Has any other videogame had as much or a cultural impact as Fortnite?
Has any other videogame had as much or a cultural impact as Fortnite?
This. Even though I hate it.
Far too many newborns survive into adolescence these days.
At least 70% of all newborns should die before their first birthday, there's too many of us, we have no value and we're getting worse as time goes on.
halo, cod
this but with minorities
Halo and Pokemon. That's it.
This. Including women.
Its hayday was fucking insane.
This but with white males.
But if there were more women there would be less incels
Sure thing satan
Has pokemon set any standards in videogames that are present these days? do games still have that 'collect all the characters for the sake of it' central mechanic?
actually as it turns out, the girl would still only go for the best guys and incels would still increase. even with a fuck ton of women, only a few guys still get most of the girls as it turns out
That's like saying if there were more yachts there would be less people without yachts.
Nah cunt that's just you- maybe show us how it's done
>Millenial Generation
>Bunch of furfaggots from growing up with pokémon and ruining their lives with catching them all
>zoomer Generation
>bunch of energy drinked coke-heads shooting up schools while doing fornite dances
We are so fucked, no wonder the boomers make fun of us.
Go outside, user.
it's why i'm down with an influx of religious right immigrants. they'll lay down some laws and sort out the kids.
>Letting kids that small play video games
>Letting kids that small play addictive skinner box video games
They're just kids you panicky little girl.
Women get just as desperate as men do if there is actual competition for good partners.
thats how imagine average Yea Forums user looks like
Shitty parents will always be shitty. If it's not videogames it'll be shit like smoking/drinking/etc.
Only a few years back pokemon go was the hottest shit, even tho the "game" was a barebones shitheap of a cashgrab. Tells you how much potential influence the brand still holds.
What the FUCK is wrong with Yanks?
Desperate for money
>create program that connects women to dick
>there's no competition because you can fuck someone new every night
you fucking retard, women don't even want partners anymore, just paypigs and cock.
>comparing human beings to objects
alright then
That's true though, a surplus of yachts would make yachts less inherently valuable.
have sex
Yes, sweaty, your unique personality can be broken down into brutal economic terms, just like anyone else on earth.
Literally every pre 2000s major IPs. Fortnite will be forgotten after the next thing and will never have the same cultural impact as street fighter or mortal kombat.
No, because yachts require
>a place to use the yacht
>a way to get to the where the yacht is
>crew to service the yacht
>people to maintain the yacht
>fuel for the yacht
wow i wonder why girls don't like you
Fuuuuck my kids go to school after the summer for the first time. Well behaved kids that love to be outside on farms and love nature. Whenever we meet parents who have the kids already in school they are rotten brats who only want to look on mommies phone and tablet.
I almost wrecked my car in the first week and never touched it again. I remember seeing others in the first week also almost wreck. I went to this hotel next to my apartment because it had a pokestop and some girl tells me to come it. Like 100 manchildren and autistic girls were in the there. Bar tender was so pissed because they werent ready for it and they were out of glasses
Tinder thots are not as large of a percentage of females as you think
>thread about fortnite
>devolves into shitposting about women
You incels need a new hobby, stay off my Yea Forums
minecraft easily
I feel like this analogy has strayed a bit
A woman is a lot like a refrigerator. They're about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice.
super mario? it was the go-to video game reference, everyone knew about it. pretty much still is. fortnite has a long ways to go yet.
They hum intermittently.
wonder what is going to be the next fad, people thought autochess but it lacks depth and is already dying, i honestly believe it could be rts if microsoft promotes AoE2 definitive edition well enough we could have a contender here
they get thirsty for the good guys, still meaning only the few upper men who get most of the girls to begin with, with those guys being able to turn down girls for any reason while the rest of the guys would still have to either take it or leave it or " find a fat single mom or be alone forever" kind of deal. girls wouldnt get thirsty for the regular guy even if there were 2 girls for every 1 guy in a culture. shit in china, it is like 12 guys for every 10 girls as it is now
you mean resources and financial security and protection
This. Also Minecraft for a period of time.
prove it
This generation needs to be bullied into submission. The fact being teachers support this is insane.
I didn't make the assertion in the first place you sad fuck. If you weren't in the lower 10th percentile of desirability you'd have no problem finding them
Anyone have the webm of the boomer dad doing the dance to wind up his daughter and embarrass her?
God this is so cringe, they're having fun and being encourage by adults. No one's even getting shot or harassed by niggers. Disgusting.
