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Has ever a videogame ruined an entire generation?
Ryder Watson
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Owen Cook
Wyatt James
Several times on fact.
Nathan Martinez
what, scott fucking pilgrim is considered a classic now?
Andrew Lopez
Final Fantasy XV ruined this gen for me. Guaranteed that I don't buy a console.
Jason Ross
Honestly Fortnite isn't the worst thing that could have become popular. There was a lot of dumber shit that was popular when I was growing up.
Logan Fisher
Videogames have ruined two generations.
Matthew Allen
Lincoln Foster
sony for creating and popularizing the cinematic movie genre
Landon Nguyen
Baldur's Gate 2 ruined every wRPG/cRPG ever since.
Jace Roberts
I wouldn’t say any single game has really ruined a generation, but some of them have had very damaging effects, yes. For example, Minecraft’s success made selling unfinished games become a widely-accepted practice, branding it as “early access”.
Anthony Green
After it, was only downhill: Minecraft, LoL, PUBG and currently Fortnite.
Justin Gonzalez
Blake Wilson
like what? cause im pretty old and i havent seen such a shift in culture like with fortnite
Chase Thomas
Blake Moore
Henry Scott
Matrix I guess did fuck over a lot of trenchcoats
Oliver Jones
Cameron Allen
Jonathan Gray
But Minecraft was never labeled as a early access. It had and alpha and beta state sure but I remember DayZ actually being the first game that coined the term.
Evan Collins
Morrowind. Completely decimated actual RPGs from being made
Adam Harris
nintendo has ruined like three generations by now
Hunter Bennett
Remember pogs and crazy bones and pokemon cards? Being a kid in the mid to late 90s was "interesting".
Sebastian Watson
William Gomez
so they make 10% less rpgs now? learn english
Sebastian Kelly
They made Metal Gear Solid?
Jace Cox
no, snow flakes just like to thing it had some sort of cultural impact on girls, when in fact girls had been doing that shit long before this garbage movie
Josiah Lee
this, fuck pokemon.
>hurr gotta catch em all
Literally a brainwashing catchphrase to get you to buy more shit. Disgusting.
Landon Davis
Considering all the ramona copycat attention whores on instagram definetly.
Ayden Thompson
Ryan Rogers
>friends in uni freaking out and playing pokemon
>all surprised I never played it
>look at newest game they're playing
>dated and boring visuals and brain dead gameplay
I will never understand this shit.
Asher Butler
ThEy MaDe mEtAl GeEr sOliD?
Jace Thomas
No, but your English teacher did
Eli Young
>No one posted it
Luis Kelly
Minecraft was/is cool, fuck you. Creative, SMP, redstone, all cool.
It also didn't start shitty early access trend, Notch never lied about what it was and sold it for cheap as hell and provided updates for free for years.
Ethan Collins
You still understood.
Hunter Collins
>reading comprehension
Maybe it's you that should learn English* user. Morrowind zoomers are pathetic.
Samuel Morgan
How have I not heard this before?
Liam Rogers
nice ESL grammar
Noah Watson
Counterstrike. It pushed people towards lame ass realism.
Cameron Nelson
Only retarded people and autists played it
Angel Taylor
Ever since BG2, not only does every other cRPG has to have romances but also be set in the most generic setting ever.
BG2 gave the player only the feeling of having a grand adventure which isn't bad in itself, but none of your choices matter (escaping from spellhold) or makes sense (paladin will align with the thieves guild regardless of alignment) and the freedom to do quests in any way you please became nonexistent (the skinner murderer) and devolved into simply being "kill X to solve this quest".
Luis Bell
>dated and boring visuals and brain dead gameplay
describes every japanese game released
meanwhile in 2007
Connor James
absolutely no PC in 2007 could run Crysis looking like that, at playable framerate
not a single one
Aiden Martin
Brody Garcia
Shit taste.
On topic DOTA. Killed customs and started the moba craze.
