Real life bosses

Real life bosses

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>That one guy with his arms behind his back
Why are JRPGs so shit at foreshadowing traitors?

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Did that dude actually betray Mosley at some point?

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top fucking kek

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>light in the background gives makes it look like the thread is pinned
Was it intentional?


>Mosley thread on Yea Forums

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I could kill all of those faggots with my bare hands

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Yes he was secretly Jewish

Attached: cool ass nigga.jpg (500x500, 66K)

>Boss fight is scripted to make you lose
>Afterwards he takes away all your equipment and locks you in a dungeon

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I've got a bone to pick with you

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>Boss can taunt you

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>boss forces you into cover but is an instakill

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>the floridian giga-chad

>high level random encounter

>boss forces your character to jam out to his bossfight song

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Everytime i see this picture, i hear this dudes voice

Attached: th.jpeg.jpg (474x397, 17K)

You're in MY world now!

Imagine the smell of her pussy

heh.. now, you're operating under MY conditions ... .

>boss battle in a rhythm game

>america after trump

What a tough motherfucker

The only way to beat him is to buy his fucking game twice, user.

Attached: you_better_buy_some_nuka_cola_coins_right_fucking_now_.jpg (338x358, 18K)

he’s not the boss, he’s the hero of the story.

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A monkey could kill you with it's bare hands

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imagine her crushing your head between those thick thighs haha

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Attached: 20190811_222706.png (500x620, 472K)

>outsmarts the protag at every turn
>always just barely escapes the protag
>gets defeated mid game, but escapes from prison
>raises another army in like 3 months, retakes 75% of the land protag took from him
>even at the end, he gets away and laughs at you as he sails away from another prison island

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pls todd, I can only afford one copy.

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>boss watches you fight their underlings
>the music picks up and becomes orchestral when they stand up

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What's the female version of an absolute unit?

I’d let her defeat me and take me as a sex trophy

Attached: search for your crimson.jpg (720x538, 57K)

>the game let's you heal up before the fight

Attached: burgerland.jpg (1200x675, 156K)


>boss has 6 stages for each member respectively
>each member has a different moveset from the other
>in the 6th stage they all fuse together to transform into a giant tank

Attached: super sentai.jpg (960x717, 140K)

Attached: Stickman.png (384x454, 357K)

looking at her compared with her environment, I'd say she's only about six foot tall and is just standing next to short girls as a perspective trick.

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>boss deals huge damage if he knocks you back against a wall with his shield

Six feet tall is pretty tall for a woman dude. Also no shit the other girls are short look at the girl on rights romper.

6'5'' Bry Fernstorm

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A legit cursed statue. Rad.

please post the edit of this image with radiant massive white feathery wings coming out of his back

i actually want this framed and put on my wall

>Ginyu force poses

>boss fight is a horde of enemies

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looks like user finally got his revenge

Attached: hate artists.png (1024x583, 469K)

how much money did blizzard lost because of this guy?

Not enough

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I have a whole folder of this stuff

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One man, facing hell alone

True kino

These guys rule

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cyberpunk 2077 when

Need a higher res
Looks like hes cracking his knuckles. What a great shot.
What army?

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>What army?
No idea, must be from WW1 for sure.

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guarantee you this guy was an insufferable cunt who wouldn't shut up about his fucking dragon and how he had to "hand carve every scale"

the only thing that embarrasses me about artists is when they bitch and moan about how this or that art is bad. aka, this guy.

art's not a competition, it's an expression, and this guy expressed his autism

The stahlhelms tell me they're Germans

In case this hasn't been done already
>from left to right

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she will eat your dick or what?

I believe you, but it's still ridiculous to throw a statue of a guy sucking himself off into the exhibit next to a dragon

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>former hero becomes a villain

Attached: Asaro mudmen 1.jpg (900x599, 233K)

Attached: sinr567s8.jpg (651x960, 227K)

what happened to him?


