7 years for this

>7 years for this
What the FUCK happened? It just looks like Warband with better graphics, same animations, same sounds, same combat and gameplay, same everything. There isn't even physics on the clothing.

Attached: Bannerlord_BG.jpg (1152x720, 148K)

They rebuilt the engine twice. This is what happens when you don’t have deadlines

what did you expect?

>he expected anything better from roaches

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Fuck you Turkey is better than any of you mutts

>Fuck you Turkey is better than any of you mutts

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Shut up

>Fuck you Turkey is better than any of you mutts

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Let this be the final Bannerlord thread ever on 4channel.

Its over.

>Shut up

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You had your chance and you blew it long ago.

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this is what anyone who has actually been waiting for the game wants


Whatever, what have they done to the main game, that is what really matters, how is the AI, sieges, overworld and general progression. The multiplayer of these games always feels like 2 dolls winging pool noodles at eachother, I have no idea what the appeal is from purely a combat perspective. They mentioned there would be questlines to follow, what is that.

That’s pretty autistic

Took too long for this to be posted

who cares? im just buying it for the mods

>basing your opinion on multiplayer
It just proves that multiplayer mountainblade is boring and shit.
Singleplayer is where it's at. Starting out with just you and maybe a couple of hired blades. Slowly building up your army from there. Killing bandits. Losing battles. Helping factions. Gaining reputation. Setting up businesses in towns. Becoming a vassal. Joining a faction. Getting your own fief. Managing said fief. Gaining power and establishing your own faction.
What's fun about watching a bunch of retards spawning and killing eachother all the time?
>physics on the clothing
No reason it can't be added in at some point. They demonstrated it before. Multiplayer testing probably doesn't depend on it anyway (I'm guessing it's something that is calculated on client side because why the fuck would it need to be server side)
Now let's wait for multi babbies to come out of the wood works.

>Helping factions. Gaining reputation. Setting up businesses in towns. Becoming a vassal. Joining a faction. Getting your own fief. Managing said fief. Gaining power and establishing your own faction.
These are the things I really want them to expand on, more events/politics/interactions would be amazing too.

that piss poor lighting, that water texture in the well at 14:40, all that gear clipping... ew

100% this
If I want multiplayer I'd stick to old Warband anyway (because of the thousands of mods)

Is this duke nukem forever all over again?
>I-It's gonna be amazing, we just have to wait.
>It comes out, it's a generic, meh game, with no inovation and little improvement.
Say it isn't so.

Attached: Feels Cold.png (576x467, 350K)

>4th game called Mount&Blade
>3rd game taking place in Calradia
>Mount&Blade II

Attached: 1553746635828.webm (870x480, 2.55M)

They lost a lot of their people throughout the years, earlier this year their lead coder and right about the time this video was released their managing director left the studio...

This. ngl

O-Oh ... alright.

Attached: 1548143326060.gif (480x270, 3.33M)

Don't forget about the community manager going insane and being put on medication.

Do you guys think they'll live up to the claim of 400 player battles? I'm pretty hyped for shield walls and cavalry charges and shit

>community managers
Literally who cares?

This, community managers just say maybe on discord and use lots of thinking emojis, they're useless

Really? Lmao that's amazing and frightening.

But what can you expect when they're down to making blogposts about the Q&A od the dude charged of communication between front and back office?

Wouldn't a better question would be:
>Do you guys think they'll be able to draw enough player to play their game in multiplayer so they can have 400 players on the same server at the same time and how hard will it lag?

Attached: 1553773130418.png (332x512, 186K)

Announced it way too early. If we had a 2016/1017 announcement, people would be less miserable.

>It just looks like Warband with better graphics
but thats what i wanted

It's just another indication of how cursed this dev is.

What a stupid post, why would you post something so stupid

What a boring post, why would you post something so boring?

I just hope that establishing and managing your own kingdom isn't tedious shit this time, did it once, never again.

