Your age

>your age
>your favourite game
>age when you lost virginity

>Silent Hill 2
>I haven't

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Diablo 2

I can tell you've never had sex in your life merely because you bring that up for no reason virgin.

I wish I could lose my virginity to a cute boy with shoes

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Wind Waker

>Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

Zelda Majora's Mask

Sonic adventure 2


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>Divinity: Original Sin II

Mid 20s
Never lost it

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>implying i have a favorite game
>implying i have lost my virginity

hoping to either lose it soon or become a wizard bros


>Dragon Dogma Dark arisen

-Persona 4
-Probably never ever

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that's gay

>your age
>your favourite game
I don't have a favorite anything
>age when you lost virginity
I haven't

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>Hard to pick between God Hand, Resident Evil 4, and Ace Combat 04

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>halo 2
>work in progress

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>Ocarina of Time


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Final Fantasy Tactics

12 to my own mother

>your age

>your favorite game

>age when you lost virginity
they will never take my virginity away

Attached: tumblr_pvu4fxChwW1xlqhgno1_1280.jpg (1260x1827, 320K)

Its not gay if he is cute and wears shoes

>Super Mario 64
I just mowed my own lawn for the first time. My fiancé and I have a To Do List, and once we're done, we're gonna shower, fuck, and play vidya. We just moved into our own house two weeks ago, and life is amazing.

F-Zero GX

>phantasy star online eps 1&2 / rust

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Woman here. It astounds me how many virgin men are out there. I thought it was a meme but it's crazy. Why? Why not just go outside and get with any girl? It's so easy to lose it I'm not sure why you're ashamed of being a virgin still if you are just idk hire a hooker or get with a fat girl?

>Garry's Mod

That's gay.
You're gay.



Real life will never beat 2D

>garry's mod
hahaha ive been playing dark rp for the fuck of it past few weeks. Hearing squeekers swear like sailors over VOIP will never not be funny.

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not worth the effort

pic related

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>A 9-way tie between The Sims 1, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Deus Ex, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, The Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Arcanum, XCOM 2, The King of Fighters 2002 and Daibanchou:Big Bang Age by Alicesoft

>either Nier Automata, rdr2 or KoTOR 2
>I haven't

Stop projecting

i have severe social anxiety, and autism

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>your age
>your favourite game
>age when you lost virginity

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No really. Dats gay.

Thief Gold

>I haven't
I just want a boyfriend with a fat belly and smelly butthole who has similar tastes vidya and animewise

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Tits or GTFO

Silent Hill 2

most woman are vapid as shit and only look for men with a rising success incline before settling
long story short, any woman can fuck anyone, men ultimately have to be selected, it's a much higher barrier to entry than you a "woman" would believe.

the witcher 3

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Mother 3
20 but I didn't really like the girl that much and haven't had any action since then

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>Ace Combat 04

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Good luck faggot, nobody wears shoes anymore lmao

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Dwarf Fortress

Metal Gear Solid 3
Wizardry soon™

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>Fallout 4

If anyone wants help getting laid, I haven't gone over a month without 7/10+ pussy since I dropped my V-card. Some basics:

>Yea Forums is not IRL. nobody likes a racist/contrarian/memelord etc.
>Men are better than women. Everyone knows this, especially women. Command her. She already has a pussy, she doesn't need another. Women will constantly test you.
>Be yourself. Unironically. Stale memes and loser crying doesn't make this any less true.

Attached: BuyMyCock.jpg (624x854, 119K)

>Sly cooper 3

>>your age
>>your favourite game
Halo 3
>>age when you lost virginity

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>CS or Animal Crossing

There is nothing gay about liking cute boys with shoes


Silent Hill 3


>F-Zero GX

Attached: Drunk nigga hours.jpg (433x578, 47K)

>Super 3D Noah's Ark
>not yet

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>Final Fantasy IX


post milkers


>never will

>Yea Forums is not IRL. nobody likes a racist/contrarian/memelord etc
Yeah you're definitely not getting laid, all I do is tell offensive jokes and speak my mind in public and guess what? It works.