He got punished

>Phase 1: Fight hundreds of undead to get to the statue
>Phase 2: Fight the statue
>Phase 3: Fight the God Spirit inside the statue

Context? Hilarious

>What army
German 1916-1918

Attached: 260910_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 321K)

oh definitely, but I doubt this was a great art school, and at less prominent art schools they simply have much less space. My massive STEM uni had just one small room in a library that housed the entirety of art on the campus.

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muh ideals

Attached: milkman.jpg (540x720, 50K)

>dog is revealed to be the master mind and the human is just his muscle

the a/b/iss watchers

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He became even stronger

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god i wish that were me

Attached: Asaro mudmen 3.jpg (1080x713, 167K)

Thanks fellas

where did the guy on the right find weights to lift out there

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>america after obama fixed

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Some dude at comiket cosplaying as an actor that did a credit card ad.

The boss’s powerlevel increases as the fight goes on

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At least they're having fun
God I wish that was me.

I'm not sure if they're savages or "normal" people wearing traditional costumes, but if it's the first I'd imagine you need some muscle to survive in the jungle.

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You should've seen the other guy

I got pittbulls before, cool dogs; but theyre very active dogs imo

>immune to blinding

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design the encounter

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I absolutely love this shit when it happens in vidya. Nothing builds hype quite like that.

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I want Daedalus Falling to be played at my funeral

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Nameless king fight was kino

don't post mommy here

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name 34 games that do this

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Dude he's a nazi

it was me Main Character, the one behind all your suffering

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>kills himself

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a classic one

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You go in, but don't come up.

these guys are permanently at the top of my list of "people who I wish had won"

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Attached: Deoxys.png (500x502, 130K)

The boss is only a pawn in a larger game

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that's a lot of burgers

Attached: Rage Rover, The Petrified.jpg (480x468, 46K)

>perhaps it'd be unfair to make you fight all 5 of my advisors at once... but fair treatment was never shown to my people

Attached: Giant man chained to a house.jpg (1026x1076, 166K)

i fucking hate artists.

foe or friend?

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Have the yakuza edit?

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>Long have I ssslept..... dreamsss of flamesssss

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That popped up in my rec list recently. Small world

Can Minnesota be any more based?

Why was fascism so aesthetic?

*Diabetes kills him*

Attached: Mad sorcerer.jpg (1536x2048, 507K)

>boss drowns you in a wave of food
>you have to eat the food to get out as it replenishes your health

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>it's a mini boss

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>*son of a gun starts playing*

>Once beaten you find out the god was simply protecting the land and making sure the spirits of the fallen could rest peacefully
>Returning to the area you can see the land is now corrupted with wandering spirits whaling and crying for peace

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How can I buy your game again if you won't port it, Todd?

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because aesthetics were part of the ideology. basically, literally everything is more aesthetic than liberal democracy

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it tried to uphold/impose ideals of strenght, beauty and health.

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I think this one was shopped, not sure.

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lets talk about racing games

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based and Di6pilled

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Last one, but I also have lots of real life vidya locations if you guys want a dump of those.

I'm a retard.

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thats a lot of dry cum user.

thats a whole fucking lot.

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>gran autismo
I sincerely have no idea how to feel about this

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>rival that has a change of heart and dies turning on the villain

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Any /k/ anons present? How does that suit fare against bullets?

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogies Revenge


The cuck Japs would indeed do such a thing.

>boss is a scripted fight that you always lose

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Aw shit, here we go again

four phase boss

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>main antagonist sabotages himself through hubris

>boss is hunted and vilified and needs your help to stay alive

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>anti-hero the protagonist gets shipped with

Mosley was a genuinely good guy, and I say this as someone who doesn't really like England

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I meant wailing, but I guess that works too.

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Attached: Diego_Armando_Maradona-Mundial.jpg (1024x576, 74K)

Fuck futerama for giving me a tall girl fetish

he has the skulls of his defeated enemies tattooed on his arm lol



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>when the game introduces all the bosses at the beginning of the story

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they used this for a god-tier scp

Fucking helghast

Attached: 1552931403028.png (1133x847, 1.22M)

You have to be another level of cock-smoker to side with "Auto-Fellatio c. 200,000 BC"

He didn't fly so good

Attached: 1561732318548.jpg (2048x1662, 581K)

>all those veins popped from 2 to 3
gotta wonder if its worth it. is he a competitor or something?

