Get gen rushed

>Get gen rushed
>Focus a specific guy that's not good at looping to get him out of the game so I can more easily protect the generators
>Play nurse so I don't have to tunnel gen rushers.
>Kill them all with ease because of BBQ and chilly, iron maiden, and infectious fright so there's no hiding unless they run calm spirit and are sitting next to me.
>Pick freddy, run slow down game to a crawl build.
>Hook everyone twice, down them and leave them to get picked up and get another chance to escape, they all die.
>Play wrait, try not to camp, or tunnel, don't run slow game down to a crawl perks. Get looped to infinity, crouch spammed, flash light blinded multiple times, gens are finished in under 5 minutes, they all get out
Reminder that survivors deserve every mory, every camp, every tunnel, every slug, every hatch and 4% denial they get.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Still playing this shit when Hide or Die is out
At least it has more than 1 gameplay mode

>get genrushed
Stopped reading there. There's no such thing as genrushing, that's the objective of the game and if you can't stop them from doing it you're not applying enough pressure. Actually I just skipped the greentext and read your conclusion and you're absolutely right, survivor players are legitimately subhuman and shouldn't be taken seriously in any way.

>Silly ha-ha killer looks and quotes
>Meh mechanics.
>BR style map and loot spread
>Meh art style
Yea ... that's gonna be a no from me.

>you win
>you lose
>haha noob
I dont know what else you are expecting.

It might be, but not fully, rushing gets you less points over all, you don't even get a pip if you mory all the survivors after their first hook from what I recall, this is because you should be, chasing, hitting, destroying pallets, hitting gens, over all taking your time. Game rewards both survivors and killer with more points for taking their time and not rushing to end the game. If you refuse to chase a guy, and just go after gen rushers, the guy trying to distract you will actually depip becaue you gave him nothing. If they all rush gens they'll either safety pip, or de pip while maybe 2 get a pip. The goal is to do alot of things, not just finish gens, at least as far as points are concerned.

This reads like the ramblings of a madman

>Lose, hard fight vs survivors, where you had no chance.
>Both sides gg
>Lose hard fight vs survivors where you gave them a really hard time to the end
>Win easy fight vs survivors.
>Only killer gg
>Win hard fight vs survivor
Is it some kind of system? An unwritten rule?

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>Get gen rushed
As opposed to fucking what? That is literally the sole objective for the survivors. This is like complaining about getting shot in an FPS game.

Play Billy and killrush them with spicy addons. Do not talk in end game chat and disconnect immediately.

The solution is to close the chat. It's not about crying because they're being mean but because they are subhumans with all kinds of complexes (persecution complex is guaranteed on 70% of survivors because you can juggle all of them for hooks and still have them accuse you of tunneling) and you will never, ever get through to them. It's wasted effort communicating with these dregs, just play the match and move on.

Yes there is a system. There is an unwritten rule, it's "LET US WIN".

You can get a pip as survivor without doing gens, you knwo this right? The goal is to get a pip/points, mainly. Gen rushing, or the opposite, running a mory and kill rushing get you less points, as a matter of fact you get no pip as the killer if you kill rush and mory everyone after the first hook. The game rewards you for taking your time and actually doing something other than running 4 purple tool boxes, getting run around the map for 3 minutes while all the gens pop before you even get a hook/second hook because you're not playing the "meta" sweaty killers with the best addons fullly kill their fun and yours after the 1000th game of the same build and killer.

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This is the only game where I get random hate comments from people on screenshots of other games. Seriously, I get people calling me a tryhard or camper on my hat in time screenshots I don't get it

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>to fullly kill their fun and yours after the 1000th game of the same build and killer.

>load into red rank game as surv
>'vrrrom-vrrrooom-vroom' in the distance
Every time.

>gen rushed
that's not a thing

Don't get me wrong, I've been tunneld at the very start of the game once or twice with 5 gens still up, and it does feels awful. I don't try to do that, because it just seems like a "meh" thing to do. But if you've done 3-4 gens in like 3 minutes, and crouch spammed me, and you expect me not to try and remove on of the players to try and make the game more manageble, than you probably need to play killer more, because you don't seem to understand just how unfun that is. Every time I see a nurse main that clears the map before you do a single gen, I tend to think of two things (sweaty anti-fun killer doing it for fun, or traumatized killer player doing it because he's sick of gen rushing)

>tfw a killer main
>waiting for a lobby can take between 10 mins and 10 years
>when i finally get a game the survivors are all 10 ranks lower than me, a group in a discord chat, and running maximum perks
>play survivor out of frustration
>insta lobby up
>teammates are all 19-20 incompetents who spend the whole trial hiding and hookpulling
>Killer is rank 3 and a nurse main tourney level prostrat
Jesus fuckin christ what is with this matchmaking

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Welcome to the self sustaining system:
>Crouch spam purple killers playing "not billy or nurse"
>They lose
>Spam them with cocky comments and insults
>Get to red
>Nurse screams or chainsaw noises in the distance
>Complain about sweaty try hard killers. after wipe
>Get sent back to purple ranks.
Rude survivor dudes creating nurse and billy mains every day.

