I haven't had the motivation to play video games for 8 months. The last game I played was Resident Evil 2. I really enjoyed it. I've booted up a few a games here and there and played for an hour or so but I just get so bored and no longer enjoy it. Anyone else ever have this experience? How do I power through it.
Yes, I'm experiencing this as well. I used to absolutely love games, but as of late, I cant bring myself to play them. I cant tell if games are becoming too similar, or what, but it's sad that I dont love them like I used to. I'm really hoping Death Stranding sparks the love again.
Nolan Roberts
that's called burnout, user. stop playing games, find a new hobby, and then come back when you actually feel like playing again
Justin Hernandez
you are both experiencing burnout. you need to experience some other stuff in order to re-contextualize games to your minds.
Angel Young
Play online with a friend. Currently was going through the same shit you are having. Playing through Rust with this qt girl that I dated in high school. Her boyfriend just left her, too.
Xavier Peterson
I have this same outfit
Levi Sanchez
Literally had this for 2 months. Then came back and completed 4 games within like 3 weeks, was amazing
I got burned out of video games for two or three years. Only game I really played during that time was an MMO, and that was mostly for the social aspect. Otherwise, any game I tried playing would only entertain me for an hour at most, and then I wouldn't try again for a long time.
Went away about a year ago, and I'm playing vidya much more actively. Still not as much as I used to, I think, but that's probably just because I have a social life and different hobbies to do now.
Burnouts happen. Can be a couple of week, can be years.
Levi Jackson
this is what is called the Yea Forums effect stop coming here or you will end up hating videogames so much it would be irreversible (after that you will only find joy in angry shitposting until you become an hero)
Jaxson Jones
if you have a ps4 i recommend new God of War.
They have companion characters in there with so much unique dialogue that it'll never repeat until you start the extra end game content. It makes you feel like you are playing a 'coop' game despite it being single player. I'm just guessing that you might like these pseudo social interactions in your games.
Wyatt Wilson
I very rarely come to this board since I actually enjoy video games. I only ever come here to see what the general consensus is regarding certain games.
The last time I was active here was when Red Dead 2 released. I saw all the 10/10 reviews, played it, and it was garbage, so I knew the threads were going to be good.
I haven't played any of the others, but sounds interesting.
I'll take a little break for a while then I guess. I'm going to play BotW 2 regardless of how I feel though.
same for me. i don't know what to do with my time now. i mainly just wanna sleep
Easton Barnes
>posts on Yea Forums all day >masturbates 6 times a day >dopamine receptors burned out >attention span absolutely in shambles >brain status fucked >WTF BROOS I DONT LIKE VIDEOGAMES ANYMORE HOW COULD THIS BE HAPPENING >does nothing to change and shitposts on Yea Forums into oblivion Many such cases
I've filled the hole with reading, watching stream shows, fa/tg/uy hobbies, and spending time with friends.
Also, posting on a Chinese basketweaving forum that I hate.
Kevin Lewis
eat pussy
Jason White
Dylan Phillips
I'm playing RE1 remake and I'm stuck. I just got the jewelry box and two medallions from books, and discovered the room with the rotating eagles and animal heads with gems that are stuck inside. I have no idea how to proceed from there, anyone have tips to get me on the right direction without fully spoiling the puzzle to proceed?
Juan Jenkins
I was about to type out a response and help, but I literally forget that entire section.
Parker Anderson
holy shit I need to buy this game
Dylan Lewis
What's crazy is I also played this game way back when it was only on gamecube, and I still remember pretty much all the puzzles up to that point.
Joshua Hall
Pretty sure you just push the shit and wiggle around until it lets you grab the gems. There's no trick.