Funny video game related comic thread
Funny video game related comic thread
Post Lazer cheese
>The fairy got dizzy and had to puke, because it resides in an object that spins around a bunch when used
It's not a good joke, but it's pretty clear what the joke is.
That wasn't funny and I didn't laugh. Go away
Joke:he took one bone sword and used the extra materials it magically gained to make more because games dont follow basic conservation of matter
>blade analogy’s
You new?
Dunno man, it seemed like a fairly simple and friendly joke. I smiled at it
haha have you ever noticed that odd thing in a video game?
Haha I love funny pictures.
League of legends is on last phase of this.
This guy makes the best funnies
>doesn’t know what a fucking apostrophe is for
It’s plural you idiot, it doesn’t need an apostrophe.
>grammar nazi’s
Bros, Wouldn't this be cool as an actual game?
I actually like this is there more
No joke I actually like the idea. When I was a kid and saw that Crash and Spyro did it I was blown away. If only the games weren't doodoo
Haha, girls are icky, right guys?
I don't get it
>if you’re not an illiterate retard you’re a Nazi
I really like helmutt
>doesn't know that Lonk is a lolicon
Just awful, stop posting.
ffx reference.
Joke on you, you can custom it to make it the best sword in the game anyway
Well, Link does fight plenty of Mario things in Link's Awakening. The game with goombas, a chain chomp, and Wart
Where's the joke Dobson?
Helmutt is a piece of shit starter. Another steel/water type?
retarded prude Americans strike again!
I guess we know why he collects all those coins now xDD
Oh good, someone getting angry about a cute comic.
USA produces the most porn you dumb eurodegen
WW@ 90s bros?
Loving each Laugh.
>playing japshit makes you gay
you know that’s not far from the truth
Metal Gear is one of the most secret black projects
>swolf is poison/steel
my boy
>actual good content in this thread
Epic Games? More like Epic FAIL!
This is a reference to the Diablo announcement, right?
I got a Famicom and you never have to blow on any cartridge.
misquote I'm dumb
>boot up Dark Souls
>suddenly want to fuck men
wtf bros?????
t. gamer gamer incel
Pic related is the only good one of this comic
No you can't retard. The Caladbolg has intrinsic properties that can't be customised. You're just salty that you couldn't get the Sun Sigil.
What's katie been up to anyway, is she still making comics?
>dude swords lmao
What kind of strange fixation is this?
DS is a ripoff of western aesthetics and therefore not japshit
>What's katie been up to
Literal rocket science. As opposed to the figurative rocket science that's much more common.
I got a laugh out of this one.
sensible chuckle.gif
The joke is that no matter the game, a woman's role is to get kidnapped.
It is, like all of Dobson's jokes, wrong. But that is the joke he is making none the less.
That's kinda...
What could possibly go wrong?
>anything that isn't a cartoonish like kirby is western aesthetics
I guess Mickey Mouse is "japshit" then
His boss battle is really easy, so it's not like X really cared if he had to kill him or not.
>weeb being disingenuous on purpose
MM is “japshit” because japshit cartoonists ripped him and other disney properties off lol
the monopoly man teabags dudes in real life.
surprisingly accurate
>Music spam is no longer a thing in online games
I want to go back...
hahahaha us gamers am i right?
Because you’re a gamer
Because you're thinking about a little girl peeing on your head.
Obviously there's a quest about it
This, as we all know us gamers are patricians
>being a fuckwit that doesn't know common internet terms
is this artist defending diablo immortal? is there actually any reason to like it?
Delete this
yeah i kinda like this thread because people can share even bad videogame jokes and it's mostly friendly and free of people screaming about "reddit-tier" humor, which most of this would probably otherwise fall under.
>wouldn't it be funny if turn based combat wasn't an abstraction and everybody literally took turns to do things
>I'll take it as a yes
And he never stopped
>Using reddit commas and reddit "quotation marks"
Back you go
I don't see the issue.
Do they fuck ?