Congratulations user, despite all the degenerate shit I've seen in all of my years you somehow manage to make me utterly fucking disgusted.

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Damn Yea Forumsro same age and almost same virginity age, and I almost picked that game. My nigga.


Earth Defense Force 2017

Story time

Streets of rage 2

>Deus Ex
>23 maybe? in my 20's

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Not her but call down, Virgy. None likes raging incels.

>The Sims

People who post here are usually ugly and weird.

SH3 is great too
How are you holding up?

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>Counter Strike

>>your age
>>your favourite game
Mass Effect
>>age when you lost virginity


im legally diagnosed with autism by a 70 year old woman also took and IQ test and its below 87

Planescape: Torment
I don't remember

>Resi 2

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Bunny Must Die

we're almost home bros

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Majora's mask

>Hitman Blood money

>Fallout: New Vegas
>I haven't

> mass effect trilogy

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>missing out on sex in your twenties

You'll never expirience that stage where you're super horny, not shy at all, and decent enough to have fun.

23 i had to check my ID. life does that to ya
Mega Man X6

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shut up reddit

>Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
>Still a virgin and haven't had my first kiss

How am I doing?

>best hitman game
based and my nigga

>Fable TLC
>Are we counting males as well? If that's the case 8. Otherwise 14.

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>Ninja Gaiden Black

>all these non virgins

where do I go to be among my real people? Yea Forums has changed

im the same dude. the other week i blanked out and remembered i was 22. it felt like i had my 16 birthday only a few months ago.


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based motherchad

>wizardhood here I come

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maybe banjo kazooie

>Street Fighter Alpha 2

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based on this thread? average

>prey(the old one with the art bell audio not the new one)

I fucked a girl in both her ass and pussy on Friday night and she even paid for the hotel. How do you niggas not even lose your virginity?

Male sexlessness is rising, just be patient

>look like im 30-35
>genetic lottery blessed me with aging genes
>when i was 16 people didnt even card me for beers because i apparently looked 25 or some shit
>just stopped caring/celebrating
enough head injuries and you start forgetting anyway but thats another story

newfag desu

>Final Fantasy VIII

>Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Doom 2, Resident Evil 4

>not shy at all,
what are you talking about, not him but my tewenties were my shyiest period, onluy Pass , 30 magically thats now the women that comes to me. ( all around 25)

>nobody likes a contrarian
>Be yourself. Unironically

>Metroid Prime

>your age
>your favourite game
Resident Evil 2
>age when you lost virginity

Being racist has never once caused me to not get pussy. Never actually had a girl make an issue of it.

Bro, i'll pay you a gorgeous hooker.

>Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Attached: ghost trick ded.jpg (500x375, 63K)

>Heroes of Might and Magic 3

>God Hand
>Seven years old

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>implying implications

There is no where.left to go. Look at /r9k/, it's mostly just normalfags that swarm there to make fun of robots.

>Combat Mission:Shock Force.

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fuck man. i got 'worry wrinkles' on my forehead and crows feet at my age. i've been drinking like a cunt since 17 so its my fault. my fucking hairline is starting to go too. i havent been sober for more than two weeks in 4 years

Tell me why
I'm stuck as a virgin with rage
Tell me why
i cant meet a cute girl my age
Tell my why
I never wanna hear you say

kissless virgin

In the digital age getting a hooker is so fucking easy, man.

>worry wrinkles
its more tobacco. or bad genes.

>all these normalfags ITT
this place is fucking dead

They flat out don't even try?

They are mostly people so sheltered that they haven't experienced rejection enough times to be hardened against it. So as a result they are generally deathly afraid of failure so they eliminate the chance of failing by not participating to begin with.

Hookers are fucking disgusting

>just get a hooker bro

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>all these anons who lost it under 15
okay story time you motherfuckers. I know you're still lurking.

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honestly is worse missing out on sex before 18, there is nothing like fucking your highschool sweetheart after a day of school, hot pussy after a long day, hiding from parents in school uniform.

THAT is a your target 47. Virgin user, anonymous shitposter on Yea Forums.

