
You realize it takes place in USA, right? So why so many people are angry with it?

Attached: nyoue3aznyz21.png (2560x1600, 3.8M)


>You realize it takes place in USA, right?
Not just that, it's fucking California at that. You give those fuckers slightly higher tech and (less retarded forms of) body modification, you've already got a worse shithole going than what we see in CyperPunk 2077.

>Yea Forums complains about unrealistic depiction of World War I full having blacks and women
>Yea Forums complains about realistic depection of future America full of mutts

Make up your mind!

Amerimutts BTFO

This but unironically

Yea Forums is a cute and funny board, we want the cute and the funny

Attached: FA927EC3-5FC1-4733-822E-9DC2FC3625EA.jpg (1142x1418, 228K)

They made their mind up a long time ago, they just hate niggers. I don't know why they feel the need to hide behind pretences like "realism" or "muh SJW" or whatever.
Just say it like it is ; "I don't what niggers, woman or trannies in my games."


nobody gives a shit about these being in the game retard its the tranny pandering
what site are you visiting from kid

It takes place in fucking California. It's like being mad at a game set in modern London being full of Muslims.

a lot of /pol/ggots think they're entitled to a white utopia in every game they play

>a future where you can basically customize your body to be literally anything, any color, any size, any shape
>people still choose to be fat, ugly, and brown

most people can't afford good cyberware

Attached: D9B8e3VX4AEsUiy.jpg large.jpg (1080x1600, 471K)

Exotics are still highly expensive tard.
do you think you are really gonna see a fully chromed person on the streets everyday in your ghetto?

Ignoring the OP, do you guys think they’ll get more celebrities for the other childhood heroes like Morgan Blackhand and Saburo Arasaka?

>You realize it takes place in USA
It takes place in a fictional city, you utter fucking buffoon.

I'm from /pol/ and don't see the issue with a degenerate, dystopian future being degenerate and dystopian.

Attached: 2709dfb8011a804dcbfb93d706b11d3302744db3ab77650bbb1ffec4d734533b.jpg (850x400, 69K)

And said fictional city is set in the US you absolute moron.

is USA a city now?

post more cyberpunk art pls

the USA has many cities inside it, including the fictional Night City from cyberpunk 2077

visually i'd prefer a fictional and more idealized cyberpunk like the old reveal trailer. i think some artistic choices showed there were bad, but i would still prefer it not to have as many blacks and "LGBT LMAO", because showing that stuff is really unnecessary

but just imagine the journo meltdown if that was to be the case "what do you mean i can't play as a black somali in your little future game you polish racists?"

black and lgbt people exist irl. why would they be "unnecessary"?

cause it was never necessary, the inclusion of minorities in media was never a goal or a topic at all. and the devs themselves said they took inspiration from current world events to make a believable world

i am sure that the game would still have minority characters even if it strictly followed the 2012 trailer but it would be handled differently, no way it would have playable tranny characters for example

>no way it would have playable tranny characters for example
nobody is forcing you to play as a tranny

if you add all the POC design choices they are making you inevitably end up with a different game with literal tranny ads in it. it is not a matter of choice

Well, if you can't stand to play any game with blacks or trannies in it, then you're in a very small minority of consumers and you shouldn't expect anyone to pander to you

>People in places named "Texas", "San Diego", "Nevada", "Los Angeles" and "New Mexico" complain about Non-whites.

Do Americans not ever think about the places they live and go "Hmm, this doesn't sound English.."

>Yea Forums complains about an adaptation of the most redpilled roleplaying game

Attached: diversity.jpg (960x561, 91K)

user, it's not rocket science

nobody wants to play a game with trannies in them, dont lump blacks in with that you inbred bitch

That's just an oligarchy dividing the masses working as intended.

Anyways, I hope this game is self aware with a bit of parody and humor to it.

Exactly, that's the whole point. It's supposed to be a dystopian future, not a shiny nice utopian one.

Which is fucking hilarious, because there was a black world war one unit.

The Harlem Hell fighters.

Attached: the-harlem-hellfighters.jpg (1200x675, 212K)

WWI was full of niggers, nine (9) in total.

People are forgetting it's representing a dystopia.

Because the people complaining about those things don't actually play video games.

