Other urls found in this thread:
big nibba
>you were supposed to use the pots
>nobody ever bothered because he was easy as shit
He was a good boy. He didn't do nuffin. Can I get an F for my boy Fatass Demon?
how the FUCK does the covetous demon pull shit like this
fine but only a pity F
git gud
Really felt like a butcher killing a pig
still better then 3
So what happens after? Can you get back into the boss room after it's activated, or do you have to walk off of a cliff to reset the instance?
I dont get it. Is this supposed to make me dislike ds3 or something
*unequips all your shit*
I don't get it.
This represents all Roll Souls games.
What's wrong with this? Most people wouldn't realize that you have to roll away then toward him to avoid that attack. It can fuck alot of people up.
Except the butcher is Yui and the pig is Dark Souls
9 rolls in the span of about 10 seconds
>I'm a chuckster
oh so bloodborne
What's the issue here
>the pots
>the unique attack where he eats you and spits you out with all your equipment removed
>zero chance you'll ever see these things because you can just run up to it and kill it in 30 seconds
>beat boss when game was new
>put down soapstone
>continue to farm for HOURS
>literally reach NG+10 levels of OP
>I can now two shot most bosses and roll infinitely forever
>I hit Lissandra 5 times and kill her
This boss was based as fuck.
>Shit player = bad game
It's unrealistic and dumb. Bloodborne was much better.
The average Yea Forums poster
lmao fuck off
Literally me.
Cutest boss
Big fatty, rolly-polly piggu just wanting to nom some hollows
>we need a boss that represents gluttony
>how about a dragon so consumed by hunger that his chest has mutated into a giant mouth and his extremities have degraded
>we need a boss that represents gluttony
>how about jabba the hutt with a rancor face?
so what
you can do that in any game if you let the stamina build back up a bit between rolls
But you can do it consecutively in ds3
>You know what would be great? If we recolor that thing white for the DLC and try to sell it as a large mutated seal.
I'll take Jabba the Hutt, thanks.
your web didn't show that at all
you can see stamina recovering after 3 rolls
nitpick harder
>Yea Forums defends Dark Souls 3 now
He rolled 4 times in a row mindlessly and got away with it. Not like DS3 gives you any other options since everything's so spammy.
No he's right the stamina consumption for rolls in 3 is the lowest it's been. It's created a sort of hit and run meta that is really fuckin boring to watch
Just watch a ds3 streamer invading, everyone is constantly running because they can get away with it
>4 times in a row
wow you can't do that in any other game
it's literally just bloodborne yet everyone felates that game
>Just watch a ds3 streamer
Kill yourself.
and DeS
and Bloodborne
and Sekiro
but it's just ds3 that's the problem right?
old good new bad tho
wow that's so weird!
And? The number of rolls is completely irrelevant as long as the enemies are tuned around them, and Knight "spin 2 win with projectile spam" Gael is most definitely tuned for them.
Bloodborne's rolls and dashes have lower iframes than ds3's, so you can't get away with it as much.
Disregarding the fact that sekiro dashes have basically no iframes, it's also a completely different game and has it's own system that works for it.
This must be bait.
>And Sekir-
shut the fuck up
the whole idea of bloodborne hunters is to be nimble on their feet, and wear the lightest armor to prevent from slowing down.
doesn't make a lot of sense when you have a fully armored character rolling a million times weightlessly.
Not just getting away with it, but still having enough stamina for even more rolls. On top of that straight swords and the like have super easy stamina management and swing fast as fuck, on top of having tons of damage, so you barely even sacrifice DPS having a shield. Decent armor is also easier to carry and doesn't punish stamina as hard either. i-frames are also abuseable as fuck so you don't even need to time the rolls like you would in 2 with low ADP, you can literally just mash the button and get out fine most of the time. To top it all off builds are simplified as fuck compared to 2.
Bloodborne and especially Sekiro don't play the same so it's not as easily comparable.
>Bloodborne's rolls and dashes have lower iframes than ds3's
How does he do so little damage to you? One hit takes off 70% of my lifebar and some attacks like when he drops off the ceiling OHKO me
He doesn't seem to be that good at the game but looks like they are having a blast.
Im jealous.
it all makes sense now
Dark Souls 3 was unilaterally agreed to be soulless trash upon release. Contrarians have recently started defending it.
