Best Serious Sam game?
Best Serious Sam game?
TFE >/= TSE > SS2 > SS3 JotN > SS3
On a side note, while TSE is generally an improvement over the first game, it's also easier and overall less challenging than the first game, except for the Grand Cathedral final showdown before the boss, that was a great way to end the game with a bang.
How can someone be so right and it be the first reply at the same time?
TSE has too many gimmick levels, but thankfully those are mostly frontloaded.
>2 above 3
TSE > TFE > 3 > 2
take the ss2 pill, once you get over the dumb graphics and story it's a pretty solid serious sam game
why is it so long please help
I'm a big fan of Serious Sam, but honestly, I think no game of this franchise is really good. Serious Sam's playing experience is a sequence of the best moments an fps has ever provided with some parts that are pure shit.
My favorite is TSE, but for some reason the creators decided to put gimmicks on all levels and that quickly makes the game tortuous. At various times I find myself playing some part that can be summed up as total dog shit just because I know there will be a fun part later.
TFE is less gimmick-based and perhaps even better than the second. But I personally prefer the second.
I pray for this game to be good il fucking buy it
ORIGINAL TFE/TSE = SS2 > a pile of dog shit > SS3 = any fucking TFE/TSE remake including HD because lol, we didn't imitate the enemy AI so now hordes of enemies are much more stupidly overcheap than before because you can't herd them like the originals
Here's better footage:
I received a free remake from Croteam years ago on Steam, and I'm pretty sure the knife range is not correct. This destroyed the game for me, I used to use the knife for much of the game for no apparent reason.
thread theme
Open world or is this just engine testing?
I want this song at my funeral
"Open world" in the sense that levels are just fuckhuge. It'll still have separate levels but each level is going to be extreme even for serious sam standards.
would love an Ugh-Zan double sized boss in this map with millions of monsters following you at the end.
>the nature sounds are still the same from tse
SS2 gets more hate than it deserves. Im convinced no one actually played it because its not a bad game by any measure.
>SS4 is going to be EDF/musou levels of crazy enemy spam
Can't wait
It does say WIP for a reason
Woop, there it is.
btw is Mental the father of Sam or not? at the end of ss2 it says something but he gets shot.
Mental is Sam from the future.
TNE is unironically superior to every pc Serious Sam game.
>tfw 2 years until I can watch the Serious Sam 4 GDC talk without shelling out $550
The game won't be out by then either.
>Go to all this effort pioneering cool new shit
>Still no one licenses their engine
Poor Croteam
I was able to look past the visuals. I honestly found the graphics kind of quirky and fun. I initially enjoyed it for the interesting weapon designs and enemy variety. After a couple hours of playing though it just became boring. I tried to force myself to beat it after a while but God damn why is that game so long, it just keeps going. I found it to be a slog, the most tedious and stale entry in the series. Probably an unpopular opinion but this is my list.
TSE > TFE = BFE > 2
I just could not handle 2. What I thought was good enemy variety at first ended up mostly being model swaps of boring enemies. And too many of the same enemy in each level, they rarely mixed it up with multiple mechanically interesting enemies coming at you in different ways, it felt like a corridor shooter and you rarely had to strafe and dance around enemies in the same way as you did in every other game in the franchise.
SS2 obviously.
Why are Serious Sam option menus so fucking kino lads? It's like a minigame, there's so much to look at and tweak, multiple options I've never seen in other games.
Talos Principle
modded BFE
The Last Hope
I Hate Running Backwards
DoubleD XXL
vanilla BFE
Bogus Detour
Sigils of Elohim
Kamikaze Attack
an actually working game
Random Encounter
Second Encounter and SS2 are p. litty. SS3 has some really good levels but the entire first half is pure shit. First encounter is alright, but the desert levels get old after the first 30 hours or so.
When is planet randy pitchford coming out?
Croats are autists
they're all the fucking same
I kind of liked SS3, but that ending haha fuck off
Are you serious?
fuck you
also source
>tfw Serious Sam 2 isnĀ“t as bad as thought it would be.
it's marty. one of Onta's characters.
The true fun starts with the console and such things like
crm_fDensityBias=insert stupidly large number here
crm_fDistanceBias=and here, too
Never fully understood the hate of SS3. I completely agree that it starts off really rough and arguably terrible. I can respect people saying it's their least favorite SS game perhaps even someone saying they liked 2 more. What I don't understand is people saying it's just straight up terrible. When Serious Sam 3 gets good it's really good. I think I had just about such fun with the second half of SS3 as I did TSE, I have a hard time putting one above the other but I think TSE is slightly above it for me. Serious Sam 3 is just all over the place in quality, if I had to rank sections of the game compared to the rest of the franchise.
TSE > Second half of BFE > TFE > Second quarter of BFE > 2 > First quarter of BFE.
TFE, the whole last hour is fantastic, and the dunes part with its music is the most memorable part of the series.
BFE came out at the prime time of everybody and their mom making FPS games realistic military shooters for hardcore mature players trying to get a piece of the CoD pie, so the beginning of it turned a lot of people MASSIVELY off from the game to the point where when people think of BFE those first few levels are all that come to their mind, so naturally they're going to call the game shit.
