internet is full of posts like "this was my first resident evil and it was really good xd"
Good but aiming can be a bitch. Especially if iron ass is after you
I unironically prefer the original, for some reason I just don't have fun playing the Remake like I do with the original RE2.
It's good, ignore micheal autism.
I prefer the remake. It's way more stressful to play through (at least on hard since you die in 2 hits), like a horror game should be. Normally I'd parrot Yea Forums's opinion that adaptive difficulty always sucks, but in this game it seems like I am always scraping by just by the skin of my teeth, and it always gets my blood pumping. Also there is a lot more depth to the gameplay with the actual manual aiming, strategically de-limbing zombies, trying to sneak around lickers and juke Mr X (or gtfo before he arrives at where he just heard you shooting at a lunging zombie you forgot was there), etc.
The spongy zombies that get back up after you leave the room are like a cross between OG zombies and crimson heads in the way the game makes you have to pick and choose which problem ones you gotta commit the resources to put down for good
> Nobody would buy a classic style RE as a $60 AAA PS4 / PC game in 2019
Nobody would buy a 5 hour long $60 AAA PS4 / PC game in 2019 if it wasn't called Resident Evil 2
They did in 2017 for RE7.
If this game were fixed cam, everyone would be like "oh that's cool" for all of 5 minutes and then get pissed off when they found out that they seriously couldn't move the camera at all. I hated having to do stupid shit like shoot at the screen to hit enemies you can only hear behind it in 1998, and still hate it today; it's always been classic RE's biggest and most glaring flaw. If your character can see the enemy, you should be able to see the enemy. The remake benefits greatly from having manual aiming
Overall it lacks the creative weight and gravitas of the original. I mean the original version came out in a much different time... a time when zombies were relatively obscure and underused in media, which is the complete opposite of today. Zombie movies, zombie games, zombie anime, they're everywhere now. Basically its impossible to make a "good" RE2 remake. That said, I recommend it, but go into it with low expectations.
>Nobody would buy a classic style RE as a $60 AAA PS4 / PC game in 2019
No one asked for a AAA blockbuster you trog
Companies have to make money somehow, stop being entitled
REmake 1 was a full price AAA game, why shouldn't REmake 2 be made as one too?
Would it have been better with fixed cameras and music, while rejecting the modern horror tropes of spoopy dark torch lit blood-smeared hallways filled with angry snarling zombies? Yes
But it's still damn good
>Would it have been better with fixed cameras
OTS takes away from the original more than it delivers, and actively sabotages the experience at numerous points
Why was Claire such an annoying dumb bimbo bitch in this?
>Ugh I'm gonna smell like shit, literally
>(after watching video of Birkin) Wow... that was pointless
>Sherry can't you walk any faster?
Also awkwardly flirting with Leon.
Also having a gross toad face.
I imagine a fixed / cinematic cam RE2R would just play like Until Dawn but with guns / combat and no choices (but still lots of QTEs).
>OTS takes away from the original more than it delivers
Like what?
>and actively sabotages the experience at numerous points
Any examples?
its way harder than the original , play it on normal, and if youre not sick of it by then, watch a guide and play it on hardcore. it is better than the original in most ways. but the original is nostalgic.
Fan service
I thought she was hot, especially when hurt in-game in her classic outfits. They animated her to mouthbreathe a lot when at full HP for some reason.
And the dialog was just pretty shit for all characters, but it's not like the original had good dialog either (though it was unintentionally funny). I think Claire is likeable more for her actions than her words anyway
2nd Run was a waste, and I don't really like what they did with some of the characters (Namely Sherry and Ben). Was still a enjoyable experience.
Absolutely. RPD is kino, but the sewers and lab lose the "soul" of the original.
Remake 2's lab is far too neat and clean.
Having to rely on a controllable camera during the first Birkin fight is really shit, you're constantly looking behind you to see where he is and in front of you to make sure you don't get stuck on scenery
Also after getting bitten the camera goes crazy and it can be difficult to tell which way you're facing if you're in a dark room
The original had neither of these problems
>Remake 2's lab is far too neat and clean.
I liked it. They went the opposite way to REmake, which had a gross shit lab compared to the sleeker original.