>Get kill rushed by mory using nurse
>Complain about it
>Nurse moves on to next game not disputing it
>Get gen rushed by swf running all speed toolboxes
>Complain about it
>Gen rushing isn't a thing!

It probably tries to rush finding games to play over balancing levels.

when are they gonna make ghostface's ability not absolute garbage?

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It's not garbage.

its myers ability but worse and it gets deactivated by being looked at

You can 90% cock it and then quickly stalk the rest for one-shot. Just gotta get lucky a little.

i don't know what you're talking about
devs said anything is fair game; camping, killing and working on gens
i can't be as dumb as you are so explain to me how these "rushes" are not just playing the game?

Describes my friend perfectly. every killer that he can loop is is shit and deserves to be tbagged everybody that kills him is try hard trash.

when are you going to stop playing this shit game

The game unfortunately got popular with idiot children, and like usual, the #1 thing kids can't stand is losing. They like the fact that it's a multiplayer game, they like the idea that it's vs., but they cannot stand the reality that they cannot win every match. Somehow they cope when playing Fortnite but when playing DBD they shit themselves and scream to the devs to nerf everything. It doesn't help that the devs are straight retarded and have no idea how to develop or balance their joke of a game.

>implying dbd is not a meh game

I never understood the billy hype. I run around the loop and get to the pallet, he revs the chainsaw so I just don't pull the pallet down and get around the corner of the loop so he can't do shit and eventually he's just going to swing normally. You turn him into an M1 killer by not falling for his bullshit. Spirit is the one that gets me, she's crazy.

Where my freddy bros at? You been diddling any survivors today?

>He hasn't seen the legendary billy
I've seen scary things, billies doing 90° turns with chainsaw sprint. Maybe you never witness the horror.

>heavy breathing

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I've never played this game and my limited understanding of this game has only come from the few short clips of it I've seen over the years,

But, damn, idk what it is that I find so appealing about reading about a foreign game's "meta".

Like I've learned so much about this game's mechanics already just from the couple of greentexts it's almost like I've been experiencing the game all along.
This just me?

Who said they aren't "playing the game"? I said they're called exactly that, rushing to end the game as fast as possible, no real regard for points or anything of the like. So it's playing the game, poorly in terms of points, with less fun involved, but it is, "playing the game". And I never said it isn't. Even if it does promote running killers that are debatably broken to play against because "They're in the game, and are near impossible to lose with if I run the same addons and perks every game for the rest of my life, so I guess I should do it, because the devs said it's "fair" game!

The retards that still play this shit have convinced themselves that they're having fun ,even though they objectively hate the game and themselves for playing it. They'll never quit because then they'd have to admit they played it for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours without enjoying even a single second of it.

never ... what kind of silly question is that? when are you gonna stop posting on the korean goat milking board?

i think if you actually played the game you would be very much disappointed

so you're mad..that..people..are playing the game? do i have that right?

This desu. I got memed into buying this trash by all my friends and i knew it was trash as soon as main menu appeared. Gameplay is fucking non existent. Trash

No, I'm sad that people are rushing and giving people reason to play things like sweaty nurse/billy with the best possible addons, and then I get them in my survivor games, when I'm not trying to gen rush or ruin the killer's day.

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Why are you describing world of warcraft?

Hide or die is some poverty lookin shit with lame killers and a shitty battle royale spin on dbd. Fuck you for even suggesting that trash game.

Struck a nerve or is whataboutism your default go-to reaction?

No, it just sounds like a description of WoW ... and league ... and dota.

>you're not applying enough pressure
Most killers in the game simply can't apply pressure on most of the maps.

>Then uuuuuuuuuh play nurse or billy, and spirit with best perks and addons.
>B-But don't really, that's toxic and sweaty, not fair to survivors, if you do it, I'm gonna spam your profile with negative comments!

Literally only played Legion to piss people off when I started playing killer. Now that she's nerfed I spam Anal Beads Spirit and send people into a blind rage.

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DBD is probably the only decent asymmetric multiplayer game today. Hide or Die is a literal meme game aping off of Fortnite and DBD streamers to be relevant.

I basically gave up on maining killer and just play Jeff with Distortion + We'll Make It + Borrowed Time + Sprint Burst. Basically just walk up to hooks, near-instant heal with medkits, then sprint burst away. If the killer goes for me, who cares, if killer goes for unhooked, borrowed time saves them. Shit is absolutely retarded and there's no effective way for anyone buy Billy to deal with it, especially since BBQ is the only way most killers can pressure the map to begin with.

