>8 D-Mods
>1.4 million restore cost
I get the feeling this thing ain't worth it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Which battlestation is the best?
Also how do you become able to sell ships in your colony? I have dozens of mothballed crap and my colony is about 10 ly away from the core worlds.
midline or high tech, high tech has sick mines to launch at enemies
commerce building lets you buy and sell with your colony
It's pretty quick for a cruiser, but it's not worth the 1.4 million to restore it
Stash it in your colony storage until you get enough money to not care about the restoration costs
whats the name of the mod with all the red ships
Fuck i bought low tech...
>tfw found a fully functional, no D-mods Legion (XIV) class lying around
Easily the best thing to happen to me yet. Just got my first colony going, still suck fucking ass at combat, how do good?
>mod shit
of course it isn't.
It isn't worth it, but neither are all the luxury yachts the richfags buy all the damn time. That's exactly what it is.
How are your fleets/colonies doing? I think I'm about ready to queue up a dozen mod downloads after slowly getting back into Starsector.
>Mod ship
Kinda hard to come by any bad mod ships unless they're designed to be bad.
You need to keep it in your fleet and research it
The fully fixed version is quite good
Im terrified that im going to get that annoying de-civilized debuff and its going to ruin my 50% world.
And its a lot of work to keep murdering these pirate bases as they appear.
its a good ship make sure to kit it out with the most rupture cannons or you're a retard
Learn to manage your flux and don't go cowboy into a pack of enemies
Good advice. Any tips on what weapons are good? It might be me not utilizing them properly, but a lot of weapons feel like they do piddly damage to hulls/armor.
I feel like im the only human who ever posts this
lowtech if you can support it, its shields are shit but with the armor and as long as it comes to pure firepower it’s a beast
Check weapon types. Ballistics are good against shields, high explosive against hulls and armor and fragmentation is not really worth it in general, just use it on PD against fighters and missiles. EMP is great if the enemy is constantly at high flux as EMP damage tends to penetrate shields at very high target flux levels and arc to components, disabling them, which can even be the engine and you know that a flameout when you're at high flux and under fire is a death sentence. Energy damage deals 100% to everything, which is why it is good for bursts of high flux/high damage like phase/tachyon lances or antimatter blasters.
A mix of anti-shield and anti-armor is the best, hull doesn't matter much actually, what matters if how much flux you are expending while shooting, a steady stream of bullets is usually better than overheating every other second, also vents are more important than max capasity becouse shortening your recovery time is more important than shooting a bit more
you probably are, most of the charts aren’t even updated to 0.9, but most of the info still applies
Oh shit, fucking fantastic, thanks.
Will take this advice to heart, thanks a lot.
Do patrol stations benefit from heavy industry on other colonies within the same system?
I have two planets together, and ive got a heavy industry on one but im not planning on building it on the second, but will the second still get better ships?
They can do inter-system imports, which means if one colony has a shortage of something and the other produces it, it will supply a friendly colony. So there's no use to do two of the same. Patrol stations are independent for every colony and to even field serious patrols you need heavy industry. With a pristine nanoforge installed your ships will have zero d-mods.
Okay, thanks user.
Thankfully both planets are right next to each other so hopefully the fleets keep them both safe. The pirates are attacking every month now and ive already taken out three bases.
Missile builds are way more powerful than pretty much anything other build in the game
Get a Gryphon, put an expanded missile rack on it and watch yourself suddenly be able to go toe to toe with a motherfucking Onslaught
Does it matter how big and strong my fleet is if I'm getting ready to start a colony? I have about 880k right now and still have a fairly small fleet I think.
I've seen people saying to save up 1-2 mil before starting colonies.
>tfw as a scavenger it would cost nothing to fly
>I have about 880k right now and still have a fairly small fleet I think.
You need more.
At minimum you need a fully kitted out capital class ship and 2 million dosh. The ship for taking down all the pirates that attack and the money to get started with all the defense buildings you need.
If I go hardened subsystems + disable safety bullshit is that a 3 * 0.5 = 1.5x degradation rate? I There's no fuckin way I'm using this carrier with 30 flight speed. With the two mods and injectors I got it up to like 80 which is usable in my fleet.
Its becouse you need a somewhat big fleet to babysit your colony for a while and becouse you need a lot of money to start any industry, some cost 500k and up to 2.5m, and that's only one, add to that the other structures and you will end up naked in the wind when a few pirate ships come in
Bullshit, I started my first colony with 300k and 2 destroyers. It was fucking hard, but I did it. You just keep the colony small and rake in the garbage10k a month while you do other things. If it gets raided you just say whatever. Definitely get the defensive station and patrol hq up before anything else. Farms if it can, they're cheap.
Keeping this ship in your fleet will unlock special equipment, its worth finding for that alone
my current fleet is very small
does anyone know how to increase the amount of colonies that your main character can administrate?
Where's the file to edit to make battle sizes actually interesting?
If you can't take out a basic pirate base, don't even bother showing up.
You need bigger ships user, a couple more hammerheads at least, drop some wolfs, also get some supply ships like fuel tankers and cargo ships, those are basicaly mandatory later on if you want a big fleet
Do I really need to keep flying through 5-6 ports every run back to the core for supplies late game? Its really obnoxious needing literally thousands.
I've been dropping ships gradually, mostly hounds that i had a lot more of, and some kites. I'm playing on ironman so I'm always hesitant to pick up new ships for a large amount of capital. I've already had two instances where I lost some really good ships to pirates after only having them for a little bit.
Starsector>starsector core>data>config>settings.json
Starsector can be modified in its config files in a lot of ways, practically every variable that exists, even down to how hard the music gets muted when you traverse a nebula can be changed.
what do you guys put on hammerheads
Get more cargo ships
>just started playing
>attach a lance to a wolf
this is cool
I put two reapers on the front and two assault chainguns with safety overrides and it shreds.
One good advise is to keep your ships together in a fight so they don't get shot by 5 ships alone, try to get accostumed with the command screen in a simulation and watch them fight
thanks, now i can expand my empire into shit tier planets so the fucking pirates stop spawning next to my money makers
Yeah most of my experiences are where i just get jumped by pirates after taking some kind of trade mission where I just bought a big freighter or something and while I can kind of defend myself I usually end up losing my freighter and the cargo. I also lost my first light carrier in a similar way. I just tried to run because I was super out numbered and my carrier was just too slow and got overwhelemed.
Railguns and heavy mortar at the front with savot missiles for extra shield breaking
suprised there are no Tyranid mods or just more xeno mods in general
retreating is by far the worst mechanic in the game, it basically doesn't matter and you are better off fighting usually, also there's another type of ships called Tugs thant can help your feet move faster, basically they give a +1 to your max burn, emergency burn also helps in running away if they are too close
my max sustained right now is 20, i know about the tug mechanic but i barely ever see them. I'll keep it in mind though. Most of my pirate run-ins were when i was still learning the ropes. I've been better about avoiding those situations.
Varya's mod has space communists that use red ships.