>its way harder than the original
Nothing with adaptive difficulty and auto-saves is more challenging than anything from classic RE, even og 2 which is the easiest unless you play Nightmare mode on the dreamcast port
The minimum adaptive difficulty level you can get in hardcore still has you dying in two bites, and there are no autosaves on it, only ink ribbons and typewriters
It is not a faithful remake in the slightest, it's not objectively improved and generally speaking will absolutely disappoint you if you are a hardcore classic fan.
That being said, it's quite possibly the best RE game since 4. It's tense in a good way, you are constantly dodging and avoiding shit, game really does well with instilling a sense of struggle.
Nightmare is also on PC, it's just labeled "hard" mode instead. It's not THAT hard, enemies are just literal bullet sponges.
as an oldfag playing this game is maybe one of the two experiences I had that fulfilled the "If I could forget it and experience it all over again" wish so yes.
It's worth playing for sure. It's far from perfect, and suffers from a lot of the current horror gimmicks; but it's still good.
Hoping that since it was such a success that they go above and beyond with RE3 Remake.
>but it's not like the original had good dialog either
I urge you to replay RE2 and to pay attention, there is more good dialogue in it than bad.
Claire has the best voice acting. Annette is excellent, Leon is pretty okay. Ben and Ada are ok. The only bad ones are Kendo, Sherry and Irons. And I would even debate that Irons isn't actually bad, he just fits more into a 70s horror movie and simply doesn't match the vibe.
While in REmake pretty much everyone is written so poorly that not even fancy 2019 VA can make it work.
What's your favorite Leon quote from the remake?
You still get almost limitless ammo and they nerfed the item management, which was a huge gameplay mechanic of the originals and added to the tension
How the h*ck do you get past the giant monsters in the sewers? They're so fat they block the path entirely, so even if you make them flinch by shooting, you still can't run past them. And they seem to be immortal and don't die no matter how much ammo you waste on them.
"God I hate those stinky niggers"
You are bound to take a hit here and there but generally you can always squeeze past them on the side
I thought it didn't sell near as well as they were hoping
>giant monsters in the sewers
I haven't played REimagining 2 but don't recall much in the sewers of the original other than spiders, zombies, roaches and the gator. Did they add a lot of new enemies or something?
I haven't played the original, but from what lore bits I looked up about them on wiki, they seem to have been in the original game too. The official name is "G-adult".
>almost limitless ammo
no way
And nobody likes item management, it's artificial difficulty at its finest. That's why the game is so much harder than the original in every other way
>And nobody likes item management, it's artificial difficulty at its finest
Wrong and wrong, you have rather poor opinions.
I've managed to pinpoint what exactly is wrong with REmake2. It's essentially a speedrunner bait of a game.
>you're supposed to avoid actual gameplay to get better results
>you're supposed to plan "routes" beforehand
>you're supposed to know item and enemy placement in every level perfectly before you play
>certain parts must be rushed through perfectly, and if you linger for half a second, an enemy blocks the route
This kind of approach to the game just sucks all the fun out of it.
>eewhhhh y gaem isn't braindead pew pew pew hold my hand cowa dooty pew pew gaem
The originals are based on the point and click adventure genre. Not everything has to be a mindless cinematic ots action shooter you zoomer quadroon.
>lab area doesn't nail the vibe/aesthetic of the original which is pretty bad
>generally game doesn't seem like its set in the 90s and it breaks the immersion heavily (USB dongles, e-mail GUI that looks like it's from 2025, various slick modern sedans in the parking lot, claire/leon clothing etc)
>complete absence of post-sewers Marshaling yards
>starting pre-RPD segment being nonexistent instead of even longer than in the original
>Leon/Claire have no dialogues, never talk via radio like in the original, instead of fleshing it out they scrubbed their relationship altogether
>The only meetup they have (at the gate) is not only weird as fuck in terms of voice acting and written dialogue but also happens way too early in the B scenario (you literally meet 30 seconds after the car crash and you act as if you havent seen each other for an hour)
>Anette's character is garbage and she looks like some tweaker junkie instead of highly intelligent scientist, her character in OG RE2 felt far more humane and dramatic
>Mr X being unkillable is a good addition and it adds to the intensity a lot but the fucking fedora design just makes him cheesy as shit, terrible design choice
>lack of spiders, green lickers, crows, OG plants
>even regular lickers appear only two times in the game or so
>zombies snap and grab on you from way too afar, you should be able to evade them slightly more easily
>ending cutscene feels rushed and is overall too short and anti-climactic
>new music is some kind of dumb minimalism/ambiental mix with zero memorable tracks, you need to swap the original OST in the settings
>world feels dead as fuck because you cannot interract with anything, even RE4 had neat descriptions for random objects around you, I already felt the disappointment at the starting gas station when I realized I can't "check" anything around me
>less boss battles
>no final birkin 2nd form where he transforms into the spikey dog
>gay as fuck map coloring that tells you when you cleared the room of items, it literally kills all enjoyment about exploration where you just as you enter the room already see that the map section is blue
>inventory is too forgiving, I didn't have to backtrack to an itembox once, too many pouch extensions
>voice acting and dialogues are often more nonsensical than in the original game (most notably everything Claire says)
>lots and lots of minor non-canon inconsistencies that clash with the original game (why Leon was late for his first day on the job, why Chris left for Europe, Leon accidentally dropping G-virus sample instead of throwing it away, Ben being imprisoned instead of locking himself up...)