Halo reach
I have ED and don't want to get in a relationship

>pic related

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i was born with those lines between your eyes and nose like pic related, but add dark rings under the eyes. even when i was 3 that shit was there and it just gets more pronounced with each year
the only thing im waiting on is my hairline. i already got my grey hair showing up but once the hairline is gone im fucked

i regularly get stopped for being slow and tired being mistaken for being high or drunk. i really won the genetic lottery and goddamn its one hell of a ride

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Rune Factory 3
17 (I was good looking back then)

I'd be more worried about the 18-21 year old zoomer infestation

>they fuck pussies
look at this fag

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Also Silent Hill 2 is based OP

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He could have got girls if he tried singing it in public.

>sex makes you normal
Clearly you need to make your pilgrimage to /fit/.

>The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (nostalgia m8)

I am curious too. Who tf was fucking in middleschool. I had my first date at 13 and made out. Later found some half white half mexican middle class beaner girl who at 16 had already fucked like 8 dudes and had an abortion. Was pretty easy as you would imagine

Kingdom Hearts

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i found Yea Forums when i was 7, and now im 23. ive been here since, posted, contributed, shitposted, derailed, you name it. ive posted at least once on every board except /5/, /fk/, /z/ and the moderation shit.
i think i came out alright despite this

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true enough

>chrono trigger
I got on neetbux when I was 18 and have barely left my house since.
I got diabetes and live in constant pain I will end it when it gets unbearable, painkillers are the only thing keeping me going.

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>Call of Duty 4
>I haven't

Has anyone ever actually lost a girl over being racist? Like i am from the south so i really havent seen it. Ive fucked a bunch of monorities too and just dont talk shit about their race around them but continue on with the others

>Yume Nikki or STALKER

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>New Vegas
>will this year

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>I got on neetbux when I was 18 and have barely left my house since.

Must've been a pretty computer-literate 7-year-old to stumble across Yea Forums in its infancy.

>super metroid

definition of good taste

Age: 26
Game: NieR Gestalt
Virginity: 6

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>guardian’s crusade


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Dying a virgin


A Silent Hill game with an incel protagonist could be kino. A good visual designer could make all kinds of crazy shit to explore that kind of broken mind.

Oh wait the franchise is dead just like every IP of value Konami has.

Why are you in pain? Cant you just stop being a pussy for 1 year and diet and exercise instead of killing yourself?

literally me except my hair is already gone

oh man i get you. i got the shitty dark circles under my eyes too. its even worse if i havent been drinking water or had a high-salt dinner.

pic related. it goes right up to the side of my eyes, next to my nose. and sometimes its a fucking dark purple colour. i dont know if its my shit diet or not, but man does it make me look like a ghoul.

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oof i'm sorry. unless it was consentual with another 6 year old, which i doubt. hope you're alright

Crypt of the Necrodancer

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>get thinkpad from family because whatever
>have internet because we could do it
>find /h/ because naruto thread was up and hinata was good shit back then
and the rest is history. i showed up in May of 2004, lurked and posted for the first time in early 2005.

>paper mario 64

Attached: 1565487015978.gif (517x328, 1.69M)

Probably Ultimate Doom/Doom in general
16 to a 25 year old.

>guardian’s crusade
abso-fucking-lutely based

>GTA: San Andreas

Attached: download - 2019-06-14T054135.592.png (567x450, 355K)

Where in the fuck did you find a picture of her and who are you?

Link's Awakening

>no hair
only one thing left user.
mine are just the same at all times. best i can do is open my eyes more or conceal my eyes so people dont need to share my existential dread

Pic related
21, got a weeb gf in college, go figure

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Godspeed my friend

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Too many normgroids. The golden age is over.

>Timesplitters 2 or Warriors Orochi 3, depends on the mood and my console setup
I even use Ryouna-chan as my litmus test for degeneracy and barely hide my power level, so don't ask me how that worked out.

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>Be me
>Girls in school don't really show an interest and shy af
>Girl 10 years older then me who knows my brothers friends etc
>End up fucking her for like 2 years
>She became incredible manipulative and was a horrible person to be with like 2 months into that.