So I managed to find my 3rd Legion XIV.
I stored the first one somewhere and I just found 2 in 2 systems right next to each other.
Can I build my fleet around these things?
Is there a reliable way to get nanoforges?
I just started and picked a freighter. The game lets me remove my auxiliary fuel tanks but not add even more cargo holds. Is there something I'm missing or do I just need a bigger ship?
>2 Hypervelocity Drivers, Converted Hangar Xyphos wing
>Heavy Mauler, Hypervelocity Driver
>Heavy MG, Assault Chaingun, Safety Overrides
>2 Assault Chainguns, 2 Dual MG, Safety Overrides
There are a fair amount of refits a Hammerhead can work with.
There isn't a reliable way to get anything, but your best bet is looking for research stations, orbital habitats and mining outposts around systems with black holes and take contracts that require you to survey domain era probes as they can be found in systems with a variety of derelicts too.
Research stations and motherships give the best bets. I find that taking exploration missions will usually lead me into a system with lots more stuff than just randomly exploring. If you get a bit of information from a probe saying there is a research station/mothership in X system its a good bet something good will be there.
Just be prepared with a big fleet because the AI are strong.
not really. The drops aren't random so you can't reload a save and hope for a better drop the nanoforges (and the cyclotrons or whatever the name is for the fuel ones) seem to only drop in the derelict stations.
The screenshot shows that you've expanded your cargo, m8, the mod is installed already. You can add fuel tanks on top too, but it will cost you extra in maintenance supply use unless it's installed on top of a ship with militarized subsystems.
How do I locate the pirate and luddic nigger basea in my colonies?
All mods can only be applied once. If you need even more cargo, you need a larger ship or more freighters.
The second is a better idea in general.
>cruising around the outer rim and performing COIN against Luddic Pathers and destroying their strongholds
pretty fucking comfy feeling, not gonna lie
for the pirates bases check on the bar, there will be one sad spacer that you can chat up with and they will give you the location of the base. For pathers, i don't know. Usually you can have an agent infiltrate the local cell and kill them all, but i'm not sure if that's vanilla or not.
How should i upgrade my fleet and also how good is its composition?
I have the kites mostly when pursuing so i can deploy them on the sides and have them flank.
It's alright, but kites are a joke, even if you put best weapons on them. They are a last resort civilian retrofit, not a combat capable frigate.
What is the best frigate escorts to have for pursuing?
Wolves followed by Tempests.
*if you have a ship with less than 8 speed
the power of multiple salvage rigs
Is there any mod that lets me expand my fleet past 30?
What happens if I colonize a planet while commissioned? Do I get to keep it when I de-commission? I sorta like fighting my friends and having a constant stream of ships to salvage.
Thanks, also is it better to use a big carrier as my flagship and have the rest of the fleet destroyers and such, or use a bigass gunship as my flagship and have 2/3 carriers do their thing?
Yeah its called starsector-core\data\config\settings.json and edit "maxShipsInFleet":
go to settings and look for the modifier for player fleet. I always play with 100 ships so I can actually consider frigates in the lategame against 5 gorrillion remnant fleets
>I always play with 100 ships
How do you deal with all that fuel and supplies? I don't mean buying it or the storage, i mean where do you even find that much fuel? With a large fleet myself i barely go from system to system buying all the fuel i can get so i don't go dry in the middle of nowhere
Goddamn finally
have you got the one for decent fighters?
not him but here you go
How do you male profits selling to luddic path and pirates? Their rng bases always have shit prices
The top 5 buy/sell for heavy armaments and harvested organs are a 50 bitcoin difference, I was told those got the big bucks
oh fug this gonna hurt
Let the carriers do their thing and use a good ship that is best suited to player hands, doesn't matter what it is. Destroyer or gunship or cruiser.
You also need to increase supply deployment limits to something like 2500 otherwise no matter how many ships in fleet you or enemies have, you could field at most 10-15 per battle.
You end up draining like 3 systems of supplies and gas spending almost half a mil just to go do a 300k bounty that you win by spamming trash dmod ships with reinforcement like a real pirate
cheers mang
>people actually discussing mods, ship loadouts and tactics
>some retarded shitposting monkey shows up and starts throwing shit around
Bad dog. No (you)'s for you.
Dont sell in mass. If you dump 500 drugs in the market you flooded it. The more you sell the lower it goes.
Can't tell if she's jap or korean
shes korean, this one is jap
Low and high tech stations are equally good. Mid tech is the weakest, but the AI isn't that good at beating stations to begin with, and they are heavily overvalued in auto-resolve.
Why do you have these you weirdo?
I just nuked and took over Volturn, do I have to get rid of the other Sindrian colonies in the system as well?
What’s the purpose of marines? Do I need them and for what?
I find them so attractive but my boner knows a majority of it is makeup and surgery
If you want to raid stations and planets for swag you need marines.
For raids and apparently in previous versions, boarding. Also they're a tradeable resource like food except they take up crew space instead of regular cargo space
Is there a way to tailor my bar mission options? I'm driving a freighter yet I've got guys offering bounty hunting missions.
can you combine mods and use them all at once or are they incompatible when you start the game?
Okay but what does raiding a planet or station do?
i dont think its the majority but try and stop them using makeup is futile at this point
no you can use multiple. maybe not the really big ones
You get free stuff and in some cases blueprints
Have you tried playing the game, retard? It literally tells you ingame.
steal items and blueprints
The vmparams file has no extension. Is it okay to save it as a .txt file after editing the allocated memory?
Can someone explain low-tech midline and high-tech to me please?
From what i understood low-tech is pirates and other bad ships, high-tech is Tri-Tachyon and midline i have only found one Gladius fighter.
>Is it okay to save it as a .txt file after editing the allocated memory?
I did something similar once on another game and it fucked up so my advise is don't do it
Best not to, it can confuse java.
Low tech is big armor and balistic weapons
High tech little armor and lasers
Midlineis fence siting and being useless
So low-tech front line, high-tech carriers and fighters and fuck midlines?
>Midlineis fence siting and being useless
best loadout for 14th legion?
Low tech: DAKKA
Midline: less DAKKA overall, more DAKKA per shot
High tech: gay space lasers
my laptop is a piece of shit, what exactly does "battle size" affect?
Reapers. Anything else is irrelevant.
what faction has the best frigates?
How many ships supply cost wise can be deployed in a single battle. Each ship costs supplies to deploy, if the limit for example is 500, that means only that much worth of supplies in ships can be deployed per battle. If the fleets are larger than what can be deployed, you will have to play several battles instead of one. If, for example, your fleet is smaller and the enemy fleet is larger, you will be disallowed from deploying all your ships and the chunk of battle size limit you can use for deployment will be smaller you.
>shitty mod factions
stay around 400 and turn off bloom and shield ripples if you are using Graphics Lib and you should be good
>t. shitty laptop owner
Blackrock, then Tritach, then Shadowyards. The rest are a joke.
you got something against free extra content?
>turn off bloom and shield ripples
Check the config files in the relevant mod folders.
