You have to literally purchase characters separately to make them show up in their own video games now? What the fuck?
Sold separately
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nigga are you new on the internef? DLC has been a thing for a decade
My last system with N64. I've never connected a video game to my computer.
The fuck are you talking about?
Welcome to DLC
also Smash isn't Banjo's game you faggot
He's a character in this particular Smash Bros sequel based on that trailer video. That's all I meant, not that he's the main character of Smash Bros.
>You have to literally purchase characters separately to make them show up in their own video games now?
The game is already out, and he's being added as post-launch content via DLC. Were you hoping to play as Banjo without owning Smash or something? I don't follow.
That trailer video with Banjo Kazooie in the new Smash Bros had that disclaimer I underlined in the OP picture. It's saying even though they're advertised as these characters in this game, by the official makers of the game (not even like a fan mod thing), you still have to buy some separate piece of the game for them to be playable. Like some shitty version of how Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles were two separate games buy you could stick Sonic 3 on top of Sonic and Knuckles to play a combination game.
Not sure what you mean by quoting me there.
It's the same thing I already said. I meant it was a game they're in, not that they're the main characters of the game. It's their own game just as much as it's Kirby's own game or Captain Falcon's own game. "Own game" as in they were made to be in the game by the creators, not some fan built modification where it would make sense for it to be a separate component.
Yes user, you pay for extra content
Did they not have the idea to add them until after the game was already released? Or did they plan this from the beginning?
What did he mean by this.
Is there something specific you didn't get a clear read on from that post?
The game was wrapped up and released once it was completed. Now they're continuing to support the game by adding post-launch content like new characters, stages and game modes (most of which costs money so that the team can continue to work on the game while turning a profit).
Have you seriously never heard of dlc before? I'm confused.
user, it's new content they're selling for the game. It's additional stuff.
Unless this is some top tier bait, yes user, Downloadable Content (DLC) has been a thing for nearly 15 years. It's the modern equivalent of expansion packs, but more nickle-and-dimey. You can't seriously have been living under this heavy of a rock.
Quality bait
maybe OP was in jail for that long? very strange bait if otherwise
Why wouldn't they just make extra characters unlockable when you beat the game or collect hidden items or whatever? Charging for pieces of a game doesn't make any sense at all to me. Do they really make that much money by selling games in parts now?
>OP is finally released from a 15 year prison sentence
>First thing he does after getting out is go on Yea Forums
I never got into computer games. Games I played were just physical things you bought and it was done with, except for that expansion pack example, although even then I don't remember that being a thing on anything I played except DK64.
You know what fuck you guys you aren't helpful or kind at all. This fucking site is overrun with newfags.
>selling games in parts
Not that this DOESN'T happen in the modern state of the industry, but Smash Ultimate is a complete game. All of the additional content they're adding post-launch is just that. Additional. How is that so hard to understand?
how old are you?
What is this thread even
Are you pretending to be me (OP) to insult other anons to make me look bad? I don't get it.
OP is Rip Van Winkle
Seethie stevies trying a new tactic I see.
game finished extra content cost money
apparently the first thing he did was look up Banjo Kazooie and saw they're still getting games nobody tell him
>All of the additional content they're adding post-launch is just that.
But did they really *develop* it after the game was already released? Or did they just not release these parts they already had developed from the beginning until after the game was released? If it's the latter then that's not really how you're characterizing it right now.
>expansion pack
Okay now I'm sure you're not being genuine, but I'll bite anyway. Not the thing you put in the N64, but add-ons to full games. It's been around since the 90's, but not really a think with Nintendo. Other consoles started doing it around 2006, with Nintendo jumping in around 2011 or so. I still refuse to believe you haven't at least heard of it.
This is the second (technically third if you split Wii U and 3DS) smash to have DLC
DLC has been a thing since the 360 era. Google horse armor
This is the strangest bait thread I’ve seen in a while
>But did they really *develop* it after the game was already released?
In this case yes. But you do have greedy publishers that will withhold content to sell later. There have even been controversial cases of publishers selling codes to unlock shit already on the release disc.
I don't know what to tell you. No game I played ever had "add-ons" except for Sonic & Knuckles kind of acting like an "add-on" when combined with Sonic 3 (or also Sonic 2, but it was more of a thing with Sonic 3 since Sonic 2 with Sonic & Knuckles was just the same Sonic 2 game but with Knuckles as your character).
I had a Sega Genesis and an N64.
You'd have to not be following video games at all for the past 15 years to now know what DLC is. I'm only two years younger than you.
Is this like some weird statement against DLC using a Nintendo game as an example cause that would get the biggest pull of replies? Cause I am not ready for the DLC argument that was a plague on Yea Forums a while back to surface again
Honestly user if you’re being remotely serious just google shit nigga. If youve been that detached from the industry then READ UP if you’re making a return.
I mean fuck, you know enough to come on Yea Forums
For most games (Smash included), it's the former. It would seem each character/stage bundle takes upwards of 3 months to make. So making them all BEFORE the game is launched would eat into the dev time in such a counter productive manner that it just wouldn't make any sense for them to do it.
I don't have new video game systems. I have a virtual version of Sega Genesis on my Android phone. I played Banjo Kazooie and Smash Bros (the one on N64, not these newer versions) and there was a trailer video on youtube about Banjo Kazooie being in a new Smash Bros game that I just saw a little while ago today.
He just wants an excuse to shitpost user. No one is this stupid unless you've been incarcerated for 15 years or was released from epstein's saylient green island.
How is this shitposting just because I don't subscribe to some modern video game news magazine?
OP thinks you have to purchase Banjo and then Kazooie separately in order to get the full fighter.
No, I didn't say that.
Because you're too fucking stupid to just google something that has been around for over half your fucking life.
>no one is this stupid
You say that like people who play vidya have been doing so all their lives. People who go their whole childhood without touching any gaming console, and instead get into the industry later on, aren't as uncommon as you think.
You talk like you're 50 dude, do you mean an genesis emulator?
I know selling them as a separate part is a thing already because I saw it in the trailer video. I was asking *why* they would do that.
To make a profit, you dumb motherfucker. Are you really that slow?
A. they are making new content after initial release, not always necessarily planned. they use the internet to distribute it, which is why every console can connect to the internet now.
B. the content is already a part of the game, and they are locking it behind a price.
Just Google it you dingus, why would come to ask for information here?
In the simplest way I can put it:
People who like a game want more of that game. So the devs (after the game has already launched) make more of that game for those people to enjoy. It costs money because the devs ain't gonna work for free, that shit needs funding y'know?
im envious of how detached from society you can manage to be.
The idea is that they develop content after the main game is finished, so they can continue to add and build on a game without having to release an entirely new title. The prices of DLC (in theory) fund this.
We still sometimes get shit like the old Street Fighter 2 revisions, though, as shown by Under Night In Birth.
to get more money from retarded nintensóy manchildren, what else?
You are baiting.
You're first reaction to this trailer text cannot possibly to open up Yea Forums on your computer and phone and type this when you claim you don't know how dlc works.
BK is owned by a different company from Nintendo (unless you also missed that, Rare was bought out by Microsoft in like 2002), so selling them separately means they can sort out the profits more easily (Microsoft gets X% of the money from BK, Nintendo gets Y%)
No because you are taking issue with something that has been common ground for more than ten years. It’s not some brand new thing. And even though you are impossibly detached from any releases in the last ten years, you are here on Yea Forums.
what the hell is this thread
shitposting and snoys seething for some reason