Jacob Bell
Japanese game studios usually have a small budget and barely sell. Pokemon has no excuse.
Austin Reyes
Aiden Perry
Actually the turning point was Dragon Age: Origins, ever since then romance became a must-have in RPGs. It attracted tons of women(literally because they're fat) to the genre and since then gameplay has been made less intricate.
Jason Martinez
Fortnite, Cod MW3 and onwards and that it desu.
Jose Foster
If anything defending those games is for zoomers
Parker Cook
I’m 28 and Pokeon is just as bad as fortnite. Bet you buy their yearly low effort releases and think you’re somehow better than sports/cod/fortnite players.
Juan Jenkins
Heeeey this man know whats up hahahaha
Joseph Jones
people forget how AWFUL pokemon was at its peak.
Juan Fisher
>enabled Epic Games to start shit throwing contest with Valve
>made some decent games 1 year exclusive to their scam of a launcher
>started the worst trend yet, Hell even survival was a better meme
>gorillions of cancerous streamers sprouted from this game
William Fisher
Isn't Ramona Flowers a poor man's Kate Winslet from Eternal Sunshine anyway?
Oliver Johnson
Oh my fucking god crazy bones. Shit like that is why I love opening crates so much.
Nolan Collins
I played customs from the release of ROC and they got far tougher to find other things. Especially other mobas. Tides of Blood was more fun than Dota right off the top of my head.
Aiden Fisher
Blake Martinez
None of the kids on here saw that movie. Clementine.
Aaron Allen
As hilarious as this video is, there's 2 things.
1) SP movie was a comercial failure (reasons vary) so it ruined nothing since it's niche basically.
2) These are just the typical 21st century Nufemale.
Most importantly.... Who the fuck wouldn't fuck Ramona Flowers?!
Nolan Barnes
Sebastian Gomez
>Has ever a videogame ruined an entire generation?
>COD4, MW2, and BLOPS werent at that point yet
There was a turning point where Cod games got filled with ratkids(we called them this in Spain)/zoomers and it was MW3/BO2, before this they were less than 50% of the audience
Samuel Thompson
Fuck you, That was a great ad
Landon Sanders
say sike right now
Carter Collins
So brain-dead gameplay and zoomer visuals?
Isaiah Robinson
I think you are not considering that vydia is no longer considered a weird hobby, at least not as much as it used to be. Also you get to use internet as soon as you are born so they are more likely to know about the newest shit
Brody Allen
shoo shoo now zoom zooms
Jason Myers
It's shitting on homestruck\scott pilgrim audience though.
The hollywood part is just there to remind them how pozzed the ip's are.
Michael Ross
After learning she previously fucked 7 other dudes, I sure wouldn't want to touch that std ridden ho
Nathaniel Ramirez
No the game is pretty bad. Many JRPGs surpassed it in terms of depth and also fun. It's only good for the half baked monster collecting gimmick which other games do much better now.
Adam Walker
>ADHD's missing the point of Bryan implying girls like Ramona already existed throughout the US and self-absorbed, small town idiots like Scott were only just noticing because nothing exciting was going on in his life until she ran through his narcissistic mind
Bryan said much of Scott Pilgrim was his impression of subcultures he saw while he was growing up in Leaf Country. It didn't invent or influence shit. It was a reflection of what was already happening, like all media. One of the most often cited examples of an overt Manic Pixie Dream Girl in media in fact was in Eternal Sunshine, itself making satirical commentary on what it considered a stock character already further illustrating how dated the appearance and behavior was by then, which predates the Scott Pilgrim movie by six years and comic by several months.
>B-but Scott Pilgrim made it cool and popular for a new crowd of kids
No. Scott Pilgrim just made kids like (You) notice it, a graph of your attention span is not equivalent to actual trends.
All that said, is absolutely correct.
Colton Miller
this is probably the most valid answer we're going to get in this thread, this game opened hordes of previously untapped demographics up to the normalization of microtransactions
Landon Hughes
MOBAs killed off the traditional base building RTS.