>that feel when Katie was working hard in engineering school between making comics and STILL finding time for vidya and sleep. Now she's actually pursuing engineering and robotics careers. I'm honestly proud of her, she's a really exceptional woman
I love how the moment Yea Forums figured out awkard zombie is a girl suddenly the comics became shit
He's attacking it. The smaller sword is literally useless.
>using reddit alphabet
Awkward Zombie being a girl has never been a fucking secret you absolute moron
Very accurate.
Epic/Steam are not in a competition
>MM is “japshit” because japshit cartoonists ripped him and other disney properties
By this logic, wouldn't "western aesthetics" be considered japshit because some slant used them in Dark Souls?
This character makes bad swords, its playing both sides for forced internet drama.
can't wait for the 3DSmell
>the unfunny epicfag edit
I almost thought the edit was the original
Helmut kid is gonna become a monk. Helmutt is the best starter.
Thanks Marceline!
I giggled
Caladbolg isn't even the sword referenced in that image, numbnut. That's Tidus's Celestial Weapon. The sword referenced is Brotherhood, which Wakka gives you and gets outclassed fairly quickly, but gets upgraded after visiting the Farplane into something very strong for the Thunder Plains and just in general after because +15% Attack and Sensor built-in.
You still can't customize either sword though. But you can take an empty sword and slot it with Break Damage Limit, which gives it Caladbolg's model.
Quentin memes are still hilarious to me.
>epic reference.jpg
i heard someone drew porn of this
i miss when this dude wasnt full mushbrain
why would he keep talking? There needs to be no justification beyond "they are cute"
I prefer the time when he wasn't full non-existent
The truth wants out user.
Dad time
I was enjoying this one until they focussed on the back and forth that I feel I've seen hundreds of times before.
that was terrible
Reminds me of the nephilhiem quest in Symphonia, they're shit weapons until you beat that one faggot.
>Using the sword
word for word from the incredibles
Based Mister Chef.
Fuck so that's what I was thinking of.
Definitely 3
That's the idea. It's not like it's trying to hide it.
When has Ganon ever physically captured Zelda?
Putting a spell on her or otherwise afflicting her, yeah, but Ganon would have no reason not to just kill Zelda if he caught her.
Why do citytards feel like they need to live in downtown manhattan to flip burgers?
Her comics were always shit except when they aren't
>that "Hang in there" goomba
I don't get it.
How about over half the franchise?
A Man walks into a hospital with a look on concern on his face. He rushes to the nurse's station, and asks for directions. The nurse points him to the location he is asking for. The man stands next to a doctor, who explains the condition of his concern, as his concern further cements into reality. He walks into a room, and sees a woman lying in a bed, curled and crying, holding her stomach. He can only gaze over her, hands outreached in concern.
I'm actually doing this kinda shit right now.
Why are Ganondorf and Bowser happy? It looks like even with swapped games, Link and Mario are totally wrecking their minions.
Dumbass mutt, that's Rapidash. You were supposed to turn yourself into a hellhound.
I just want you to know that this is a good picture. Thank you for posting it.
The joke is that his dog died, so now he plays the ds with a stylus, I think.
Me and my wife did this once.
We liked it and do it alot now.
this says a lot about out society
>This backpedaling.
I don't like extreme weeaboos either, but you claim had no foundation in the first place. You have better luck claiming superhero comics make people fussy and given to spikes of anger over pointless things.
>my wife
>best sword
Really makes you think
Yeah, fuck sleeping.
>dropping an f bomb on some random kid
Bro....she's my second wife.
Well Yea Forums?
And then you need the brother's sword to get the ultimate weapon
I think it's his mom.
and then katie was still painfully unfunny
as usual
but hey, epic girl gamer make a comic, we will now simp for her
Did this once, but it was the mayor of my town.
We should rise up
>Manlet & Lanklet
how did this never occur to me
well, your opinion is shit and so are you
Is that her brother?
That's funny, Luigi - you know, I've always thought you were a funny guy. I mighta got the brains, the fame and the looks, but I don't make people laugh like you do, little bro. Just one look at that emaciated face of yours and everyone's laughing. Just looking at you now, I'm laughing, too.