>apparently a 2fag just for mentioning i-frames
Yeah I can see how someone defending 3 would forget the feature even existed in the series previously, with how mindless and easy roll spamming is in 3. DS1 is the best btw
dark rolls 3
Do you have an issue understanding the topic or are you just pretending?
>broken-ass poise
500+ hours in each game, you're both talking shit Ds3 and Bloodborne feel identical. As for sekiro it's different, but not that different, spam roll or l1 infinitely and you'll mostly be fine
I'm pretty sure he called you a 2fag for specifically drawing a comparison with 2.
Stop talking to yourself, dickfucker.
>this thread
god I miss the DeS days..
Keep telling yourself that.
It's the only instance I'm aware of where the boss had the intended effect, without someone knowing about it already.
You have to be pretty terrible to get eaten by it I think.
>He fell for the '3 has shit combat' meme
>ds3 will be zoomers souls of choice and will defend it to the grave
>never got to play des and ds1 in their hayday
i feel sorry for you except your absolute shit taste in defending your bloodborne clone
>Ds3 and Bloodborne feel identical
I think herein lies the crux of the problem. They shouldn't feel identical. They should be different games that share common elements. But they got a little too trigger happy with copy pasting stuff from bb.
>hurr zoomer
It really bothers me how late he rolls for the second attack.
Bloodborne is superior to Dark Souls so I don't care. Hopefully they'll do the same with Sekiro to Elden Ring
>ds3 and bb both almost have unlimited stamina
>both have loud annoying screeching enemies who just flail around forever
so tiresome
Bloodborne has 11.
Ds3 has 13.
I don't really care either, I prefer bloodborne to dark souls 2 and 3 at least. About equal footing with dark souls for me.
I was just clarifying that the game should feel a little different mechanically than the souls games.
Elden ring with sekiros sword clanging would be kino.
>miyazaki cries about being done with the souls games
>precedes to copy everything from them into a new game
not sure if he's lazy or just a huge hack
>"put havel to instawin" the game
Lol, fuck off with your unbalanced shit faggot.
>t. hasn't played Sekiro
>isn't an Artorias-style duel
>isn't a BB flailing baboon
>didn't have to dodge more than 2 or 3 times
WTF From?! WTF?!!
>put havel to gimp yourself for no reason
Based. Learn how to roll you fucking scrub! Git gud!
>argument i do not have, call them a fag i must
woah... what a thinking man......
Literally this. Bloodborne killed it.
Why does Dark Souls 2 piss off zoomers so much?
The e-celebs talking shit about it?
The lack of instant gratification that Dark Souls 3 provides?
>Boss doesn't have anime power-ups
>Boss doesn't flood the screen with particle effects
>Boss doesn't shoot lazers
>Boss doesn't have a choir blasting out of your speakers
What the fuck were they thinking?!
I get that, but I'm still happy with how it turned out.
I'd banish the rest of the series to the shadow realm if it meant we got a more polished multiplat version of Bloodborne though
>Elden ring with sekiros sword clanging would be kino
that it would
>poise isnt broken like ds1
>rolls arent broken like ds3
Instant pleb repellent.
Dark Souls 2 sucks.
Gaping dragon represents Chaos' malignant influence more than gluttony
>b-but you must do it the hard way...
Fuck off, faggot 2: Return of the Faggot
The lack of instant gratification. and not having fast gameplay. Which is why they will never play any of the older titles yet will bitch about them
>this person made arguements! better post meme waifu!
Do you also happen to like Taylor Swift by any chance?
post your toons
Probably just a really high blood level, there's a mechanic in bloodborne that each blood level grants a passive defense bonus, the game never tells you that but being at any higher than around BL120 gives you a massive defense boost
Dark Souls 2 wasn't exactly a masterpice, but it had some neat ideas (Bonfire Ascetics, rearranged enemy placements on NG+ cycles, powerstancing, etc.) and was ultimately a better game than Hallway Rolls 3.
I love her.
why did so many people give up on sekiro sure anons talk about it here and there but it just kinda died. BB even still gets talked to death. Im mostly just curious as to why it's not getting the same treatment
Okay, so you're argument in favor of Dark Souls 2 over 3 is that you can actually beat it without being glitched around???
the fact it looks and plays like shit
It wasn't anything special,
Too many boss/enemy reskins
No builds
No multiplayer
It was a fine filler game but it's pretty bad compared to Bloodborne
>game's sequel, despite it's flaws, had some genuinely good ideas and concepts
>because of the negative reviews the next game would rather think it doesnt exist besides surface level pandering, even if that means regressing mechanic-wise
Any other series where this happens?
