So when are we going to have games focused entirely on her like Apollo Justice?

So when are we going to have games focused entirely on her like Apollo Justice?

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I doubt that will happen but she -might- get her own "Spirit of Justice" like Apollo did. Who knows.

Hopefully, soon. If anything, that rakugo case was an indicator that she desperately needs a solo game to be able to stand on her own both as a character and a lawyer.

Hopefully soon

>wanting a game based on this retarded out of place Mary Sue

>entire game that alternates between athena and simon battling in court and simon acting as assistant against another prosecutor like in turnabout storyteller
imagine the banter

That's exactly what should NOT be happening. We can't have Simon babysit her the entire game. And her own character should move away from the whole UR-1 case, which Simon represents.

She will never surpass the perfect girl

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It's kinda weird how you only played as her for like two whole cases in the span of two games and there's going to be a third game that continues off her development after how Dual Destines just had her for the entire game then Spirit of Justice has her for like Apollo's case, then like one more case, then she just does nothing in the final case, Athena was not that well treated lmao

>game so bad it kills the entire prof layton franchise
oh no no no no

She can go through an arc where she learns to do it alone without Simon. And there would be nothing wrong with them staying as rivals in court, just like there is nothing wrong with having Phoenix and Edgeworth face off in court even though they moved on from the class trial and DL-6 respectively.

Him occasionally being the prosecutor is fine, but not as an assistant. But him returning to the prosecution stand would require some extraordinary circumstances. Because normally every game should have its own rival prosecutor.

Hopefully never, cause Ace Attorney needs to stop being JRPG.

please explain what you mean by "being JRPG"

You want to retroactively delete all AA games from existence?

She's not even the best girl in her own series, Katshit.

Characters acting like they are from anime and cliches like the power of friendship and feelings.
For fuck's sake, AJ's ending may have been dumb, but at least Apollo acted mature in it and kept his mouth shut when he realized the more experienced attorneys were talking about problems he didn't understand. And then DD came.

>when will they repeat the mistake they made that nearly killed the franchise?
Never. Athena is also a non character and her gimmick is even worse than Apollo looking for pit stains.

It should have happened in 6.

Her gimmick is more fun and better integrated with the core gameplay. Plotwise it makes no sense though, nor does Apollo's but at least you can pretend it's not a magic bracelet and just him being highly perceptive

It puts every case to a grinding halt so you can see if someone was really sad when he said he was. At least Perceive lasted like 2 minutes at most.

An Athena exclusive game would never work because she herself doesn't work as a protagonist in an AA game.
Phoenix, Edgeworth, Apollo and Ryuunosuke work because they contrast with the rest of the world: stoic, (mostly) normal people who have energetic, quirky assistants and meet weirdos on every step. They are self-inserts for the player. Athena isn't a stoic normal person like them, she herself is quirky, and her antics aren't balanced out by an assistant. She's basically the lawyer and the assistant mashed together into a single character, and it breaks the synergy. For the same reason she doesn't work as an assistant to Phoenix and Apollo, either: her role is meant to be greater than that.

Ideally Ace Attorney 7, but Capcom doesn't seem to want to let go of Phoenix's dick. It's why Apollo's story/backstory was so all over the place. It's pretty lame that AA6's DLC even went out of its way to intentionally exclude Athena from what was going on just to have another nostalgia pandering case that wasn't even good.

That's some bullshit, because when Athena as a character worked best it was when she was a protagonist. Her strongest moments are in 5-3, where you play as her. I'd much rather see her as playable rather than an assistant.

It's kind of telling that you call Apollo and Ryuunosuke "stoic" though.

I do feel like things got too over the top starting with 5, yeah.

Perceive was used to a pretty great result in most cases, though. Like the only one where what you're saying is true is probably the tutorial one.

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>People seemed to like Emmy, what's the most important aspect we can carry over from her that would make our new Lady popular?
>Intelligent? Capable? Cartoonishly massive appetite? The fighting? The motorcycle?
>Slow down, what was that third one again?

>and kept his mouth shut when he realized the more experienced attorneys were talking about problems he didn't understand
What does this even mean? He punches Phoenix in the face first thing. Like hell, if you're talking maturity, then SoJ does a much better job of giving him a closed arc than AJ.

When will they delve deeper into the reasons her lesbian moms made a robot child?

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>What does this even mean?
Kristoph rants about justice and law, Klavier and the judge put him in his place. Apollo says nothing because he realizes he's a rookie and doesn't know much about justice and law yet. If this was DD, then Apollo would be the one to lecture Kristoph on why he was wrong.
>He punches Phoenix in the face first thing.
Phoenix deserved it.

Naofumi preying on lolis again?

no athena is shit, her design is boring and generic as fuck, doesnt feel like previous AA design

>praising a literal pixel hunt

Perceive sucked. There's not any skill to it or any thought process. You just look over the whole model multiple times to make sure the witness didn't fart while saying something.

i'll never forgive them for giving the perfect layton girl zero screentime

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Ah dammit, I confused Perceive and the Mood Matrix meant Athena's thing

> entire game about one of the most boring characters
no, make a blackquill game it wold be kino

the entire point is that athena and blackquill are a two-for-one

yeah make a blackquill game like the edgeworth game and make athena the sidekick, that's the role she fits best

no way, part of the fun with blackquill was him reacting to shit, you can't do that in the same way as a protag

>"wtf, where are you getting all this info from?"

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