I turned myself into a *burp* nihilist super edgy psychopath, michael! I'm Trevor Phhilliiiiiiiiips!

>I turned myself into a *burp* nihilist super edgy psychopath, michael! I'm Trevor Phhilliiiiiiiiips!

Is there a more reddit character in video gaming history?

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the think tank from new vegas

Scientist from Outer Worlds

Attached: OuterWorldsRick.png (923x674, 1.13M)

>he mentions reddit all of a sudden

Yeah he was a piece of shit, but it's not like those kind of people don't exist. I've seen worse criminals.

Ever think about how hard the writer at R* beat his pencil dick while writing Trevor?


I wish I could have seen the GTA5 script before BrBa (Breaking Bad) ruined good writing. He's the Rick and Morty of game characters

I mean look at this self indulgent promo shot

>Hur look at me hold up this lighter, isn’t that so effing hardcore? What do you think I'll do with it? Something... edgy.....

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Sounds more like Yea Forums2.0 thing

when will you stop?

Remind me again why people are complaining about a criminal behaving like a criminal?

Didn't they change his appearance because of these memes? I'm pretty sure he looks completely different in this year's E3 footage.

Trevor has some good scenes and dialog but so much of it is hypocritical considering the context. All 3 playable characters were pretty damn shallow and their expositions were only skin deep

>edgy white trash pyscho is a crossdresser
What did they mean by this

>I wish I could have seen the GTA5 script before BrBa (Breaking Bad) ruined good writing
Beta versions show that it was the same as it would've been, except Trevor was called Albert I think or something like that.
All Breaking Bad did was add a reference to the RV in Breaking bad
Besides Breaking Bad's writing is kino compared to GTAV. Instead GTAV is just lolrandom referential hour.

It's not so much complaining about a criminal behaving like a criminal as it is having to watch a criminal behave like a criminal.
It's like watching a movie that is just 2 hours close-up of a dog's turd. Ok, you captured the essence of staring at a dog's turd, that doesn't make it an experience most people would choose to have. There are ways to make it interesting, and you didn't employ any of them.

Yes, he used to wear a lab coat

I've never understood what this pasta meant by "BrBa ruined good writing".

Why are you playing a game about criminals if you don't want to watch people behave like criminals?

>Beta versions show that it was the same as it would've been

Breaking Bad is much older than GTA5. You must be thinking of GTA4


Every TV show must have an edgy cliffhanger (Compare LOST cliffhangers to BrBa's)

Breaking Bad came out in the same time frame of GTAIV so there is little change there was any influence

The copypasta claimed that though
>I wish I could have seen the GTA5 script before BrBa (Breaking Bad) ruined good writing.
I was just making the point that the original GTAV Script stayed the same other than a few cut missions
GTAV only took very surface level inspiration from Breaking Bad. Almost all of the other flaws of GTAV can come from the Rockstar team wanting GTAV to be more campy and taking inspiration from spy movies and stuff like Austin Powers but making it more reddit instead of writing it correctly
See: GTAO.

>fakes his own death to get out of the game and become a family man. feels bad for brad (we never really learn why)
>realises very quickly that he hates his family
>saves his son and then tears down a millionaires house to defend his wifes honor despite hating both of them
>turns back to a life of crime to further defend his shitty family despite faking his own fucking death to avoid doing stuff like that
>even mutters his old crime catchphrases while doing so
>hates everything hes doing but still does it anyway as if it doesnt have a choice (he does)

>just wants to be a nice guy and settle down with a girl, avoiding the life of crime
>5 minutes later he’s stealing cars and shooting people
>spends like 5 missions hating the way he’s turned out
>meets a washed up retard who hates everything and decides to go back on everything to help him for some reason
>no more character development whatsoever


Development would have been running alongside the show (I seriously doubt that development of 5 started right after 4 was released)

>micheal hates his family
Autistic understanding of how families work.

Austin Powers is Reddit as fuck.

literally his first cutscene is him in the therapists chair telling his therapist how much his family piss him off and how amazing he was for doing Crimes in the old days.