You know, I haven't laughed this hard since I came inside Daisy, and she made this weird face... What, you didn't know about that? Yeah, after I saved her from that alien, I took her for a ride on my 'rocket', if you get what I'm saying. God, she was so keen, Luigi - I've never fucked a broad that was so eager. I barely had my overalls off when she threw her legs over me and started pumpin' her hoochy-coochy on my little paisan. I tell ya, Luigi, it was like fucking a spring, how she was just hopping up and down on my cock, panting with her tongue out like a dumb mutt. And - and this is the funny part - when I came inside her, Luigi. When I came, she made this face... It was this stupid fucking smile, Luigi. Like her mind went blank or somethin', and she was just moaning with her mouth hanging open like an idiot. She even drooled, Luigi. Like a dumb fucking dog, or some kinda retard or somethin' - I had her drool in my chest hair, Luigi. Fucking saliva, y'know? It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen, Luigi. I'd never seen that before, a woman just losing her mind like that. It was the most pathetic thing I'd ever seen - what a whore, am I right? I just started to laugh at her, you know? I was just laughing and laughing. And even thinking about it now, I'm still laughing.
Hey, what's with the tears, little bro? Hey, that's all in the past, y'know? I got no respect her, so you don't gotta worry about me going in for seconds. ...Huh? She told you she was waiting for marriage or something? ...You know, that's pretty funny, too. You just never quit, do ya?
>is she still making comics?
OP's comic is literaly the comics she did for today, so yes.
pathetic faggot, cope harder loser.
I never understand why he made this even though he has admitted that he eats at McDonald’s almost every day and likes it
I found a dramatic retelling of that event
le wholesome
What if the mayor is actually Reginald's dad?
Unironically better (and wetter) than the original.
The claim was that Brotherhood could be upgraded into the best weapon in the game, which is false.
I remember this thread.
back in my day...
Keep saying it
Nigger everything in that game is a stone-cold fucking killer and your gun stuns things. Fuck that slug. Fuck the dopefish and FUCK whoever came up witth the green dragonfly frog thing.
Seriously people complain about medusa heads in capcom, at least they weren't x3 the speed and coming in at any angle.
I'm going to fuckin' wreck you.
The ol spunk and smush.
>le sad
that is literally the joke
>implying women like vidya and/or facesitting
>classic samus
>Carl not taking the little money fella
Her mom shot herself in panel 3
really makes you think
What the hell is adult boo-boo doing here?
>you can custom it to make it the best sword in the game anyway
you can't though because all the ultimate weapons in FFX have a hidden stat that causes the weapon to ignore something like 85% of the enemies defence stat.
>that blasted hedgehog
oh fuck my sides
>you should be happy that a waifu of my calibur
This was created by an ironic weeb youtuber type. They aren't using the word waifu correctly at fucking all. I see this shit all the time by normalfags. They look at an anime girl and say, "Ah check out this waifu." like a drooling fucking braindead faggot. I fucking hate this shit.
I want to know what happend next
I want to vore cute user!
Certainly subverted my expectations.
Hank loves his wife.
>now you have newfags pretending Halo is for "boomers"
fuck off weeb
Wholesome and based
Fuck you
The kid's feeling guilty of being such a piece of shit to her Mom while she got her a new game out of goodwill and care instead of being a piece of shit like her daughter.
Pretending to like anime is worse than actually liking it.
And in the end, getting a shiny literally doesn't matter
>instead of making ultra hellscreaming double edge fucking axe they've been dreaming on for years, they made a shitty dagger no one ever wants to use.
>expect them to be happy about it
Pretty good diablo mobile reference desu.
Also this sword is clearly a vagina.
Ketofags are giving vegans a run for their money these days but yeah I dunno if they can beat cyclists.
If it was a vagina the gamer sand-in would be happy to finally get some cunny
This one right here is the funniest comic I have ever seen in my life.
