Nuclear explosion

>nuclear explosion
>radiation 20 times above normal

Stop playing post-apocalyptic RPGs and move to Russia.

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did something go boom?

Some nuclear explosion mishap in Russia, likely from a missile. They've admitted to 5 scientists dying.

They tried to cover it up because that worked the first time.

Just on some little island

T. Russian Foreign Minister

This man is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

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It's those goddamn Americans just like with Chernobyl again. Why must they always keep the good people of Russia down?

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>They've admitted to 5 scientists dying.

Oh fuck, that means at least a thousand people are dead.

>good people
Choose one

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probably Little Saint James Island. gotta destroy the evidence

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I choose Russians.

any video footage of it yet?

i thought the new stalker game wasn't due until 2021

>those poor slavic sub humans

welp they're all dead

The shit people do to get another series on Amazon prime.

Well it looks like HBO won't have much trouble with season 2

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Doesn't look great, but not terrible.

fuckhuge conventional explosion at a russian explosive stockpile location. apparently there were nuclear materials housed at the site so they're worried about radiation exposure to the area.

stuxnet 2.0 claims its first victim

But the dosimeters only go to 3.5.

Everybody gangsta until the control rods start jumping

>only 5
So 50,000 people


Based slavshits giving HBO more content to work with.

>inb4 russia nukes themselves out of the game before it even starts

Oh thanks for reminding me that the superpowers of this world hold the capability of destroying *almost* all life on earth and that it wasn't just a rumour.

Imagine being such a brainlet that you don't know nukes are regularly tested.

There’s actually been 3 explostions. Two at a munitions bunker a few days apart, and one between those where a weapons test failed and blew up releasing radioactive particles in the debris.

>people think that dinky little explosion is an actual nuclear blast.

Oh russia, will you ever win?

I see a stupid argument incoming where at the end you call each other faghots.

Testing new propulsion systems.

This is an 18+ image board. Please leave.

>brainlet thinks nuclear explosions are massive enough to destroy a whole modern city

no they’re testing a new delivery system. They’re working on hypersonic missiles.

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It was a test of pic related, a Бypeвecтник missile with a nuclear propulsion system. They've been testing these for a while now.
Radiation level is already back to normal.

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T. Russian Propaganda Minister

Why is Russia so bad at everything?

Exactly, they're preparing for war.

Russians need to be gassed.

>everything is back to normal
Sure sure

If it spreads nuclear material into the atmosphere and wind currents carry it to your backyard you're gonna be fucking concerned m8. There are places in the US that are so irradiated thanks to incredibly lax radiation safety measures that entire generations of people have died in their 30s-40s of numerous cancers before the government told them to get the fuck out because the soil is killing them.

One incident I remember is that the waste water runoff from a plant literally fed into a creek behind a school in a small town, and nearly everyone that went there contracted some kind of cancer. Nobody told them a thing until they started dropping like flies years later, I don't even think they got any compensation for it.

Ok alex jones.


Oh yeah, sometimes I forget I have to get the fuck out of America. Thanks for the reminder.

>the US isnt doing the same

Because nobody else even has nuclear propulsion so it's a completely new tech.
Everyone always is. Never forget this.

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Ok then brainlet, why would a country design missiles capable of ignoring the anti-missile systems carried by their biggest rival then?
>implying anywhere is self
One nuke launches, they all launch. The world is over within a decade

They're already prepared for war you twit. This is just making sure that they don't fall behind.

>we wanted you to stay.
Youre staying here on your own volition buster. Kinda like how you need to get out of your parwnts basement.

We better damn well be, I don't really want to be blown up.

>war is reality
Ok Israel

I wonder what life would be life after immense radiating of an area.
It's my understanding that this shit doesn't happen naturally anywhere so I wonder if life would be possible at all.

>spicy lego

>thinking you have a choice in the matter

20 times normal isn't even dangerous to humans. safety standards are hysterically strict. You get 40x normal radiation on a long flight.

