>getting a 2 week ban for saying naughty words
Getting a 2 week ban for saying naughty words
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself with a gun. You deserved it you underage faggot.
Good, you deserve it
>d4 0lp
> "omg i didnt deserve this ban riot is just a bunch of faggots"
fucking degen
Definitely underage.
Nothing funnier than costing a hormonal teenager money because he can't control himself.
have you considered not being a chat spamming spastic
>these are the people who complain about "free speech" in games
fucking lol
You're a spamming faggot, but two weeks for mean words in chat is retarded.
You' get kicked out of a store for talking like that also
>OP cherry picks the least damning part of the transcript
What's the problem?
>non-functioning obnoxious person is denied service by a company looking to keep spending customers in
>imagine getting angry on video games to the point you take it out on the others
You should get a two weeks ban for video games and Yea Forums
>playing lol over dota 2 low prio chat kino
>playing a shitty game with shitty rules
>get banned for breaking the rules
you only have yourself to blame
Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences.
and yet saying that would get you a ban too.
I like abusing people and saying naughty words. Are there any games apart from HL1/HL2 ones where this is still acceptable?
>toxic faggot acts like a 13 year old brat
>"b-b-but muh free speechies"
how about you kill yourself before you disappoint your parents any further
Who cares? Unless you're an esporter that game is shit anyway.
With socialists, you lose. They will always implement strict censorship rules. If you give them an inch of power, they will take a mile of it.
>playing SJW garbage like LoL
Ironic what u just said would also get u a ban u faggot ass retard
any fags too old to be browsing Yea Forums still? i'm 35, i remember spending an absolute massive amount of time in counter-strike (pre and post 1.6), but don't recall this NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KILL YOURSELF shit even in what were dedicated, privately run servers. when it did happen, the communities policed themselves. but i remember it being rare. am i misremembering in my advanced age or are more recent generations significantly more spastic and retarded?
fuck off /pol/ this is league of legends not your precious ess jay dubs boogeyman
If a problem affects you and not me then it's not really a problem is it.
Nah I'm 30 and it was the same shit Trash talk was clever, spammers would have been kicked back then too.
>shoot self in foot
>This is in no way my own doing!
>say word
>money stolen
Ain't you salty
It happened back the , but admins and community and all that old timey boomer shit wouldn't allow it. If op did that in most games he'd just be kicked, most likely reconnect and learn his lesson, or just get banned if he didn't. Youd just learn through your peers basically.
>reply to everyone
>be retarded
>still just a retard
good luck on your shooting spree, goblin
kys desu
>encouraging suicide because someone might have made a mistake in a video game
They should have published your name
>all these retards getting triggered by the word retard
What a cringe thread u guys should just go to tumblr dumb SJW fags
But you aren't buying anything in a MOBA. Riot themselves stated when you ''buy'' a skin in their store, you are essentially renting for an indefinite amount of time.
>ess jay double u
you must be 18
Take ur tumblr tranny pic and go back there tRanny
>Act like a retard
>Get surprised when nobody supports your shitty behavior because you're a retard
Color me surprised
I will never get this whole doxxing thing. I mean if i say word nigger and other people will just say i said word nigger why should i care? Or them? I mean what can do others do to me for saying word nigger? Kill me?
good thing most non retarded nigger cucks like you, know when they are on a platform that offers the freedom to say anything you want, and when they are on a game where you accepted a end user license agreement that gives them the right to terminate your connection to THEIR servers because you are acting like an autistic fucking retard
>Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences.
Is this how you justify being an authoritarian dickhead?
You either have free speech or you don't.
I’m not OP u retarded faggot just calling all u cringe SJW tumblrinas out ur in the wrong site
Faggot spacing that explains it
I played in a TF2 server which was shittalking 24/7. Fun stuff. Another one was more calm and had a higher-skilled playerbase. The real issue is the lack of dedicated servers.
Most people care about their reputation.
You spammed to much with league you have to keep insults short and hidden in a way the system doesnt figure it out. Saying letter by letter doesnt work anymore.
You're free to say anything you want about my regime, but we're also free to shoot you AFTER you've published it. It's a fair system because we've not gagged you. Blindfolded you while you stand in front of the wall maybe.
>getting triggered playing video games
based mentally ill bro
not knowing about 5 year chat bans in dota
Are underagefags unable to sperg out anymore?