Id say in retrospect she was a 6/10 or something. But she smoked so that was a downer. Still it was nice i didn't have to put forth much effort. And again a few years later i met the woman im not married too and have been with for like a decade. Its nice to never really waste money/time on attempts.

Team Fortress 2

>Metroid Prime
>implying I have

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With me its granted. I've always been fucking awkward and wierd. But desu, most kids nowadays do be fucking. It depends on where you live of course. When I was in middle school, maaan, 13-17 year olds were getting dicked and giving dick daily. Its not even like a 80s movie trope, regular kids get laid. Only the outcasts and autists struggle.

My life sucks and I hate who I've become.

To the letter-soup agent scanning my post - I'm not a school shooter and I wish no harm on anyone lmao. Im just a sad sack loser. pls dont v& me. Red Flag laws and such.

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You can just pretend to be a world weary anti hero with those.

I used to stalk her in tumblr. I am nobody user.

thanks user best of luck to you as well

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See you’ve posted it before as well, I’mma tell her you creep


Can you please post a data sheet when you're done I can't be bothered to collect it myself.

OP Clearly states he/she hasnt lost his virginity, you need to learn to read, virgin.

Yo my eyes are dark and sullen as fuck too, what causes this? Been like this since i was a kid, people think i've been punched in the face like i've got a black eye :(
Is there any way to treat this?

Turns out my cousin is a pedophile.
I'm one of the three kids he fucked. Couldn't control my bladder until I was 10 years old.
I'm also extremely squeamish, prone to blacking out, and have a stubborn hate for most authority figures as a result. Bosses, teachers, bossy coworkers, that sorta stuff.
>middle school
Try 3rd grade.
>tfw sociopath

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I don't want to have a family so I don't really see the point, plus I like living alone

you have to go trough that shit early on our live to know whats good for you in the future my man, i feel bad for the anons who are virgins at 20 and up, not because they are virgins, but because they will have to experience all that stuff at an adult life, that shit could be the end of you.

Could be the ENB sister stalker autist that likes seeing women in nooses.

Welp alright then, guess I’m overreacting seeing a friend getting posted is all

Ocarina of Time
Voluntary Celibate

lack of proper sleep, not going outside, extended computer time, genetics like in my case
best solution: ask your doctor or go outside, better sleep etc

I was having anal sex by the time I was 14. I've banged 229 girls and had sex countless times.

Baldur's Gate 2
Going for Wizard next year

Im not gonna lie to you friend. Sex at its peak when you're in the mood is easily better then masturbation even with a good edging session. But the average sexual encounter especially in a long relationship is probably only slightly better if not equal to a good jerk session because when you jerk off you 100% can go off and on at your own pace pick what you want etc.

I would never tell anyone not to have sex atleast a few times. But masturbation is easily just as good if you know how to make it powerful. Not like a retard who is just blasting off after 2 minutes looking at deranged shit.

>Kid Icarus Uprising

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Based, god speed

>that time when a girl clearly showed interest, but you sperged out and didnt act on it
>multiple girls did it, multiple times

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Yeah, i already posted her photo several times.

you like /ss/ dont you


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>tfw 95 chad
Kill all zoomers.
Kill all boomers.

I can happily say modern warfare AND F-Zero GX is apart of my childhood.

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Resident Evil Remake (gamecube)

and then everyone clapped, right

you'll get another shot user, remember you are the prize

Literally me ;_;

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fallout nv

Question: For people who are around 18-22 who have not yet gotten laid, why are you so insistent on the idea that it's too late for you?

I did not speak to literally anyone IRL from the ages of 13 to 20. I was a stay at home hermit who missed out on highschool. I'm going to assume my situation is pretty unusual compared to most of you, and yet I still got laid for the first time when I was 20, despite having absolutely NO time as a teenager to interact with IRL girls.

I'm an average looking guy and I've always been out of shape with a skinnyfat body. I'm not remarkable in any way and yet I've had success with women. As cliche as it sounds: If I can do it, you can too.

unless you're hideously ugly, and i don't just mean you have low self-esteem, i mean people make disgusted glances when they see you, if that's the case, disregeard literally everything i just said.

