It wasn't supposed to be a documentary

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary

Attached: deus ex cover.jpg (800x789, 128K)

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Alex jones simulator

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

i wish we could have more detailed discussions on the ideologies in this game. usually it's just surface level shit.

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And it's disturbing how it actually ended up being.

Only the moment new fashion ends up looking like Robocop/Matrix extras and tech design looks like something out of Men in Black or a Blackberry commercial that I'll start to get worried.

Then where's my augs?

>DAE think we live in a dystopian left wing nightmare?

kys nazi

I think the game is correct in man needing God. He may just be a creation of man but we are getting closer every day to finally physically or at least digitally manifesting him.

Man doesn't need God, God is what man uses to hide their fear of going within and fixing what's actually wrong with them.

I wonder how the game's narrative and discussion around the game's themes would have changed had the Moon/White House levels not been cut from the game

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do you guys think their might be rouge artificial intelligences out in the botnet?

The nazis were authoritarian and so are the powers that be

[The bum screams at you]

>cut content in Deus Ex
Tell me more.

deu sex

I'm not good at summaries so here's the entire TCRF page about it

There's also the Deus Ex Bible with early concepts and ideas and shit.
And some time ago the original design document got scanned and put on the internet
Have fun dude

Such helpful people!

Denton/Helios expands on why man might need God more in IW

>make humans into drone bug people to eliminate evil
Yeah no fuck you 1776 will commence again

That's not what he says at all numbnuts, he's suggesting a digital direct democracy where an AI Super Construct acts as intermediary. As an AI Construct, Helios doesn't have the same desires or emotional needs that a hero does, political corruption or unjust tyranny is a non-starter because the AI has no need or desire for it


The traditional colour for electronics is black.

You really expect anything good to come from a computer having access to everyone's brains? One glitch and it's game over for humanity.

Number 1.

That's terror.

Electric blue is the peak aesthetic though.

When science observes a phenomenon, it assumes that’s its nature; the perceptual is the actual. However, in the modern fields of relativistic and quantum physics, observation affects the process being observed, with a different outcome than if the process were unobserved.

In Hermeticism, that which is being studied is a reflection of the observer and the two are instrinsically linked. This is central to Hermetic philosophy as seen in the famous phrase “As above, so below’: the universe is a symbolic reflection of what is happening inside of ourselves. The quest for knowledge becomes a spiritual journey to return to a state of unity with the divine

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