So like every From Software game
>invasions reduced to a minor nuisance
Good, stay butt hurt invader scum. Sekiro was an even better game because it had none of that lazily crafted trash. Just a clean, solid singleplayer game again... finally.
Bloodborne doesn’t have weighted armor or shields
It’s almost like context matters
It's better than Bloodborne in every way.
That would be fine if armor was actually good. Armor hasn't been good since Dark Souls 1, so if you couldn't roll well in armor... no one would use it.
>it's treason then.mp4
Not every way. Because of the way weapons were so unique in BB, nothing quite compares to the excitement of finding a new weapon in Sekiro.
Which is fine, since they're completely different games.
yep less variety is better amirite
Bloodborne has slightly worse combat but it makes up for that by having
an interesting world
good npcs
god tier music
Sekiro was ok at what it set out to be, an in between game while A team works on Elden Ring
oh look OPs mother.
Bloodborne had better weapons, honestly. However, the moment to moment gameplay is better in Sekiro. If they had made staggers not deal an entire health bar and toned down boss stagger limits it might have been better as well.
Personally I liked the game a lot but have no desire to replay it anytime soon because there's no build variety
wooden shield is surprisingly good for pvp
DaS PVP has never been good.
I'll never understand the people that defend 2 so hard. It has the worst level design in the series and some of the most offensive hitboxes. I had fun with the game, but having a legit unreliable dodge because of how ADP and hitboxes worked is a huge problem for a Souls game.
The whole A team B team meme needs to end.
>DaS PVP has never been good.
>spam backstabs on each other.
Yes... debatable for sure.
Variety levels would have been off the charts if they had just left those in so BB can be a complete DS copy
parry after a backstab and you can just chain stab someone to death. I'm glad they nerfed that shit in the later games
Git gud.
The dude in this webm couldve just not been a retard and waited outside the range of that mace. Or tried to parry or something.
because no build variety outside of prosthetic tools and combat arts. there's not that much to discuss after you finish the game.
still a solid 8.92/10 for me.
They're both shit, what's your point?
Deserved it for trying to cheese an easy enemy.
>souls thread
I feel like replaying dark souls 1 but I've already played it many times and I need just the right challenge run to keep things interesting. In addition to not levelling or using estus, what should I do?
That is the point.
Why not just install an enemy or item randomizer mod. Or both at once.
Yeah what a bad performance on his part
and someone using a mace is EASY parry bait
Don't think I can do that here
I was just arguing that contextually it makes sense for hunters in bloodborne to be able to roll around excessively, and not the value of armors in dark souls.
I never understood why people found this dude so difficult, went in blind and killed him first time. He’s slow and has big tells.
You sure showed me... lol.
notice how das3 trannies seethe over this post but get mad when people defend das2?
they're mentally ill
Fair enough. I see what you mean.
It's his shitboxes. If you aren't used to them and don't have good defense them some people will get oneshotted by drop attacks and the run attack which hits 5 feet away from his body.
ds2 is an especially smelly shit compared to the rest of the titles. it literally looks unfinished.
90% of the assets look like the artists just gave up and went to happy hour after finishing 20% of the work.
bruh moment
Both games are shit. Did you consider that? Oh, no? I guess you were too busy shilling.
>DS2fags are Yea Forums crossboarders
Now it all makes sense.
just dropping in to say YAAAOOOOOOOOOO
This game on NG+ without Kuro's charm and with bell demon really kicked my ass. I still have Demon of Hatred and Isshin left, but fuck me I'm drained of any willpower to get through that hell.
DaS is the only good entry because of this.
trying too hard
That first roll through the horizontal swing is generous but the 2nd one past the jumping overhead is legit but lucky.
Which boss is that a viable strategy for
You play like absolute shit. Not From's fault
Her personality type is chunni
What an epic duel!
Dark Souls II didn't have "the negative reviews" it retains the highest metacritic of the trilogy. It has a bad user score because of jewtube onions boys
>it literally looks unfinished.
So like every From Software game
embarrassing confession time: I actually got killed by him yesterday. I forgot his sideways roll had a second roll and got squished...