>way too many defensive items
>burst mode on matilda is useless
>overall atmosphere being lacking, it's neither scary nor nailing the original vibe, despite not being an over-the-top action game it somehow retains the vibe of one
shud ub michael
there's nothing worse than being classicfag. Kys
It's much more fun as a horror game before you know any of that shit. You play it blind first
RE1 was a clone of Alone in the Dark. Point and click adventure games (SCUMM) like Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle and Indiana Jones all give you infinite inventory space and have no real combat
Every slightly open minded old fag i know likes this game.
Its pretty awesome, at least worth 1 playthrough.
That's what I'm doing, but the issue is - the game isn't balanced for that kind of immersive play. It treats itself only as a speedrunner bait.
And Alone in the dark is a clone of Sweet Home.
People who shit on limited inventory/items simply do not understand game design.
>need to pick up a key from a table
>but my pockets are full
>I take a grenade out of my pocket to put the key in it
>I put grenade down on the table
>the grenade fucking crumbles to dust instantly
Now that's REAL game design.
I blasted through it on standard with Leon, then Claire. It was alright. I liked it.
Gonna wait a few months then do a Claire->Leon run, in order to "completely complete" it. After that, we'll see if I'm assed to do a harder run.
The original is better but it's still fun. Worth it if you find a good sale.
>And Alone in the dark is a clone of Sweet Home.
Why do people keep spreading this false narrative? Sweet Home is a turn-based jrpg. It has NOTHING in common with Resident Evil, apart from superficial aspects (you explore a mansion).
Meanwhile, Resident Evil has EVERYTHING in common with Alone in the Dark, right down to extremely specific details.
Woops, I posted the wrong comparison image.
it's okay to die learning the ropes in hardcore, that's why they give you so many ink ribbons
Yet Alone in the dark is a series where every single entry is jank meanwhile RE went on to have successful career span over multiple decades.
>many ink ribbons
Yeah, I kinda noticed. They give you a lot of those. I've even started using them quite liberally now, like saving before and after Ada's segment, because I have so many spare ones. It's not like Dead Space 2's Hardcore, where you only have 3.
Too bad saving tanks your final score, or so I've heard.
Literally the most based RE game in history (at least until REmake 3 comes out), faggots with their nostalgia goggles way too tight will try to convince you otherwise with the same old cliché buzzwords but the reality is that they CAN'T change reality, long live RE2make motherfuckers.
You're autistic son. It's the same as any game with fixed item / enemy placements. You aren't supposed to know any of that shit for a normal playthrough. It's placed as it is to encourage and reward exploration, and it's fixed because that's how game design works. You think carefully about where to place certain items for the player to make progress from and where to put enemies to keep things fun / scary / interesting. You'd prefer for things to be randomized and pick up a Deagle in the first room you're in? Might be fun as a mod but it's shit game design. Learning where everything is lets you play far more efficiently in subsequent playthroughs sure, but that's literally the fun of replaying games. If it was just the exact same thing over again it'd be boring and pointless.
>certain parts must be rushed through perfectly, and if you linger for half a second, an enemy blocks the route
Literally 100% intentional design to make you think "oh fuck what do I do now". These games are all about building and maintaining tension. Your sorry ass has been watching too many streamers and it's clouding your judgment.
>Yet Alone in the dark is a series where every single entry is jank meanwhile RE went on to have successful career span over multiple decades.