>feels bad for brad
He doesn't. Even Trevor admitted at the end that Brad was a dick.
Michael's fucking betrayal was totally justified. Trevor was an insane madman and Brad was a selfish asshole.
Trevor is a hypocritical cunt but the entire game tries to make him seem like he's morally correct, to the point of having Micahel act OOC during the kill Trevor ending.
GTAV's writing is absolute garbage in that regard.

It could've but that doesn't change the fact that GTAV's writing is a far cry from Breaking Bad. GTAV is too light-hearted and fucking silly which is one of the biggest complaints about GTAV. Breaking Bad was dark and the only reason people think the opposite was because "le ebin fuck yeah science" memes, which only come from retarded casual viewers that watched one episodes, just like Scarface 'fans' who saw a cool t-shirt of Tony Montana and immediately think he's a badass. Breaking Bad had almost no impact on GTAV's writing because GTAV has no substance unlike Breaking Bad. The only inspiration were surface level stuff like Trevor being a methhead and white trash, his over-the-top personality has nothing to do with Breaking Bad.

I should've worded that better. I meant that they turned spy films more reddit, I agree that Austin Powers is reddit as fuck though.

NO! Your meth head junkie protagonist has to be a sensible pushover with the highest regard for human life that only gets his hands dirty when absolutely necessary and NO UNPREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR!!

Basically, Michael but poor and addicted to drugs (this shouldn't alter his behavior though)

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A lot of people in midlife crisis mode do that.

>I used to ride motorcycles and pick up strange chicks on the side of the road! Now I have a mortgage and take care of a family!

>replaying GTA5 and all it's epin shallow materialist LA and Life Invader tech bro """""satire"""" after learning about the corporate culture at Rockstar

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Trevor was the psycho needed as a protag since we had cuckold Michael and CJ 2.0 but boring in every single way Franklin.

I always thought the only idea behind Trevor was to make a character that as opposed to every other GTA protag would be the same person when in the cutscenes and when the player controls them.

The game should've only had Michael as the protag

Agreed. The 3 protags shit didn't tell a broad sweeping story, it just gave 3 characters 1/3 as interesting as they should have been. You can tell Michael was the real story, they were probably just worried about alienating the audience by making them play the game as a 50 year old crabby white boomer. So much of the BILLION DOLLAR audience is teens and non-whites. Look at Fast and the Furious.

Like, they could've had the character switch thing during certain missions, but making it always available took away from the story
I wonder if 6 will finally add a woman protag

>defend his wife’s honor
She willingly slept with another man. What “honor” is their to defend?

>haha he reddit because he crazy xD
fuck off.

And at the end of the game if you choose the mission where you must kill him he shows he does have love for his family. Just because plenty of boomer dads get pissed off when their kids are just products of the current time with no ambition or respect for the older generation, it doesn't mean they don't still love them.

Boomers deserve absolutely zero respect.

Do they still love their kids when they steal their money, boat, and drug them and leave them for dead

exactly. didnt stop him from trying to kill someone by ripping his house down for some reason

>I wonder if 6 will finally add a woman protag

I bet they will and as much as people will scream SJWS, I'd say it more because what the fuck else are they gonna do?

>III: white guy
>VC: white guy
>SA: black guy
>IV: white guy
>V: white guy, black guy, white guy

Just like the new Star Wars movies, why not make ii a girl just so you're starting at step 1 with something unique for the series?

>just wants to be a nice guy and settle down with a girl, avoiding the life of crime

No, he's trying to be a better criminal.

But Trevor doesn't work if you play GTA like a professional

Yeah god forbid a crazy remorseless methhead has fun while he commits his unforgivable atrocities agaisnt humanity. We're talking about a dude who literally eats people. I dont understand why people want him to be relatable, he isnt supposed to be. His "edge" is the perfect foil to micheals "bullshit". We arent supposed to like him, we're supposed to like the way he affects the story with his unpredictability. Thats how i see it, anyway.