Reminds me of that magatard who was trying to recruit a personal army here and on reddit over getting banned because he stalked girl streamers or some shit like that.
>create an environment where nazis thrive
>wtf we must ban nazis!
gets me every time. Maybe look at the social-economics that enable nazis to do nazi things instead of making everyone look away.
But wait we can't have that because nazis are whites and whites are always the most privileged class, no matter the circumstance wtf!
Unable to NOT sperg out anymore I should have said.
If u were on tumblr yes they would be crying there tranny eyes out because someone did a bad word and saying reeeeeeeeee racists deserve death or something sense they are all up there fucking asshole and don’t understand there hypocrisy
first post best post autists only have a safe space on this board. beyond it you're fucked and you know it lmfao suck dick
>getting so salty you cant control yourself in chat
Are you a bot? You seem to only able to type auto-generated /pol/ speech.
no you're not misremembering, people who spammed or were being obnoxious were kicked or banned. there's always been tons of shit talk but for some reason kids think spamming nigger and cuck is witty banter these days. I guess they think they're triggering le sjws but none of the games I play would have any sjws playing anyways, I think it's just a phase. I'm not sure what started the trend of zoomers spamming dumb shit and complaining about getting banned for it but it makes me laugh every time
ostracization kills you from the inside, but a lot of people here probably have no social circles anyway and that's why they act out
Pardon my boomerish, but wasn't KYS very strongly popularized by Leafy, the quintessential zoomer youtuber?
I can only imagine that these people must have been 12 to 14 when they watched his videos.
Therefore anyone who uses KYS as an insult must be, I think, somewhere between the age of 14 or 16, and therefore shouldn't be on this website.
Anyone know what I mean?
No not /pol/ just take ur shitty off topic tumblr faggot pic with u and leave Faggott ass tumblrina
Zoomers can't into trash talking
shut the fuck up nerd
Serves you right, faggot
kek socialists are truly braindead
lurk moar faggot
The government won't touch you. I'm free to ostracize you though.
>using meme arrows in fucking league of legends
deserved it
Don't say mean words then.
If you're gonna put that much effort into spamming game chat you might as well try using that energy to come up with more witty insults
I'm a centrist, when I'm in power it'll be bullets for everyone.
Yea, man. I just think you're a fucking retard that can't help but sperg out. Enjoy your ban.
worth it, fuck those guys
how do I git gud with zoe
who would genuinely get so angry while playing games that you really sputter such madness in chats
people have been telling each other to suicide themselves for decades. you don't remember an hero? kys is just the contemporary version of an hero
listen you're just being a faggot
socialism has nothing to do with people having a standard of civility in their private spaces
league of legends doesn't owe you shit
you don't have a right to play it, and they do have the right to tell you to fuck off if you break their rules
you're a faggot, a mong, and a retard
and saying "oh that language would get you banned! IRONIC!!" doesn't fucking mean anything because guess what, retard, i'm not playing league
fucking absolutely devoid of thought, you are
Ur a retard u probably gotta banned for sperging out lmao
>spam chat with kys
>playing league at all
good, maybe you can move on to a better game
Yeah and if someone said an hero I wouldn't assume they were underage.
>Constantly called people nigger but carefully monitored so the system would never ban me
>Over the 6 years i spent playing league i only ever received one warning
You guys need to learn how to trick the system.
what causes someone to sperg out so much? what in life led you to be this retarded?
you're under the impression that the people who make these threads aren't mouthbreathing retards who are clearly incapable of controlling themselves, user
>wtf why can't I behave like I am on Yea Forums everywhere
Your parents should've supervised your internet habits better
user how could you. Calling people mentally impaired and telling them to end them selves, awful, we here at Yea Forums hoped we had raised you better. No desert tonight young man, you'll be using that free time to think about why it's wrong to talk to people like that!
>Kys literally means kiss in my native language
Shit like this always cracks me up, especially when people tell me to kys
>getting a 3 day ban for replying to off topic garbage
When did this place openly become Resetera 2.0?
Dota 2 is better ASSFAGGOT
low iq. inability to act according to logic only leavea you with the ability to act according to emotions
kys me user ;^)
dota is fucking garbage
the only people who pretend to like it dont even play it
That's right comrade!
Who says socialists aren't faggots!?
