What book would you like to see adapted into a video game?

What book would you like to see adapted into a video game?
>Baby mode
the last book you read
>Hard mode
you're favorite book
>dante must die mode
a book that would actually translate well to vidya format

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>Tfw you screw up grammar in the OP
Well boys let the thread die it's all over

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At least post mormon dragonball Z next time

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I hope you niggers still read and don't just jerk off to anime tiddies all day but i guess that's giving the average Yea Forumstard too much credit.

Tyranny already exists, and it sucked. Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 are much better.

Myth 1 and 2 exist.

Mistborn era 2 has better vidya potential, a cross between Dishonored and RDR.

With Stormlight I can't really see anything but a fairly linear action game. Nothing really wrong with that (and they're my favorite Sanderson books) but it's not a very portable setting due to the ways the powers work.

Is it Jasnah? Why is she a nig?

Although I hate Sanderson's autistic descriptions of how his magic works, it would probably be easy to write the magic system in-engine.
Going to be a pain to balance it though.

Are any of the Sherlock Holmes good? And I don't mean DGS which I've played, I mean actual Sherlock games.