F13 was more fun.

>the goal is to get pip
Nah m8 I actually play to escape.
>The game rewards you for taking your time and actually doing something other than running 4 purple tool boxes
What do you do as a survivor besides do gens? Rescue people so that they can do gens and you can eventually escape. You might do other things like clear totems or open chests but that's so you can cripple the killer or get better gear so that you can, I'll say it one more time, do gens and actually escape. If you feel this is too limiting and repetitive you're right, this is a shit game, but that's how it works.

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Anyone worth their salt knows Billy is the most fun killer to go against if he isn't running insta-saw, next to Huntress.
This "Billy is so OP omg" shit drives me up the wall when he's the easiest to play mindgames with and use his chainsaw against him.

On the other hand, Billy does have bullshit levels of easy access to very strong perks. Spark plugs and the other brown add-on that reduces cooldown is waaaay overkill. Combine that with anti-fun perks like bamboozle, that shit is flat out lame.
You can basically guarantee you're going against insta-saw when you hear the vrooms and get a ruin skillcheck. Running ruin on billy... yikes.

>Nah m8 I actually play to escape.
Let me guess:
- Blendette
- You run at least 2 of the following perks: self care, sprint burst, iron will, urban evasion
- "Stealth builds" are something you consider viable
- You hide behind a tree when you hear killer heartbeat and crawl away from gens
- When 5 gens are complete and someone gets hooked, you open the door and wait at exit gates

One thing this game does really well is make you absolutely hate the players playing survivors and take joy in slaughtering them.

Not fully true, wispers is great, especially in a 1v1 while guarding gates. But new freddy with things like ironmaiden bbq whisper and maybe spirit fury is pretty good. I feel like his new kit is A tier. Spirit is still probably the most broken when it comes to it, because of the unreadable mind games you can try and pull.

How does it feel hearing I'm playing at red ranks as no add-on Wraith with no NOED and 4k'ing 90% of my lobbies.

Yea spirit's pretty broken. Probably even more on par with nurse then billy

Like you live somewhere with potato survivors, since there's no logical way you'd be able to pull that off other wise, due to how the game is built as far as I can tell, but I'd like to see gameplay.

You say that like most the fun in this game isn't making people butthurt

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>If you feel this is too limiting and repetitive you're right
Easy fix, give the survivors more incentive to not do gens. Like making gen rushing a safety pip at best, this forces people who actually want to climb to do other objectives as well. Special events that made you do other things as well were great, because they wouldn't rush gens. So just give the survivors a reason to stop doing gens. Killer gets his gameplay and survivors stop being rushers.

Spirit is random. Reason she's so unfun to go against is because with Billy or Huntress you have those "I fucked up" moments where a mistake or a true mindgame fucks you in the ass. You got opportunity to learn each others' behaviour and use it against each other.

Spirit? You can take your hands off the keyboard, and it's a mindgame. Go into phase, and because of the bullshit collision detection letting you feel up where survivors are even safe pallets aren't safe. Every phase is always 60-40 chance a hit in her favour, bare minimum.

If you're not a moron, literally every phase should be a hit barring some buildings like ironworks window.
She's basically Nurse-lite. Easier to pick up, no counter (besides spending pallets and coinflipping) and bullshit add-ons that make her already infuriating playstyle worse. Survivors genuinely don't mind dying to mistakes- they just want to be able to make them. Bag rng is not a mistake.

No one takes Whispers though because it's only useful early game and in niche situations. But you're right in that it would effectively "counter" my build, but only if the killer is Nurse or catches me out of position anyway.

> I feel like his new kit is A tier.
Ehh. Maybe. I don't think he's as good as the Slasher trinity of Nurse / Billy / Spirit. He's stronger for sure, but I haven't run into one that's as dangerous as those three.

>Spirit is still probably the most broken when it comes to it
Nurse is basically Spirit without the training wheels and a tank of rocket fuel, but I don't see many nurses that can keep up with high end survivors because she's so difficult to play well.

>Anti fun
Get out of the killer shack and start dropping pallets there's 3 other people I have to kill!

>Like you live somewhere with potato survivors, since there's no logical way you'd be able to pull that off other wise, due to how the game is built as far as I can tell, but I'd like to see gameplay.
Just watch ZubatLel, or any other killer main on twitch. They genuinely "make it look so easy"- it's just a bunch of strategies and tactics built up over time with overwhelming amounts of game sense layered on top. Things like zoning, map pressure, awareness of what gens are being worked on and who is aware of what, which tiles are mindgame-able and which ones you should try and force pallet down on.
Ruin - Enduring - BBQ - Whispers gets me tremendous mileage on Wraith. I enjoy playing Wraith more than Trapper as a standard M1 killer for instance because I'm a bit blind and fucking hate dealing with immersed survivors. Bad survivors take the first hit, and then go down at the first or second pallet depending on if it's safe or not. EZ.