Christopher Brooks
Carson Long
>Ever since BG2, not only does every other cRPG has to have romances
No, that was only the first push. VtMB didn't have it and I'm sure if Deus Ex stayed in development longer it wouldn't gotten one either. But the infamous alien side boob truly cemented this as a requirement.
DA:O was only polishing away irregularities at that point, perfecting the formula so to speak.
Ethan Bell
My first games were hoop-and-stick and throwing-rocks-at-the-short-kid, kiddo.
Nathan Morris
>deleted posts
Nanda the fuck?
Dylan Phillips
Holy shit, what happened here? Did some nintendie janny get mad over the pokemon bashing?
Liam Gutierrez
Ramona flowers a fat.
Lisa Miller best girl.
Angel Nguyen
Yeah I'm sure neo-feminism, porn, mtv / reality tv, social media et. al jewry had nothing to do with it.
Samuel Powell
Truth. This is ultra normie fodder
Cameron Russell
They created FFVIII/FFX?
Jace Anderson
MEW does things to me goddamn
Lucas Diaz
Gabriel Ortiz
Short black hair and pale skin are so sexy, though.
Oliver Murphy
William Jones
Metal Gear.
it killed 2d adventure games like Alundra.
It shifted the taste in videogames where "Wind waker is kiddie shit no one wants to play"
It made politics an integral piece of videogame storytelling like CoD.
It started the trend for Overhyped false representation of gameplay trailers with no backlash.
Regardless of the quality of Metal gear as a standalone product, you can't deny how damaging it was for the gaming medium whole and how many generations of gaming it ruined
Brandon Fisher
>pale skin.
Dylan Jones
Smash Brothers.
Legend of Zelda.
Half Life.
MOBA trash.
David Wright
There is no other answer but this. The industry went somewhat downhill in 2006 after the last peak of 2004-2005. But cod4 in 2007 is what sealed it. Even though i kinda like cod4, it was what spawned cancerous shit that we are dealing with nowadays.
Easton Clark
Don't forget that the guy who takes all the credit for Metal Gear is a worshiped hack who's still trying to make games into movies
Blake Bailey
Eli James
I don't think the industry went downhill and I'm likely older than you. You just grew up.
Jason Phillips
Good thing I only like Metal Gear Solid
Brandon Miller
What shift in culture? You mean children doing dumb dances? That's nothing new.
Joshua Lopez
Ramona was very lewd i fapped a lot to her, wished for some porn a lot.
Xavier Collins
lmao holy fucking shit do people not know what manic pixie dream girl is?
this kind of character archetype goes back to the 30s
it gained prominence in the 50s and 60s
and quite frankly I think FLCL had more impact than Scott fucking Pilgrim for 30 year-old boomers and zoomers
Parker Hall
Matthew Gonzalez
There was this period between 2007-2010~ in which everything was dull brown, fun stuff like Guitar Hero was waning off and military FPSs were just gaining ridiculous popularity. Aesthetically things are generally better now with popular things, as in Fortnite, which has a level of creativity put into it. Of course, there were outliers to this industry trend, not everything was just that.
Nicholas Perry
Minecraft, Undertale, Fortnite
Cooper Cooper
>this kind of character archetype goes back to the 30s
Blake Ortiz
Mass Effect 2/3
Henry Gomez
Yeah but I got tired of AAA shit sometime in the early 2000s so it didn't affect me much.
Camden Lee
>this kind of character archetype goes back to the 30s
20s. Flappers/Vamps vs "homely wife" sorts were a popular theme.
Austin Wood
A flapper is not really similar to manic pixie dream girl unless you really stretch it.
Leo Stewart
You sure? What's the archetype you're talking about in the 30s, then?
Lincoln Moore
why are so many posts getting deleted?
Isaac Hernandez
wow ruined the mmo genre
Matthew Stewart
Sorry, I'm not that user. I would disagree that it was a thing in the 30s.
