>Io only resonates with you because you can explore memories and she remembers absolutely nothing >this will somehow lead to some time travel shit >Jack hates you for it so he only tags along with you for the first half >all the other faction leaders don't know about your powers but they know about how much faster than them you're getting to trees, so they target Io >all the early buddies you make are the only buddies you will ever have because everyone else literally hates you
>time travel I know they're cookie cutter as hell, but that would be too easy even for them. Unless it's like Dark Souls 2 kinda time travel, that was pretty unique.
Thomas Young
As long as my character has huge tid I don't fucking care about the plot.
Adam Miller
I'm willing to bet the game is actually set in the same world and time as the God Eater games, just looking at the buildings. The red mist didn't just "happen", it was put up there, with everyone in it being pawns in what is essentially a battle royale to physically and mentally prepare warriors for the world outside of the red mist. It's the only thing that makes sense because 1. We got factions in a race for power because blood beads are finite. Whoever orchestrated these collections (likely the cuck who experimented on Silva) knew the desperation in revenants and therefore hopes to see the strongest come out. Quick and easy way to sneak in a morally black-ish gray antagonist you can slightly sympathize for. 2. The "Lost" is just that region's way of calling the Aragami phenomenon. 3. Shift still have a huge GE boner and Bamco can't let that series die.
Joshua Nelson
>just looking at the buildings lol look at this huge fuckin clown This is anime, yeah, but no fucking way is it going to be related to God Eater, it's catering to vamp weebs. What, you're telling me past that red mist you'll see someone getting fucked up by a Dyaus Pita or something? Come on man