^ if you're genuinely curious on how to run generic tiles on M1 killers for instance.

>Stealth builds
But I like my meme stealth build "Iron will, Distortion, calm spirit/dance with me/urban evasion, quick and quiet"

>Like making gen rushing a safety pip at best
Have you played survivor?
You can get 8k boldness 8k objectives and still black pip/ safety pip. I get it all the god damn time. You have to suck the entity's left testicle, save 6 people from hooks, do every gen, run the killer the whole lobby, and survive on top just to pip/ double pip.
Gen rushing, and simply gen rushing- 8k objectives and 5k survival, gets you fucking black pip or safety at high ranks.

The game begs you to get altruism points while ALSO surviving (boldness and objectives just come for free) so you basically HAVE to get a killer who isn't camping/ tunnelling all match- otherwise you're shit out of luck.

Shack shouldn't take you more than 15 seconds.
Memes are fun and all, but as a teammate I'd rather you run dead hard, adrenaline, and M1 those motherfucking gens like no tomorrow.

I like stealth killers, piggy/ghost face more than wraith, hats tend to prolong the game that extra bit you need to get a kill.I'm starting to enjoy new freddy too, the slows and map wide pressure with tp are amazing, the mind game of using tp as I get near the gen so they freak out and run in to me as they watch the gen is also top tier fun.

I wish I knew how to play this game. I tried it during the free weekend with some friends and we just kept dying to some spirit that could go invisible in an insane asylum. Is that the spirit people are saying is op? The game looks deep and there’s a lot of mechanics and mind games but I’m too much of a brainlet to even understand how to escape if you’re last alive.
I read that a hatch opens somewhere if you’re last alive and you can jump in and escape but the hatch I went to wasn’t open. Are there more than 1?

>dead hard
dead perk slot most of the time vs good survivors, only really good to cover a bit of distance to the pallet most times
I really don't like that perk at least from a killer stand point. It feels so broken. rather go up against 4 DSes then have to try and keep everyone on deep wounds when there's 1 gen left to get them to not insta heal back to full.

spirit's power makes them invis while leaveing her body behind, basically like a tp that you control. once she lets go her body tps to the new location.This means she can mind game you by standing still without using the power, to make you choose if you keep running or run back in to her.

That's the wraith, not the spirit. He's slightly low tier I would say but at the beginner ranks every killer can clean up. If the hatch is open and the killer finds it before you do he can close it, but that powers the exit gates so you go to one of those and try to open it in time, but usually at that point the match is already over. It is a game you have to beat your head against to start to do well in

Yeah there are several hatches and only one will open up.

Ruin just needs to be removed and gens need to be redesigned.
>Take longer to complete. 110 seconds up from 80.
>Multiple survivors on a gen should only increase the completion rate by 30% each instead of 100/80/70% each.
>Doing a gen in Terror Radius takes 25% longer unless you have "This Is Not Happening".
>Fucking up a skill check causes the gen to automatically start regressing if you don't continue to work on it.
>Kicking a gen always reduces the current progress by 10%.

>Ruin is changed to: "Successful skill checks no longer increase the rate of repair. Unsuccessful skill checks cause the entity to lock the gen down for 15/20/25 seconds and give the survivors working on that generator the "Exposed" status."

>I wish I knew how to play this game. I tried it during the free weekend with some friends
Brother, I feel sorry for you, but this game has a tremendous learning curve. Luckily you're usually matched with other newbies when you begin- both with teammates and killers.

There is a LOT to learn and on top of that you lack a lot of handy perks that open up valuable strategies/ survivability.
It is extremely discouraging, and is an actual mystery how people stay addicted enough to learn the ropes and get to a somewhat "mastery" level.
... It all has to do with just how toxic the game can get. The potential for toxicity from both sides (more easily from the killer early on but later survivor can be even more toxic) is generally what fuels people to try and get better to shit on the other side with more effectively. To boot, at its core you genuinely can "get gud" enough to counter almost everything- sans literally your example of the Spirit and the Nurse who are both pretty bullshit. Killers can run consumable "add-ons" for each match as well that can be extremely busted or boring.

At first you can play it like a genuine survival horror game, but eventually it becomes a sort of battle of wits, pushing the envelope with toxicity, bullying, and being the biggest piece of shit you can be- or just "being gud" enough from either side that it's just a flat out super engaging extensive mindgame- ESPECIALLY during CHASES.
Chases are the heart and soul of what makes this game fun- it's a lot of running in circles but the more you delve into it (with shit like the red lights) the more fun it actually gets. Someone playing passively "well" as survivor can make a new killer feel totally helpless and enraged, without just abusing overpowered perks or items. Just using the maps layout against the killer to the best of their ability, efficiently using each piece and mindgaming at every step.

