How do we fix the JRPG genre?

How do we fix the JRPG genre?

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more tiddies

by abducting every decent japanese game dev and nuking the rest of the country out of existence because the nip audience is only beaten by the chinks in terms of retardedness

More hunky guys.

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This guy has his priorities straight.

and OP has gay priorities

We start by killing Wojakshitters like you, OP.

more nukes

it doesn't need fixing. there's a reason why wrpgs are a dead genre with nothing but "cinematic experiences" and eurojank kickstarter trash while jrpgs still get god-tier games every year.

More girls statistically play JPGs. JRPG don't need to make changes.

Effeminate men don't count as girls.


Top boring nerd shit
Bottom cool weeb shit

Alright, but looking at this objectevly, there has not been a good WRPG released in probably at least 10 years
Meanwhile great JRPGS are getting released all the time
People don't care about illumination or whatever, they just wanna see some tiddies

>Every WRPG is like an oldschool CRPG
>Every JRPG is Persona

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Keep the JRPGs as it is.

Its there culture and only japs can do shit.

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You look others opinion user, go check yourself for good WRPG or CRPG.

The only good critic is yourself, not a fag on an image board

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>These in-game philosophical texts have brought me closer to illumination
This is turbo brainlet level thinking and also fedora

Why do RPGs have to limit my inventory? How is more than 20 item slots going to give me an unfair advantage? Why is transferring items between characters such cancer?
Fuck you, Borderlands.

More story paths to improve replayability.
Romances are actually addressed and references in the main story.

That's it

>Thinks there's any of that complex and constructed worlds in modern western rpg's
Western RPG are no better anymore. They all feel generic and shitty

RPGs are the one genre that no one agrees on anything that supposedly good.

How do I get my nose linked up with that brapper?

>Making this claim
>When the most popular RPGs of 2008-2015 were tumblr friendly waifu sims.
I need to glomp giggle squee my elven blood mage girlfriend.

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I played a few of the recent JRPgs and the only real answer to make them a lot better is stop producing them under budget. Those publisher prevented a few solid games from being made if they at least added 6 more months.

me casting in the middle

>>Thinks there's any of that complex and constructed worlds in modern western rpg's

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Yes, personally I just think we gain in gameplay and world building, but we lose a lot in creativity and depth.

A game like Arcanum released today with excellent graphics and less clunky controls will be an instant classic and shills for years to come. But today a PoE, by the same devs is just another heroic fantasy RPG. It isn't shit by any means but really dispointing in the crativity departements.

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New Vegas is old man. A more valid comparaison would be an actual W RPG from the same year of release.

There's more than one way to make an RPG.

>nearly decade old wrpg

>There's more than one way to make an RPG.
Yes, I suppose you can make an RPG without role-playing. I don't know why you would, but you could.

U fuckin losers. Tyrany, Wastelads, Divinity, Fuckin ATOM, UnderRail. And they are great games. And what do we have on Japaniese side except Persona? Octopath? Octopath is a shitty game in terms of story, Tales series? Xenoblades?

must follow a bloated flowchart full of busywork and filler just to do a side quest
respects the player's time by getting to the point

>New Vegas is old man. A more valid comparaison would be an actual W RPG from the same year of release.
The only bait image I have left is this one. Will that do?

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By not cherrypicking

>jrpgs still get god-tier games every year.


Oh you play games to save time

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i its old
so it doesnt count heh sure showed them

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>pc game has more details than simplified console game
Really makes you think

Who fucking likes Friendly Fire in any game?

>A more valid comparaison would be an actual W RPG from the same year of release.
New Vegas is literally baby's first RPG. Underrail and AoD have way choices and consequences just as good if not better and were made on shoestring budgets.

Now do some more mental gymnastics to explain how those don't count.

The genre as a rule does not respect the players time. Plenty of blame to go around.

i play games for the actual gameplay. not to follow a flowchart to talk to specific npcs in an exact order.

Why Dark Sun died? It was so cool

>shitposting template thread with the same handful of low effort bait picture
Don't you have a romancing saga thread to make op?


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Than what is the gameplay?

There are some generally praised RPGs here.
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Suikoden 2

More fringe RPGs like Planescape: Torment and Vagrant Story have dedicated fans, but some critics as well.

bad fps

I think PS:T combat is unironically better than Xenoblade's.

>i play games for the actual gameplay
I thought you said you liked jrpgs?

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Maybe if you faggots would ignore these threads, hide and report then they would slowly stop getting made.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, let's fucking reply every single day to the same old image macro spam, let's keep Yea Forums on groundhog day and complain about it, and then complain about how shit Yea Forums is.