You can shit on one without siding with the other
Stop thinking of everything in binary

Attached: ISOLATED.webm (744x748, 2.12M)

Me want Snu Snu!

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damn it wrong one

Attached: ISOLATED.webm (264x360, 1.03M)

>t. shits on dragon fag while defending literal self sucker
Yeah they're both faggots, but it's not hard to tell which is worse unless you're also a massive cock smoker.

Attached: KESLA 25RH-II.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>defending literal self sucker
when did I do this
before answering, note that the post to which you just replied is my first one in this exchange

giant women give birth to chads

This guy looks more like a tough mini boss

Safe to say poorly, any metal suit that could stop bullets would be so thick that you couldn't walk in it

hot glue is a weird fetish


i'm scared, what's he jamming out to?

Attached: worry.jpg (767x1024, 120K)

god that looks like complete shite, I can't wait to see the backlash against this dumpster fire of a movie



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WW1 German

Only Nu-males, Feminists, and NPC normies loved the sequels in general. Everyone else took a massive diarrhea shit on it.

Even the normalfags who I asked hated it

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God they look badass as fuck

>the biggest cock is whiteeeee!!!!111111!

Does it get up again after being killed like a Castlevania skeleton?

What could’ve been.
And to think he was nearly elected in my constituency.

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wrong he is the protagonist
the real boss is archiduke charles

Attached: flag bearer frenchie.png (964x985, 159K)

Please delete this from your hard drive

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Attached: regenerator.jpg (699x511, 97K)

>enter area with a few basic enemies
>turns out one of them is the final boss

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*dirty commie

At least the sequels feels like a watchable sci-fi movies instead of the prequels insane fuckery.

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Is that the personification of war, dressed as a baller?

fucking Majin Buu


Attached: black.jpg (384x574, 36K)

I remember that thread
We are anomalous

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>a fellow logging machine fan on Yea Forums
fuck yeah brother

What a phenomenal retard you are

imagine being so tall that the average girl can lean over just a bit and smell your pussy

He already was a demon.

Prequels felt different and made the entire universe better. Sure the movies arguably suck but the settings and aliens brought a renaissance of good ass Star Wars games and lore. Sequels just copied the originals and added nothing new or anything decent to the table. Also Disney is the worst entertainment company in existence

Attached: chef rush.jpg (1200x1800, 200K)

A fucking monster

Attached: magibon.jpg (640x480, 226K)

>demonic pressance at unsafe levels, lockdown in effect

>MC's timid best friend is secret final boss after getting possessed by initial final boss

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what the fuck

Attached: Laughing human torch.jpg (1024x512, 53K)

That cop’s gloves say UFC on them.

Far left is the super genius villa,s middle left is the good second-in-command with words of advice who will die, middle right is a veteran who been there for years, far right is the new guy who just recently joined, and front is the charismatic leader who trusts in his members to complete the mission.

Imagine not liking seafood

newfag to bodybuilding and that stuff
is it normal and safe for veins to be like that? it always weirded me out seeing it

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>We have such sights to show you

That’s a shitty haircut

true final boss is that hideous jacket

Friend, but only if you beat him first and makes him realize he can't fight the main villain alone.

I miss you Mosley
I wish you were the face of fascism instead of that edgelord Hitler and his pet dog Mussolini

thats just nero from dmc5

You cannot fast travel with enemies nearby.

>health restores
>breath meter goes down
>drowning is instadeath
>you cant eat while your health is full

>ughhh what could of been...

Attached: DX47mwA.jpg (1366x768, 268K)

It was a trap.

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Final Boss

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I fucking love that flag

Attached: turtlemode.jpg (660x990, 105K)

>welcome, to the velvet room nigga

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>My parents took away the stairs because i am grounded!