100% deserved
>Can't be tolerant to the intolerant
But what are you if not a person being intolerant of the intolerant, you simply are being intolerant to a different set of ideals. Maybe instead of that you should try to explain why your view is the correct one with logic, reason and most of all scientifically proven and documented facts. Isn't that better then "UNGH, NO TOLERANT UNLESS IZ TOLERANT TO WHAT I WANT!"
what exactly do people get out of treating others like shit online? for people who talk about hating normalfags so many of you sure do act like normalfags.
>But what are you if not a person being intolerant of the intolerant, you simply are being intolerant to a different set of ideals.
That "set of ideals" being intolerance of another group of people.
>Maybe instead of that you should try to explain why your view is the correct one with logic, reason and most of all scientifically proven and documented facts.
He just did.
You added literally nothing to this conversation.
>haha im such an epic trole people loved that i shat up their servers xD
No, we did not. Fuck off.
>Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences.
If the government puts you into jail because of what you said, technically it still is a consequence, and the First Amendment protects you from exactly that consequence.
Therefore, this statement is completely false.
Yeah man, you're either free or you're not, get rid of age of consent laws you nazi
I feel like this whole "paradox" stems from a bourgeois conception of "tolerance" as a personal virtue. People who pride themselves on how "tolerant" they are of others may genuinely worry when someone accuses them of intolerance towards their (bigoted) opinion. But if you consider that "tolerance" is a feature of society beyond the individual, then the effects of tolerance and its antithesis intolerance on certain populations becomes obvious, and we can see that a more tolerant society is clearly more desirable and therefore intolerance must be minimised as much as possible. There's really not even a paradox looking at it from that perspective.
>go to discussion board
>can't read and comprehend more than two sentences
It is actually only partially false.
you seem realy retarded from all the shit you posted, riot is owned by tencent a chink company, wich censors it own people so it will censor yours, also
>playing LoL in the current year
That's why this board is beyond salvation, too much retards that don't know to self contain 4 chan idiocy and think it's ok to act like that anywhere else.
This is why the website got so bad in the first place.
Mobas are fucking garbage anyway.
How? The idea of freedom of speech is exactly that, freedom from consequences. That's what they want to achieve.
It's true that the First Amendment of the US Constituation doesn't protect you from consequences in all cases, but the entire idea is based on being protected from consequences.
If it doesn't protect you from consquences, then what is the point of freedom of speech in the first place?
So yes, claiming that "Freedom of speech not freedom from consequences" is entirely false. It by definition can't be anything else in the first place. Otherwise there is no point to the concept.
fpbp, OP writes like an obvious underage
You told someone to go kill themselves. Outside of America that could land you in jail
Haha too funny bro! Cant believe they banned you over that shit bro you were just have fun bro.
Riot started this shit, why are you surprised? They are to thank for inventing the word ''toxicity'' in gaming and giving bans for it.
Their braindead community praised it and look at where we are now.
You're dumb. It protects you from the government not other citizens.
"it's okay to be gay"
>*gets punched by nazi*
>sweetie freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences :)
>If it doesn't protect you from consquences, then what is the point of freedom of speech in the first place?
Your speech will always have consequences. That is in fact the entire point of communicating with people. For it to have consequences. If every communication were inconsequential you might as well not say anything at all. Therefore, "freedom from consequences" is an impossible standard. The real issue is figuring out what a reasonable standard would be.
Nice job, retard.
Free speech doesn't apply to private platforms. You agreed to their ToS when you ticked that checkbox under all that text you didn't read. You're one of those retards who doesn't read the fineprint on contracts and then get surprised when they get fucked over. You're not owed anything.
I somehow can't bring myself to view this as a bad thing.
Spergs acting like complete idiots towards others online should be banned. In fact, it shouldn't have been tolerated for more than 10 years in the first place, so we wouldn't have an entire generation of Xbox live kiddies who think what they are doing is perfectly normal and acceptable.
Stop acting like a toddler and you won't be put in the baby jail.
Imagine being so American you think your constitution is equal to the entirety of political philosophy.
Well, if this basic thing can't be granted, that you be protected from consequences of your speech, then "freedom of speech" as a concept is a joke, and it shouldn't even be touted around, because it doesn't exist. It's joke, it's a myth. It's definitely not part of American culture then, no matter how much they want to believe it. They are only deluding themselves.