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>Not a sigle word about the plot
you sure do know what makes good rpg a good rpg

Suikoden 2 is hot garbage. Not saying this to troll, I really mean it. Its bad. Do not compare it to BG2.

>Copypasted from D&D

Wow it's like it's an D&D game

DoS 2 was a btter choice at comparaison.

Same year, two RPGs.

I like this one

because it's trash as an actual game.

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>the absolute state of JRPG now

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>Hans still tries to defend his Xenoturd 2

>>Not a sigle word about the plot
The bottom half is almost entirely dedicated to plot and world building.

Of course, it does that by coming to the conclusion that XB2 does those things better than Torment, which is a rather....interesting perspective.

>XB2 does those things better than Torment

Gameplay is essential. If you like story so much, go read an interactive book.

PST has a good gameplay that ties with the narrative.

This. There's a reason Skyrim is brought up because there really haven't been any real big hits for wrpgs unless you think fallout after 2 is actually good. I'm sure people can list a lot of obscure games no one gives a shit about

Wrpgs need to look after themselves first instead of lecturing others.

>Realise I plan to get all their respective games, except Pokemon. FF Remake is a maybe.

>This. There's a reason Skyrim is brought up because there really haven't been any real big hits for wrpgs
You think wrpg fans hold Skyrim in high regard?

Post the real version at least.

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>PST has a good gameplay

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>Baldur's Gate 2
Shitter's Gate games are shitty hack&slash games that have nothing to do with RPGs where character building decisions are almost entirely meaningless outside of combat. No matter what mental gymnastics you do, you will never be able to find at least 3 instances in Shitter's Gate 2 where character building choices provide you with alternative quest solutions or ways of progress and that's AFTER I spoonfeed you the first sequence - the dependency of your stronghold quest on your class. This is, of course, not to mention dogshit meme characters like Viconia the quintessential """evil""" tsundere and the stereotypical vulnerable girl with a traumatic past Aerie, who aimed at horny children. You have to be an inbred mongoloid to consider this """good""" character writing, which you undoubtedly are.

What's sad is that you could put FFV on the left and still win the argument

After Romancing SaGa 3 and Scarlet Grace remasters.

You could put neptunia and win the argument

This so much
>please go here and load 4 different cells on the way to talk to this person for me?
>hey what's up, they sent you? Cool, can you go do it backwards now?
>oh cool you are back I need you to walk through the empty overworld for 20 minutes to kill 2 under leveled enemies for me
>nice job, oh I guess I should have told you to take it to the other guy, huh?

JRPG does it sometimes but in most cases it is "hey do the thing"

All shitposting aside I really love how Morrowind presents you with the three houses.

Personally, as a mage I already knew I'd join House Telvanni, but I like how all of them have their own benefits, playstyles, and morals. I fuckin' love this game too much.


>New Vegas

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Heh I like it, its good enough to try different build and feel like an actual RPG.

You know like in a table top RPG.

planescape's watered-down, casualized gameplay would be considered terrible by jrpg standards. wrpgs just have far lower standards.

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>sprite graphics done in 1999 is still better than most of the latest ones


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Shit you're right it even has a "kill everybody" route wrpg fags are so fond of.

Fix western rpgs instead by having them not be boring.

why we are talking about old aesthetic I really want to play another prerendered background adventure.

>b-but baby's first "deep" game

>bait image is so stupid that even wrpg-kun isn't bothering to show up to refute it

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He probably got btfo like everytime he shows his face

> all those salty replies
the truth hurts huh seems like the only thing that has changed for western devs that its a bunch of losers who couldn't make it into TV/movies as opposed to writing a book


Indeed but Im ok if I can do a role that doesnt take away my immersion in the universe.

The series' entries have been remastered/remade in a mostly chronological order, the next one will be Frontier, and it deserves it more than Unlimited since it suffered major cuts, whereas Unlimited only needs some rebalancing here and there and QoL adjustments like more party banter outside of fights and more content.
Scarlet Grace also got its expanded rerelease so it's probably one of the games that will never get any kind of remaster or remake.

>And what do we have on Japaniese side except Persona?
This retard actually likes Persona 5, holy fuck. Kill yourself you stupid piece of shit.

Jrpg stayed true to itself outside of persona and FF.

Pretending we will get another game like morrowind is delusion.

Imagine liking Shitsona and Xenoturd.

The first game he mentioned should have clued you in

the persona 2 duology alone btfos all wrpgs ever made, let alone the rest of the series.

Better than Xeno 2, at least.

>Tyrany, Wastelads, Divinity
these are all trash though
and the hey day of western crpgs died with the death of SSI/Origin

>Octopath is a shitty game in terms of story
>Divinity great game

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