Why are you suddenly moving the goal posts? We're talking about what game inspired which game, and Alone in the Dark laying the foundation for survival horror (and even many games in general, since it was one of the earliest 3D gams ever made) is undeniable.
Fair enough, apologies.
The flamethrower fucks them up, but you want to save that for the final Birkin if you can.
I shoot them before they're aggrod then run past. If they're already up you can stun them with a magnum round then run past. They're not worth killing.
"Damn. Need a keycard"
The sewers were expanded in REmake2.
Yeah, you can only save 3 times in Hardcore if you want S+ rank.
They're not immortal at all. Use your strongest weapons / grenades against them and they'll die easily enough. Otherwise, grenades can stun them long enough for you to run past them. Or defensively stabbing them with a dagger.
Do I need + for the cheevo or any unlocks? Or is regular S rank enough? I'm not chasing a WR hi-score or anything, but I'd like to 100% the game eventually.
The original was boring and objectively the worst classic RE with the worst gameplay and design
The remake is better in every way
listen to Also you can run past right after they come at you from underwater but cannot reach you.
They take like 8x damage to the eye, but the eye is protected by a meatshield with its own HP that is separate from the G-adult's own HP
and yet, like most of this game, they are still forgettable...
S+ on hardcore gets you the infinite rocket launcher / minigun. It's worth doing if you want to get other trophies, it makes them much easier.
>Would you recommend it to a cranky old classicfag?
How a classicfag could not have been sat waiting for this to release at midnight i dont believe but sure.
Yeah I'm here
minigun kinda sucks though. Some enemies just charge right through it without flinching and hit you
RE2 is literally my most favorite game of all time and i loved REmake 2
Do unlcokable weapons and whatnot affect your score?
I liked how in Killer is Dead I could clean up most of the optional stuff after I unlocked the ultimate costume, since it only reduced the money rewards, which I didn't need anymore.
Classicfags wanted a remake, not a reimagining
You cant tell me though that REmake 2 zombies are not a head of the rest when it comes to modern zombies though, these things were legit.
The minigun as in what you pick up for the final fight as Claire. I've not had anything run through this.
You can use the infinite knife and still get S+. If you use any other unlockable weapons it doesn't let you get above S.
i want this Claire statue a lot
Those are the same thing. The word you're looking for is remaster. But remasters are just cashgrabs, so no self-respecting adult would be excited for those.
Not that guy but RE2 is my favorite game of all time. I replayed it once or twice every year, for the past 20 years. Yet I only got around to playing its remake about two or three weeks ago.
It's hard to get excited when you know in advance that the game isn't what you want it to be, when developers fuck with the lore, change shit as they see fit and generally care very little about the original content. I'm not exactly Final Fantasy tier of retard fan who demands 1:1 replication but at the same time too much artistic freedom can be bad. I guarantee you that no hardcore old RE fans like me will exchange the original for this and keep replaying the remake yearly.
The best thing RE2 had going for itself is atmosphere. And when you fail to produce the best thing in the remake of whatever you are remaking, you can't expect to have a great product. It's a good game but not a great one.
Does this game have chapters like the 4+?
Good enough.
As a not as cranky classic fag, it's the natural evolution of RE. It has the claustrophobic feeling of the originals mixed with over the shoulder mechanics. Has a nice dissmember mechanic that adds to the survival gameplay.
It's basically Dead Space and, not hating, what 5 and 6 should have been.
>you're supposed to plan "routes" beforehand
>you're supposed to know item and enemy placement in every level perfectly before you play
Says fucking who? Not unless you mean using the map to determine how to get from A to B, that's not "speedrunner bait" that's just common sense.
That IS the gameplay retardo. The game doesn't "want you to know placement" it wants you to be trying to take safe routes and then later subvert your expectations of a said safe route without warning so that you have to on the fly decide to fight or flight and then once relatively safe decide if your now blocked route is less or more safe than the one you were previously avoiding. REmake 1 was peak at this.
No, the remake of RE1 was an actual remake. It actually keeps the gameplay of the original, but cleverly switches things around and adds new enemies and new areas.
I also wanted/expected a remake in the vein of the GC one.
It would not sell just accept it.
They made the best with what they got as fanbase nowadays.
Also ImRe2 was actually my first RE ever, and I have very fond memories of watching some dude playing it in some shitty comic store my mom took me to.
Kys you uncultured nigger
>Dying in two bites.
Looks to me like 3 bites and double attack is double damage so ya.
