Commandos 2 remaster alpha gameplay
Nothing all that exciting yet and the portraits looks a bit weird but i am holding on to my hope.
Commandos 2 remaster alpha gameplay
Nothing all that exciting yet and the portraits looks a bit weird but i am holding on to my hope.
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Partisans 1941 also looks cool
Wih Desperados 3 on the way as well it looks like this genre is finally going to get some love
Reminder that all "remasters" are shit. The word "remaster" should be a giant red flag for you.
i have never gotten commandos 2 to render 1920x1080 properly so just that alone will be nice The screen gets messed up whenever i try to move it after my config edits.
Also i want to believe. Let me have this one.
muh dick.
I played this game for the first time last year, I was always more into Desperados. good game
I think 720p or something like that is as high as you can go, the game also crashed like a motherfucker on my end, literally nothing wrong with a remaster if it helps with stability and other qol enhancements
I want Maria to come play games for me too!
please have co-op
please have co-op
please have co-op
Desperados 3 is also looking fun.
>roastie thot playing
disliked saged wont even pirate fuck off devs
i was one of the 500 to try the closed beta. it's so fucking good.
This. What the fuck were they thinking
is inventory in?
can you enter the insides of the buildings?
not sure what you mean by inventory. yes you can enter buildings
imagine if it one day takes the route that faces of war did with men of war.
i don't see why it wouldn't have it.
game is too hard for casual Yea Forums
they need a broken build aka some shit scrub mechanic so these subhumans can be feel better about their worthless existence
they wouldn't even bother trying it because it isn't japanese.
I forgot, wasn't there an option to save/load during a mission? If there was, then the game isn't actually hard.
Also, this shit and Desperados is actually boring eurojank.
holy fucking shit
>boring eurojank
hard mode. don't use meme buzzwords.
yes you can quicksave and quickload as much as you want.
pcdickslurpallstars are such fucking casuals
play a real game like devil may fucking cry 3
Did you play Commandos 2? You had an inventory for every character (including NPCs which you could steal mine detectors, other items or weapons from) and you could access almost every building (and they all had unique interiors that had shit in it like guards or items or whatever, it was incredibly detailed - in pic rel you could enter almost everything).
I was missing this in shadow tactics. Especially the big interiors.
inventory is handled like shadow tactics. there are guards and stuff in the interiors.
did the NPCs in the original desperados have inventory?
I don't think so.
contrarian opinion: Strike force was fun and charming in its own way.
Anyone else kinda sad they didn't continue the Shadow Tactics storyline? I've actually grown attached to the characters, lol.
who's to say they won't go back to it later? i think the ending hinted that mugen knocked up aiko so maybe the kid will be in the sequel. i doubt takuma would though because he's old, which sucks because he's my favorite character
I'm a Yukifag first and foremost.
she'd most likely return but might have a slightly different skill set because she'd be older. aiko would probably be too old to distract guards anymore. not sure how or if they'd alter hayato but he'd most likely return too.
have you seen the secret quick way to finish the final level?
I think you mean how you can make the soldiers shoot the shogun during target practice? Been a while since I played it.
yeah that's the one. i love little touches like that. apparently you can also have takuma kill noboru and get unique dialogue if you knock him out first and them drop the body low enough for the rifle to reach him.
You can also drown his ass, there's plenty of ways of dealing with targets. The only thing I didn't like about the game is the lack of complexity compared to Commandos.
interiors i get but i don't see how shadow tactics would benefit from a commandos style inventory system. feudal japanese guards wouldn't have anything of value and guns were designed to be a last resort because of the noise.
Commandos 2 is the easiest of the series, 1 and 3 are much harder.
Have them carry bottled sake to use as a thrown distraction, firecrackers, additional healing items, ammunition for the guns, etc.
having more than one sake bottle would break the game. same with ammo. having it be limited to crates scattered in the level is more balanced. healing items would be pointless as a pick up unless you really sucked at the game.
there's still ammo crates in the game.
an inventory could be cool, but I like the streamlined approach since it means you don't have to spend your time looting bodies, managing inventory, trading equipment etc.
The ost in this game is fucking insane and it's also crazy how similar it is in tone to something like Commandos.
I'm iffy about this. I like the old low poly aliased models. Also I notice that sapper clips through the carried body, but it's still pre-alpha so okay. All I really want is support for modern operating systems and resolutions. Otherwise Commandos 2 is still a blast to play. I still think it's the best game in the genre, although Shadow Tactics is up there too.
Is it just more of ST? Because that's perfectly fine.
remember the level were you had to defend against a big tank/infantry attack. kino af (as long you saved before hand) you had as long as you wanted to place a all the mines and shit you could everywere. I think i spend about three times as long preparing for the attack than the attack actually lasted when i was a kid.
>Grog don't like thinking game, Grog like mashing buttons
i sure do
how do they handle guns? is it still unlimited ammo and can you abuse it by hiding in a corner?
>Is it just more of ST? Because that's perfectly fine.
pretty much. they've replaced the hookshot rooftop navigation with indoor sections of levels. character abilities overall are more balanced. and there's been some minor but welcome quality of life changes
it's limited like in shadow tactics. you also have to consider noise so you can't just go willy nilly with it
don't mind me.
Holy shit I didn't know this was going to get a remaster, I fucking loved this franchise, it was so goddamn fun
Pretty based user.
>complete the level without killing anyone
nothing to see here
MtF trans characters confirmed
Can you peek inside rooms like in Commandos 2?
you can see the interior before going in if you pan the camera to the right spot
I don't think I like the un-pixeled character models. They now look a lot more like low quality 3D models than 3D-looking 2D sprites.
Also the eyes of the talking heads are spooky
i think the talking heads in general are a little jarring. might as well have been static portraits.
STRIKE FORCE WAS A FUCKING gem I played it through 40 times as a kid and knew the maps and learned everything even though it seemed like a half finished game. I still liked it
>can't kill anyone so you have to tie them all up
>drag and dump all the bodies into one small house
>one enemy notices something is wrong and by chance stumbles upon like 30 tied up people
>chaos ensues
>game is too hard for casual Yea Forums
>they need a broken build aka some shit scrub mechanic so these subhumans can be feel better about their worthless existence
The game isn't even that hard.
>go to some secluded corder
>select all commandos and ready their firearms
>let one shoot out in the open to alert the germans
>all germans rush to your spot
>shoot every german in sight
good to know!
same as the original then, as i suspected
the devs showed off some alpha content a year ago and this level demonstrates building interiors
Commandos 2 is relatively easy because it gives you a lot of tools to work through a level, which is why it's so fun. You can approach levels in so many ways.
Personally, raising the alarm is low key mission failure so I almost never use guns.
Personally i try to knock out the less guards as possible to add more difficulty layers
And It ends up being more fun
Just like in chaos theory
I have very fond memories of replaying the demo of the train mission from Commandos 3 over and over again as a kid