I remember this pasta.
>changes arms
the worst
I fucking hate those spandex faggots so much.
its making fun of you retard.
Get fucking dabbed on you stupid weeaboo loser, maybe you'll recognise satire one day without the translator note telling you when its happpening.
It's using factually incorrect terminology because the retard that made it didn't know what he was talking about.
>Duuuuh watch me dunk on deez nerds!
>Whaddya mean I did it wrong duuuuh!
I called mom to my sister but in a sexy way
t. trolled baby
Yea Forumsro, reginald is just a schizophrenic kid.
Not sure of Mewtwo is keeping there hands held or is cheating for Isabelle.
Guessing the Former
Is this an edit? The random "look it's missingno" made me laugh actually.
Cheating for sure. Wake up Aniki!
Don't remind me
Nice reaction pic
Fuck, you got me
he didn't say "no" he just knows americans go to jail for love
So Kiryby is just dildo?
>Kurt Zisa.jpg
Kirby is a borb
Imagine being a grown woman with the look of an underage girl. Guys are afraid to date you for fear of being called pedos by society. My ex and I were in a similar situation. She was maybe 23, 24 and still mistaken for a fifteen year old (she's Asian) and i'm this older looking white dude in my late 20's at the time.
The only time we ever got i.d'd was in the States. I just feel sorry for the women that society shits on for their looks, which is ironic in today's PC world of everyone's beautiful or whatever.
what directiom does this read
>Mega Man with a bandaid on
>When he can do this
Bottom to top.
4koma, top right down to top left down
Damn, coulda used his ass in all those ceiling crushing NES games.
>Women aren't allowed out of the house
Meant to reply to
All it needs now is this guy showing up on the video while the dad and son watch.
who the fuck kept posting the original of this.
It was repulsive.
how did the mother but a new game then?
lawl you just won the internet!
>Ivysaur holding Mewtwo's beer
it's the little things
i won't tell you to dilate because you're such a fucking woman
classy posters are typically fucking chivalry neckbeards
I kept expecting this comic to go to some dark places, but it never really does. I don't know what that says about me.
>gen 3 gray hair with a headband
What the fuck, user
>thought for a brief moment it was talking about reporting the post it was replying to
Made it way too fucking funny
its funny because the gen is still fucking filled with shitty shooters
I exhaled
>le audibly exhaled through nose reddit meme
i hate in movies/shows/whatever when people smack the monitor. i think i've seen one thing once where it was actually the monitor fucking up and they hit the computer.
nintenchildren are asocial and antisocial
DAMN YOU BILL!!!!!!!!!!
Retard it's because he was attacked by Ridley.
Heh, I read her cuck porn comic, it made me so angry that I masturbated to it.
Literally me
Eh? Source?
Love this one
>but has meticulously styled hair
>questioning anime hairstyles
Why do people always draw sad loli's doing the little turtle mouth?
Why don't Japs believe in microwaves?
You never had to blow into a cartridge with an NES either, its actually quite bad for the cartridges since you're basically spitting on the contacts.
What actually happens that makes blowing on the cartridge "work" is that you're reseating it in the system and the pins on the cart are lining up with the pins in the NES a little better.
Instead of blowing on the cart its much more effective to just take it out and put it back in, or you can slowly shift the cart from side to side until you get a picture and then just reset the NES.
Poor little Rumia
Jewish Trickery
Speaking as someone who has done both methods, the hot water method is a lot nicer imo. I'm poor and live in a run down trailer and my cooking space is small and I don't have a microwave currently as well.
You can't custome Brotherhood and you can't sell it either. It gets powered up later in the game though.
They do, but only in their conbini.
i agree. the retards took our term and bastardized it. what rustles my jimmies is the "_____fu" shit. the ONLY time that was acceptable was that gun girl anime where she might be someones raifu.
>daring do
goddamn plebeians it is called derring-do
Post the one of Demolition D+ getting pegged by Nyanners
Gonna need sauce on that chief. Reverse image search returns nothing.