>if you can't stand to play any game with blacks or trannies in it
no where i said that, i am only boycotting cyberpunk if they pull a machine games which i don't believe will happen. i like mike pondsmith and his work, and merely having a tranny ad just hints on the artistic take they are going for

Attached: the people we need to pander to.png (653x314, 67K)

>set in the future where you can have body parts replaced with machines
>women not having their faces done to look as good as possible

>I learnt about this on Reddit!
We know, and we also know about this epic fighting unit that lost so many men it kept having to transfer niggers in to be killed.

More like learned it in school. No idea why white folks have to act like niggers for.

ONE unit you said it. There were even more blacks in ww1 than the Harlem unit but on the european front were nothing in proportion to european soldiers. In battlefield 1 all scouts are black that's one of the four classes, it's a huge overrepresenation. If they wanted to put blacks the should've made a map in the colonial front in which all soldiers and black and I would be fine with it. Now bf5 just trows everything out of the window.

I don't remember complaining about either of those

No it doesn't. The USA has things called states, not cities.

>act like niggers for.
And with that you threw out any masquerade you might've succeeded.

Whites will be a minority in America by 2077.

they're based poles, not retarded swedes

Nice file name you gigantic faggot
Lmfao imagine trying to spin this too “people don’t like the game because it’s liberal” and not it’s a fucking buggy as hell with and the game is broken, How is pol this fucking retarded

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>I’m that user who you 1st
Stop acting like a nigger white boi

>nobody wants to play a game with trannies in them
plenty of people do. battletech sold very well.

People expected a cool future like Akira instead of a shithole.

only Yea Forums is mad about it

>no-one has an issue with this because of these cherry picked reviews

You can't even write and I'm supposed to believe you're not a nigger? Last reply, nigger.

>How is pol this fucking retarded
Just spend a little time on /pol/ itself and you'll see why. They call everything else a clown world, when the truth is they are the circus, viewing everything through clown-colored glasses.

>Cherry picked
You mean the top reviews
you are the one who intentionally posted a screenshot with no reviews in it scroll through the 500 user reviews around 12 of them complain about the character all of them are saying I love the new wolf games but this one is poorly written and made

literally in your image
>Storyline is a joke
>Main characters are anti-charismatic
>you can not make a shooter about teenagers with interesting characters
>member how ppl were whinning about kill bill and planet terror
>two caricatures as main characters
everyone thinks that game is shit, you're strawmanning it into being about the existence of womyn and modern politics
people just don't want a shitty game with retarded fucking lines and characters and that is made that way on purpose

>cool future
>not a shithole

We have alot of retards in america unfortunately.

it's what is called the vocal minority

In 2077 blacks will no longer be such a big part of the population and there will be no gays and trannies. The game is unrealistic.

How am I strawmanning the faggot originally used the meta critic score as a way to claim people don’t want a game to play a game with women in it

people don't want shitty characters written with the sole purpose of pushing retarded ideologies, that's not entertainment, and the pic you posted proves it no where i said women don't exist, you're literally strawmanning me

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>so many
You mean like

>he thinks the future won't be ever-increasingly liberal
The only way to maintain conservative values against the march of time is a single-party government, which is literally impossible in America.

Why would I care? I'm not an autist.

>pushing retarded ideologies
Ideologies like "Nazis are bad"? Wow, how controversial.

And there were zero women

No one is angry at it.

>yet another straw man kek
i don't know
you didn't even read any of those reviews you posted, maybe read that shit

Same. Mike Pondsmith is unironically pretty fucking based for a black dude. Definitely no nigger. In one of the splatbooks he put out, they included this:

"It is now accepted among historical scholars that in the decades before the Collapse, America suffered from the sickness of racism and “cultural identity.” Everyone wanted to be seen as special. Every group had to be “equal” to or preferably better than its neighbors, and fought to protect its “special” rights. If anyone had something that someone else wanted, they were painted as racist, sexist, elitist, or worse. This divisive “me first” attitude eventually tore the fabric of American culture apart and caused it to self-destruct in a fireball of competing ideologies, none of which truly recognized each other’s validity. Diversity led inexorably to anarchy."

Movies and media have always been chock full of "Nazis are bad", for the lat 70 years. It only started bothering you when you became radicalized by white supremacists.

Over representation, when the game is based around the campaign that the Black Unit was historically fighting in?

That's honestly the best description of that shitshow of a board I've seen so far.

You forget furries.