Art direction was less than stellar to say the least
magicfags btfoed
Holy shit i fucking hate how spammable this game is so fucking disgusting
How early, you mean.
>It has a bad user score because of jewtube onions boys
the biggest fucking DS2 defender on youtube is a fucking onions boy; H "I raised thousands of dollars for trannies" Bomberguy
Hbomberguy is söy repellent, buddy.
>i need ecelebs to dictate every facet of my life and tell me what to think
>0 estus left
>only 2 of the 7 rolls are actually necessary
This is the prime shitter in action. This is no different from havels or giantdad poise tanking artorias in DS1. He's got no health resources left despite using a shield and a very quick recovery weapon, and he rolls so unnecessarily it's probably killed him more times than it's saved him. I can guarantee that if his entire run was recorded we'd see he's been killed more time from rolling too much than he's saved himself by rolling too much.
>"it's only got bad reviews because youtube"
>"the most ardent defender of DS2 you'll ever find is on youtube"
imagine being this much of a smoothbrain
It doesnt change the fact most of the things he said were right.Only a fucking moron refutes to someone's political opinion to disregard them.You are a dumb fucking faggot.
>Only a fucking moron refutes to someone's political opinion to disregard them
>It has a bad user score because of jewtube onions boys
Can I get this webm in a more washed out version? I need an animated phone background that is murky greys and greens with occasional sparks flying up.
>It doesnt change the fact most of the things he said were right
Someone spent 8 hours to fully analyze and deconstruct his arguments in favour of DS2 and the conclusion was Hbomberguy was arguing in bad faith, had poorly formulated, shallow, and incomplete arguments, and even occasionally contradictory arguments. There is almost nothing he said that holds up to scrutiny.
he cute
>wasting 8+ hours on a contrarian retard
DS2 is good confirmed
Thanks for proving my point.
>someone actually spent 8 hours to counter his arguments
sounds like a sweaty faglord with a peculiar taste with nitpicking features and the aspects of the game
>nitpicking features and the aspects of the game
but it wasn't about the game, it was about arguments in favour of the game, using the game to demonstrate why those arguments are incorrect or weak.
You can't do this anymore, the Sekiro fags will get upset.
What is wrong with it?He basically got owned for standing right under it when it flied off.It seems like most of the people that shit on this game are actually bad at this game since you cant dodge out of everything or poise tank shit with ease.
the fire breath continued even after the dragon had died
>it wasnt about the game,it was about arguments that were about the features and aspects of the game to nitpick about those features to make a counter argument
>dragon breaths incinerating fire
>hur dur it still keeps burning the ground after it died
the fire spout from the dragons old position in the air prior to its death still continues after the dragon has died and moved from that position
i thought walking back from blighttown, or worse yet tomb of the giants/ash lake was absolutely the most frustrating and boring part of not having a warping system. seriously, whats fun about that at all? im being punished for exploring because i went to the wrong area in an open ended game?
this isnt how the real game plays at all
>"bloodborne is GOTY of all time"
>"DS3 is bad, they just copied bloodborne"
i never understood why people would have fun playing any of these games with a competitive mindset. i think the people who invade for the purpose of being funny/roleplaying/wearing havels on anor londo archers to block the path have more fun than people who think its a skill to swing lagsticks around and go for frontal backstabs
based yao poster
>2 fags can never actually refute the criticism of their shit game so they just try to talk down a different game instead
he cute :3
>i think the people who invade for the purpose of being funny/roleplaying/wearing havels on anor londo archers to block the path have more fun
I know I could never pvp in any DS game if I was trying to be serious about it, my anxiety would go through the roof. Instead I spent most of my time in 3 doing a meme dragon stone build or greatbow+invisible ring trolling, and recently in 2 with a character named "Dommy Mommy" that uses whips, the penal mask, and most of the desert sorceress set. Lagstabbing with twink builds or giantdads is way too tryhard.
anyone here use CE to spawn weapons at level 2 in ds3? i kinda want to replay but i hate how linar the game is
Covetous Demon is cute! CUTE!!!
Kill me now i almost got killed by this dude today
there was a ton of time to get out of the way but the player got greedy
what's the problem here
shit like that happens in every souls game
>posts SotFS
Imagine if we could describe what we like about certain games without having to say other games are worse to prove our point ...
SotFS is by word of the developers the definitive, intended experience.
it really isn't
never going to update my game