The eternal debate

The eternal debate.

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Only Korean and old men who can’t even compete use bats

Ball for 4 way, bat for fighting games

Is it though?

The correct answer to the joystick question.

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>u mad orange boi?

Left feels best on the way out. Slight tug, followed by a pop of relief.

round things are better

>u made wite boi?

Left easy

>He still uses sticks
>Not playing on hitbox buttons

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ive had both ball and bat. ball is better 100%

Ball is better because it's more versatile. You can alternate your grip multiple ways.

That will soon be outdated by Crossbox or whatever the hell abomination the hitbox engineers are releasing soon.

ball feels better on insertion/removal but bat is better for fucking yourself with

ball top is japanese therefore superior even if it isn't


Bat is for OP to suck on cause hes a fag

Which one of these two would be best for Tetris?

ball top diamond gate

Can still fit both in my ass

depends, asshole, destroying your ENTIRE thread and OP question.

fuck you, fix it.

I still can't hit all directions properly on a stick. Can't find any grip that feels comfortable to do upward and downward motions on without having to shift my hand. It's like drawing at certain angles, feels awkward. I get the same thing on a regular analog stick as well, maybe just not as noticeable because that's just thumb motion.

the fuck is that?
i thought sole buttons, ie hitbox, was the be all end all for CONTROL in a fighter.