Which one of these should i get?

which one of these should i get?

Attached: sedirfjn.png (949x873, 426K)


I'd get either Axiom Verge or Sekiro

All are extremely shit. Divinity OS 2 I guess because it has the most content.

I'm with this dude. None. At least not with those prices.

Return of the Obra Dinn

>All are extremely shit.

what games do you like user?

>all full price

Just wait until the next sale; you'll probably get at least twice as much for whatever your budget is.

During the summer sale that ended a month ago,
>Axiom Verge was 50% off
>Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition was 40% off
>GRIS was 33% off
>Ikaruga was 50% off
>Rain World was 50% off
>Return of the Obra Dinn was 10% off
>Seasons after Fall was 75% off
>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice was 20% off
>The Messenger was 30% off
>Transistor was 75% off

Attached: wtf.gif (245x150, 932K)


1/4 of that list was free on epic lmao