>go to the mod directory
>follow the comments and put "false" wherever you want to disable something
so uh
i offloaded most of my weapons on some station for storage
and fucking forgot which one
how do i figure it out?
ok then
go to the income tab, and you should have the storage payment along with its location in the breakdown
do you have Graphics Lib installed?
How up to date is this?
Some of the OP prices don't seem to be correct.
oh lawdie
you're a life-savior user
thank fuck
you can reinforce mid battle if your ships blows up
putting it at 500 will make fps drop if theres a bunch of fighters on screen. normal is 300 divided unequally between both sides. enemy gets priority so sometimes you end up with shit like only 100-120 points while they get 5-9 capitals and a bunch of other bullshit.
put it up see if you comp can handle it. if it can keep it high. if it cant drop it back down.
nvm, it's GRAPHICS_OPTIONS.ini
Any mods that remove about half of these nigger space storms? It's so fucking cancerous to have 80% of space just be storms.
>Persean League sends an expedition fleet because I own 6% of the market share for organics
>removing the best part about hyperspace
And make travel take even longer, nah
Ride the wave faggot
>store ships in free station
>game things you have massive amounts of cargo hold
>gives you impossibly high cargo missions
Time to visit their trade fleets and later their colonies, for peace talks of course.
>contracted by some nobody to deliver 15 transplutonics to the Hegemony
>the planet is on the way, so say fuck it
>in the end, end up selling the 15 T by mistake along with the rest of the cargo to pirates
>Oh well
>depart for probe scanning in the reaches
>as I come to core worlds, I see a fleet hailing me
>it's a bounty hunter
>Open comm
>"Hey FAGGOT. You don't know me, but I know you. Remember those transplutonics you were supposed to deliver? My client remembers. Prepare to be engaged"
>tfw actions have consequences
What hull mods are you guys running on your civilian grade ships?
I'm torn between using
>Efficiency Overhaul + (Cargo/Fuel) Extender
>Militarized Subsystems + (Cargo/Fuel) Extender
I'm not sure if the latter works or not
You're all clearly space jews.
>just fly into them goyim! use 3x your daily supplies!
Yeah, no. It's cancer.
If you colonise you create a new faction and still hold your commission
I have a size 8 colony with fuel production that I empty every now and then. I’m in the outer systems tho, so I had to conquer another one midway to travel to the core worlds to safely
>not using solar shielding
I like the concept of carriers and fighters but fuck having to re-man them with people every time they die
>he didn't take the perk that removes CR depletion from hyperspace storms
I shiggy
there is a leadership perk that minimizes losses. if you compound that with the recovery shuttles mod and a commander that has the same perk, you will never lose a pilot again in your life.
>Heading North to a wormhole
>Pirates intercept me, it's a losing fight
>move to the top of the combat map thinking its like fallout 1/2
>Nope you can only escape through the bottom of the map
how do you clear fleet logs?
even after visiting locations i have stuff from 600 days ago
Are there any compelling advantages to colonizing more than one planet in the same system? I have a mid tier planet in the same system as my Terran primary colony and an ultra rich minerals one two systems away, which one should I go for?
>no increased maintenance
10/10 would restore.
Militarized subsystems because installing it nullifies the penalty to supply use for maintenance you get when installing cargo or fuel expansion on civilian hulls and it also increases the burn speed, which civilian ships frequently have at a low number.
>not running Pather Lashers
>asteroid impact on drive bubble
>asteroid impact on drive bubble
>asteroid impact on drive bubble
Just save it without extention.
how do I get the ship with the giant hammer on it
I'm guessing it's modded.
The mod is Neutrino
>Lighter ships can be set to deploy from the sides when pursuing fleets
>Nobody tells you this
Yes its a mod, Neutrino
Just go dark, bro.
How do you outfit a legion? I'm pretty new to the game and I'm far enough that I think I have to build a cohesive fleet where each ship has it's role instead of clicking on autofit for everything.
But I have no idea how to outfit carriers.
I read the image linked in this thread and I think I'll go 2x longbow for shield removal and 2 Khopesh for armor damage, but how do you outfit the rest of the ship.
Just pure defense with flack cannons and shit?
from where can i pirate this game?
>literally too inept to download from a link
provide me one then
What determines commission pay? I'm loving my pretend colony income early game.
For the normal Legion I run 5 hypervelocity drivers up on the front, a typhoon reaper launcher on each side then fill the rest of the slots with vulcans. It builds up flux fast but it will also burn shields down quickly.
Not him but I think you can get it froom Sseths video or something. Buy it if you like it man, dev's put a lot of work into it.
>s-spoonfeed me!
No, quit being fucking retarded.
Supply deployment limits isn't coming up in the settings file which one is it in?
>Buy it if you like it man
yes, maybe if i can play it first to decide if i like it or not
Fleet size I think. I'm currently earning 95k a month from my commission and I have a large fleet of big ships.
Why the fuck can't I build a patrol HQ or ground defenses on my size 4 colony? I thought these did not count for the limit of industries on the planet.
Low tech station is by far the strongest.
>normal Legion
I just noticed the normal legion is different to XIV.
I've got the XIV version. In fact I have fucking 3 of them, but there is no way I could field all 3 right now.
Salvage rigs only increase the metal, fuel and supplies salvaged, not rare loot.
You can run the same on the XIV just with the cylones on the sides.
What does it show? Sounds like a bug if it isn't the usual build queue shit
futa amazon faction mod when
I was going to ask why your Legion was so offensively built, but I think I misunderstood the point of Legion. It's a battlecruiser.
>find great terran world
>no place to put a comm link on the system,
Maybe you're too poor
It's always Tri-Tachyon's fault.
Whats the best bomber for my Heron carrier, i have 2 tridents but it is quite expensive i think for their usefulness.
This was answered by statistical analysis
They are all pretty much equivalent and it doesn't really matter which you use.
Its a battlecarrier, it can fight on the front like other capitals.
I don't know, it's just greyed out. I was able to build a spaceport and an orbital station, and nothing else.
Protip you can edit game settings using notepad to change things you don't like
How do i use carriers?
What are the controls and how do i make them attack a target?
Not up to date. There's a reaper launcher fighter now. It's awesome.
the faction system does not fit xenos
this might change in later updates
I think default engage/regroup keybindings are T or Y. Target a ship with R then toggle engage to send fighters over. When you have bombers or lose a lot of fighters make sure to regroup until you are near or at full wing size again. Indicators at the bottom near your weapon groups should show how many are missing or need to rearm.
alex has hinted at ayys, i've heard anons say
The prices aren't RNG, they're determined by the actual production surplus/shortfall of the colonies and influenced by things like raids destroying/disabling production.
>have 5 extra faction mods
>in the span of a week got 6 expeditions against me
This is getting insane, what is the point of not using AI if the AI continuously attacks you anyway, might as well take all the market share possible.
Also even though I just destroy the expedition forces I still get negative rep, so I dont even know if I can increase my rep to stop them and even if I tried I couldnt because they WONT STOP ATTACKING ME.