Just standing still with her makes for some hilarious opportunities. I could just stand in the door of the gas stop garage and the survivor will run straight at me.

>only really good to cover a bit of distance to the pallet most times
Which is extremely strong... Fuck up a mindgame as a survivor and it's a free "save my ass"- It's an S tier perk for a reason. It's a pseudo health state- you're not meant to use it in the wide open predicting when the killer will swing.
>I really don't like that perk at least from a killer stand point. It feels so broken
... How?
It's totally fair- if you're struggling with it just don't slug survivors or go for multi-injures when there's 1 or 2 gens left (depending on their speed)
And besides- if 5 gens popped, you fucking failed. As killer you're not supposed to let them get that far- most of your lobbies should end with a 3k or 4k on 80% of maps as any killer.
Apply better pressure, win chases quicker. EZ.

>You need another player to heal.
There I just fixed 90% of your game and made survivor actually scared of killers again. Regretably the last 10% is unfixable because of the retarded web/perk system that was designed like it was a F2P game.

>Get idea to play killer
>Queue up for a match
>Realize it has been so long I'm rank 20
>Thanks to quality match making I'm waiting 20 + minutes
>Despite being a ranklet go up against the most sweaty survivors
>Get styled on with syringes, absurd perks, and superior map knowledge

>Take longer to complete. 110 seconds up from 80.
No. Longer gens isn't the solution- it'll just condition players to genrush more effectively since it's more of a barrier to survival. Similar to how nerfing selfcare inadvertedly made genrush far worse since it takes so damn long to heal now.
>Multiple survivors on a gen should only increase the completion rate by 30% each instead of 100/80/70% each.
>Doing a gen in Terror Radius takes 25% longer unless you have "This Is Not Happening".
No point. Makes 3 genning a lot more fucking annoying, and if you queue solo you know it's not a simple matter of "just do gens smarter :DDD"
As killer it's not so much the survivors doing gens in your face that are the problem, but the people doing gens in a strategic manner. (Making sure last 3 gens are far apart)
>Fucking up a skill check causes the gen to automatically start regressing if you don't continue to work on it.
Changes nothing besides punishing morons who sprint away from a gen when they fail a skillcheck- at worst punishes a survivor who gets an unfortunate "last moment skillcheck" before ditching the gen to gain distance from killer, giving the killer essentially a free kick.
>Kicking a gen always reduces the current progress by 10%.
Built in Pop? Fuck off.

I'm able to 4k almost all my lobbies well before 5 gens pop. Didn't used to be the case- I struggled as much as anyone else pre-owning-ruin. But now, even with no add-on Billy, if I don't get a 4k before 2 gens popped I consider it a personal defeat.

Literally know how to apply better pressure. Survivors will immediately stop playing if they have to spent more time M1'ing gens.
If you REALLY want gens to take 10x longer, here is what you do:
Gens take 50 seconds. Self care/ healing is cut short to 8-10 seconds. Introduce side objectives that double/ triple your points but take like 60 seconds to complete/ make you run across the map to complete/ injure your ass.

Would you say this game or r6s has a higher learning curve?

So let's say you're playing an m1 killer who's being run through 2 walls and jungle jimps pallets, how do you "apply pressure to the survivor who's clearly not falling for a single mind game? Do you just abandon him and hope he does rush to the nearest gen instantly? Some maps just have survivor paradise written all over them because of the layout.

The developers have said outright that camping, focusing, and all other dirty tricks are 100% acceptable and an intended part of the game. The only thing that's out is actual cheats and 3rd party communication in your discord like every premade survivor does

A secondary objective really is the way to go. The blight event made matches really fun from both sides. Although completion should benifit all survivors to prevent samdbagging in rage.

rank 10 here, matches pop in about 1-5 minutes. I just watch youtube/twitch on the layout browser while I wait. But yes, when I was lower rank I recall waiting longer, this is likely because there's fewer survivors at brown ranks. So the game struggles to find people untill it eventually gives up and puts you in with higher levels.

>I'm able to 4k almost all my lobbies well before 5 gens pop
No you're not. Literally no one consistently 4ks unless they play Billy/Spirit/Nurse and even then it's a crap shoot.

maybe he's using point offerings

>Gens take 50 seconds
lolno. They took 50 seconds when DBD came out and it was retarded as fuck.