>the villain disappears before the third act

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Forgive me master, just this once, I must go all out...

seek help

>Villain leaves game

Damn the sequel to It Follows is way more intense than the original.

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>thread is just people taking shit from /r/bossfights

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>boss has barely any dialogue, but carries a huge weapon
>damaging him only makes him stronger, heightens his resolve

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seek dilatation

Recliner of Rage

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>"Sookie we need to get them vampires"

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>Real life bosses
>skinny british guys in oversized pants and turtlenecks
what are they going to do, butter my crumpets with moldy jam?

>sawfish macahuitl

yeah im thinking hes based

Living a life of physical labour tends to develop muscle, user.

The prequels had some very interesting ideas but the shittiest execution imaginable. Nu Wars is a combination of shitty ideas and shitty writing.

>final boss finally becomes your bro

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he kinda looks like get_right there

How would you know unless you've been there? Retarded faggot


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what is his moveset?

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>Shadow of the Colossus

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>OMFG: breaks every shelf within a 2-mile radius
>Switch Snap: swaps his position with his opponent's
>FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK: cloud appears overhead and rains a waterfall

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Attached: shin suicide.webm (480x360, 2.16M)

A man so feared the only way to defeat him was to gank him when he was AFK (away from Kongō)

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top kek

>have a seat, user
>it's about time we met in person
>don't you think?

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Why does he even need a shield at this point?

Sears 2020

He doubted Democracy

Attached: 0199_FateStay_NightSaber_20161211BCY_6664_943674_001.jpg (1280x1918, 251K)

the shield is a weapon and just in case armor fails

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I met Pierre Bernard at Wonder-Con in Anaheim a few months ago. He was really surprised when I knew who he was.

Wait, what does a green mage do?

All of those guys are ww1 veterans, so probably the toughest motherfuckers around

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buff/debuff specialist

Damn they look cool. Where's this from?


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Her hair looks like a shit.

Ask on reddit

I'm sure they've all been sold into sex slavery or something by now.

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Eughh the smell went through the screen

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holy cheerleader effect

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From left to right, the sadistic scientist, the authoritarian, the leader, the female?, the comic relief.

guess who

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2 bombs

some people are just vascular by genetics but you can see in the first 2 pics that's not the case for that guy. steroids can make you vascular as fuck as well tho.


>far left

>Updated my journal

Attached: 1538170863740.jpg (750x499, 93K)

I wish more of the songs had the beat stop for a moment. It feels so good.

Now we gotta update that image of the French military with the guy flying around on a hovercraft, armed with a FAMAS.

British Union of Fascists
Man in the middle is the rightful prime minister of Great Britain

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>mini-bosses are finished off by the big bad

Attached: Sir_Adrian_Carton_de_Wiart_by_Sir_William_Orpen.jpg (379x490, 28K)

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>crippled deformed creature-like boss gets the princess at the end

What the fuck

And that's why I go paladin

Attached: 1538176786965.jpg (400x653, 38K)

>isn't actually a sith
>the 'Empire' actually running the name into the mud by slapping it one everything
I fucking hate JJ, I bet he really was the one that whispered the idea of Jar Jar Binks to Lucas. Name fits, and everything.

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This guy has done that a few times before.

sapeurs are based

>he fell for the Muslim religion meme, with a small name change and a cross

>When magic doesn't scale with difficulty

Attached: 4c094c03e547e95c70d25b0ec2629c9e.jpg (374x500, 31K)

Looks like a custom Dragons Dogma character

>the boss is this cutie you try to romance irl

Attached: 1564645947543.webm (576x1246, 1.92M)

Why did Yui left Babymetal?
I mean, she was the least talented but still

>Mom said it's my turn on the playstation


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>Enemy will start taunting mid battle
>Going full Jurassic World Fan Fic pandering mode
>This late in the game
Is this a direct response to TLJ, and they're just trying their hardest to cater to the most obvious shitty ideas so they don't accidentally make shitty ones?

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based gazaman

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you have the whole set?