But I thought 52% of gamers were women.
i didnt come here to feel
rocket scientists should stick to rockets
You sound like you might need to lose some weight
They have the retard
If you aren't successful, just live in a small town, that's what they are there for
Fourth panel ruins it, end it at the third.
Short people in general have it pretty rough.
Short girls have a hard time dating since she and her guy will get weird looks for being with them and are likely to be misjudged, and short guys get harassed and berated constantly by both men and women for something they can't control.
Despite the PC culture we live in, nobody seems to care about the (literal) little guys and most people are free to sling bigotry at them with no repercussion.
I bet Katie would be able to draw excellent lolicon
she does
Nah, just swap the second and third.
It's a nice feel tho
My feelings exactly about the Skyrim main quest line.
just because im a woman doesnt mean i cant hate women
What does Willy Wonka have in common with a veterinarian?
They both work with chocolate labs.
god, i miss it.
Katie looks like she belongs in a Victoria era painting.
Because that's where the software lives, duh. I'm vandalizing its house.
>reddit commas
>reddit quotation marks
>he says this
>as he uses reddit spacing
you have just been formally owned. get shit on, buddy. you just got got. gottem, gottem, ahem, gotham city.
But Doom 2016 was incredibly well received...
Is that Miliam from the Slime Isekai?
>gay weebshit about forced crossdressing
>no you're the tranny
based gamer
All 3 of these reasons are completely fine
why is pasta such a best girl?
She just is, but all the girls in GuP are worthy of being best girl (except Erika)
Sakura's text is a bit forced but I can't help chuckle at Ryu ending with "Your sincerely."
I came here to laugh, not to feel user.
SU a shit, but some of dem lewds are fantastic. Especially the one where Pearl gets mindfucked. Literally.
Also, fucking cunts, don't touch fangs. Fangs are cute.
it's literally a reddit forced meme (botted upvotes) comic. sad to see it coming here.
And then they spayed her.
No, that's actually what happens.
They're mostly just inoffensively bland
They're called Skypests. I know because I'll never forget.
Fuck those assholes.
mashallah indeed
I vocaroo took it down. My bookmarked link aint working.
SU the show itself helped down Yea Forums to the shit show it is today.
Honestly, that short-haired Rosa without her buns is really cute
some couples really look like they could be brother and sister. i think theres something about certain people seeking out mates that have the same exact features as themselves.
>competitive pokemon
ha ha ha
would have been alot better without the bang and the blood
fuck off buckley poster
I hate how obvious it is that this was made by a tranny
rent free cucko
its true
Oh God not this cunt
I can't even imagine how unbearable a conversation with this person would be
These are fucking awful
hahahaha farting funny!
oh my god give me source please i beg you please
I feel sorry for this faggot every incarnation he has. Cant he ever win?
ha... ha??
iqdb it
theres only two chapters and they were both uploaded in 2017
>every single argument is just mods
guess consoles have no other advantages huh?
Imagine if the Spyro game actually was a Spyro game in the Crash universe instead of a minigame compilation
All I need to know about this bitch.
Damn the guy in the bottom part of the pic looks awesome doing all that cool shit. Why would I want to be some boring girl who walks forward a few steps and puts her arms out?
Haha, look at how silly and angry the guy is.
I hate to say it, but she is mostly right although insufferable (and probably ugly too)
Rosa is cute in general
I mean ive seen worse art but I am a content fag. Fuck graphics, as long as the game isnt buggy and fun to play im good. Same goes for my taste in webcomics...which is why I no longer read Webcomics.
why do 2D women like their shotas in dresses?
Welcome to the family, son
It was a blessed thread
But the capitalization of the word chef clearly implies some kind of joke.
In his mirror
The joke is that instead of being a spirit that is a part of the boomerang, it literally lives inside it
Poor Airman..
Are these two gonna hate fuck or what?