Why is it that Yea Forums has gone from being annoyed at the thirteen-year-olds on xbox live to being the thriteen-year-olds on xbox live? You'd think the process would have gone the other way.
Yes, indeed, the absolutist "all or nothing" conception of freedom that Americans have is indeed a massive farce, an abstract political construct with no realistic implementation.
That's not an American conception at all. Americans think they're free.
And they're wrong.
KYS is a instant ban, my friend got perma'd for it
What is the alternative than striving for an unobtainable ideal? Sure most just want to say nigger but the amount of shady bullshit sites and companies are doing to deceive and manipulate people is absurd. What is someone supposed to do to speak out about this if you get scrubbed from search results and refused from a DNS or server? Then you go out into the street and sure the police MAY leave you alone but what about the hire thugs from companies taking you out of the privately owned roads, buildings, property.
Nobody in this world is truly free
what's the point in playing a video game you don't enjoy and get upset more that it makes you feel good?
I miss those good old wild west days of the internet. People would throw around bants and no one would feel offended. Now days you cant even say good game without someone fliping out and reporting you.
I agree, what I was trying to say is that even though America says that freedom of speech is granted as per the constitution, it is actually not true. They have something in the cosntitution that they call freedom of speech, but it's actually not really freedom of speech, it's something else.
Nothing wrong with striving for an unobtainable ideal, but people should realise that they are living in a lie, and start working for getting something better.
>go to a place to do an activity
>it has basic rules about how you talk to people during that activity
>break those rules
>act like it's their fault
It's not some freedom of speech platform, it's fucking in-game chat you spastic. If you're being a cunt, it's on you when you get banned for being a cunt.
Why would you even want to go back and play League in the first place. The game is shit and makes you fucking miserable. Quit that shit and save your mental state, they want you to get banned in the first place to make money from new accounts anyway, otherwise they'd have implemented "/MuteSelf" years ago without their bullshit reasoning not to. Quit that shit and be free user
No wonder the game is dying
Those days have been over since at least 10 years ago now, user.
>proceeds to break the rules like the good zoom zoom that he is
Go on.
>kys k y s kys kys abortion nigger cuck faggot kys
stop pretending to be over 18 you zoomer faggot, this stupid shit would get you kicked from any server that wasn't dogshit in any year. throwing a tantrum isn't banter, it's obnoxious teenager shit
Because a culture of edgy contrarianism for the sake of it has gotten out of hand over the years and guess who the edgiest contrarians in the world are.
Try saying something with some actual content before complaining that you've been censored.
stfu retatded nigger go kys you monkey brained welfare ape go suck a dick aidsfaggot
he just meant ingame...
he should fight it.
damn sick bants bro
wowik zamknij pizde i znajdz sobie prace wreszcie
Seems fair. Children should be punished for having a potty mouth.
it's less the words and more that you're an unabashed manchild lashing out at everything because you were inconvenienced in a shitty casual moba
>being such a smallbrained mongoloid that you can't keep yourself from saying some few words
happened to me as well
logged into alt and got a two week ban on that one as well :^(
you're making the assumption this person is over 18
epic ironic post cuck
He's right. You would have been kicked or banned.
good the le ebin 5chin sekrit club newfags who have tourettes deserve it cause they are shitters that are annoying to team with.
Valve games
starship troopers.
what now mr bigbrain guy?
kys libtard
Teenagers aren't human.
>playing bidogaem
Lol kys
>kill yourself
>with a gun
Come on now he doesnt know how to operate things he is afraid of
>LoL bans you for offensive language
>Yea Forums doesn't
wow, it's like different politics are applied
just kys retard and stop wasting air.
Cause a huge corporation like Riot are socialists
Fun fact: they were gloating about fighting "muh sexism" turned out they were sexually harassing some of their female employers.
Gee... hypocrites, what a fucking suprise.
Oh, and
>in the year MMXIX of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Gas yourself, OP.
Coalition of Cancer died after season 2.
yeah, a hupe company like Riot who do lots of profits with shit like MTX and esports are definitely socialist, you fucking retarded amerimutt
I'm glad I live in a country where hate speech and insults in general can be punished by law
Thanks for sharing, stay banned
And what shithole you crawled out from?
>being upset that you can't play shitty assfagots for 14 days
kys subhuman