Attached: 1548823550101.jpg (640x853, 130K)

>The Mandalorian with no name
I've got a few more but I don't know if they're the whole set

Attached: 1555560747256.webm (470x720, 2.92M)

please post them, I would love to save the webms

Attached: 1555560891492.webm (800x450, 2.96M)

This is it.

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thank you very much

Attached: 1533275873269.jpg (969x969, 311K)

>artwork of an artist sucking their own dick right next to the artwork of a guy who won't stop sucking his own dick about his work
this IS deep, neat

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Pablo Escobar

He even had his own last boss fight.

Argentina, actually

Attached: Screenshot_20190812-024633_Bromite.jpg (1080x1377, 1.02M)

>attack boss
>he continues giving his speech

Attached: 1565200766521.jpg (1280x720, 376K)

who dis

Attached: EAUHL3PUEAEZdYv.jpg (1606x2368, 595K)


Attached: anglo.jpg (639x360, 49K)

>Wind & Sand based villain
>Battle Theme is Frantic Spanish Guitar


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am i gay for liking these outfits? i think it looks neat and gives off a nice aesthetic the vergil aesthetic

Every time this image is posted here it starts a conversation, it gets replies. Unironically one of the most iconic gamer moments in history, not even memeing

>hip dips
No thanks i'll pass

>el dio y su pandilla.jpg

me and the lads

Attached: basshunter.jpg (900x1200, 149K)

He tripped

I think we'll be ok as long as nobody here is german

The fuck are hip dips?

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everytime I see this I’m amazed at how good this shot looks. absolute gamerkino

It's a straight ripoff of Kotor but they even kept the name without it meaning anything in that context where as in Kotor they were actually troopers of the Sith empire

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seething commie

is this the crazy pedo nintendo girl?
looks like her as a teen

100% me on far right

>grandpa eats all of the powdered sugar donettes

You stupid old FUCK. I was SAVING THOSE

the face of a killer

velma got a rack smdh

>that vendor npc that sells you supplies right before the final boss showdown

Attached: 1562027091671.jpg (933x1244, 245K)

>spirits of past heroes join as your party members

Attached: Gordon and Shughart.jpg (433x438, 155K)

Attached: 1526691766556.png (486x810, 584K)

How the fuck did they get such a good shot? who's the photographer? it looks like a fucking painting of kino

> boss can replenish his hp in full during battle

>Shady-ass rude character is condescending to the player and egotistical
>He ends up being a villain
>Everyone in universe is shocked

Every. Single. Time.

Attached: Ancano.png (600x1080, 1.14M)

Degenarates like you belong on a cross.

Such a comfy time to be on Yea Forums


Alex Jones should have an evil version of himself regularly innrerupt his show like 2010 movie reviewers on YouTube.

I laugh at girls requiring their guys to be atleast 6' tall, but then I realize why girls have that fetish

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> max STR and DEX

Six feet is like literal gigantism. Isn't 5'9 the average?

Guy in yellow looks like a 12 year old grandma

The Hardest Rider

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Imagine the smell.

Attached: Hot Ice.gif (372x340, 3.84M)

Does he rage uncontrollably when he doesn't finish 1st?

Attached: 331.webm (720x1280, 1.07M)

>that time someone asked him in a reddit AMA if he'd ever played fallout and he responded with some rude "I'VE NEVER PLAYED A GAME AND I NEVER WILL GO OUTSIDE" shit


>optional hidden boss

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>Hero... You're a bit half-baked!
>It's time for me to spice this battle up!
>...and for dessert!


It's the final fight, water you waiting for?

Horry shet kek’d


Like tears in the rain......

No. I really like the aesthetic too. It's very well designed and not annoying to look at.

>God tier: villains whose motives are hard to disagree with and are arguably better than the heroes.

> Nanomachines, son!

I'm 6'3" and a KHV. Never get down about your height, it's not THE thing, just another thing.

much cuter before getting into cosplay

Oh, iron lung, are you at the house?
Will you be alright, did they throw you out?

God it's been such a long time since I've thought about TCR