Flappers are more like Sukeban.
I looked up supposed examples of early MPDGs and they're not very good.
Marilyn Monroe in Some Like it Hot is just a blonde ditz. And Hepburn in Bringing Up Baby isn't that one dimensional.
John Murphy
Wikis ruined MMO
Robert Edwards
They're all from one guy. He got banned.
Gavin Powell
>Flappers are more like Sukeban.
I don't agree with that at all. Flappers, in the movie stereotype anyway, were urbanites that "lured" the men in with dancing and new forms of music, giving those men the impression of high, and sort of alternative, life; hence the connection I'm making with the manic pixie dream girl. Obviously, this is from the masculine perspective, which most movies had. Sukeban are... not that? They're delinquents in all-girls gangs, their attire is a subversion of school attire, most of the time at least (while flappers dress provocatively in contract, not derivation, of "the homely wife"; although you could take this point and say that sukeban sometimes dressed more "western" than the official culture) and their image is not really defined by male perspective in the same way. I really don't see the connection here.
Thomas Cook
Contrast instead of contract.
Kevin Hughes
World of Warcraft
League of Legends
Xavier Gutierrez
Welp, this is it Yea Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>epstien shit has me freaking out
>just lost 3k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers and homos giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
No, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you make your own thread
ISP is blocked or some shit. so just posting this in first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.
stream URL and quick rundown:
See you all soon.
Nathan Gomez
this. the demand for the cards was fucking nuts. some stores would sell booster packs for as much as $12.
Grayson Campbell
The guy who made the song knows that.
Charles Hill
Flappers weren't all magic pixie dream girls or anything like that but there were quite a few characters at the time who fell into both categories. Clara Bow's character in It (1927) for instance is a pretty textbook MPDG.
Aiden White
Gone Home
Grayson Thompson
*sip* ahh i remember when league of legends was a monolith that couldn't be taken down. I remember all those copycat mobas and that push towards esports in every competitive game on the market.
Landon Roberts
TLoU changed the course of this generation for the worst.
Zachary Wright
The connection I see is both were women/girls flaunting current conventions that felt suffocating etc.
I don't see the defining aspect of the Flapper as seducing men with some sort of bohemian care free lifestyle, but more that they were rejecting the previous conventions for women of that societal class as well as the temperance movement.
Levi Morris
Minecraft represents the type of freedom and possibility games can have instead of being an interactive movie or a lootbox gambling, doll dressup simulator.
It's not the games fault lets players are cancer and microsoft bought it.
Lucas Wood
I enjoyed TLoU,but this is true.Hopefully the sequel is an improvement.
Alexander Davis
Ohh, I see. Good point. Our discordance is that the manic pixie dream girl is not really a "type" of girl as much as an stereotype as viewed by boys/men, and try to see some sort of emancipation through them - function that I can see in the representation of the flapper and their "dangers". Of course, if you take flappers objectively the societal reason behind them is sort of different.
Samuel Cox
Sure you mean to suggest he learn maths. Because in English class, while they may choose to reveal the origin of the term, they would teach the current definition of decimate.
Adam Kelly
I blame the last of us for being the reason why AAA games are now pretentious walking simulators.
Alexander Lewis
WoW ruined MMOs forever
Dylan Miller
>Counter Strike
>CoD: Modern Warfare
Anthony Brooks
Minecraft and fortnite.
Bentley Perez
HALO was the Fortnite of its time.
Nolan Richardson
Day Z, the mod.
Justin Sullivan
Call of Duty 4 probably. It didn’t ruin its own generation, but it set the stage for the shit show we have today
Wyatt Stewart
its a cult classic especially for its cut aways are you mcfucking serious. If it bombed at the theatres but everyone still liked it then that makes it objectively god tier.