"Son of a bitch."
It's not claustrophobic, I disagree. Like the guy in one of the posts above described it, it feels very speedrunny. Original RE games were fairly comfy, you were almost never pressed for time. Yet here you are CONSTANTLY on the move, constantly running from something, constantly pushing onwards and despite there being some very heavy exploration involved in terms of space, the game none the less feels like a corridor. It feels like that because even if level design allows for exploration, game design neuters it completely. Everything is highlighted and the map tells you whether there are items or not in the room. This was a garbage mechanic in REmake of 1, and its still garbage here. You enter a large ass room and there is immediately a green herb in front of you. You pick it up and amp tells you the room is clear. This feels cheap, you don't even want to spend quality time letting the environment soak in and methodically scan for shit, you just blaze through it. It's not satisfying in the least.
On the other hand I will say that RE2 remake is the most intense game in the series, even more than RE3 on blind run.
Yeah, RE2make always felt like I was playing The Division. Dumbshit. But, of course someone like you would post that with that image.
Just fucking emulate it if you hate change that much.
>USB dongles
We had those.
>Leon and Claire's clothing
He is wearing stone washed jeans and a polyester/nylon track jacket, he also has curtains that fit the decade for once.
Anyone else hate how your character never shuts the fuck up? I mean, I guess it's sort of fitting since the game does most of the thinking for you anyway, but it's incredibly annoying.
I think I missed an inventory expansion bag in the first Birkin boss room.
There is, being a hardcore RE4 only fag
>Getting this riled up over opinions
>Probably has a folder with le epic reaction pics for people who disagree with him because he has none
Nah I think your genes are the ones that should be erased from the pool.
It's a tight and very enjoyable experience. A great example of how good Capcom can be when they're on the good side of the coin every three years before flipping and putting out dogshit for another three.
Leon has predictable but effective weapons that are satisfying, Claire has weirder weapons that make her infinitely more capable once you get a grip on how to use them. Both characters have fun story arcs, with final bosses that draw everything to a perfect close as long as you go LeonA/ClaireB complete with stupid loud Resident Evil orchestrals final boss theme
Once you get a hang for it as well, it's very enjoyable to speedrun as well as the DLC segments, since they trend on a more arcadey type of fun rampaging through familiar areas than exploiting autistic glitches
No, there's not one there
but i am a classicfag. If you dont think i didn't buy this game twice so i could have a preloaded digital version at midnight and a physical cersion you are insane.
Weird. I was watching a youtube LP, and then I saw a bag there. Although I'm playing on Hardcore myself, so maybe the item placement is different.
Do safe codes and other puzzles stay the same on different playthroughs or are they randomized? Can I just meta my way through subsequent playthroughs with the ultimate power of pen and paper notes IRL?
>I replayed it once or twice every year, for the past 20 years. Yet I only got around to playing its remake about two or three weeks ago
Sorry but i simply do not believe this. Being that i am the exact same guy as you with RE2, the idea that pure curiosity was not killing you every day until launch doesn't sit with me as plausible. Are you going to tell me you never touched the 1-shot demo either
Well, there's one in the save room just under the parking garage. You can get that later if you missed it.
Item locations also swap around during B routes as an obvious warning if you aren't already aware
>Safes & Lockers
>Puzzle puzzles like the chess plugs and circuit board
You can quit samefagging and kys anytime now. Also be proud that your ilk has killed gaming and now all games must look, play and feel the same.
>Claire encounters Mr. X
>gets to close
>starts wailing uncontrollably and gets a southern accent out of nowhere
>"stay wayyyyy paw"
Yes, that's the place I meant. Neat. I thought you couldn't return there anymore. Are there any areas in the game you absolutely can't revisit later?
You are.... my fire
"Yes" as in "yes, they stay the same" or "yes, they change"?
One of my favorite parts actually. I just sish it was all the fear shit that they do well and not Claire saying "GOD. SERIOOOOOSLY???" Listening to her piss her pants around tyrant is the shit
It depends how far along you are. Once you're in the lab you can't go back.
You can get back to the RPD from the sewers whenever you want.
Well then we agree yo disagree
I would tell you that constant pressure you felt has a lot to do with age and nostalgia, since playing RE2 nowadays feel as speedrunny as Remake, but that's just my opinion. Having said that, original gameplay will always take the cake for the atmosphere.