It looks like it should be maxBattleSize.
I know this feeling. I've had to constantly babysit my two planets in same sector because star fortresses can't keep up with raids and invasions, which somehow keep happening at the same time.
lmao imagine if he'd dumped that shit in one of the derelict stations that don't charge you
he'd never find it again
Most of my heavier combat ships have 8 or 7 burn which makes militarized subsystems pretty useless, all things considered.
I like to slap effiency overhaul and solar shielding on them
>pursuing pirate fleet for a bounty
>evey time I get close they use emergency boost and do a 180
Its really strange that he went for these random attacks rather than just having a war/peace system against factions.
Finding colonies and managing them is fun but these attacks are fucking awful.
Probably so people wouldn't get bored pressing shift in orbit all day
>go dark
>get close
Get the god damn sensor skill
Honestly my character has 0 combat ability because all the utility skills are crazy good. Fucking boring though, I wanna be good at fight.
Yes, one absolutely fucking massive advantage is that each planet can produce its own patrol fleet, so with a few planets all in the same system you end up never having to babysit your colonies from raids ever again (unless redacted show up lmao)
IMO I wouldn't colonize a system with less than 4 colonizable planets because of this. It's too much fucking hassle dealing with raids otherwise.
Make a new character, take combat only, use nothing but tiny cute frigate to destroy everything
Listen dude, I don't care what they say, if I can make money running errands between starsystems, I'm just as good as the rest of the Merchants, if not better. I even set up shop in a System with no Tariffs. Why can't the other factions like me like they used to?
I checked the settings file. It's a base commission plus a bonus for every level the main character has.
for sure, what this game painfully needs is a way to place custom markers.
>start colony in system with a class 5 tundra w/ ruins, and two volcanic worlds that are class 4 which I plan to use for later
>Nexerlin diplomacy mod stuff out of nowhere makes the Sindrian-Hegemony alliance declare war on me, on top of making one of their allies borderline hate me, which was the Persean league
It even had 3 stable locations and I wasn't even having any sort of cruisers yet because I was just profiteering off black market deals, with the transponder off
Not that it will help you but Alex posted some stuff about way to add stable point to system in next update.
be warned neutrino ships/weapons are massively OP compared to vanilla
I liked how they looked but dropped the mod because of this. I'd say about half the mods you can download are OP as fuck and completely ruin game balance.
1. Colonies can supply each other within a system
2. Colonies reduce the supply requirements by 50% for each other colony in a system (i.e. a common ore planet will reduce the requirements on your ore requiring world)
3. You can stack multiple patrol HQs on each planet, doubling/tripling/ect your fleet strength.
Its better to find a system with a bunch of great worlds, than to find a system with one perfect world.
well fuck Alex, his game SUCKS
There a way to change that in settings?
I should be rewarded for using salvage rigs and punished for not using them. Rare shit shouldn't be recoverable without putting something into it.
which neutrino ships are good?
I have a banshee and it fucking sucks
>How are your fleets/colonies doing?
Bretty good. No colonies yet, though, still haven't found that perfect system.
Yeah that's what I meant to say.
Derelict stations should honestly be the first babystep introduction to running a colony. Let the player take one over and run some minor production like using a nanoforge for making personal ships, or a synchotron for fuel but not to the same scale that a colony does it and you would have to pay taxes to the local system owner(s)
>an unfinished game has bugs
holy fuck i just found out that when in "Go Dark" mode, if you move while holding down S you move at a slow pace so your detection range is lowered
That was literally just introduced in the latest patch
And it was introduced because one of the mods (scy nation) has ships that also consume way less supplies/fuel if you move at 2 or 3 or whatever burn.
I guess the idea being extending how long you can play spider before jumping some hobo
>Search random debris field
>There's recoverable Astral
Do not neglect debris fields.
>Game runs poorly on AMD cards
I'm really beginning to regret not getting a 1050ti instead of a 570.
>faction commissioning me gets invaded
>fuck i have a little colony there
>fuck my faction is losing
>bump into a random salvage area
>it's a defeated ally fleet
>get a capital ship and 2 cruisers
Fuck these nerds I'm taking my big ship and hopping to a more stable faction
You probably would have to edit the ability, which would edit it for other ships as well (shepard eg)
Their is a mod called Vesperon Combine that adds a money sink that generates 'tech caches' which have all the rare shit in them if your worried about not finding enough loot but they are usually heavily guarded and needed for postgame.
>no thumper
>fought a pather station for the first time
the fuck do they feed these things?
why the fuck does their flux not go out even though i'm magdumping my entire fleet on it?
stations are all around fucked up, alex needs to fix them right fucking now
The thumper is a one trick pony and I never waste a slot on it.
By the time your enemy is taking hull damage it's usually too late for them, anyway
so vulcans are shit?
Is it worth bringing refit guns with you? Changing before each fight is really annoying. Question mainly for iron mode bros since you can just reload in normal game.
Is it normal for GraphicsLib to not show up in the mod list? Lazy lib and Magic lib do but Graphics doesn't just to be sure I don't have an old version its not under shader lib either.
All these old ass games I play that AMD struggles like hell with. Although I don't have major problems with starsector, I do with second life.
I can't believe I fell for the AMD meme. Their cpu's are okay but their gpu's are garbage. Even their supposedly improved overlay stuff is just a fancy UI while all the genuinely useful features and options are stripped away.
Next card's going to be nvidia again just because AMD can't get their shit together and make proper opengl drivers or add actual settings/options to their stuff.
Refit costs CR and supplies, so doing it just before a fight is kind of suicidal
You probably aren't dumping hard enough, because proper pressure with kinetic weapons + some serious anti-armor like reapers or tachyon lances will fuck low tech station up just fine. Only scary one is last tier high tech.
>and watch yourself suddenly be able to go toe to toe with a motherfucking Onslaught
You realise you can do that in a frigate or a destroyer as well? It's not exactly an achievement
is this game for me if I like
>autistic management simulators
>strategy games
If I like Starsector, will I like Kenshi?
Obviously it's completely different gameplay wise, but I like the idea of building my character up from a nobody, amassing an army to overcome obstacles, exploring and building my own colony/outpost. Does Kenshi have this same focus?
I have the opposite problem, Lazylib and Graphicslib show, but Magiclib, Diable and Imperium dont
what is song
I heard it somewhere before but your version sounds like an edit
tell that to the 6000 million missile spam they're handing out, which overloads every single ship on the sector, and the fact that all of my ships go around and attack different portions of the ship because they're too braindead to focus on one part AND I CAN'T TELL THEM TO DO THAT
they're awful and you simply don't have enough control over your own AI for the battle to be fair
Yes, you will not be disappointed.
>autistic management simulators
Depends of your level
hell yes, this game actually introduces some new concepts
>strategy games
Kind of. If you're into 4X, install the nexerelin mod, it enables your to capture planets with your faction
Even if you're not into 4X installing nexerelin is a good idea. It basically makes this a new game
No, Kenshit is a game that was abandoned as an alpha and has no content.