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Yep already back to 3.6
Not great, not terrible

>the US
>doing anything with its carnival government and trannies

>missiles capable of ignoring the anti-missile systems carried by their biggest rival then?
Wait, who has this?

No, they’re looking to develop technology that will let them stay competitive with the US. They don’t want war but they don’t want to fall behind the west. It’s to gain leverage.

Lol this is exactly what they said when Chernobyl exploded
Why are Ivans such slaves to their government?

Implying doing radiation tests on the people of bikini atoll is something the good guys would do.

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Depends on which propaganda department you want to listen to.

You have the thought process of a bag of gravel.

The west has stagnated its military technology in order to allow men to become women easily

It was pretty funny though.

>WW3 when trump and putin are best friends
try again

You really want to change genders from the amount you're projecting.

Russia and China are both interested in hypersonic missiles. Really every nation that has the means to produce them wants them. They’re an upgrade to cruise missiles.

Show me both

>yfw you will live stalker or metro 2033 very soon

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>They don't want war
This is true of 99% of countries on Earth, including places like China, but it isn't true of Russia. Putin is on top of a house of cards, and he needs war to get money to the people who support him so that he can stay in power.

Exactly, so WW3 happens when Trump is out of office. 2-6 years of fragile peace, enjoy it anons. That should be enough time to build a shelter

Metro would be very comfy

You're right that suburban single-family housing is an anomaly. Cities are the natural order of life.

They still have the strongest Navy in the world. Who ever controls the ocean controls international shipping and thus the world.

Russia, China, America are all in development, all actually have them but are marked as "black ops", none of them have them but are leaking fall reports, and are all currently stealing the design documents from the others.

>they're worried about radiation exposure to the area.
This is the least believable part of that statement.

Nice prediction Nostra-dumbass

When Russia and China have missiles that can avoid all anti missile tech, your boats are just sitting targets

something about a nice subterranean, haunted tunnel seem very comfy to me, as long as i have my trust ak by my side

ps fuck the communists

Honestly, I'm thinking CIA sabotage. Incompetence and corruption are natural on lower levels but this is a very high profile and it's it's been less than two months since a nuclear submarine filled entirely with colonels sunk.
Why are such sensitive projects tanking so close to each other?

Yeah, because conflict wrecking the global economy for every developed country in the world is exactly what powerful world leaders want to be responsible for

See this is one of the benefits to living in a small town in the midwest. You could get hit by an alien attack or a nuclear war, but in either case they're probably figure eh, why bother.

Yeah because no technology will ever be built to counter a previous counter.

This shit is chess not checkers faggot.

>Honestly, I'm thinking CIA sabotage.
Which means it was Mossad.

>risk total war with the only nation capable of mutually assured destruction
Yeah. That would be suicidal. If he needs a war he would be better suited pushing a proxy war that won’t develop into a nuclear conflict with the strongest military on earth.

Becuase russians are dumb subhumans

>implying anti-missile tech is even reliable and not just a relic of the cold war

White Americans need not to worry because beaners will go to war instead of them, but will still be extinct a century later.

No, they're missile delivery systems that are right next to their targets instead of being across the globe from them

>missile based warfare now
>shooting down missiles is pointless
Based brainlet

Jesus i was waiting for this post. You were right on time to bait people. What took you so long?

I don't want war I just wanna play videogames

One US submarine has enough nuclear missiles on it to count as the 5th largest nuclear nation when it’s at sea. Hypersonic missiles aren’t doing shit against the US’s sub fleet. Nothing changes.

Check out Chernobyl, overrun with plants and animals and nobody wants to live there
Or for smaller doses, check out the nip cities that got nuked, they went back to normal after about a few decades

Literally every first world country has done shit like this you naïve bastard. Perhaps not to the same extent but it happens regardless.

You mean the economy that will stabilize in a couple years? Yeah that's exactly what they want
Midwest is where all the warheads are stored and where they'd attack first.