Charles White
>Watched it for the first time after all of my friends praising it and saying I’d love it for years
>they couldn’t be more wrong
What is this shit crnge garbage? Writing was all over the place, le video game references were forced, MC was a fucking asshole who doesn’t learn his lesson, the women were actually brain damaged. The only redeeming thing about it I found were the visual and sound effects were fun to watch but that’s as far as it went.
Landon Hernandez
Anyone who grew up with a Nintendo 64 and games like Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie inevitably grew up to be an obese manchild. There is literally no exception to this.
Christopher King
>are you mcfucking serious. If it bombed at the theatres but everyone still liked it then that makes it objectively god tier.
Brody Morales
Shave your legs
Kevin Smith
Ramona Flowers was so fucking weird in that movie.
Her actress looked photogenic only in certain scenes like the OP pic.
But then in other scenes like pic related she looked way more older than she's supposed to be.
The wigs also looked way too oversized holy shit.
Jason Gutierrez
>That pic
Fuck I hate that meme so fucking much.
It fits the comic but it feels pretty condescending towards anyone else it's directed to and feels like a straw man when used incorrectly.
Evan Smith
The manic pixie dream girl must be the worst fucking archetype in media.
James Reyes
Undertale. Herald of s o y face types.
Minecraft was getting there but Notch was a prick so that straightened up the types who played his game.
Eli Watson
You must be very young.
Sebastian Stewart
>but Notch was a prick so that straightened up the types who played his game
So did Toby Fox. Leave newfag
Owen Martinez
I wouldn't know since I only know about their exploits in Yea Forums and I have no active social media anymore.
Notch still gets threads from time to time and he's pretty based.
Jonathan Morgan
IIRC Toby Fox has made several tweets mocking the fanbase and a lot of people believe that Deltarune was specifically created because he regretted appealing to tumblrfags in Undertale. That's why Deltarune has a less onions combat system and no moralfag decision making. That's also why Undertalefags aren't losing their shit over Deltarune, it's appealing to Yea Forums way more.
Someone who acted a lot more like a tumblrfag was ironically the LISA dev who had a mental breakdown, proceeded to call all men toxic, cancelled his WWE love letter project and began collaborating with SJWs. The tables kinda turned there.
Brayden Murphy
Oh shit you're right. Deltarune just flew under my radar so I forgot about it. Maybe you and that other user are more on point. But still I didn't like what the Undertale fanbase was like. And in comparison Minecraft types were just not so offensive to me in comparison.
Kayden Taylor
Edgar Wright's cinematography and transitions are god tier.
Evan Ramirez
>Oh shit you're right. Deltarune just flew under my radar so I forgot about it. Maybe you and that other user are more on point.
Yeah Deltarune completely changed up the perception of Toby Fox on Yea Forums. Especially once he dropped the Moralfag gameplay and tried to actually write a more RPG-type story.
>But still I didn't like what the Undertale fanbase was like
Toby didn't either. Pic related.
>And in comparison Minecraft types were just not so offensive to me in comparison.
Not if you didn't dig deep. Trust me, the Minecraft fanbase in 2012-2014 was Undertale-tier at points, especially in the Youtube scene. There was that one guy that made weird fetish porn of it on Youtube too. Can't remember his name. FuturisticHub or something like that.
Xavier Allen
Gears of War
Andrew Davis
Chase Jones
I can't isolate a single precursor for the ubisoft tier open world with every POI and collectible already marked for you and 3-4 repeating unfun side activities that you need to repeatedly do to de-gimp your character, but whatever it was, that.
Nathaniel Cox
Modern Warfare and Gaylo turned so many people into drooling troglodytes
Nathaniel Gray
what in the actual fuck are you talking about? Tumblr types exploded when Deltarune came out. And the designs had just as much tumblr appeal than ever. Look at all the fags talking about fluffy boi Ralsei and all the wilding out about Suze. Everyone was streaming and talking about that shit. Step outside Yea Forums for 2 fucking seconds retard
Lincoln Moore
This. That game effected more than FPS. SE were even influenced by it while they were making FFXIII.