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>Hah, my favorite YouTuber hates this guy and his game. Let me echo what he said like a reddit user would!

i burnt down my dad's garage with a firecracker when i was 15. he got over it.

ok but did you slip him acid in his milkshake and kick him out of a moving car?

But Trevor is pretty professional though he's literally CEO...

No. You're a homo. Trevor Phillips industry should have been the whole game. Michael needs to sit on a couch and be yelled at by his wife and kids all day.

geno, banjo, waluigi.

Did your dad rob banks and rat out his friends for a living?

Michael loves his family he just forgot how to be the man in the house and getting into his routine makes him gain the confidence to hold it together. His wife literally was in on the deal and he told her about it.

Franklin is a generic hood kid that is just in for the quick money and doesn't want to do anything with his current relations, it's the typical depiction of a young black guy taken under the wing by an older white guy until he can stand on his own two feet.

Trevor is a psychotic that tried to rebuild the group that shattered during the heist, that's why he has these two guys as friends and fanatically tries to become big in drug and weapons-deal trade. He literally sees shit that isn't there.

>seriously thinking Michael is a good character
A literal cuckold boomer who only has a family because they need his bank account to buy shit. During the story his wife and son try to murder him to take his money and his daughter just wants to fuck TV stars.

Why you can't just leave them to die and be a movie producer is a mystery only cuckstar can answer.

Exactly, plus I trust R* enough that they wouldn't just create a character that's physically as strong as thugs

Michael's story wasn't perfect but it was at least something as opposed to HURR DURR IM CRAZY AND RANDOM PART 9953452 XDDDD

>Is there a more reddit character in video gaming history?

I don't know, I've never been to reddit so I have no idea if it is.

Master Chief. Dante. Big Boss. BJ Blazko.

Isn't Trevor supposed to be the GTA player that completely ignores the storyline to fuck around and blow shit up? I swear I read somewhere that each of the three represented a different type of GTA player.
Honestly, this, but the voice actors manage to sell the Think Tank/Mobius so well I don't really care. Thinking on it, pretty sure OWB would fall apart if the VAs didn't do such a damn good job.

Gun beats fists though.
That applies to males and females.
Try playing GTAO and attempting to melee someone, you'll get your ass kicked.

Wait, I thought Reddit was based now that r/The_Donald was starting to flood into every subreddit? So which are they? Are they based or not?

>>Hur look at me hold up this lighter, isn’t that so effing hardcore? What do you think I'll do with it? Something... edgy.....
he's literally standing in front of the o'neil brothers home. the same home he burned to the ground during a mission where he takes them out for stealing his business.

Something an edgelord would do, thanks for agreeing

anyone that claims SJW w/ rockstar is someone that doesn't play their games. trevor makes repeated racial stereotypes, there's rampant homophobia from all characters, extreme sexism, they glorify degenerate behavior and drug abuse, make fun of transexuals and shit on both lefties and righties.

I don't believe 6 will protag a woman, but only because i'm convinced they're headed back to miami and want players to to nostalgia over VC. wouldn't be surprised if they pull some shit like 'you play as vercetti's son in 6'

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You are a retard

no, u

That's obvious

Michael was the only character with any depth

Are you implying people who take meth are level headed?

Has your junkie mom been lying to you?

Huh, I must be the only one who didn't hate Trevor then.

Michael being subversive of the R* rags to riches story makes him worthwhile alone. His emotions were complex, and instead of doing crime for riches, he wanted to do crime for the love of it. I honestly wish Trevor and Franklin were demoted to side characters, and V was Michael's game. He didn't have enough screentime, but he would have outshined every other GTA protagonist if they gave that to him.

>get out of the game
What game? Ok he's a thief, but he clearly picked up random criminals off the street over the years to make money. He even says it to Lester, and Lester tells him they all went separate ways. It's not like Michael was in a criminal organization or mob where the only way out is to die.
He literally didn't have to fake is own. He could've simply walked away. Then again everybody in this game is retarded so it makes sense.