>onslaught without missiles
fucking lmao
anyone can kill a ship with no missiles with a fucking tug
How good are XIV ships? I found a falcon the black market but I feel like I might have scrapped a couple early game without realising how rare they are.
>dont pay back the tri-tachyon moneylender at the bar
>-50 rep with tri-tachyon
Okay then. Quickload and pay
this is okayish, but you should have some other frigades, 2 kites is all you ever need, more is foolish.
I'll give it a shot. Do I need mods for the first time playing? Is this some standalone big new game or some obscure project by a group of autists?
They have better armor, more OP but slightly lower speed (because of the extra armor plating)
XIV eagles rule
I have played both and I like starsector more than kenshi.
Kenshi is okay and it does what you say you want out of it, but suffers tremendously from not having anything to do by mid-game. Basically once you've gone around and explored everything, built your own outpost, there's nothing left to kenshi. It's like a game where the content part of the game was never added or worked on, just the base mechanics.
So while the base mechanics are fun, it stops being interesting after you got a handle on combat and your base building autism sorted, because there's literally nothing else to the game. It's empty as fuck.
How similar is this game to x4?
If you're okay starting a new character, play without mods first. That will let you feel for what you're missing. Or just install as many mods as you can while keeping it balanced like me
>Travel through star system with transponder on
>pirates jump me
>retreat my freighter out of there then turn it off before hitting the worm hole
>On the other side I'm immediately met by a patrol who don't respond to my comm attempts after speaking with it off
>try to disengage
>lol no get fucked
So does AI provide benefits no matter where it's installed, or should I specifically put AI only to one specific place instead?
Stop asking questions, nigger
What do you even use? You're supposed to have eagles/dominators before fucking with station, if you trying to tank it with destroyers no wonder you have a problem.
>got a tri-tach loan
>bought a bunch of large freighters for shipping missions and running contraband to pirate worlds
ez money
It's worked on by like 1-5 people I think 1 guy and he contracts some stuff like artwork/sound
He updates about 1-2 times per year and has been working on this game for 10 years. He is REALLY SLOW on updates (but consistent) and the content in a 6 month/1 year update is what you'd normally see in another games' 2-3 month update.
You can play with mods your first time, it doesn't really make a big difference. There's only 1 overhaul worth shit (nexerelin) that actually changes the base gameplay. Every other mod is either just another faction with the same mechanics as every other faction, or utility stuff like UI changes or better graphics.
>these variants
So this is the power of 39 mods enabled. 46 including libs and portrait packs. Still waiting on a few mods for updates/translation.
I think there's one or two buildings where it doesn't provide any benefits but for the rest it's a flat increase.
As I've said, it's not my decision who tanks in these fights because the AI does whatever the fuck it wants and my hands are tied because of the stupid fucking command point system.
I've got battleships and battlecarriers, it matters jack shit because they all lag behind me (again: retarded), meanwhile the frigates and destroyers think they're fucking Onslaughts and try to face tank an entire station's worth of missiles.
>tutorial system
>wayfarer+shepherd start
>derelict salvage mission to take on the bandit fleet
>pristine hammerhead
>condor with one D-mod hitting its already unneeded flux
>pristine wolf
>starting ships rendered superfluous cargo machines before even finishing tutorial
Did I get lucky or was that a freebie?
I cant beat a LP battlestation even with 2 dominators. Apparently you need a really capital capital for that.
For me it's the Eagle.
>onslaught (LP)
What's good anti-frigatre/fighter ship on the bigger size?
I'm thinking Heron or Mora with a bunch of Sparks and some Flak cannons, will that do?
Not similar to 4x at all.
Has more in common with roguelikes than it does with 4x
Is this a full game?
remove level cap in the settings and eventually be good at combat too (starts to take a long time to level though)
Pretty much
It's not quite 1.0 yet, though
Depends the weapons they get is based of known weapon mods you unlocked.
Is it even possible to beat a station above level 1 without an endgame fleet?
Okay so the AI works by ship type. If you put guns on a carrier it's still gonna act like a carrier. Knowing this, you can just use escort commands at the beginning of a fight to hold you fleet together. That way you can just order one large ship around and the 5 or so ships that rally on it will go with it. Basically all you need to do from there is press C and E on various targets that fuck up and become easy pickings.
Gamma cores are basically useless. Just take them to tritach and talk to honcho in port and trade that shit in for easy money
Beta are okay, but Alpha cores are when you get colonies that basically print unlimited money for you.
Not bad but you're gonna be fuckin stoked when you experience true luck
>situational means I should never use it
speak for yourself man, robbing newbies of options is mean
Gammas are extremely useful to put on your industries when you don't have alphas or betas to put there.
I take back my comments about the legion being bad
I just faced one with 4 khopesh wings and it was awful
easily, just dont do what the pirates do. your ships should skirt the defences while applying pressure till it goes down unless you order an eliminate command. its the defending fleets plus the station that gets messy
Go to /g/ and tell that in the PC build theread. The amd shills will screetch and accuse you all of being one guy who is evading a ban an then report you for believing up this uncomfortable truth.
>he has "content" mods
yikes sweety, if you're too bad to use the vanilla ships and need OP modded ones then maybe the game isn't for you
it has 4 missile pods, the fact you cant fucking read or see is concerning
>giving out bad advice is somehow better
You really should prioritize anti-shield weapons over anything else because
1. shield hits raises flux, which means the enemy can't fire back as much
2. High flux makes the enemy back off, making you less susceptible to being swarmed
3. it causes overloads which is when you fire the missiles that do what the thumper does
what are you gonna do about it fagboy
The better mods are very well balanced though.
it's not about needing stronger or better stuff, it's about wanting variety you mong. besides most of my added stuff is balanced or weaker
There are no various targets, the command map treats the whole stations as ONE target, when it's clearly not.
Therefore even if I do tell my entire fleet to attack the station, they'll just choose whatever module they want to attack, never get through the shields because they can't punch through, and eat dozens of missiles until they're all dead.
And since ships like the Sunder or Dominator act exactly as a frigate would, everyone just goes and stands right on the station's face instead of standing at weapon's range so the point defense has time to kill the missiles.
I understand what the dev tried to do with the multiple-modules stations but it just doesn't work unless he forces the AI to think of each module as a separate enemy.
Know which ones they suck on?
It's from prey.
Then don't deploy small shit, go with cruiser size and up.
AI has absolutely no idea what to do with legion except using it as suboptimal carrier with 10 points/wing. It works for siege if you use it yourself though - kinetic damage on medium mounts, large reaper launchers, 4x xyphlos for EMPing through shields and you can just go and fuck its shit up assuming you have some other retards to pull part of fire on themselves.
What's fitted on them? You can put 3 reaper launchers and instagib any section the moment its shields drop. 2 cruisers alone may not be enough unless you have top tier skills and officers though, get something else.