Physics look better. battles look better. It's exactly what I wanted.

>same combat and gameplay
did you fucking expect bannerlord to be a moba or something

A moba format with lanes and creeps would unironically be good in warband, earn more gold and spend it at a gear shop.

Who the fuck even wants multiplayer in their mountain blade?

I wouldn't complain. Would be fun to co-op.

there would be no river or no man's land, just a bunch of pricks chamberblocking to infinity in three lanes
clashes would just devolve to people jumping everywhere and eventually dying due to fall damage

I want it.

>there would be no river
What makes you say that? You can have custom maps

>acquire any heavy cavalry
Such engaging gameplay

>What makes you say that?
turks can't do anything right

>single player


>buying games
lmao incel

good point

>mount and blade 2

Attached: 911let.jpg (540x600, 22K)

I'm sad now.

>Being a graphics whore
>Caring for multiplayer

Just what the actual fuck were you retards expecting from MnB multiplayer?
Did you think it was going to be some turbo innovative shit you never seen before? Are you really this fucking dense?

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This, I don't want some retarded ass innovative gameplay to ruin this game, my only issue is WHY THE FUCK did this take so long if they weren't making any big changes.

>playing with reduced damage to your own units
lol, cav charges are only strong when babbies like you play with halved dmg otherwise at best they'll win you a battle but at the cost of a lot of your precious heavy cavalry that take forever to train.

Maybe because they're working on all the changes on singleplayer?

You know, the thing that everyone actually cares about.

flatshit? in my BANNERLORD? it's more likely than you think.

Attached: 123.png (1920x1080, 3.51M)

Heritage system, clan system, player and character death, siege revamp, weapon customization, improved modding support, improved economy system and castle upgrades are nothing I suppose
It shouldn't take as long as it is, but it's not like they just ported Warband and slapped a 2 on the title

Why do ppl play this baby garbage over DS?

>reddit souls xD

Falseflagging retard or an actual Soulsbabby, can't even tell these days.

No one can be that retarded user, I refuse to believe that

>What the FUCK happened? It just looks like Warband with better graphics, same animations, same sounds, same combat and gameplay, same everything. There isn't even physics on the clothing.
...That's LITERALLY what everyone who enjoys Mount and Blade was expecting.
The only new things we were expecting were:
>Proper mod support
>Better less buggy engine
>Having more diplomacy options and more faction options.
>Economy support
>Better castles and castle upgrades
>Sieges being actually fun to play through.
And that's it. There was supposed to be no changes to combat or multiplayer because those were already perfect.
If you're one of those newfags that shat on KCD on release because it's not "Mount and Blade" and are now getting disappointed at Mount and Blade 2 because it's not le ebin super medieval simulator with ultra high detail and casualised combat then you really deserve all the disappointment you get.


>Le ebin Dark Souls

Attached: Angry Teuton flips you off.jpg (1240x830, 236K)

>Stage 5: Acceptance

You are on Yea Forums. Believe it.

you can samefag all you want OP, nobody is falling for it

>There was supposed to be no changes to combat
I just hope we have better tactic options that are not rushing to the next hill and camping there. I want stuff like flank attacks and oblique formation to actually work.

If siege engines turn out to be shit I'm gonna fucking lose it. I know of ZERO good games featuring medieval siege weapons and I can't take it anymore

I battering rammed your middle-aged mum yesterday, and it was pretty good

You're pretty autistic

>same combat and gameplay
why change something that works you fucking faggot this isnt a moba

>Holy shit! The sequel looks very similar to the original!
Based retard.

What the fuck are people complaining about? This looks perfectly fine

so it's Warband with siege engines
good, already GOTY material

Personally I'd like to get more options in the tactics and orders menu.

what movie?

I literally wanted just Warband but on a fresh more up to date engine, some QoL features and, as shallow as it may be, better graphics.
I ain't complaining.

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