Got every name I wanted

Got every name I wanted.
Any one else with good luck?

I'll buy Artemis if anyone has it T__T

Attached: checkem.jpg (1920x1080, 775K)

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No. Strangely I only got 1 of the 3 I wanted. They aren't even common names ffs.

I got 1 as well. Fuck I though I'd at least get the one I wanted for my shammy troll but nooo some fucking faggot already grabbed it.

If you're reading this Flamesalt you need to kill yourself immediately.

>if he kills himself he won't be able to log in and delete the character with the name you want

Attached: 1538299180926.gif (500x206, 971K)

Lol I fucking had to wait in a queue for 20 minutes, got all 3 names I wanted and realized it defaulted me into a different server than the one I had originally picked. Fucking cool.

>discord overlay

>Another tranny

Isn't Reddit more inviting to your kind?

Will it be worth playing alliance in classic? Seems like almost everyone is going to a pvp server and playing horde because of the op racials. Playing alliance on such a server is going to be impossible.


I have my wonderful bank alt on Herod, Esfand the Orc Warrior.