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Final Fantasy X

i feel this.
had a gf when i was 15 who legit wanted t marry me. i broke up with her before we could even fuck. regrets

I was shocked when she pulled my dick out and started riding me because I didn't have a condom or anything. So we only did it for like 5 seconds because I was scared I'd get her pregnant. But the next day it was balls deep porn style fucking.

Yakuza 4/Viewtiful joe/Ninja gaiden black
Never don't really plan on it either

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>Planescape Torment

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Unfortunately, yes.


haven't fucked in years tho so I might as well be a virgin

>haven't yet.

>Deus Ex
>if you count skin contact, 5 or 6
>actual sex, 22

>Metal Gear Solid

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i don't really feel it's too late. 20yo virgin, i've had multiple opportunities but i want to lose it to the right person

you're painting with a wide brush bud i just don't give enough of a fuck to get laid my hand works just fine

fuck man. hope you're okay

>Xenoblade Chronicles or Pokemon Black Version
>Haven't, probably never will

Feels worse when you're so mistrusting of people you assume they're up to something and just be real fucking mean to them.


Asian Massage Parlor
$150 to $200
Bring a condom, and don't be pushy or rude.

You'll lose it...

>tfw looking back and realizing I missed signals all through highschool and some college.
>don't feel bad about it because I didn't drop out, and I have a good job
Kinda glad I focused on a career instead of chasing pussy. It's overrated. Nice, but overrated.
Not videogames.

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>Be yourself
but I'm a racist contrarian memelord who is 99% sure I'm not "better" than women

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>Rain World
>11, I think.
I remember being under the covers, but her sister walked in, so we went to her treehouse instead and pulled up the ladder.

>you're hideously ugly, and i don't just mean you have low self-esteem, i mean people make disgusted glances when they see you,


Half Life

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Wing Commander

Attached: images (2).jpg (299x168, 5K)

sucky sucky five dorrar

>drive was 9 years ago

Im married and wasn't really hit on much in high school. But nowadays everywhere I've ever worked atleast 2-3 girls hit on me. One day when I was working some shit retail job a okay 7/10 negress was asking me how serious my marriage was and what I was doing when I got off work.

I really wish I could've had more luck in high school im in a happy relationship but I wish I was able to fuck around more. This one cute as fuck tall girl at my job seems to be hitting on me daily though she tells everyone shes married but told me at one point shes separated because he cheated or w.e. But I dare not throw away a decade for 1 fuck.

this is unironically great advice, and it gets you places. trust us on this

Hey Boco. It’s been a while.

No it isnt. The problem is structural due to lack of fat tissue around the eye and thin skin that makes veins visible. The only real abeit temporary sokution is hyleronic acid injections.

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24 (to a hooker)

Because I can never get a conversation going with a girl, we never have the same interest in things and it gets boring just pandering to her for someday sex

nah i got fat and ugly in the mean time. thanks alcohol lmao.
yeah man. im not gonna blog post but a close friend betrayed me for money when i was young and ive never gotten close to anyone since.

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>For people who are around 18-22 who have not yet gotten laid, why are you so insistent on the idea that it's too late for you?
idk. why'd you end your range with 22?

>men are better than women
No /fit/ I'm not fucking falling for it.

Actually doing pretty good, all things considered.
Still have some issues to work out, but honestly talking about shit like this is what helped the most.
I actually got back at my cousin too. All it took was a few vague, cryptic messages to make him paranoid and guilty as fuck for the past 15 years.
>mfw I learned he's homeless, and can't get a job anywhere because he will need a background check

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i have a severe stammer and im a 22 year old who looks like a man child.