World of Warcraft
Fortnite just a minor fad that sold a lot, nothing else.
this is pretty rad. like 90s/2000s lan gaming
I miss LAN parties brehs. Playing AoEII and CS1.6 until the wee hours with the squad. Now we've all got jobs and shit and can't waste our lives on vidya.
My main problem with Fortnite dances is that they're not actually dances, it's just kids flailing their limbs about with zero rhythm or coordination.
>those burnt hotdogs
Still going strong
Moonwalking isnt dancing either then you stupid faggot
>video about kids dancing
Why are /vpol/ so obsessed with African Americans?
but sucking a dick is
>those comments
Why are we supposed to hate fortnite again? Is it just because zoomers play it?
>highly technical with a steep initial learning curve
>lets you taunt on people's corpses; teaches kids how to take the bantz
>has cute girl avatars and outfits
>is primarily multiplayer but has single-player modes
>is highly inclusive but never gets accused of "forcing politics"
it proves everything Yea Forums predicts about how the next generation will ruin videogames wrong. No wonder it makes Yea Forums seethe.
future mass shooters
Fortnite is the most played game in Europe.
kill yourself
i just hate br's
>you win
>all you get is a win screen and some skins
I dislike it purely because i see it everywhere online
Fuck off with your fortnite shit and die
a drop in the ocean of crime though
You forgot the biggest thing which is all DLC and microtrasactions are cosmetic only, and it doesnt even have random lootboxes either.
Whole game just fucking shit all over Yea Forums.
>Some shitty /pol/ meme
>Woah BTFO!!!
Why are /pol/tards like this? They can't make arguments so they post memes based off statistics that don't really explain the issues.
Isn't Pokemon the single largest IP that exists?
you ARE the ocean devil.
nobody has done is doing the amount of crime you white supremacists have done.
>fake pciture
Have you ever seen Yea Forums good at multiplayer games? No. Fighting games? No. ASSFAGGOTS? No. Yea Forums is literally only good for discussing porn and weebshit.
low empathy. must be a coincidence
> that don't really explain the issues.
but it does. numbers don't lie, they state that blacks commit more crimes than others, which is why they're disliked by some.
Niggers shooting each other has no effect on me. A wh*toid shooting up the grocery store while I shop has an effect on me, though.
Posting a number is not an argument, /pol/. I guess this is just how you justify white supremacist violence, you see a number on a screen and then think it's okay to kill people of color.
/vpol/ is pathetic creature, I bet you all look like this.
This is literally Fortnite and CoD audience.
Pokemon is the largest media franchise in the world yes.
>here are some events which are currently being overturned
Stay mad nigger.
>you see a number on a screen and then think it's okay to kill people of color.
i have no idea what you're talking about, i'm just stating a reason why blacks are not liked.
The kids in OP's video look like there late zoomer/ Early alpha
That guy targeted Mexicans, though, not blacks. It was the left wing one that killed blacks.
Just saying.
you are dying off faste than bein born you inbred bitch, irreversible negative birthrate. thats also why we see you crackers shooting up everything, just an inferior race dying off
White boys are so weird.
Mimecraft, Tetris, pokemon, Pac man, Mario Bros, Zelda Ocarina of Time, WoW. Shit. There are a lot of games with not only more impact, but more legacy too.
>implying Yea Forums isn't a central for incels
>doesn't like burnt weenies
spotted the gay
enjoy starving then :)
we aint worried cracker
plebbit pls
Literally half those are G*D's chosen people though?
halo doesn't matter as much as you think it matters
If whites disappear who do you think is gonna feed your nigger ass lmao, you can’t sirvive without white people shitskin
People remembering stupid dances from a game is not "cultural impact" Those kids probably have not even played the game. It's not even a game FOR kids.
Nah. They're even more degenerate. All they'll do is make crime worse and demand gibs when automation replaces all their shit-tier jobs.
I had a meme featured in a pewdiepie video.
I've had my fake tips been reported as news by American media outlets during the 2014 riots in Ferguson.
I've also made memes that have thousands of results on google searches or hundreds of reuploads for the hash on archives.
I've made videos that have been retweeted by Taleworlds. I made that partyvan video based on the scene from the core with the bossa nova music over it.
I've made dozens of SWF videos that I still see posted today.
I've made OC of Unteralterbach that still gets posted. I learned how to sketch just to draw one sketch of a cunny then dropped it all together and never tried again.
I've been banned from almost every platform I use. I've ruined gaming groups by doxing members and turning them against each other. I even got a retard from synchtube swatted. I'm probably the reason Australian ISPs are banned on Yea Forums.
I've been extremely physically fit. I've been so morbidly obese I got out of breathe walking to the fridge.
I've been everywhere there is to go on the clearnet and onion.
