Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future who wishes to compress time. During the quest to defeat Ultimecia...

>Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future who wishes to compress time. During the quest to defeat Ultimecia, Squall struggles with his role as leader and develops a romance with one of his comrades, Seifer Almasy.

How do you compress time?

Attached: Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg (256x250, 27K)

By compressing it

first you have to spell it "kompress" with a k, not many people know this

It's an option that comes up when you right click on something, you imbecile.

Time is weird there's no explaining it.

Btw Ultimecia is clearly Rinoa from the future, I can't understand why the writers keep denying this when the hints are everywhere. I guess they wanted to keep it open and leave room for interpretation, but the jig is up at this point.

Consider the state of the universe before the Big Bang, the initial singularity. There was no past, no future, just a single point that contained everything. Ultimecia's "Time Compression" is perhaps better understood as "Space-Time Compression", reverting the universe to a singularity albeit under her control, after which she could remake the universe however she sees fit.

Attached: 190416-nasa-the-big-bang-time-arrow-arrow2-ac-1110p_5798231f87ad507fcb26606d2fb851e8.fit-760w.jpg (760x528, 73K)

I think they've kind of given up on trying to hide that somewhat. I mean for fucks sake look at this.

Attached: Ulti.png (1055x638, 1.24M)

The same way you pump gravity

Why is there still no release date on the remaster?

Because it came out like 3 months ago.

It was announced like three months ago and is supposed to be released this year

I distinctly remember big boy Rocco talking about playing it in the 64 podcast.

If you compressed time to a single moment wouldn’t all the times you farted or had bad diarrhea happen at once?
How would you keep from drowning in an immense sphere of your own liquid feces?

>How do you compress time?
Time is a flat circle. But how do you compress a circle??

doesnt she achieve her goal but it was okay because the power of love or something

Umm... guys?

You kompress it and kill anyone who try to stop you

Eyes on me still makes me cry when i hear it

Reminder that U=R is canon.

Attached: 1544467239118.png (597x740, 808K)

Basically? They never really explain what Time Kompression actually is only that all of existence seems to compress onto Ultimecia's face. Except the party members for some reason. And then they kill her and everyone ends up in the present day for some reason.

That's sort of the problem I have with the PS1 era of Final Fantasy. The stakes are so ludicrously high that it's impossible to understand it

because she isnt?

>tfw you realize that ultimecia was the mature wife in japaneses' minds, becoming scary because she outpowers you.
For them, girls are cute at first and seem like nothing, like Rinoa. But once you marry them they become like ultimecia and start kompressing time.

to this day I'm still amazed that out of all the retarded ass pull scenarios she would use to escape fate, the writers chose compressing all of time in the entire universe into a singularity was a perfectly reasonable conclusion for her to make and no one hardly seems fazed by it either

I replayed Final Fantasy 8 recently, and I realized something--
As a kid, I really liked FF7 because the story is a complex puzzle, that becomes really simple once you work out a few bits: Sephiroth is in the northern crater the whole time, and Jenova has been impersonating him to get Cloud (her puppet) to get her the black materia. But FF8 isn't a puzzle at all, I mean there are those little touches people point out (like Seifer imitating Laguna), but overall it's a long meditation on loss. So I didn't like FF8 as a kid, but I like it a lot now. I think this whole R=U business is, essentially, a desire for FF8 to be the puzzle that FF7 (or Chrono Cross or Xenogears) were, which ultimately just misses the point.

>Fanfiction shit

UR = Retarded

>SE is too scared of admitting U=R

>Ultimecia = Rinoa

At least it's not the Squall dies at the end of disc 1 theory.

R=U theory has long been proven wrong in favor of Q=U weeks ago, my dude.