Joseph Long
I can't say any particular individual pieces of software had much effect on their own to ruin gaming as a whole, but rather I place the blame on two platforms.
>the Wii
I say this as a Nintendo fan, too. Not only did the Wii's success irreparably and massively damage Nintendo's quality as a developer, but externally the Wii's marketing and wide spread were responsible for first establishing "casual" gaming as a new and distinct market for people to chase. I guess you could point to Wii Sports as a key piece of software that facilitated this, but that's only so much of the equation.
>the smartphone
Fucking duh. The smartphone market scooped up a lot of the casual market the Wii carved out just in time when the Wii was losing its momentum as the gaming fad of babies and grandmas. Phone gaming was an obvious hit since smartphones became an almost necessary commonality by the start of the 2010s, and it quickly gave birth to incredibly lazy game development and reprehensible exploitative microtransaction mechanics. This damage is now even being felt on console and PC gaming.
Cooper James
Whatever weebshit that started turning red blooded men into braindead waifucucks
Jacob Cox
assassins creed 2
Isaac King
"Hardcore" industry sells concentrating themselves on military shooters or bland TPSs were infinitely worse than the Wii's family friendly appeal. Both are related though.
Carson Hall
This is what I've noticed too. It isn't safe out there for one's sanity but one needs to look into the abyss sometimes to see the depths of gen z's depravity when it comes to their children's video games.
Julian Miller
>Look at all the fags talking about fluffy boi Ralsei and all the wilding out about Suze.
Those are furfags. You can't stop those faggots, they exist universally.
SJWshites stayed as far away from the game as possible after hearing there was no moralfag system.
Ayden Wood
Isaiah Jones
No, they didn't.
Chase Williams
Didn't you post this exact same copypasta a few days ago? Just shut the fuck up already, nobody cares.
Isaac Miller
sauce on that pic?
Liam Reed
Anthony White
This. Don't forget Metal Gear Solid also popularized long ass cutscenes. This game was the start of "Videogames stopped being games"
Ayden Adams
What would it take to get a video game about michael cera?
Jackson Long
There's a Scott Pilgrim game.
Colton Cook
They saw it when they were younger, cut them some slack.
You also seem like too miserable of a person to enjoy anything anyway
Blake Reyes
Ryder Parker
I can name a few.
Minecraft, Fortnite, Skyrim, Pubg, League of Legends.
Andrew Anderson
>sony for creating
>and popularizing
Julian Flores
Gavin Garcia
Prove me wrong.
Joshua Rogers
Final fantasy xv was just a horrible game that gave me depression and gaming fatigue. I had to go back to old gen consoles just to cure my gaming depression but I still have fatigue till this day because of all that disappointment. I stopped hyping games after that abomination of a action rpg.
Ayden Butler
Dark Souls had literally poisoned the game industry.
Nothing against the game itself, though.
Joshua Peterson
>wahhhhh every pixie girl has sex with everyone but me!1!!
seething incels
Camden Reyes
You're just fucking her, not marrying her you retard. No wonder you're still a virgin
Zachary Bailey
All the considered good games ruined games, but due how retarded game developers are.
Every single mistake in all the good games are copied forever, all the good parts are mistaken.
The collecting part of mario 64, the shitty stealth minigame of zelda oot, the regen life and limited weapons from halo (elements that were only there to make the "strategy game on foot" work), the QTEs of shenmue...
Jordan Reed
I'm not joining your stupid ass Discord, tranny.
Cooper Robinson
It fucking blows that the LISA dev lost his shit over his dad's death.
Jacob Barnes
No it's a meme. Originally conceived by literal memes it attained some popularity among alt-rightists/nazis a few days ago and got a few hundreds thousands of views on Youtube so now literal schoolchilden are spamming every board on Turkmeni horse-statue incavation forum with it
Jordan Morris
How did Minecraft ever get popular again with shit like this?
Juan Gomez
Are you implying that this isn't something the average videonoid dreams of?