>never fires a single one
sounds like cheats to me
spotted the angry shitters
Spotted the feckless brainlet.
he's either an autist that wants to dictate your fun or fishing for you's
I've tried most of content mods and still haven't found ships as bullshit as onslaught, doom and astral. At least try playing game before baiting.
Truly sometimes the only winning move is not to play.
Then you must know Distant worlds universe... Damn now I wish that game had graphics like starsector
Why do you niggers tell people you need money or fleet to start a colony? Thats complete bullshit if you dont build it into an occupied system. Everything except piratw raids can be paid off and initial piratefleets barely have cruisers.
Jesus christ. Though you should unironica stop playing after you get a colony
he's obviously replying to himself
>as bullshit as paragon
They aren't useful at all: fractalsoftworks.com
The tl;dr is if you use gamma cores to reduce imports it (barely) helps so long as those imports are out of faction.
If you reduce same-faction imports (from your own colonies) using a gamma core actually fucks you over.
Don't use gamma cores. It takes too much time/micro to figure out what industries to put them on and when to take them out.
>asking people to acknowledge a situational weapon is bad advice
>if they know of it, they will put it in every slot and every ship
Hephaestus and Gauss cannons but the low tech battlestation still outranges them and they cant tank for very long. I also usually swarm the thing with destroyers and frigates in addition, but it was a fully upgraded one somehow built up in the middle of nowhere
>slow unguided missiles will have effect when normal ballistic weapons are too slow to hit a fast finesse ship
>it's cheats I tell you
So I should just stick as many tachyon lances as I can on every ship right?
s this game for me if I like
>autistic management simulator
It doesnt have that. Happenings are rng based and colonies cant be managed beyond push a button.
>strategy games
Not really. Combat doesnt have it since AI is braindead and controllling your units is basic as it gets. The 4x side is completely swallow, static and automated.
Starsector doesnt handle scale well, its fun with a small fleet but its too basic to go further than that
>play starsector
>want to make the R9 from r-type
>use diable avionics
>want to make the transforming R ship
>barely anything that shows what the R9 looks like from above
kill me
>Hephaestus and Gauss
Too shit flux efficiency, use mark IX or storm needlers + stack armor on them - all you need to do is get through shields and kill segment with reapers. Alternatively pilot one with reapers yourself (and take expanded racks) and fit other one with sabots.
>but it was a fully upgraded one
You mean star fortress, with drones? That's serious shit, 2 cruisers obviously aren't enough. Although I've never seen pathers making star fortress outside of core systems myself.
> Gamma cores are basically useless
No they arent, If you run more than 2 colonies which you really should you're not going to get enough beta and alpha cores to slot into all your industries for a long time.
It had like 3 arms with guns and in between those arms were more guns.
Was a real nightmare, I retreated twice and missed out on lots of bounty
well, the cockpit looks bretty good but that's the most distinctive feature IMO.
I tried installing Magic Library in order to play some other mods that require it, the thne bloody folder is empty, with nothing to extract, anyone know why? And if so, how do I resolve the issue?
Time to improvise!
I thought I had some of it in my spaceships folder but it turned out I don't
>run into 3(three) pristine abandoned legions in 2 hours of playtime
>one of them is even a XIV
no stop I dont want a mass legion fleet again
What are you using to extract it? 7zip or a recent Winrar should both work without trouble. Did you get the mod from the forum or Nexus? Maybe the download got corrupted and you can try the other one?
It's not fully upgraded then, just a battlestation. You aren't supposed to outrange it although paragon can, and solo it, you're supposed to get close and fuck it up. Sufficient amount of kinetic damage to get through shields and HE damage to wreck it once they're down is the key.
Did you even fucking read what I posted?
Just because you have an open slot doesn't mean putting a gamma core there helps you, you fucking retard. HOLY SHIT.
>colony keeps getting raided
>buy a ton of marines
>eject them next to my colony
>nothing changes
Is there a way to rename a star system?
I tried both, and they both dont work, from what I notice, it's the 7zip files that are giving me problems
Don't use windows' built-in unzipper
it is actual legitimate garbage software
When you have only one planet, it's always helpful.
I mean you can only get an approximation anyway given how many pixels you have to work with , the cockpit is the most iconic thing about the R9 and you nailed that in terms of looks, just need to texture it better so it has more depth
Are you using an outdated version of 7zip? Link the file that isn't working for you.
is there anything that works better that you'd suggest?
Needs Expanse and LoGH ships.
7zip or a recent winrar.
it says I cant even upload it here because "Corrupted file or unsupported file type."
Don't upload it here, give me a link to where you downloaded it from.
Spacer start has been pretty fun. Slowly getting up your trader/smuggler fleet after just having 2k cash and shitty shuttle.
Bought a Conquest. Kinda weird how it's more like a ship from the age of sail than some scifi boat, but it tears apart shit like it's nothing.
>find a mercenary with timid personality
>has all carrier skills already, just what i need
>check info about timid
>Fighters almost always set to escort
Fuck. It was too good to be true. No point having her around if she does not use them to attack targets long range.
There's a shitton of ships that could look cool
Although without an isometric perspective it's really hard to convey depth and shape
Should i sell nanoforges & alpha/beta ai cores that i found in early game?
No, dumbass.
If you do, you'll make a lot of money and can buy basically anything you ever wanted.
If you hold onto them you'll have something rare and hard to get that catapults your colony industries well ahead of everyone else in the sector and basically makes you print money.
Anyone else not like the supply system? It'd be one thing if it was just required to repair your ships, but the fact that it makes your ships WORSE if you don't have any really sucks
keep pristine forges
sell beta and gamma cores to faction reps
keep a few synchotrons around but sell the rest
Welp. I can't download it from nexus without an account. But since preview file content page works, it seems the file is not broken. What version of 7zip are you using?
>faggots keep going on about how good Doom is
>it's actually shit
What's so good about nexerelin?
How much autism is required to enjoy this game? I like autism games but I'm too much of a brainlet
>crew doesn't need to eat or wear clothes
>ships don't need regular maintenance or spare parts during day to day operations
It's not that hard to get into.
nudism faction mod when
It's pretty simple.
Nevermind I'm fucking dumber than a Volturnian lobster, I indeed had an old version of 7zip, everything's fine now, thank you for your willingness to help me user, and may Ludd bless you!
Anyone else's game starts to stutter like crazy if they alt+tab a lot?
You can get raided by remnant.
quite a bit when you start fucking around with ship setups instead of autofitting everything
It just randomizes everything so each playthrough is more different, and I think fleshes out inter-faction relationships a little more with agents.
It's really nothing particularly special or necessary to have nex.
I don't give a shit about realism it makes the game worse
core mods to get asap ?
Game is piss for anyone above 10 and have normal hand-eye coordination.
It starts doing that for me when I play and load the game a lot. Probably related to java memory management.
Let me guess, did you tried to use it as generic gunboat?