>no more heroes
>I haven't

Not him, but I'm 30 and living the time of my life, I'm a middle School teacher un a third world country and I get fresh cunny every know and then around graduation

that's what you get for being a 4cuck.
oh well, more pussy for us 2chads. maya best girl, bitch

Small world huh

>dont act like you do on Yea Forums irl
>tell her to suck your dick
>just be yourself
great advice

i generally hate sociopaths with a burning passion, but you actually seem alright. godspeed, man

hideously ugly and 5’7 with a receding hairline. i’m 20 too

>Gravity Rush 2

hey man if talking about it on Yea Forums or whatever helps then do it. ignore the niggas saying >nice blogpost faggot,
if it really helps then spill everything out about your feelings

you can still get fit tho

why haven't you just offed yourself my man

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>Playing Persona games
>Non Virgin
Lets not be delusional here. 90% of Yea Forums are virgins and among those 90%, 70% of it are weebshits

based. you excited for the remake?

Stop trying to have interesting conversations with girls you're just trying fuck because they know you're just trying to fuck them and its a big turnoff and makes you seem like a pussy if youre there trying to have a deep conversation. You're better off just making stupid noises and throwing shit around it at least makes you look like you have confidence and don't give a fuck what she thinks.

Jacking off constantly and not putting out the effort is a big part of it. If most dudes TRIED and put up an effort without worry of rejection, they'd be getting laid a lot more.

I want to find one woman to fall in love with, I don't want to fuck many people, I just want one person I can trust and care for

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My gf loves Persona, so your worldview is clearly narrow or you're a virgin yourself

because us, older than 22 folks, get a realistic grip on whether we'll "get it together" or not

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Yeah your gf called Playstation Vita and your mistress called PC

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Thousand Year Door

I just gave up years ago and I keep going throw this shithole. I just exist, I barely can enjoy things.

What am i supposed to do then?
Just talk shit everyday until fuck and then dump her

a 5'7" can fuck a lotta chicks bro it's not like you're 5'3"

Yeah, it's small moments like these that help.
Therapy didn't help, neither did drinking. Doing small, creative projects that I had complete control over helped also. It was sort of trial and error but it helped me not drop out of college.
I don't fuck over people. I try to learn things about them to fit in easier. I'm not malicious or anything. It's just I was socially stunted for a long, long, long fucking time and finally have the confidence to turn my life around.

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Classic incel response

because it’s genuinely difficult for me to feel hard, affectionate emotions for women. i see them all as sex objects, and only care about them when i’m horny.

>Mother 3
Cheers boys.

Because Astral Chain looks like it's going to be alright.

>>mother 3
>not saying


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Because 5'6 Brown boy
Trying to get /fit/ tho

How does "be yourself" work when you have shit personality?

>your age
>your favourite game
a link to the past
>age when you lost virginity
I haven't. Honestly i just accepted it. I just want a decent job and getting a car to travel and that's it.

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>5'6 brown boy
I am also a 5'6 brown boy
You might not realize it now, but we are literally fetish bait for MILFS.
You work on it.
Get some hobbies, learn how to explain them. Learn how to engage and continue a conversation. Also learn when to drop a conversation and move on so you aren't wasting your time.


Just be yourself

chameleon your personality. keep doing this until you get with someone, and eventually slip. knock them out and lay them in the shower/bath tub and slit their throat. buy hacksaws with cash, no credit card in a different town. remove their arms and legs, then decapitate them. CPR the torso until it pumps all the blood away into the drains. hide the body parts in separate trash bags. bury the trash bags in different areas on different days. and get a alibi.

Be attractive, be yourself, or create an alternate persona of yourself and meet somebody over the internet then fly them out and be nice.

The best first impression you can make on a girl is that you have confidence. Talking to them like they're in a job interview and they're applying for the role of future wife is a huge turnoff and it makes you seem like you lack confidence. The most important thing is to portray yourself as someone who is fun to be around and someone she can just relax and be herself with. Have sex first and then start having deeper conversations and learning what her interest are if you actually want to stay with her.

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This is only real answer.


This is pretty good, but what's a good way to get an alibi?

My own clone.

post on Yea Forums with your home's wifi while doing it

>Get some hobbies, learn how to explain them. Learn how to engage and continue a conversation
Yep, perpetual virginity here I come

>I just want a decent job
Just want this more than Losing virginity

That's the equivalent to "works on my machine"

Hello Yea Forumsirgins...

I want to play a game.

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