I've lived in filth and trash and posted images of my room that have been reposted to various forums, including reddit. It's funny see how appalled they are. Hell, I've been so apathetic that I've worn the same clothes for so long that the cum stains on my shirt turned into mould and I still went out and giggled to myself as normalfags had to stand next to me in line to buy a burger.
I've made comfy threads where I climb cranes and construction sites at night and post pictures as I go around. I've cut my arms and face open with a razor and posted images to freak people out... those images have been reposted.
And I've got literally nothing to show for any of this. I've wasted all my time for nothing. I can't tell anyone my interests or hobbies. I can't share my life with anybody. Nobody exists that I can relate to. I have gained little skills. I have no friends. Funny huh?
I mostly hate the awful aesthetics and style, I have considered before that I would probably play and enjoy a BR game if it wasn't so goddamn ugly. Fortnite is like the Marvel Comics version of an FPS, completely disgusting to look at, I'm surprised they didn't use Comic Sans for the UI.
Thanks to immigration coupled with political correctness we really have no culture anymore so we simply imitate the media we consume as a substitute.
I wish fortnite would teach people how to google shit instead of using Yea Forums like google.
So... whites?
Can't stop thinking about them
Damn, look at Yea Forums proudly showing his knowledge on women acquired from amerifat dating app stats.
What a casanova.
what cultural impact has it had other than making video games worse?
That was the only real good thing about Pokemon Go, there were so many crazy stories that came about thanks to people doing stupid shit to play it.
yes we can you inbred cracker,nobody needs you devils, we were fine when you were fucking animals in the caves we will be fine after, wtf retard think we need them lololololl
>08/11/19(Sun)14:35:55 No.473773597
The greatest Australian hero who ever lived.
>16 men
>8 are jewish
>1 is asian
>1 is latino
>1 is native american
>5 are white
So what am I supposed to glean from this? That they aren't black? Black people in Chicago kill more people each weekend than all sixteen of those guys did combined.
Yeah just look at africa. It's fine!
Nice to see they included all the beaners as "white"
its white supremati killing people in Chicago
also nobody has killed more people han you crackers, dont matter how many black people kill they will never catch up to you devils
wtf i love fortnight now
it is fine, where the parts you crackers arent destroying it
In 20 years you will be working with these zoomers in your career and you will have to kiss their asses or get fired.
>They're jewish because /pol/ says so
/pol/ thinks Crusius is jewish with no proof.
I completely disregard /pol/ every time they say someone or something is jewish, they do it literally the time.
>shooting up schools
That's an American thing, really
Its a lot sooner than that user.
Too much gameplay. Millennials don't like games they like interactive movies.
None of these things describe a good game, it's not even a highly technical game unless you've never played technical games. I know this is a shitpost but I've seen this sentiment genuinely posted before unironically.
I work with kids and I unironically agree with you. The only reason so many kids don't end up offing themselves in the stupidest way possible is because adults are forced to stop them from doing so.
Fortnite is shit.
On top of everything he posted, it's also genuinely fun in an arcadey way.
I won't ever play it because it's too popular.
Right and yet wrong.
If we genocide all brown filth, such as niggers for example, that alone will bring the population to more stable levels.
They are a waste and they offer nothing in advancement of human society. Perhaps because they aren't human in the first place.
Battle Royales suck. DayZ was the cancer of FPSs, PUBG was the metastasis that killed them, and Fortnite pissed on their corpses.
lol they're are still active canibals and jungle savages in africa. Ironically the places whitey colonized are the best places in africa.
no meme pictures you post will change the fact the Africans are notoriously low iq and prone to violence as supported by essentially every major study conducted. From FBI crime statistics (in america even though blacks make up only 13%of the population they commit 50% of violent crimes), and historically were easily colonized, due to lack of organization and massive developmental disparity between africans and the colonizing europeans. Even today niggers in africa are still dying to tribal warfare.
Go ahead try and make a compelling response to this post. You won't though. If you do it will be some low iq ad hominen, or trying to dodge the points i've made here.
>inb4 you roast me on using the wrong they're cause i'm drunk right now
But there are black ballerinas and white chicks that twerk too?
I wonder what leads someone to think that killing Amerifats is bad.
yes but which people's culture are responsible for each form of dance?
They burn the gays down in Africa
/pol/ isvalways right
Those children deserve to sent to camps.
>female mass shooters
hard to believe
>play arena shooter
>kill people
>all you get is win screen and some skins
well shit
youre also one of the 70%
i don't disagree with you
Imagine living in america where ppl actually have houses
I pity you
>wants colon cancer
i respect that