I should stop savescumming then, kek
Restart the game when you've been playing a few hours
Then just cheat and turn off supplies then faggot, its a single player game noone gonna judge/know you if you cheat faggot
Midline is strong because one side is basically invincible, with the other side putting a lot of focus in one place to kill ships. It's battlestation is weak but it gets good again at star fortress.
Just make your own portrait pack, that's what I did
>mfw this game isn't click mouse 1 to win
I admire your autism m8
Those hegemony portraits look dope
Is this pack hosted somewhere?
No it doesn't?
I'm using it with missiles and phase lances, faggot
when you're holding down shift it does
Why would you even need to wear clothes on a spaceship?
It's a controlled athmospheric environment
You could just turn up the temperature to a comfy 26 C and hire nothing but females
The fleet would probably become defeated by internal drama, though
Hold shift, incel
tbf, sicne phase ships don't have shields, they're supposed to be used as opportunists; engaging when another allied ship is tanking the enemy fire.
>At minimum you need a fully kitted out capital class ship and 2 million dosh
Why do people constantly say this? Normal ass pirate raids can be deflected by a stock 300k station most of the time. You don't start getting raided by anyone else until you have a fuckload of industry and start raking in cash? Worst comes to worse, spend a few hundred thousand to buy a couple of Atlas Mk2's and store them to pull out when a bigger raid comes
>Why would you even need to wear clothes on a spaceship?
Because the asshole admiral has the AC controller and he wants to save flux, so he won't go over 10ºC.
you need nex for NPC colonies and markets to actually grow, for one
>the church supplies the jihad with arms and men
How the LITERAL FUCK do I kit out odyssey's so the AI can use them. It's the only battleship blueprint I have, I've got a decent amount of money and I just want to mass produce shit to go throwing at beacon'd systems.
>Kill a bounty fleet
>one ship survives
>let it go because it's never mattered before
>fly off
>don't get the bounty because the one ship is left
>Radical luddite wants to blow you up
>Moderate luddite wants radical luddite to blow you up
What the fuck is nexcorelifecycle plugin and how do I unfuck it
There is no moderate luddigger, just like real life.
what is the mod drama I heard about a few weeks ago?
Something about one modder being banned for "using stolen content" despite half of the other mods using stolen content as well, and the real reason was the modder pissed off somebody?
>found a colony that pays almost 500 for one marine and almost 1k for one heavy armament
>have a sector that sells all those for cheap almost next door
My spacer start suddenly got little too easy.
It's not hosted anywhere
You don't know the half of it. I actually went through maybe a quarter of the portraits trying to apply transparent backgrounds using image editors like krita/photoshop.
Some of the results were okay, and some of them weren't. I decided after awhile that it's better to just leave the backgrounds as-is.
I also tried to stick with a theme that I felt fit with each faction, but it's hard to both find the right images and maintain similar/coherent art styles that don't clash.
>It's not hosted anywhere
you need to fix that my dude
>modder makes portrait pack using random ripped art
>noone cares
>modder creates optional addons to replace shitty portraits of popular mods
>trannies flip a shit
I use it anyways since the mod added white people to the portraits
Realistically you'd wear a skin-tight pressure suit as regular clothing just in case of a breach.
In an emergency you'd just have to put on an oxygen mask / helmet and the pure vacuum wouldn't kill you.
You get the bounty when you kill the leader aka the dude with the bounty on his head, every other ship doesn't matter.
Just started a new game. I sold this to buy some better ships.
>nuke Volturn for lobsters
>only get 1/4th of profits because everyone hates me now
>not raiding repeatedly to destabilize until Diktat eventually loses control
Can someone spoonfeed me a good fleet composition without capital ships? I need something to look/fight for blueprints.
>Fleet tutorial says to take down the destroyer first but have ships avoid the cruiser for now since its not a threat.
>Take out the destroyer with ease
>Try to kill the cruiser
>get blown the fuck out
By not a threat the devs must have meant, don't get in front of it or eat missile barrage shit.
>do what a filthy pirate does
>wtf why does nobody like me ;_;
>doom flagship
>eagles and falcon (p)s as cruisers
>herons or moras as carriers
Rest can be whatever, just remember to keep a couple of Phaetons.
>I need something to look for blueprints
See You don't need combat ships to explore. A few top-tier frigates can easily dispatch remnant fragments and domain sentries. Just learn to sneak around and you can even explore red systems.
Pirates don't do this. Pirates need settlements alive and well so that they can rob more ships. This user more or less did what Americans did, not what pirates are doing.
30 tempests with phase lances and sabots
25 tempests + 5 omens is better. Mixing lances with ion pulsers is also a good idea.
user historical pirates didn't sink merchant ships on sight either. Starsector's idea of pirates are more akin to military blockades than real privateers.
Still though nuking a planet to resettle it not pirate behavior no matter how you look at it.
>not launching an exterminatus on every faction that dares to attack you
AI is literally too retarded to destroy a fucking lvl 2 or above station even if there are no enemies
What really bothers with this debacle is that the modder that threw a fit wasn't affected by it. None of the modified mods were his work, it was pure "outrage on behalf" bullshit.
Then again it could have been solved instantly if the author of the portrait mod didn't get pissy about asking permission.
Shouldn't have to ask permission to modify someone else's mod
They sure as fuck didn't ask permission to modify someone else's game and if you told them they couldn't mod the game they'd tell you to get bent
Any modder mad at that guy for modding their mods is a hypocrit
Why the fuck would they even need to ask permission when, by default, the addons they offered were optional and the end user had to replace the portraits of the other mods manually
That's called a license and if you want your mod on the official forum, you need to follow them. What you do on your own copy of the mod/game is you private life and nobody cares about it.
Those threads were good times
Anyone have a download link for the mod? They removed it on the mod forum.
is this satire
And that's why the forum is a cancer on modding.
It's not called a 'license' you gigantic faggot
if you don't want someone else modifying your own modification your only choice is to be a total faggot and stop providing your modification to people
you have no legal recourse there is no license there is no contract your shit once provided for free to people cannot be unprovided for free so even trying to lock it up wont work
You will not be able to shut down someone modding your mod no matter how much you go and whine to a court about it, the only reason they got away with this bullshit at all is because they run the forum
no, this is anti-moddb posting
Now that I've played quite a bit of the base game, what mods to get? How's Nexerelin?
If any of you can pull up a working link to this mod I'll be happy to duplicate the included portraits for every mod faction just like I did the degenerate pack.
Fuck prima donna modders.
you have to go back
this isn't your hugbox forum mate, nobody here gives a shit about your dumb fucking rules about modding
Get moar ships/dakka and the combat quickening mod
Just found a Legion and Astral, each without d mods in medium threat systems, how lucky am I?
This is absolutely not how it work, but I don't have a dog in this fight since all my mods are under Creative Common licences. I doubt there is any convincing you anyway.
by not a threat, it meant slow and cumbersome so avoid it because you can, and instead focus on other things before you come back to finish off the bigger boy
honestly you tards and your COMPLETE lack of strategical and tactical understanding just disgusts me, I bet you choose your targets at random, don't you.
Can you give individual carriers individual fighter orders?