I think Capcom should keep remaking thenmain titles like 2 and just release Outbreak 3 with classic gameplay. RE8 can be whatever at this point.
There was not a whole lot of curiosity, there was a bunch of webms and video snippets circulating around in months leading to the demo and full release. They lost me hard as soon as the main character designs were shown, and I still maintain that they are hideous. You have to understand that I am not really that cynical towards modern games, nor do I hate Capcom for not delivering what I want. It's not about whether Capcom want to make a real, hardcore RE game. It's that they are purely incapable of doing so. They do not understand why the old games worked, and like mentioned ITT already, they have so many different games at this point that they don't even know who to cater to anymore. That's why last 5 RE games are all different (Last of us clone, outlast with guns clone, L4D clone, call of duty clone etc). Capcom lack identity and I bet you that whatever the next RE game is, it will be a complete 180 from remake of two, despite it getting phenomenal reviews and ratings.
That being said, once I actually got around to play the new remake, it captured my attention and I finished it in two three-hour long sittings which is really good since it rarely happens. I can appreciate it as a decent game on its own, but it fails on a bunch of things that could've been so much better with just a little bit more effort.
>Leon walks in
>this starts playing
Stfu retard
>Inb4 phone poster
I'm in the bed giving your mom the D-virus while I browse
based Leon
>I'm in the bed giving your mom the D-virus while I browse
Constant pressure was about RE2 REmake so you probably didn't understand me.
I acknowledge all the flaws of the original RE2 and have no issues with saying that. It's too easy and too linear. But despite that it's still one of the best games ever and everything else about it is so good that you don't even mind the flaws that much.
Well my bad. Im the one that actually felt tense while playing classic Re2.
Being a teen that has almost no experience with survival horror at the time. was a n64 kid
And I actually loved it for that, so I naturally liked the remake.
That one was pretty rude, especially after the black dude helped him as much as possible to stay alive and escape while bleeding out.
>See Mr X for the 500th time
>"WHAT THE--!"
>Nobody would buy a classic style RE as a $60 AAA PS4 / PC game in 2019; it would be a huge flop
Yeah, sure, ok. But "this version makes money easier" isn't exactly a compelling reason for me to care about the game, as a remake it has zero value for me
>Is this a fucking joke?
Marvin had an attitude problem.
Yes as in all the locker and safe combinations are the exact same. No, as in that all the real puzzles get fucked with on the B route
Worth it if only for the dope ass special handguns you get on B
What's the thing in Mr X's head?
Remote control chip.
Leon's 1911 kinda sucks. It should do more damage.
Claire's SAA revolver is excellent if you focus every shot
Some kind of control module. Field-ready tyrants were stuck with tons of tech to control them. Even that stupid trenchcoat is a tech controller that limits his mutations.
GPS tracker
Tyrants don't need remote control
Going from the remake2 to RE7... how much will I be disappointed?
USBs exist since 1996 dumb nigger
>BOWs don't need control
t. Umbrella employee
>cherrypicking this hard
It would've been so much better and more believable if there were floppy disks instead and you know it you shitter.
>Tyrants don't need remote control
They need behavioral control/limiters though you dumbfuck. Without those they just fuck up everyone indiscriminately like what Wesker experienced in RE1.
>>cherrypicking this hard
youre the one cherrypicking and pointing out all those minuscule "annoyances"
also im replaying RE1 and thank god they removed all that autistic pointless shit from REmake 2
If you gave a zoomer floppy disk pickup he'd have no idea what to do with it without googling and that includes you.
You wont be. Sounds like you already have low expectations. It's biggest flaw is low enemy variety and bad final boss, but all other bosses are great
it's an authorization device like a keycard, not a USB flash drive. It's not unreasonable at all to expect a hi-tech special police rescue unit to have a USB key in late 1998
RE7 is terrific
The station is good but the sewers and especially the lab are mediocre.
But to be fair i never regarded re2 as the best classic game so i am biased against it anyway.
Having a sewer level that is not complete shit is an accomplishment in its own. Sewer levels always suck
All he needs is the trenchcoat and he stays under control and obeys his mission. They don't have some kind of digital remote control interface to his brain where some Umbrella faggot miles away controls him like a drone via radio. Come on now, it's just GPS so they know where he is
Play Resident Evil.
