B>GF @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

B>GF @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Attached: maple login.jpg (500x500, 82K)

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toasting in an epic bread

Do you remember?


Attached: Maplestory-BasilMarket-Screen-230815-1.jpg (800x600, 229K)

Attached: MapleStoryA-2011-05-02-15-47-20-27.png (1024x768, 388K)

133 221 333 123 111

boomer game


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It's amazing how much they managed to ruin the game. Wew lad. It's literally not even a game anymore. Quit before pirates were even a thing, came back a year ago or so to check out what it had become.

in what way?

Grinding actually takes time and effort and money doesn't come free early on. Quests every few levels, not the whole way holding your hand. Have to make choices, based on your class and build, on where to grind (some places are faster but if you don't play well you get oneshot, other places are safer but a bit slower). The world has a sense of continuity as you progress through the levels toward other areas.

spam your first skill keybind until the whole screen is dead. Repeat until a button appears on the top-right to teleport you directly to the next grind zone. Quests for free exp/gear/money everywhere.
Also the classes are all kinds of retarded and pqs don't work like they used to. In fact there's no legit partying going on anymore. Just solo to max level.

>power creep with all the new classes
>cubing pay2win
>no reason to do pq's because there's a billion faster ways to do it by yourself
>retconning the original heroes and turning them into classes you can play as due to them all simultaneously awakening from a long slumber somehow
>the entirety of the black mage commander story arc

>Quests for free exp/gear/money everywhere.
who quests for exp or money in maplestory in 2019?
PQs are dead because they work exactly as they used to, the rewards they give didn't keep up with the times.

>who quests for exp or money in maplestory in 2019?
Nobody because you get everything for free so nothing matters except spamming button 1 and clicking 'teleport'.

>all simultaneously awakening from a long slumber somehow
To be fair they were all sealed at the same time from the same spell, but in reality they don't all wake up at the same time. In the lore too

I don't understand what you're doing, clearly I play and I know that isn't true, and clearly you know that isn't true it is an exaggeration, not an argument meant to change my opinion, nor do you seem open to the idea that what you think the game isn't like isn't what it is actually like

If you got "everything for free" then everyone would be soloing everyboss, up to and including the black mage

>hp washing
>white scrolls
>2x exp coupons

b-but muh pre-bb utopia

Old Maplestory was also bad because the grind was interminable and painful and long. There's a balance, and they never struck it.

Where did it all go wrong for Reboot?

When the PQ was added to the game, long before those glasses, it was the best way to level without getting bored
Also the glasses were good before the game got completely broken

I just wanna play an mmo to make buddies again. Is maplestory still good for that?
I miss the forced wait for airships before they added the faggotplanes. Those were probably the most fun I had messing around with people

when reboot got popular instead of dying like it did in kms. rebooters are an arrogant bunch who believe the game wouldn't exist without them, while at the same time believing they give nexon less money than regular servers under the guise of being f2p.

Maplestory is not a good fit for that, unless you like joining discords outside of the game as the primary means of communicating with people in your server/guild


Attached: maple0311.jpg (800x600, 84K)

It was never good by itself, but the early internet aspect made it the best MMO by far for the MMO experience, party quests were fun as fuck in the early days

>have a group of two-dozen or so IRL friends to play maple with
>anyone who wasnt within our immediate circle was an outsider who should be trolled or KSed
making internet friends is pretty cringe tbhaych


Remember arriving at Lith Harbour from Maple Island? Just starting your adventure? Not realizing all the friends you're about to make? The locations you would traverse? The quests you would complete?


Attached: oldmaple8.png (800x600, 353K)

yes, and?

> everyone would be soloing everyboss
I.e. what everyone is doing
> up to and including the black mage
No because pure statcheck bosses with 0 thought.

True, but there is some calm and quiet in the endless grind which is attractive to certain crowds. NuMS has nothing. Even ADD kids can't play it for long.

post your 10k legion

This game was shit all you did was grind and everyone used hacks and bots.

everyone does not solo every boss, powerful people solo every boss, because powerful people got their stuff the hard way. if it was in any way "free" then everyone would be soloing every boss not just the powerful players.

a completely inferior game to runescape

im partial to dirt rally myself