If you can, if I'm running multiple cariers do I have 1 carrier field anti shield fighters and 1 anti armour and micro manage them?
What the fuck does the Intel building do? I am just getting useless Intel chips
post seed?
It absolutely is how it works
You just go right ahead and try to stop someone modding your mod at any time and see how it works out for you
/vg/ thread has a mega, mod is the Oga Portrait Pack
>send the anti-shield wing
>enemy AI drops the shield for 1 millisecond taking no damage to armor and no flux
>send in the anti-armor wing
>enemy has the shield back up
It wasn't going to work anyway. Shield breakers are only good when the nemy is already under tons of pressure and can't afford to drop shields.
I got a mission to find 10 intel chips and the reward was 1.5 million dollars
It's in the Gaap and Telephassa star system, and just noticed they're actually low and not medium threat
Is there a way to fix D-mods? How?
you just restore them when docked
go to any station or planet, go to the store, go to fleet, press restore in the refit menu
there's a button in the refit screen that says "RESTORE"
In the refit screen there will be a button called restore under weapon groups.
new player here, got the nexelium mod and started a game with the ludic path faction
did i do well guys?
Please host
hey buddy, somethingawful is 2 domains down
But then both fighters go in, and you have a 50/50 chance of the bombers unloading a bit too soon.
How else do you do fighters? It's the only thing not obvious to me.
Kill them all...then raid their base and destabilize it
slapping a high command on every planet in the system in order to get more patrols
1. Have colony in system
2. Have patrol fleets produced by that colony
3. The patrol fleets will automatically flip the relays back for you
>show up at a pirate base with a bounty
>scavenger fleet just cleaning up as i arrive
fuck you
>pick spacer
>has some obligation from past that makes me pay increasings sums of money every month
>its 15k now per month
I regret picking this start now. I doubt it ever is going away.
anyone have any good colony seeds? i've been fucked in the last 3-4 maps in that shits barely habitable unless i go miles out from the core
Nigger what did you expect from the hard mode start?
I expected just 2k start money and shitty shuttle. And no monthly income at all. Not some random thing that makes me pay more and more every month.
Is merc the best start? hammerheads and drovers see strong early game and you get another carrier and hammerhead for free if you do the tutorial, plus an officer
>what did you expect from the hard mode start?
A hard mode START, not having a permanent handicap that only gets worse.
The debt is there solely to please the forum fags who flipped a shit about the free heg neetbux the other starts get being 'too easy'
You can thank me now
Why not disable neetbux instead of adding a loan?
just go get a commission from a faction and stop crying
You activated Recettear mode now learn to Capitalism.
Should I turn on my transponder and pick a side, if the orbital station can handle the dominators then I could handle the rest easy.
Ask the dev, not me, ideally the start system would be a lot more flexible about letting you choose conditions instead of just being tied to the dialogue system
is there a mod or can I edit the files to make the radiant flyable?
i'm sure that commission can cover it when the "debt" gets into something like 100k per month
This is my shipfu, there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Seriously why is this ship so much fun to pilot?
The mine spam already elevates it to at least good
Commission does go up to about 100k per month.
>hegemony steals my alpha AI and like 7 lesser AI cores
>decide to go ballistic and stop them from ever doing it again
>send my entire fleet against the megacity orbital habitat in Corvid
>it gets fucking annihilated because it's made mostly of small frigates that jump around all over the place to outmaneuver fleets
>booted back to my 9-world colonial empire
>spend a few months gearing up
>three conquests, like 6 apogees all geared for smacking down shields and barraging the shit out of anything with missiles
>tons of medusas for point defense
>crack that motherfucking station like a nut
>proceed to repeat it on the entire hegemony until I've removed all their colonies
>finally my AI are safe
It got annihilated by a remnant ordo or two, but not before I fucked up their space station. Then I came back with a lot of frigates and six midline carriers with high-tech bombers/fighters exclusively. The moment any shield went down on those fuckers they ate multiple reapers from my swarm of bombers.
I had no idea then. I wanted to with completely independent trader with this start, so I might as well start another game. Is there any other starts without that "stipend" shit or other income?
>I use it anyways since the mod added white people to the portraits
>Implying that nasty wh*toides would still exist in the future
Is that pirate atlas mk2 even fucking worth keeping
When I fight pirates it's legitimately the only ship I have to watch out for in their fleets.
It's bretty good when it's not crippled by 6 D-mods at once. In case you haven't noticed, large ballistic mounts are quite rare in vanilla.
>implying the Domain didn't just banish all niggers and mutts to the Persean sector
Not just rare, accelerated ammo feeder large ballistics is something only the atlas mk2 can do
Squalls feel a hell of a lot stronger then this makes them out to be, I mean, sure, only five salvos, but half the time the sheer number of missiles overwhelms the enemy and results in you crippling or outright killing one of their biggest, deadliest ships in the first few seconds of combat, especially when you partner it up with some quick or phase frigates to get in close and finish the job while the shields are down.
it's an old chart and a lot of the weapons have been rebalanced
Okay, here's the portrait pack
It should work like a regular mod
>Implying the Domain of (BLACK) Man breeded out all the wh*toides genes off the existence
what's a good cargo ship for early game before moving to the colossus ?
Whatever shit you salvage off pirates? Colossus is like 65k, you can make that without leaving Corvus by smuggling drugs to pirates.
Mule (P)
>shielded cargo holds
>doesn't need militarized subsystems
>won't immediately die in a fight
What did 0.91a change? I've still got my 9.0a installed and wondering if it's worth the headache of cleaning the old files, letting it update, and having to mod it from scratch again.
its a whole new game, really
how do you win battles mane, i just cant do it. some one please help a brainlet.
To defeat the enemy fleets, shoot at it until it dies.
I'm sure it;s a meme at this point but I'd love some like, cosmic horror shit in the deep reaches of space. The weird pulsating background and the heart beats wet my willy as it is but imagine something like hellstar remina just reaching out and wiping out a planet near you
>taking your fucking specialized cargo and tanker ships to battle
The fuck
what colony buildings should I get any which avoid? I've seen anons say that commerce is shit but reading the tooltip I couldn't tell why
Gonna need more details than that buddy - what's your fleet, what's your flagship, who are you fighting etc.
look what i just scavanged from some h*gemony fags
i know the legion isnt the best capital class ship but i'll take what i can get
I'm surprise no one made a mod of something like that yet
Commerce is shit because it does nothing. The stability bonus is the primary reason to use it, any only if you need it bad.
>not kitting out your freighters as ghetto warships
Combat Freighter is in it's fucking name
There was two of them, but one hasn't been updated for ages and the other has been in limbo for just as much. So there is hope for a new one.
can you link these two? I just wanna to check it
spam missiles
>piloting slow ass ships
In the early game, a lot of the time the answer is pick your fights better. Take the perks that increase your speed and sensor abilities first so you have the ability to see what's around you and run away from it.
Here is the not updated one. This could have been great has a remnant like faction...
And here is the other