Objectively though, even later levels the enemy encounters, though their numbers get ridiculous and fun, are pretty unimaginative even for Serious Sam standards. whereas in previous games you will fight 250 enemies with a variety including every enemy in the game, in BFE you will fight 500 of them but they will all be Kleers or spiders with maybe a single Baron of Hell added in far away.
That being said, the work that Fusion put into BFE to improve on these encounters with new enemy attacks, fixing the invincible enemies bullshit, removing infinite ammo crates and generally rebalancing of the big encounters means everybody ITT should give BFE a replay on Serious difficulty using the Fusion option.
When BFE gets rough it REALLY gets rough.
The first level is actually a really good "learning by doing" tutorial but then the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities is a huge drop in quality and shows that setting your game in a real world location isn't always a good idea. Apparently even Croteam felt late in development that it sucked and added a secret that let youskip pretty much the entire level.
The Mosque of Ibn Tulun is pretty solid and your first real taste of horde combat but that level is followed by the second dud in form of the turret maze that's also simply not fun.
Level five is where shit starts to finally hit the fan and it keeps on giving and giving, with the start of Unearthing the Sun being probably one of the best sections in the whole series.
However, the quality drops again in the Ramesseum and its notorious scorpion room and "find EIGHT FUCKING gasoline canisters" section.
Guardian of Time is also a mixed bag.
It may have the largest amount of enemies and the hordes of Rocketeers might seem intimidating but then you realise that out of the 50+ enemies only two or three are actually firing at you due to their slow firing rate and the whole horde dies in two rockets or one C4 charge.
And finally, Ugh Zan IV is a complete joke - new and unexplained mechanics that get introduced five minutes before the end, he dies from three metal rods in its back and one cannonball to the face and for some reason there are Technopolips with rocket launchers THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN THE STANDARD INSTEAD OF THAT HITSCAN SHIT.
The final few hordes of Klees, Werebulls, and Khnums before the final boss was some serious bullshit. That is one of the times where the game is literally just S+M1.
Fellow SS2 bros. Truly a fantastic pleb filter.
>2 over 3
Nah. I just can't get into how absurdly cartoon it is and how even the humor is stupidly childish. 3 had a bunch of issues and it's a good assumption that the game started out as something completely different, but that's mostly for the early levels. Towards the middle - end, it goes full Serious Sam.
Game crashed, I got stuck on the environment, and many times I needed to restart the whole level for a trigger to work.
dude just use the cannon lmao
TFE>BFE(after the spaceship fight)>TSE>SS2>BFE(Before spaceship fight)
>First encounter is alright, but the desert levels get old after the first 30 hours or so.
the game is like 6 hours long
incredibly based opinion
christ early bfe was so bad
It's launching as a bundle with Half-Life 3 and Mount & Blade: Bannerlord. It's called The Vaporware Box.
Well no, moron, but I was also exaggerating.
yes, they're all good
TFE or SS2, depending if you prefer shot-and-dodge gameplay where you get overwhelmed and caught in melee all the time, or shooting gallery where you mow down carpet of enemies rushing you frontally
oh, no denying that. I love serious sam and I'm excited for each one, but to argue about which is best? shit, fuck off with that
this, has anyone made a game using the serious engine aside from Scum?
Circle strafing fuck blaster is my favorite genre. I can't wait for 4.
Scum is UE4.
There hasn't been a non-Croteam Serious Engine game since the SE1-days and even then the only notable game that came out of it was friggin Nitro Family.
>SS3 isn't shit
good parts
>more creepy enemy design
>Rocket Launcher and Minigun look tits and feel good
>plenty of cover is destructible
questionable but not entirely bad
>real world weapons
>real world locations
>sprint. Useful with coop, so players who strayed behind can catch up with slaugher leaders
>trophies. Useless but fun "because you can" feature
bad to godawful
>grey enemies on grey backgrounds
>correction: grey HITSCANNERS on grey backgrounds
>enemies immune to bullets
>witch becomes immune to damage when she starts cloaking animation
>weapons reloading
>"urban combat" levels were beyond shit
>slow movement indoors
>space monkeys
>laser and sniper are secret weapons, and have barely any ammo
>where did beheaded firecracker and bombardier go?
I was upset about the sniper at first but you really don't need it with the Devastator in the game. It's basically a superior sniper. Pinpoint accurate over any range, scope attachment, insane damage, lots of ammo. Having both would be kind of redundant.
Don't forget dark levels.
You can fix alot of the problems by just using the non hitscan enemies mod.
I can agree with dust
i actually liked 3
the weapons felt more fun that older games, especially the dynamite and sledgehammer. The first half city levels were meh, but the second half dunes/cliffside/whatever the fuck outside the city levels were top comfy. And i even liked how they tied the story
What was his name again?
The Brunette who is best friends with the blonde guy
>that sound when you blow up a bunch of kamikazes with a c4 charge
Genuinely one of the most fun weapons in the series
Concerned Carl
Severe Sawyer
Frank Frank
Their endinge is good for PC only games. No one bother with PC only AA/AAA games.
Ozbiljan Slobodan
I am replying to a best post for the first time.
Focused Frank
George "Gargantuan Gonads" Gosling
for me, it's Serious Sam Advance
adamant "amber" adam
Quizzical Quin
adamant adam