>Regretably the last 10% is unfixable because of the retarded web/perk system that was designed like it was a F2P game.
it was probably originally intended to be and they plan on doing it once they wring out enough dosh

>Never tp, always stand still
>Fall for it every time.
>Guy catches on, sits at pallet, instantly start tp
It's so unfair, and kinda funny.

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>me, over 1000 hours
>dont play enough to rank up properly now
>end up in shitter ranks regularly
>i have a decked out jake, nurse and hillbilly
tee hee i love dabbing on children
if only i had spirit so i could give survivors the anal bead experience too

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This, give them more stuff to do, prefferably stuff that adds up to their over all pip score, so if they only gen rush they only get a safe pip instead of a progression one, granted at rank one this means everyone probably gen rushes, but still, it would solve most problems form survivors who actually wanna climb.

Just buy her with Iridescents, that's what I did.

R6 obviously has a higher learning curve map wise, if you know where everythig is on all maps, you can get a great idea of how to wall bang everyone. Aim wise, debetable, half of the game is peak and die/insta kill person. still that requires some learning too, tho you'll probably start getting tired of the "I can't see him but he could see me" gameplay that you'll probably end up running in to. This game has it's own quircks but I'd say over all it's not quite as soul rendingly unfun to play vs people who play it religiously as R6 where you'll be spending most game watching other play if you're not on their level. Although it's still pretty bad if you're going up against people who have all the stuff upgraded while you're still figuring things out.

>spent my iris on getting clown for bazinga
>and to get the one good nurse outfit

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>Some maps just have survivor paradise written all over them because of the layout.
Yup, and that shit sucks. Normally if I recognize the region is busted or I'm not being led around a lot of gens that might have other survivors around them, I'll flat out ditch and beeline to a gen I think might have someone.
Because hey, they might start working on a gen but now a gen that's at 60-70% has to stop because I'm coming at it.
Worst case scenario is your first 2 survivors are amazing at mindgames/ looping and don't drop pallets when you swing through them/ hit them.
>No you're not
Yes I am. If you count hatch escapes/ door exits as a kill, yeah. You "ended the game" by pressure.
>Literally no one consistently 4ks unless they play Billy/Spirit/Nurse
Watch streamers retard
>and even then it's a crap shoot
Helllll no.

>Survivors genuinely don't mind dying to mistakes
Are you serious? Because they most certainly do mind dying in general

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Seems retarded but the less you pressure survivors to hold M1 down on gens the more they're likely to "push doing it off to the side"
It's a bit of an exaggeration, but genuinely they'll still be bored of pressing gens and opt for secondary objectives.
Survivor is less about climbing, more about fun. Purple ranks are best to hover around, as red somehow gets the worst of the worst.
More bloodpoints would definitely make survivor more playable, since killers just have BBQ that gives them basically 2x on like ~25k+ every match.

Of course they don't like it, but if they do something they go "ah shouldn't have done that" and have an opportunity to continue playing/ NOT make that same mistake in the same match, they're fine being downed and hooked.
It's when they go through 2 states on hook or never get saved (because you camp or tunnel)- that's what they hate. No chance to learn from mistakes because you're humping them giving them no opportunity to recuperate.

>they're fine being downed and hooked
No, they are not fine with that. These little faggots just want to win and extremely allergic to being killed in general, regardless of how they die
Kill yourself, survivor

>These little faggots just want to win and extremely allergic to being killed in general
I mean, genuinely speaking survivors are used to being killed. A lot. By mistakes of their own teammates. A lot.
Most GOOD survivors don't care about living. The opinions of blendettes who can't loop don't matter- but on them you don't have to use any scummy tactics since they're so shit.
Really the only way you can piss anyone off is by playing really lame builds or playstyles- and you REALLY have to try and be bad to get anyone to comment on it in post game chat.
>Kill yourself, survivor
Was killer main for a long time, stopped playing because of long queues and how boring/ easy it's gotten. If you're struggling as killer and insist that overkill builds are necessary, you're literally retarded

hah that's bullshit, most survivors fly off into a rage if they die regardless of the circumstances
personally if i run a killer for the whole game, go down, and get facecamped, i just laugh it off knowing i've probably made them mad, and that my death means everyone else escapes
but as someone who plays mostly survivor, i've seen so many survivors seethe over some apparent wrong the killer did to them
like come on its just a game

Attached: 1564241199309.jpg (274x266, 32K)

Fuck survivors, all survivors are pathetic and weak.

when I play killer I just let everyone go and try to boo them lol

>Seems retarded but the less you pressure survivors to hold M1 down on gens the more they're likely to "push doing it off to the side"
lolno. No no, fucking no. In what fucking world do you live in where making winning easier would somehow make winning less frequent?