If you wish for peace, prepare for war.

>Midwest is where all the warheads are stored and where they'd attack first.
Actually they're mostly in Montana.

Ah yes, but you forget that Soviet submarine is best submarine and they will hunt-kill american submarine before launch.

Did you get that off you " inspirational quotes per day" calendar?

Americans dont have the stomach for a war that isnt ordered by Israel

No it's jsut a really old saying

>desestabilize enemy
>control economy with your production
>have them in your palm
Seems reasonable

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T. Call of Duty death screen

no, it's a quote from the third john wick movie.

And you stole it like the fag you are.

Unironically how much of a probability is WW3? I dont really see it happening and if it does, it would be chemical warfare instead of nukes.


The Russian people are good though, it's their government that's fucked up.

I can't attribute it to anyone because no one knows who originally said it, it's just a roman adage.

Stop using old memes.

Apocalyptic war doesnt benefit the wealthy so it's unlikely

No one has the stomach for war until it's at their front door and you're left no choice

No theyre trash and deserve everything they get. Fuck them.

Extremely unlikely due to how intertwined world economies are, the only wars we're likely to get from here out are proxy wars

So long as a government can't eliminate the counterattack that would ensue, it's just too risky to start one.

>China is moving ground forces into Hong Kong
>Now this.
I ready for the maelstrom.

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The moment some jews lose control of an important country.

Unironically? Slim as shit. Proxy wars, small border skirmishes, and economic imperialism is the name of the game.

Start using your brain

>So many idiot westerner show up at Chernobyl they make it an official tourist trap
>Russian national tourism revenues double overnight
>"Quick make more! We don't need this dirt farmer village!"

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Conventional warfare is done. Every country is in an eternal cold war. The only exception is proxy wars between the 3rd world countries.

The status quo has nearly been reached. No one is willing to ruin it except the little countries who don't get a piece of the pie, in which case if they try anything they'll be buried by the big guys in an extremely one sided conflict.
The only war that will happen between major powers will happen entirely in the shadows out of public sight.

>a nation of trannies, cucks, and zoomers is going to fight robotic Chinks and farm raised Ivans
The USA will lose its next major war that isnt against people living in mud huts

We are going towards Cold War 2.0 between USA and China with everyone else caught in between.
The difference this time is that both sides are brittle decaying shitholes.

It's already started but it's a tech war. China is winning and will win btw

Well like the place I mentioned it basically just cut people's lifespans down, but largely remained normal. If the entire world becomes like this just picture a world where if you live to 70 you're considered an anomaly, and dying of blood/bone cancer is just as common as dying from diabetes or heart disease is today. Oh, and shit like playing in the garden or spending a lot of time outdoors would be discouraged, anything that brings up dust into the air would be seen as deadly as playing in sewage is today.

ITT: Yea Forumsirgins discussing international politics by piecing it together from hersay

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Cute feet

how could 3.6 roentgen kill 50,000 people? only 5 were injured because of human error!

People can man up when they actually need to.

Even older memes

quit stealing the english language fagboi

it made spongebob. i call that an absolute win.

I rate this thread 3.6/10,000 roetgen.

Hah. Russians.

play mgs its deterrence or something not war

Its wrong to tell a tranny to man up

If i wanted my own comeback I'd wipe it off your moms face.

Then woman up, whatever the fuck

>tfw China has mass drivers with the “artificial stars” they’ve shown capable of creating

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>dead russians
Nothing of value was lost.

More like bitter virgins wanting nuclear holocaust because they're so miserable and want everyone else to be miserable

Drone pilots, bro.
You can do both

Clearly you've never been to Russia.

To be fair, everyone loses to mud huts in Asia

Well i mean odds are theyre going to kill themselves so might as well speed up the process.

>america can cut a man's dick off and create a vagina in its place

Nice ass.

Thanks for clearing this up, thought WWIV was starting

Would Yea Forums dodge the draft?