Why the fuck would the GPS need to be stuck into his skull and not literally anywhere else?
because everywhere else is covered by bulletproof limiter clothing that blocks the signal
Why not just make it a part of the damn coat? Like a fucking button.
The coat limits his mutations
The thing in his head tells him his mission
Because they wanted it to be part of him, not part of the coat. Just because he's supposed to wear the coat doesn't mean he can't lose it, and they'd still want to know where he was if that happened
Coat is a mutation limiter only. He needs his head spiked with tech to remain under control.
Your explanation is completely assinine.
>tfw entering Library for the first time as Claire
SAA is the most satisfying gun in whatever game it's ever included in
Even better when you get bored in the Lobby, and make Mr.X kneel in under three reloads of back to back headshot wheel dumps
How so? What part about that does not make sense to your pea brain?
also it's "asinine"
OG soundtrack kind of makes it work somewhat.
>three reloads of back to back headshot wheel dumps
it takes like 15 seconds to reload that thing tho
>Not loving the thrill of slamming silver rounds into a well greased chamber while a gigganigga chases you that can smush your head in two blows
Get the speedloader if you're a dirty casul
SAA has no speedloader though. The cylinder doesn't swing out.
You must be thinking of Claire's weird 9mm J-frame revolver
You're right
God help anyone dumb enough to either fight X with her base pistol, or waste magnum+ rounds on him
Still though play an Ocelot theme and dumpster him a few times for an ego boost
Because that rationalisation is forced as fuck and makes no sense even in a B-plot horror game.
They could've planted a GPS tracker about anywhere on him and the part about coat blocking signal is something you just pulled out of your ass.
The only thing i would recommend to a classicfag is the rope.
REmake 2 is a very good game, like just about every other 3rd person camera RE.
if you have any semblance of taste, tremendously. RE7 is garbage made for zoomer streaming crowd. It's not Resident Evil.
i've had this game for months and still haven't played it. i already am too deep into horizon zero dawn so i have to beat that. but i started spider man too. too many games
OG Claire > Gen Z Claire
That scene alone made the remake better than the original. Leon being a proper alpha rather than getting pussy whipped by Ada immediately
>ruin all character designs without fault but make Ada ten times hotter
holy fuck how
Claire is for X x2
Thank fucking god someone with a clue. But let's be honest, it doesn't end here with Claire. From the fucking "we want the Netflix and TV crowd" Walking Dead TV intro cutscene, to the way they changed every character and tried to make what was always a B tier horror/comedy game into something super serious and emotional, it's just a shit fucking game that fails entirely to capture the essence of what made RE2 iconic and timeless. This is pretty much exactly what I expected the moment it was confirmed to be over the shoulder. They want the zoom zoom TV watching crowd. Nothing good can last forever.
RE4 fags are much older than college aged by now.
Its great at the police station but meh to good elsewhere, still worth a go.
The gunplay is the worst in any main resident evil. Feels like your shooting with plastic toys.
The game is much longer than 5 hours. Ffs, make a legitimate criticism so I can take you seriously. Also if you're paying $60 for a PC game at any moment you're an absolute retard
Jap Leon > Eng Leon
Hardcore isn't fun
>So is this game any good? Would you recommend it to a cranky old classicfag?
If you've never played RE2 then, sure, but it's just the same game with a new paint job. No expansion on the story or environments. A lot of wasted potential and Mr. X is fucking annoying!!!FACT!!!
B-but it adds tension!!!
>cranky old classicfag
>old classicfag
yes, the original is better, but it's still a good game. also don't be a fag and complain about bullet sponges because there are plenty of ways to take out enemies quickly.
>there are plenty of ways to take out enemies quickly
Such as?
>supposedly shotgun to the head is an instant kill
>but only if you're really close and if all the pellets hit the head
>if one pellet misses, the zombie doesn't die and still takes a dozen more handgun shots
>if you let the zombie move one millimeter closer while lining up your shotgun shot, it will initiate the auto-grab which is unavoidable damage
not supposedly, it's a guarenteed kill if you headshot a zombie within a comfortable close range, with plenty of space before they lunge.
all of your points can be attributed to bad aiming.
lmao you suck dude
I wish my aim could affect RNG pellet spread like yours does.
I like how the original RE2 is. Name one reason why RE2 remake is superior
No door opening loading screens
Nude mods.
Christ, she needs to lose some fucking weight.
Nu Ada.
it can, just place the cursor over the head and press the button.