>incel tier biological determinism
>I'd go outside if you were there for me :) (aka let me just be a baggage that you have to carry around because I'm sure you have no other problems in life)
>what if I wanna be an antisocial loser with nothing going for him, if you don't love me for it you're a whore
Be the change you want to see in the world user.
sensible chuckle
>Mfw I read this in his Mario super show voice
The joke doesn't work without mental gymnastics.
The original is great partly because of how it shows the gymnastics and isn't just
>I like thing, look at me being stupid
No, his IV is not hex perfect and has the wrong nature.
cuteposting should be a bannable offense
fuck off
the real truth is that Yea Forumsirgins almost entirely shit on popular games because it makes them feel smart and different
it's the classic contrarian attitude which i'm sure most guys here had in our teens
Zelda 1
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess, technically
He was right
I don't recognise the reference.
>over half the franchise
>when not even half of the games has Ganon as the villain
Based retard.
Or maybe - just maybe - you'd consider, for a moment, the radical idea, that popular games tend to kinda suck.
New Fire Emblem. Canon wise MC is emotionless because of plot. Didn't even cry as a baby and was distant and cold to her father. Then nigga got killed and that is when we see emotionless MC cry.
>bug fixing mods are bad
sour grapes
what a retard
Yeah fuck fans for making Bloodlines playable
Why do I keep buying multiplayer games
What in the goddamn...
I thought that was the other show.
>the moment Yea Forums figured out awkard zombie is a girl
I am a virgin shut-in with 0 interest in webcomics and I knew that already.
It's been common knowledge here for years. I found out in 2015 on Yea Forums.
reminds me of Runescape.
theres a certain sword specifically made to fight demons called the "Darklight" or something I think? its a really shit weapon but hurts like a motherfucker against the demon in the quest where you have to save the city from some douche bag sorcerers summoning a demon.
later on they do the same thing and during one of the "terror from the deep" quest while fighting some Lizard-monsters beneath a lighthouse you get a specific weapon just for defeating them. Some sort of ancient viking axe. the weapon itself is dogshit vs anything BUT those one specific creatures.
I hate myself for doing this every-sing-fucking-workday
I hope the person knows that japan has a different cup size system from the us.
Was looking at the thumbnail and thought, "Sweet, breast expansion!" and clicked and thought, "The right looks fuckable." then noticed the text and realized it was one of those bitchy whinging artist pictures.
I fucking can't stand that shit, it's so annoying. We get it, it's not accurate, fuck off. Sick of this shit.
>Playing random game
>Mute is on default
>Suddenly the chat starts having activity
>How do you like my mixtape?
>It's kinda nice
>It's shit
>Turn it off
Wish I could turn back time wish I could turn back the clock...
I wish /vp/ still cared about VGC, or competitive at all. Ray Rizzo memes were funny.
There, I got rid of the annoying bits.
who was this artist again
Wow I see it completely the opposite. Her comics are a series of boring "game logic" gags Yea Forums only likes because they want her to touch their peepees.
Consolcuck unable to cope with the fact people get more enjoyment out of a game built to their tastes.
Why not just actually call them F, G, H or whatever cups?
Why misrepresent the D cup?
>obvious bait
>always gets replies
You are easy like sunday mornings
I like giving (you)s out.
Here's your funny vidya comic bro.
Doesn't cover those who lived for at least a year after transition. Those have female rates.
I dunno, personally d cups lost their luster for me years ago so I don't get the misrepresentation myself. If a girl isn't rocking g cups and above I don't care.
How would people not figure that out as soon as they read the name "Katie" at the bottom of every strip?
Isn't this artist into gay incest? Why are they judging peoples choices?
Dang they legitimately look related.
Damn you clown world
Just post the fucking porn
Source? Also I don't think that's the intent with the comic
I thought it said "he's a boy" and was very confused.
only boomers will get this
Loud House? Also helped. And O.K KO. And others im sure...Miraculous Ladybug is ok sometimes. It at least seems like they try. Marinette a bitch tho it also didnt help the comics industry is pozzed and thus there isnt any good Yea Forumsntent.
>Sophia Lamb
>Strong woman
How do you fuck up that bad?