Lucas Ramirez
Ayden Evans
>calling out whores is a nazi thing now
Man you can touch the hypocrisy in your post.
Blake Scott
>it attained some popularity among alt-rightists/nazis a few days ago
>Scott Pilgrim
Erm what?
Nathaniel Sullivan
The scott pilgrim graphic novels are great. The movie is decent. Alt chicks are great, you kids are weeny retards.
Gabriel Stewart
Oh no you got me
Bentley Nelson
>Pic related
Holy shit there are a thousand other ways to fix your look instead of applying fucking years of foundation.
She could easily put some makeup that matches her skin tone to fix out all the zit/pimple stuff or just as easily use medical treatment to fix that up. Once that's done if she wants a more tanner skin tone instead of fucking applying makeup she could go to the beach and get some sun.
Why are people such lazy idiots?
Parker Garcia
Nobody fucking saw that movie or read the comic, how the fuck did it influence a whole generation?
Luis Anderson
>those fuck me eyes
Isaiah Jackson
Dota 2
League of Legends
Kevin Harris
Do console warrior really believe this stupid shit? How can Sony ruin a generation if nobody but them is doing the movie games. Third parties are not copying Sony at all.
Dominic Thompson
id swipe her right pick left anyway its obvious whats under
Aaron Morgan
She's expressly not one and her and Scott are supposed to both be unlikable shitheads that need to improve both inside and outside their relationship
Oliver Jones
Outside of a low res image, the right side face IRL looks all lumpy and is caked with dry ass makeup. Natty is unironically better.
Joseph Martinez
This is retarded. The blue haired cunt type existed long before Scott Plilgrim, just look at that movie with Jim carrey and Kate Winslet.
Hudson Perez
It didn't change shit.
Hunter Cruz
AAA so far of the year: Sekiro, DMCV, The Division 2, Metro Exodus, Anthem, literally not a single one is a walking simulator or is like TLOU at all.
Angel Gutierrez
The idea of some manic slut having like fiveteen other side boyfriends while the protagonist cuck sets out to "defeat" them is definitely more prophetic. Nobody gave a fuck about Scott Pilgrim, nobody was influenced by it, it just happened to be a lucky guess.
Luke Morales
Actually based post, hit the hail on the head. The comic book writing left Scott underdeveloped and more like a poser on Yea Forums, and Edgar Wright lifted the work into a fun romp. Wallace and Kim are well written though.
Kevin Evans
>he doesn't know what a flapper is
Isaiah Bennett
Ruined a generation and every generation of gaming since.
Matthew Gomez
separate versions (Red/Blue) is pretty early on in the chain of bad decisions and jewmongering that led us to DLC/gacha hell
Aaron Perez
Shit, I'd say I was seeing that in the MySpace days years before this came out. BPD arthoes and sluts making men fall for them has been around from the early 2000s at least
David Gray
>Sloppy controls
Does the critic have parkinson's?
Angel Bailey
>muh nazis
Dominic Morgan
Man who has a crush on an manic pixie confirmed
Brody Morris
Unless she has an actual condition those pimples will be gone on their own in due time, she looks good/better without makeup.
Hunter Hall
Mass Effect 3. It created a generation of whiny, entitled gamers. It was the peak of terrible, unfunny gaming meme culture. It was the dawn of YouTuber/steamer culture. It also showcased some of the worst business practices in gaming.
Pic semi-related.
Logan Barnes
Assassin's Creed killed open world games
Grand Theft Auto buried them
Connor Mitchell
It could be argued that flappers dwindled down due to the lack of economic upswing in the 30s and their almost complete defenestration in popular narrative due to the Hays Code.
Brayden White
Mason Clark
WoW was the downfall of Blizzard. Everything they made after it was poop, wow included. People who have supported this shit deserve to die.
Benjamin Garcia
No, he took the stick part of the gaming stick more literally.
Elijah Bailey
I don't. I meant the meme format in general. Not that particular version depicted here.