You're very obviously someone who mains survivor and doesn't really understand how the game works, and you're very obviously someone who didn't play back when gens would pop every 15-20 seconds due to them only taking about 55 seconds to do. Your first post was full of dumbass shit that doesn't even refute what the guy said, it's just you stating "no" and then making random proclamations that would make the game irrefutably easier on survivors and harder on killers, with a conclusion that making the game take longer by making all the main objectives easier and quicker, and the solution is adding side-shit that no one does 90% of the time anyway.

No one looks for dull totems. No one looks through chests for items. Most survivors don't even bother with Killer powers that require them to do other things because surviving is a fuckin joke.

I play with 'We're gonna live forever" + bonus point offering and get like 40 000+ most games.

>More bloodpoints would definitely make survivor more playable, since killers just have BBQ that gives them basically 2x on like ~25k+ every match.
We're Gonna Live Forever + Prove Thyself is better than BBQ + Chili in 3/5 games unless the killer is a consistently high-scoring character like Doc, Pig, or Legion.

>hah that's bullshit, most survivors fly off into a rage if they die regardless of the circumstances
Are you in rank 15 user?
No one comments on the match 80% of the time, outside of a quick "gg" sometimes
If you're seeing rage between ranks 1-10 you're doing something.
>personally if i run a killer for the whole game, go down, and get facecamped, i just laugh it off knowing i've probably made them mad
Yup- that's literally what most people do. Or a "gg ez" even if they died
>but as someone who plays mostly survivor, i've seen so many survivors seethe over some apparent wrong the killer did to them
It's usually a dogshit blendette then. I defend the killer/ point and laugh with the killer in these instances.

I wouldn't count their complaints as legit. If 2 or 3 survivors in post game chat are like "nice tunnel" or "cool camp" in over 50% of your matches, it's not just survivors "being bitchy"

>Most GOOD survivors don't care about living
That's not true, though. Survivors generally don't like being killed or outplayed, regardless how many times they were killed. Sure some just laugh things off and say gg, but killing good survivors gives them some serious case of ass pain. It's true especially for nigglettes players and it doesn't matter how good or bad they were.
At least, that's it was before when I stopped playing
>If you're struggling as killer and insist that overkill builds are necessary
I haven't said that, you mongoloid

i was constant red ranks before i stopped playing a couple months back
i've seen people in those ranks rage like mad, it used to be way worse but people have gotten quieter over time
i found it was usually the claudette mains who were the most likely to seethe, i've seen seething over a no addon no perk nurse getting a fucking 4k
meanwhile i've had killers let me go for being the guy who plays mainly jake and ace

I love using blood Warden and NOED on every killer. It's so fun

whispers is always useful dude, you're dumb.

Anyways, game is fine as killer now. Most are just bad and don't want to blame themselves for their loss.

>Anyways, game is fine as killer now.

Attached: thefuck.gif (220x180, 241K)

People who "main" a character are brainlets. When I play I cycle through characters and builds who wants to play the same shit over and over again?

Outside of like adren, there's really no bs survivor perks. Just times when they can be really obnoxious.

Plus most killers can fall back on braindead stuff too like spirit fury+enduring or ruin, if you want.

So is it the game balanced?

Literally just make it so repairing gens and opening doors is slowed for each totem remaining on the map. Gives survivors an actual reason to go around to break totems.

Mad baby killer who never played during any events that had side objectives that granted bonus BP/ cosmetics lol
>No one looks for dull totems
Because doing them is dogshit. Cleansing most dull totems makes NOED stronger unless you locate, count, and cleanse all 5. (You increase chances of NOED spawning in a spot no one can find by cleansing totems you CAN find)
On top of that- they give Boldness points. The easiest thing to stack.
>No one looks through chests for items
Eh, debatable. Nowadays you see it a lot. It's not a long objective. Something more long form that guarantees like 4k+ points and a perma double/ triple overall points (Stacks on top of WGLF) will ALWAYS be done by survivors, unless they're struggling. It'd kind of be like a dynamic "objective priority"- if they're stomping they're gonna waste time doing the extra shit. If they're not, they're struggling on gens.

Better fix would just be balancing maps.

Is it worth using selfcare or is it better to genrush until adrenaline? I've seen that a lot of red ranks survivors still use selfcare.

>Mad baby killer who never played during any events
I have, and that's why I know you're full of shit. Gens don't finish that much slower when people are doing even objs, especially since the killer has to also waste time to benefit from them. You're fucking dumb and your solutions to improve the game are fucking nonsense.

>i found it was usually the claudette mains who were the most likely to seethe
Blendettes don't matter, even their teammates laugh at them

>Gens don't finish that much slower when people are doing even objs
That Blight event- I've seen like 2 matches where gates were powered out of about 100

>Pretend to be friendly killer
>Exit gates powered
>NOED Activates
>Smack survivor, Agitation baby
>Get hook, Blood Warden activates
>Proceed to hunt other 3 survivors and 4K
>Get flamed to oblivion in post game chat

Best game of DBD ever

Attached: 4.png (104x128, 19K)

Why aren't you running bamboozle on Shape? You vault windows as fast as survivors at EW3

>Outside of like adren, there's really no bs survivor perks.
There's a ton of no-win perks that killers have to play against. I'm , and running those perks frequently puts killers in a situation where they straight up can't sac survivors reliably. It's not about straight up, readily obvious, "BS" perks, it's the fact that most killers are too weak to pressure the map effectively and deal with coordination, especially when Survivors know how to loop on the majority of maps that readily favor them.

Survivors also constantly get perks that completely re-define game entirely when played against (Balanced Landing, Decisive, Borrowed Time, MoM, Lithe, Dead Hard, Distortion, MoM,) where-as Killers generally get mediocre shit or perks that ineffectively try to give them more pressure. When was the last time Killers got a solid game changing perk? Spirit Fury? Before that it was M&A and BBQ? Most new killers are designed to try and circumvent pallets and pressure gens, with every single 2018 killer being made with that specifically in mind and they're still B-tier save for three of them.

It's not really that Survivors are piled with completely broken perks, it's that they're strong on top of having a solid and diverse set of them, whereas almost every killer runs the same three perks just to be viable.

>Is it worth using selfcare or is it better to genrush until adrenaline?
Not healing
> I've seen that a lot of red ranks survivors still use selfcare.
Because red ranks has dogshit players

It is important to remember: Survivors are not people.

>The solution for balancing survivors is to give them an obj where they get free cosmetics.
>Not just fixing the fact that gens are too easy to do and buffing underperforming killers.
>Just give survivors more shit while they're winning.

3rd party communication is not cheating, the devs said on a recent ama that they are okay with it

>When was the last time Killers got a solid game changing perk?
Corrupt Intervention
Infectious Fight
Spirit Fury
Haunted Ground
I'm all ears
Thrilling tremors (debatably)

They aint BBQ or Ruin strong but still

Its asymetrical so never, the dev been pro survivor since day one because 4 people happy is better for bussiness then 1. Of course they been throwing killers a bone once in a while to show they care. Don't forget to buy the new DLC with all the power crept killers.

Attached: Dead by daylight gameplay.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Just bloodlust lol

>Corrupt Intervention
Does nothing on small maps and nearly nothing on large maps.
>Infectious Fright
Mediocre awareness that most killers don't run.
I'll give you this one. Discordance is godly.
>Spirit Fury
Obviously really good, borderline overpowered.
>Haunted Ground
>I'm all ears
Also meh.
>Thrilling tremors
I could give you this one too. Truth be told I haven't played killer since Legion released, so the last two might be really strong in the right hands, but I haven't noticed them being game-changing as someone that plays nothing but survivor these days.

DBD is honestly shit, everyone knows that.
But it's the only assymmetric multiplayer game that isn't dead, has simple concept and lets you get quick matches.
I'm surprised it still hasn't got a real competition.

State of SWF players

>One thing this game does really well is make you absolutely hate the players playing survivors and take joy in slaughtering them
Fucking this. I don't play the game often but every time I do, I remember the survivors that pissed me off the most before deciding if I want to dick one as hard as possible. The answer is always yes and survivor tears are a delicacy.
>playing doctor, getting shit on by some survivor pros
>3 gens done in like 5 minutes, no downs
>already wrote off the game on my end, almost just waiting for it to end
>i can see the weakest link, their worst survivor
>fuck this i want to get at least one kill
>tunnel her as hard as possible
>down, go to hook
>toolboxing my hooks, flashlighting me
>bodyblocking, taking hits, anything they could think of
>still manage to get 2nd hook
>they are starting to get downed from taking so many hits for bodyblocking
>actually end the game with 2 sacrifices even though I didn't deserve any
I was pretty upset at the start but killing not one but TWO survivors in a hopeless game felt like nothing other.

When are they gonna fix the animations for this game?
>Myers tombstone kill has ugly clipping out the ass
>most killers have the same boring hatch close animation
>running animation for using sprint burst/balanced landing/lithe is the same as normal running
>healing animation is the same for healing injured and dying survivors

I want to fuck feng min while she wears that dumb surgical mask.

Probably not for a long time. BE was basically a shitty indie company up until before Clown's release, which is why all the old survivors look like dogshit and Kate looks gorgeous. All the new killers also have far better and more refined animations as a result. We just have to wait for quality updates.

I only played like 4 rounds of this game before catching a sniff of the aids and uninstalling.

>actually end the game with 2 sacrifices even though I didn't deserve any
Banking on Survivors being overconfident is pretty much the only way to do well as a red rank killer.